A Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Pictures Full Local Coverage Presented Fairly, Clearly To the Community Interest And Impartially Eacli Week PubllsHed Every Tlmrsclajr VOL. XIX—WO.'29 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1957 at 18 Green Street, Woodbrleige. W. J PRICE EIGHT CE3NTS 136 Added Report front Bedside Site Broken While it has become widely known, it still may be news to ToTeaching some persons that Charles E. 'Gregory, editor and publisher For Ronson of this newspaper, has1 been seriously ill and is being: cared Staff Here for at Perth Amboy General Firm Today Hospital, of which he is presi- dent of the Board qf Governors. New Teachers Taken on Mrs. Gregory and all of us Building Permits Given. Tour of Town Schools; here at the Woodbridge Pub- lishing Company are very grate- To Kinney Shoes and Welcomed by Boylan ful for the ma,ny messages of Robert Hall Company inquiry and offers of assistance WOODBRIDGE—One hundred we have received, and we are WOODBRIDGE — Ground will and thirty-six teachers, new to glad to say that Mr. Gregory's Woodbridge Township —• believed be broken this morning by the progress is termed satisfactory Ronson Corporation for construc- to toe the largest number of new by the kind people who are teachers hired anywhere in the caring for him with such devo- tion of its world-wide head- State — were taken on a tour of tion and skill. quarters and warehouse facilities the Township Tuesday by bus. For the present the doctors on its 55-acre tract fronting The group was shown all the order complete rest and quiet Route 1 and the Garden State schools and the various points of and no visitors are permitted to Parkway. interest throughout the Township see him. * as part of the orientation program. At the same time, the Building At 10:30 A. M., Superintendent Inspector's office announced that of Schools Patrick A. Boylan wel- building.permits have been issued comed the new teachers in the No Decision Yet High School Auditorium. He then for a Robert Hall clothing store introduced members of his staff, NOT QUITE CERTAIN THAT SHE'LL WILL LIKE IT: Is little and a shop of the Kinney Shoe Thomas G. Desmond, Assistant Arlene Jewell, 5}i years old, who was registered in the school sys- •On Commission chain to be constructed on Route Superintendent of Schools; Harry tem, while her mother. Mrs. Helen Jewell, 47 Mercury" Avenue, 1 near the Green Street circle. I. Sechrist, Administrative Assist- CoSonia, (Shorecrest) looks on admiringly. The scene took place WOODBRIDGE —Mayor Hugh At the Ronson site, Louis ant; Harry Lund, Director of yesterday afternoon at the School 11, Woodbridge. Little "Arlene B. Quigley announced last night Aaronson, president of the cor- Elementary Education. Also intro- is in school totiay, deciding whether or not she likes this new kind that no decision has been reached poration and Mayor Hugh B. duced were the various principals; of life. With mother and daughter from left to right are Carol on the appointment of a four-man Kopala 36 Mercury Avenue, Colonia, and her mother, Mrs. Gladys .commission to realign the Ward Quigley will turn the first shovels Dr. John P. Lozo, High School; s full of earth in a brief ceremony. Stephen K. Werlock, Barron Ave- Kopala. At the desk taking the information is Mrs. Ann Strieker, system in the Township, "rumors THIS IS IT—UNTIL NEXT YEAR—Say these dejected looking youngsters seated at the Sewaren Menio Park Terrace, a clerk. to the contrary." Others who will attend are Com- nue School: Lincoln Tamboer, School playground yesterday. Today they are back in school after a summer of fun at the play- mitteemen Peter Schmidt and School 1; Miss Mary Mullen, Colo- According to the ordinance ground. In the group, front row left to right, are: Jean Kovacs, Elaine Malti, Marianne Panko, Richard Krauss of the Second nia Schools; Miss Mildred Bettman, 1 finally adopted Tuesday the four Janice Wasilek and Patrick Coyle. The dog that wishes also that summer would continue is "Duke." Ward; Joseph P. Somers, Indus- Strawberry Hill School; Miss Alice Grillo Praises' Township man commission will include two In the rear, in usual order are: Janet Silagyi, Barbara Kovacs, Gary Lucas, Luke Coyle, Oscar trial Commissioner ; Paul L. Gade, Avenel Schools; Miss Adele Democrats and two Republicans. Penic, Ronald Lucas and Gerry Johnson. Troast, one-time candidate for Lefand, School 6, Iselin; James J. "We have discussed the possible Governor who will represent Conniff, School 7, Fords; Albert appointment of Anthony ' Balint, Aquila, Keasbey School; Martin Democratic Off ice Seekers the Mahoney-Troast Construction Fords, as one of the Republican Company, the contractors and Braun, Pbrt Reading School; Miss • EDISON — The Edison.Town-{;- appointments", the mayor con- Luncheon Will Cost $25... § IS Louis Meyer and Arthur Rosen- Mary C. Fee, Hopelawn ' School; ship Democratic Organization, important townships in Middlesex tinued. "I understand Mr. Balint Frederick Geoffroy, School 11; through Municipal Chairman Al- is a long-time Republican and at berg, of J. I. Kislak, Inc., Jersey County. To resolve . present and But It's for a Good Cause City, real estate brokers who ne- Miss Stella G. Wright, Sewaren lison Grillo, issued a statement future problems, and reach its one time was candidate for the : School; Mrs. Lillian Aaroe, School Town Committee on his party's gotiated the contract under which last night in which it lauded the tremendous potential, it is im- WOODBRIDGE — Business and professional men of the Township \ the Mahoney-Troast firm will 14, Fords; Donald C. Whitaker. eight Democratic candidates for ticket." will be guests of the Woodbridge Township Business and Professional j WOODBRIDGE — "School's School 13, Iselin; Mrs. Claire D, (Continued on Page Six) construct the installation. township mayoralty and .council Mr. Balint is a former Fords Woman's Club at a luncheon October 22 at Howard Johnson Restau- j Open-Drive Carefully" is again the Brown, Inman Avenue School; offices, as "competent, diligent fire commissioner and is emplpyed- Invited guests will meet at Harold B. Goetchius, School 18, rant, Route 1—and the menfolks will pay 525 a plate for the privilege. [ campaign slogan of the Wood- and progressive." by Heyden Chemical. Howard Johnson Restaurant and Iselin. Two Youths Sent The proceeds will go toward the fund being raised by the BPW for the |brid poiice Department to alert proceed to the Ronson site. It is The statement enumerated the Asked if Thorvald O'Neil, Co- Barron Public Library- After the tour, luncheon was Final arrangements for the motorists that they must once expected that the new facilities served to the new teachers at the "distinguished qualifications.. of To Jail for Year lonia, is being considered as the again be on the lookout for chil- will be ready for occupancy by Parish House of the Avenel Pres- the Democratic candidates." It second G. O. P. member, the mayor luncheon will be made at a dinner- meeting of the BPW tomorrow dren crossing streets on the way mid-summer, 1958. byterian Church where Mr. Boy- said that Anthony Yelenscics, the said no definite discussion had Ordinance Set to school beginning this morning. Democratic mayoralty candidate, : WOODBRIDGE — Two Maple- been held -on the second man al- night at Lou Horner's Log Cabin. Modern Design lan introduced Winfield J: Finn, Sgt. Joseph Farkas of the •'is a successful and prominent shade youths were sentenced to though "scores of names have Mrs. Margaret Ford, chairman of The corporation's new installa- president of the Board of Educa- 9 Traffic Bureau said the campaign business man, vice president and the County Jail by Magistrate An- been mentioned official." ! the Library drive, said that the tion will be a one and two-story tion and several of the Board On Cops Raise is directed especially at motorists director of the Edison bank and drew Desmond Sunday for one club will, mail invitations to the structure to comprise some 70,000 members and Mayor Hugh B. Mr. O'Neil, vice president of the who have no children of their own a member of the Charter Study year after waiving preliminary luncheon on Monday. square feet of floor area. Ultra- Quigley. ColOnia Hills Taxpayers Associa- WOODBRIDGE—An ordinance, and are apt to forget that special Commission." Jt also pointed. out hearing on complaints of larceny. modern in construction and de- At 2 o'clock the group convened, tion, has been identified with a Meantime, according to Miss which authorizes the inclusion of speed zones and school crossings that "'Mr. Yelenscics was. the re- The pair was ^apprehended- by sign, the building' will make ex- at the High school where items of small "group' whicn has*' 'be'exi' at RlitK WolK, president of the BPW, °a referendum on the ballot for a are again in effect after the sum- cipient of the Purple Heart award Patrolman Lawrence Jefferson in odds with the regular Republican letters will be sent to all residents tensive use of aluminum for ex- interest were discussed by Mr. the rear of Reo Diner in the act of: decision on a $500 across the board mer vacation. terior walls, sunshades, windows Lund, Mr. Sechrist and Mr. Des- during his Marine career and is organization in the Township. He in the area asking them to pur- raise for members of the Police currently a reserve officer." The looting cars. was a leader in the Dumont cam- chase at least a one dollar mem- The two principal safety prac- and decorations. The office por- mond. Later in the day grade level Department, was introduced on tices motorists are being asked to mayoralty aspirant is married The youths were identified as paign particularly in Colonia bership in the library.
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