HQHIiOUTH CO. BISTORiCAV ASSN., f&SBaOU), fl.J. ' : X " J h r ^ ----- » This Week COVERING TOVI N8UIPS OF One Seclion IlOLMItlCL, MADISON MARU10RQ. MATAWAN 14 Pages '■ ■ AND • q m w tN Donovou 89th YEAR — 22nd W EEK kiemoet NaUoou Edltortmj AMocitUun . Utto&ef New Jirtcr Pnu AuodiUoi MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1957 Oountf Prui Single Copy Ten Cents Keyport Host To Matawan In Matawan High School's. 1957 Squad Of Twirlers Madison Board Of Education Moves Annual Thanksgiving Day Game Kindergarten From Bayview Church Unpredictable Teams J&j&ottle -Send Tots To Memorial School;'Many : It Out At KHS Field* At 11 A.M. Parents Express Dissatisfaction At Meeting -Keyport High school's elqv- Madison Township Doard of : en will; play host to Matawan Education voted Thursday to - Thanksgiving Day at H a.m, Police Recording New “True Value” accent a recommendation by at Keyport High School field. Chailea— Maglll;— supcrlnten- Tho , u£ual turnout ol 3600 epec- In Malawan Hit For Matawan Twp dent, which would remove a i "tators ts^expeCted if weather klndergnrton class from Bay- Council Hears Plea State Accepts 14.56 vllle Presbytorlan ClvUroh - conditions,: nre .at _flll,^vop outsido’’ climsioom quartets ; able. The game will be played "Foe 24-Hour Service Compromise Ratio ■and houso It In tlio new Mem* ; tfieT'aiternoon of Nov.* 30,' ^ Use of a recorded telephor.e orlal Behoo) addition at ta«r= - E zra W. ltnrkus, • Koypovt, ence’Harbor; ' weatHer. forces answerins service-In Matawan Matnwan Township Attorney, ponement, It never has been police headquarters while t h e Tills was ono of a number fthnoumtod -Tuesday, that ac­ or roarrnhgementa-BUBgeated. _> necessary to postpone one oi station la unattended was’scor- cd Tuesday night by Daniel J. cording- to an ol der dated Nov. by Mr. Maglll to incet-tho vo* tlie games because or weather Mandril, Main , St. Ho- urged 33 (lio, Btnto Division of T a x clferotisly oxproBsed discon* tent, of paients who gathcrod ' ili the 10 years - it lias been tlio M alayan Borough Council Appeuls hnd confirmed n 14,60 to take,, measures to provide at lhe meetlnB. Thn enhtor* played to date. ratio of 105B local «s.iossn\ei\ttt ■ • For the first time, in a num­ for a 24-hour; manned police point of tliolr dlnplonsuro was desk In making up lhe munici­ to truo value for Mata w a n that children were netting ber pf years the two teams Township. ' liome aftor dark hecamin of ; w.ill meet with little‘at stake. pal budget lor 1958, . Mr. Manclnl, defeated Dem­ Tlio township entered.hppenl the bus schedule times that- In 1953, 1954 and 19*5 Matd- went Into effect when town* ^ wan came into the game with ocratic mayorality candidate In Oct, 11 from a tnie valmi do- the general election earlier; this tovmlnatlou of |S I,0SP.ua by tihlp schools wont buck on full ' a. Central Jersey, Group I. and session with tho oponlmj of tlio a Bhore Conference B title in* month, appeared before coun­ the onuallmtloii commissioner cil to charge " lt Is a poor ex­ of tho Division of Tnxhtlon, now school faellltles for,uno on volyed. Last year^it^was Key­ Nov, 20. port that had everything at cuse to have a recording to lis­ atuto Treasury Dcpai'tmont, . state, a Central Jersey, Group ten to in tlmo of emergency,” for tho muiilolpallty. Tills was Mr. Magill tied-this niovo In 1 ■ n title/a Shore Conference B. He suggested employment of 0,01 times the loanl. levy of with.renting a vacant room In ' title and most of all, an un­ a m an of retirem ent age to as­ $3,045,335 'determined*by AB-' Bouth Amboy's IIoffninn Holiool .... beaten, untied 'record, some­ sist regular patrolmen on t he se*Hsorr John 11. Kenner, 'r . to lipuiili tho 'sixth gnulo now :> tbins•;no - team ;,ever,;^h^d dtek, answering tive .teleplibrie Tlio township doimnlUoo-iw^ ' -~ i {fohoui nnd . brought into the game *befcife.’ and-keeping“records: and files, alarmed Kli'intly by thin notifi­ IrOTlie tlinTOfddrituvlen f r o III And the Red and. White kept Mayor Spafford W. Schanck cation as it was esUmatod tlio Iloyvlllo lit tlio room tills clean told Mr. Manclnl council “ nl- township would have to us- vacates. The estimated a o a t that- - unblemished record. U)- wuuld be $2000 for rental nnd ,~r tact^2i.ij;-':r;'":-'-''-y" . - 1 ’ Ways ls plcae'ed to receive con­ H uni ii till),ni)0. inora; mid tlio structive criticism’! and thnt These pretty girls are prepared to put on a marching show Ann Grimaldi, Marcella Mayo, Joyce Rounds, Gabo Hauser, borougii $0I|,000 leiis ot the tux- $1000 for trnimporlino the sixth ___^ This_yearlil;^e— __wlll osTo ho raised for the Joint griitliu'S io Houtii Amboy. Ho play . for. the joy of-¥beatlng .his-suggestion-wili' tie-g^“V-e n aMhe Thanksffivlng-Day-ffame-at-Koyport that wlll ieavo the- 4udy-Lauterwalrtr Aim FleisohmnnnrCatherine Bennett, ~Ktiool* full consideration when th e spectators wishing tho annual classic came more often. The Ing—Janis Kramor, co»cnptaln{ Gall Anderson, piunqotf Frieda soliool district whereas n o w found Iho miivo would out tho 'each other, It appears t h ey budget Is drawn. The t c 1 e- MBS twirlers, (left to right), are: Standing—-Audrey Fleming, Shortridco, oaptaln. they l'nluo nliont nn equal tilling home" time for tlinso wantrthat more than anything phono answering service di­ amuunt. Tlie horouuh InorenHn pupils, moHtly from Madison > else. Qpach 6tan, (Tuffy) Bak­ rects callers to contact t h e Warns Merchants In truo vnluo assessment was Park, to it Hcvon-mlmito bus er ^elates-that when the mat­ Call GOC Meeting . changed only from $17,371,000 ride whorouii they now spend ter of' playing ojff tho postpone Monmouth County police radio Mental Retarded JFour Banks Mail room In Freehold ln time Of ' Matawan Police Chief John ,Ji Supervisors, staff officers to $17,735,000 from 1055 to 1050 a half-hour Betting homo nf tor • ed ^am*i with Bayvllle Region­ dismlstml at 4 p.m, ■ . ' ' al was put.to his players, they emergency: The radio room J. Flood today asked Mata­ and personnel of the Ground wlioroas'tho township’s was In* tfere reminded their chances contacts police who wll] re* wan 'merohants for their co* Over Observer Corps in Mo n* Christmas Cheeks oreaslng f r o m $10,200,000 to Admitted Move Oompllcnlrd spond to -the call. operation in combatting $31,000,000. Mv. Maglll admitted t h o to defeat Bayvllle and ga^n a Workers Listed rhoulh and Middlesex - Coun­ Shore Conference B champlon- Bus Service Cut ( shoplifting and the uttering ties havo been called^ to at* Club Deposits Are Have Municipality $150,009' move to Uoutli Amboy was Bhip vfould be better if t h e "Council received' Notification of worthless checks In the' For BaysHore Area tend a special meoilng Doo. ■ Widely Increased Mr, Kai'ktm ntated that tho comphontod l>y tlio lnslatonao ... game' were played Dec, ;0. To from the Eollo Transit Co. borough during tho coming I dl 8 p.m. in tho Su n day liow stale figui'o on-true vnl_- Ot Jam es K, TuUln, Bauth Am* a man, the Keypopt squad re­ that cuts in service...between holiday season. lie pointed Mrs. Paul D, Waffonfcld, School . room of the First Christmas Chib check!) for no for the township would bo lioy nupoi'inlondent.Hhut t h o Jected it. They vifted'to take Campbell’s J unction, Freneau, out that these crimes always Keyport, who ls ’ serving with ’Baptist Church, Main St., 1057 woro matlod to 000a mem­ $30,015,004 ugninst laiit yeiir’H MudlsoiV pliplln bo ueoeptod on­ Matawan and Bed .'Bank'"'.1Will show an Inorease during tho $10,200,000, Ho estim ated t h i s ly cn n tuition basis nt a rt*- their- chances with Bayvllle Vincent Moslyn, ’ Allenlmrst, as Malawan. ' bers of tho bnyshora area In . Nov. 23, Conference title or no go Into effect Saturday, Dec. Christmas season when mer­ T h e Joint meeting w a s would save tho municlpnllty pqrtod $050 por pupil, Mis , Mil- 7. The cuts In both weekday chants are off-guard, ' co-chairmen of the fund rais­ Called by Arthur VanBusklrk' tho total'.amount ot'SOOO.313 by $150,000 in added tax obliga­ Bill stated ho was UinlKtont Uio ■Conference according - to ing, cpmmittee of , Mqamouth sixth grade Cluoit rctriitlh en In* ^ Coach Baker, 6s they wanted and weekend bus transpor­ Chief - Flood said the' mer­ niid john n. Oiiectham, QOO thoKcanaliiua.NiitlonallSftnk, tions , lor (icVioolii and w county tation, mostly during non-rush- chants* co-operation --^ a n TJnlV:New Jersey Association t;^'-«iBHitatnator'ik^ tojt altlioiiiili Uio levies for botli tegral of tlio Miullam T ow n.1; to 'end their seasori! with t ti e fdf ^iardedi'ChndVen;5^ ^ ^ ihetta, ijiiiat,. td m ' WiilK mnm n m'tum-1: w r w « r r r ^^^TbAnkafl^vinfiC.JDay gam e < with houf'periods, hive been ap- keep crimes,1he'^)iorbu^ yMcnmoaUiatidMidaiemeKtt- lJlDVinl hy tho .utilities ■ 'fiirgvdi ?iip'cotiveiyi/Att OOC po$Ut wlrnt they wore H it year. own tcnoiiei mulimed b.V lilm* .COrximl^ion'.-- ■: , ■ i mercbsnis to be„<on the look­ bayknora area is -90 per cent lit Monmouth County, ns well NaUonal Dftnk.'Mutawnn, and Tlm total truo vttluo levy, fo r Volf, Mr. Mnuil) adiiiltted ’niea- Same R^actlon At MIIS.
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