11111111111111 11 111111111 ' 1 ·-c.,. 0126600011 • Regu CLT I CIH I ITH Le 2 5 MARS 2016 No .... @.~J?............. .. 06ec Jlefpa, Parsk.g, 588/2 v Hefpe, 1. 3. 2016 Centrum pre tradicnu l'udovU. kultliru SUUK Balkinska 31 853 08 Bratislava - Rusovce Vec: Slobodny, predchadzajuci a informovany suhlas s nominaciou Obec Hefpa udefuje svoj slobodny, predcMdzajuci a informovany sUhlas s nomimiciou prvku ,,Horehronslcy viachlasny spev'' na zapis do Reprezentativneho zoznamu nehmotneho kultU.rneho deditstva fudstva. Obec Hefpa je zriad'ovatefom FS Hefpan, ktocy v minulom roku oshivil 90 rokov. Cinnosf suboruje zamerana na zachovavanie traditnych zvykoslovf Hefpy. Vo svojom repertoari ma piesne z Hefpy a Horehronia, ktore s6 typicke pre viachlasny spev mufov a Zien. Hefpa patri k najvYzt1amnejsim narodopisnY'm lokalitam, prit'ahuje nielen krasou prirody, ale aj hodnotami fudovej kultUry. Pre Hefpu je charakteristicke, te jej obyvatelia maju obdivuhodne vyvinucy vzt'ah ku kultUrnemu dedicstvu. V8etci si uvedomuju jeho ryznam a hlasia sa k povinnosti starat' sa o jeho ochranu a zvefad'ovanie. Aby sa kultUrne dedicstvo uf o par rokov nestalo minulosfou je potrebne, aby sme odovzdavali mladY'm fud'om informacie o traditnej kultUre, kulrurnych hodnotach, zvykoch a obycajoch. V na8ej obci sa celorotne organizuju podujatia na zachovavanie fudorych tradicif v podobe, ktora je prifaZliva pre v5etky vekove kateg6rie. The Village of Herpa, Farska 588/2, Herpa Herpa, 1 March 2016 The Slovak Intangible Cultural Heritage Centre SWK Balkanska 31 853 08 Bratislava Subject: Free, prior and informed consent to the nomination The Village of Herpa grants free, prior and informed consent to the nomination of the element "Multipart Singing in Horehronie Region" to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Herpa is the founder of folklore group Herpan, which celebrated last year 9oth anniversary of its establishment. The activities of the group are aimed to safeguarding of traditional customs of the village. Its repertoire contents songs from the village of Herpa and the region of Horehronie, which are typically for male and female multipart singing. Herpa is one of the most important ethnographic sites in Slovakia, which attracts people by its nature and also by values of traditional culture. Inhabitants of the village are characterized by respectful relationship to their cultural heritage. People realize importance of their cultural heritage and feel commitment to safeguarding and enhancing it. lt is necessary to transmit information about traditional culture, values of culture and customs to the young generation, in order to keep cultural heritage alive. In our village several events take place contributing to viability of the traditional culture during the whole year. Their form is attractive for all age groups. We sing and dance in our village during the whole year. We lead our children to this tradition from the times of the nursery school. The curriculum of our primary school concentrates on regional education. During this classes children are learning about singing and dancing traditions from our region. We are aware of our rich intangible culture heritage, whose safeguarding is necessary, so it will not disappear and stay vivid for other generations. Peter Hyriak, Mayor Mayor of the village: 0905651122, [email protected], www.helpa.sk, address: Farska 588/2, 97668 Herpa My, dolu podpfsanf obcania obce Herpa, uderujeme svoj slobodny, predchadzajuci a informovany suhlas s nominckiou prvku ,Horehronsky viachlasny spev" na zapis do Reprezentativneho zoznamu nehmotneho kulturneho dedicstva rudstva. We, undersigned citizens of Herpa village, grant free, prior and informed consent to the nomination of the element "Multipart singing in Horehronie Region" in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. v Herpe, dna 2. 3. 2016, Me no Priezvisko Rok narodenla Podpls Given Name Last Name Year of Birth Signature 11/lh'q &111UJ c/q I /re:; t£J I ~~~ (!!;/C A- OR. I!//! !VOV l 1Ci?<f L,' I ( ~0 -HJ4-Pr 1ift1S~f1 tcrr;1 ~ . / Ir ~ ·.- I, v;q, hl ~-;I; rt~ /1- .. i:A ~.~~ I I ',/ -srcr-tnJ 11£1 'J s ~1C"/ .1/- -'1/-r~~ < ..., r/ ~ 11tt<:; nJ! 1-1-17 t!1 A__tJ i/1 - tf</7 2- / ~ ~ · ttA I{T! AIIT -[(JR_OIJOtlA 1Clg? ~ / r1J./;//} ---:]/} -:1 CL "tJ t//J t/q '/ ·;;/ f- ~ {j. NlV.) /} ).._tt !/. t ·, !J fqlt{/ I 11 i a r } ,. .... I ·- Pu:- 11 C r· f.( 'gt{!) IJNJjo-vq - 'Jg')L ,./ .)fl i I t!l 1$.)~ _p{;;;).. i 1...[)/ll/; tf- ;111 Lto{)~ -- 19'1 t . /~!/.. ) ' - ~ ~ ft IYO rl. G lJ- 71<./t C I (» I 'T 1crru {?/ ,- r- !tlf/J K~r/51NSK'1 --tCJoG' / /1/'/7 'ft I .· J' ~Uh~j l£t-ILO f1J~ ""'-..j fq(S' tfm"''ll:f n 'lq t~;, Le v.., I ~ ~t.-,'v 1/_a~ fqf)J lftJ My, dolu podpisani obcania obce Herpa, uderujeme svoj slobodny, predchadzajuci a informovany suhlas s nominaciou prvku ,Horehronsky viachlasny spev" na zapis do Reprezentativneho zoznamu nehmotneho kulturneho dedicstva rudstva. We, undersigned citizens of Herpa village, grant free, prior and informed consent to the nomination of the element "Multipart singing in Horehronie Region" in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. v Herpe, dna 2. 3. 2016, Meno Priezvisko Rok narodenia Pod pis Given Name Last Name Year of Birth Signature ,WAll ('!( ftl,< I ;/._.~?tiJ~ 19C'(J r~~~~ / / !fir 14 1-1 T/ AfjJ(j) 14.-- 497''} j(!,.~~~J~ \' 'LJ0~~"" ~ nt.to;o~ -\ '\& ~ ~ ~~ L JttJ- St1 J.s 1'"/S? /r-v; ~J~ ~ - r, r Q ~ . J ( j Ot~ Ullr VO rJ ~ -,t. .. J\,1/ ~·- . Yt \_" fqs) l(J~A~ I .L...... _..._L - f141J.rf} G!llJ/CO(//j ~tj"Gt 1~~-n t~]tt/ ~· I ]1-C t(CL 7o~CL ro~ ~96 Jr- I ~ v - t I HtNJieA_ !f,,:- ;-&l t/#_ /t?f-'/ .!1.u-~'?P} • I !1 A-e_ t !J 52/A/! i ov ;- 1 ,·~ 3 (".i ~ ---.... I { ~~-~I!~ ?-lt''l #0 t/4 /ftl£1 • c-7 ;;£2. I c>;7 _:.... '") ·y_ (.t ( ftrl/r& ;;!?Jt-,u ~~ 'v· L·wi- dtl 1.( ;! fJ)P- \'i] ~~{~ A :; /out- Av~ J;tjjt tOt/ if-- 19at~v ~~~'v /~ V 'I ~. EJ toR£~· {q66 /1;1,~ }:_!J ~ o L ,J //(/_) 0 11!1 £ .fft_; - t fE fJ. "--1 (} J /t-tp 1./c ~ 1'/Cj X J -51. 'A.~ /' f t/ f I S'icl-'/ tJ I If 1/-1(0/11 IJ/2 /. ,... H;fetl/ JJ UL!/ t1 o t1l2 /10'/ ~~~ My, dolu podpisani obcania obce Herpa, uderujeme svoj slobodny, predchadzajuci a informovany suhlas s nominaciou prvku ,Horehronsky viachlasny spev" na zapis do Reprezentativneho zoznamu nehmotneho kulturneho dedicstva rudstva. We, undersigned citizens of Herpa village, grant free, prior and informed consent to the nomination of the element 11Multipart singing in Horehronie Region" in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. v Herpe, dna 2. 3. 2016, Me no Priezvisko Rok narodenia Podpls Given Name Last Name Year of Birth Signature v V - lv_ ~ \JILI\- OLI+.t E. C. M0 (/ 4 1Lr.10C1 (/$ ( c ~) /ltlR'l7J I<Aii.Awt! /]- t.c. 1rc2 ~~ flt7;>ern-- PCI/2 flJ j) 0(1rJ- JJ.I! 7[3 ti)t.tt~ ,o/( fi f'tu{,~ :;:;; (. ( t }1 tl"y t( /195_~ 74~~/ " ~ '- -/Lta,.tV )' ul k.•r.J ~ n;/ f frl// //w /.rJ "/ tVt' '} 1 Cle.,'\..__ M ~t-1 ~A..t:__ 1~:ro ~u;::,... ~ \<\:--\~~ ~ \) ~ 11'1 + ~ (LtAJ/0 · 1 - '"lAJ ';I_ I} )J J (},;!VI Lo 1'-f 19 ;;-t al ·ftc'e~ I .- ~ I .... -- ~~~& I S'r ;t_ ·• ru ~ li- 1: TA fr ¥ ~ r1 ,$, - I #A@U/1 ,I:Ria.ilt<V.-9 $.Jz'3 ~£1~]4_ - /;. YA HY'K.IFJtOyft fCJ If. #tr~ 40t -; / h ~ !l./A- ~ e_L ;1/J 1/-!V.I/--- !1f' ~ Jd i-!-V-k-.4- -~f::-UDHJ,f- /L( ~ .1'1}J (!lt~;l -- - Lvc:t/J. ~J/WC!Pc/lr 1/1. ~#17th' ~ I I ( lY# t! Eeo;.r t1J 12 -i 1)1 .:;_; (tt~ VJ If j) 1--vu..c{ ~ f I ~ :1 LOll q 11q. c ./Cj; ~ ~/1: w-rr"' f ,rl ( I jJ C/OJA ~ ?CA ,/ &>v<(Ot/U.. f19~ -~ ~-~~ ._f; My, dolu podplsanl obcania obce Herpa, uderujeme svoj slobodny, predchadzajuci a informovany suhlas s nominckiou prvku ,Horehronsky viachlasny spev" na zapis do Reprezentatlvneho zoznamu nehmotneho kulturneho dedicstva rudstva. We, undersigned citizens of Herpa village, grant free, prior and informed consent to the nomination ofthe element "Multi part singing in Horehronie Region" in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. V Herpe, di'la 2. 3. 2016, fJJ! (}A I a..- !JJJ ().I~ i C'YA-/ 2 t'. )ftt eo {)J/o.t ~ ~ L·\... ~--u·b i L\ no~ 109o <?~· ~ r.J ~ .t l ~~. c-'L .... o~·zm- t/~C~ fr~' V ~TETA k}\A \\iv\Lic..o\1 A 1~ 1-C- Cfw~ ·~ c1u« a... ~~a /If!? c;;~tq/ 'I... '- - ...__ 11117Lr rr (!vpk::or;4 19'10 ~/1 - '- "" - J\.--- \)A;A 11 t: L -o ~ -ov , , I 15K5 n~ o]b..,.1 "" fl ~llAAV b0 ~ lou1t71- 1qS:4 Jbv-tt~ ~;f I L,d~ f Li bt.J &'hov~ f.j8o !At i t'£ J ' 1 p, l · . lriJIJtf "fV~~L/ IVOI/4 190 8 ~~/Mt. >I -"-' J fi!V/} /1/fLIJ .S11) No//1) 191/f ¥~~ j,\~ \~ \ ~ 'iLt ~-A 19~0 ~~ · ( J f\-f0 :fe-~~ A9r9 r; kttj (/ /../I L tv JJ t f I( (I 4qcc; .Ir -)~ - ccv/ V ,- fiJ.J!JlDt btJSEl.tt/1 191<: A' ·-I \J ' A), -~t_ ~ ~\JIL\ o'\1 A 1C1) 1 ~~~ .._, HAfLIIt Vo(L~ vov~ ~ q r-'1 -~ - .3( {i'V k~ I (J Kc' IU tJ V ~1 1'11 0 )- ~- (V ().J.M ~~'";;. '" ;::..\\._\ ~ ~~~0~~ 1\"-~'b My, dolu podplsanl obcania obce Herpa, uderujeme svoj slobodny, predchadzajuci a informovany suhlas s nominaciou prvku ,Horehronsk'{ viachlasny spev" na zapis do Reprezentativneho zoznamu nehmotneho kulturneho dediestva rudstva.
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