National Retail Report - Beef Fri. Oct 1, 2021 Advertised Prices for Beef at Major Retail Supermarket Outlets ending during the period of 10/01 thru 10/07 (prices in dollars per pound) NATIONAL SUMMARY This week in Beef Retail. THIS WEEK LAST WEEK LAST YEAR This week in beef retail the Feature Rate fell by 2.6 percent the Special Rate posted a 12.5 percent Outlets 29,200 29,200 29,200 decrease and the Activity Index showed a 2.7 percent loss. As the cooler fall weather begins to settle Feature Rate (1/) 61.0% 63.6% 68.7% in around much of the country, consumers are turning their attention to roasting cuts. Cuts from the Special Rate (2/) 10.5% 23.0% 16.3% Rib, and Chuck saw more ad space, while cuts from the Round, Loin, Brisket, and Ground Beef items Activity Index (3/) 70,720 72,690 82,930 saw less. Cattle slaughter under federal inspection was 0.6 percent lower when compared to last Stores Wtd Avg Stores Wtd Avg Stores Wtd Avg week. Bone-In Ribeye Roast 40 6.94 180 7.34 Bone-In Ribeye Steak 2,960 12.22 1,170 10.72 3,080 7.80 Bnls Ribeye Roast 160 6.90 50 4.91 100 5.37 Bnls Ribeye Steak 1,530 18.03 1,350 11.63 2,810 10.18 T-Bone Steak 2,860 8.13 4,200 8.97 4,880 6.11 Porterhouse Steak 990 8.75 1,110 9.65 720 7.13 Tenderloin 1,530 15.45 300 32.78 1,930 9.93 Acitivity Index: 2 Week Comparison Filet Mignon 1,450 19.43 260 10.81 1,610 11.36 Loin, Bnls 70 10.88 60 7.99 RIB_ACTIVITY CHUCK_ACTIVITY ROUND_ACTIVITY Bone-In Strip Steak 930 11.01 1,080 8.10 1,180 7.53 LOIN_ACTIVITY BRISKET_ACTIVITY Bnls New York Strip Steak 3,910 10.37 6,750 11.19 3,590 9.46 Beef Backribs 240 6.99 200 5.11 190 3.89 24K Sirloin Roast Sirloin Steak 980 7.23 480 9.80 30 6.99 Bnls Sirloin Roast 10 7.00 110 2.99 20K Bnls Sirloin Steak 1,600 8.77 1,480 6.80 570 5.98 Sirloin Tip Roast 790 5.10 500 5.09 770 4.22 Sirloin Tip Steak 680 6.14 480 7.13 790 4.65 16K Bnls Top Sirloin Roast 90 4.99 70 5.49 210 5.53 Bnls Top Sirloin Steak 950 8.15 3,230 6.13 3,430 5.59 Top Round Roast 1,000 5.34 1,200 6.23 590 4.09 12K Top Round Steak 580 5.79 1,380 6.57 990 4.80 Bottom Round Roast 2,280 5.27 2,970 5.15 2,020 4.29 Bottom Round Steak 930 5.57 1,280 5.98 1,220 4.22 Activity Level 8K Eye Of Round Roast 2,300 5.06 1,110 5.76 3,610 4.02 Eye Of Round Steak 500 6.15 690 5.69 250 4.53 Rump Roast 260 5.32 1,030 5.31 1,150 3.81 4K Rump Steak 70 6.99 Chuck/Shldr/Arm Roast 7,400 5.51 6,020 6.24 8,640 4.29 Chuck/Shldr/Arm Steak 4,280 5.25 4,050 5.89 4,860 4.61 0K London Broil 1,900 5.90 2,050 5.11 3,410 4.54 Sep 10 - Sep 16 Sep 24 - Sep 30 Brisket 160 7.14 50 5.06 1,160 3.07 Sep 17 - Sep 23 Oct 1 - Oct 7 Brisket, Flat Corned Beef Brisket 140 4.32 270 5.10 Corned Beef Flat 30 3.99 160 6.99 Explanatory Notes Beef Short Ribs 910 8.77 340 8.59 1,440 5.75 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Flat Iron Steak 350 7.37 1,180 7.76 470 6.90 All report information gathered from publicly available sources including store circulars, newspaper ads, Flank Steak 1,450 9.19 390 10.45 470 8.36 and retailer websites. Minute/Cube Steaks 4,180 5.85 2,420 6.00 2,150 5.00 '1/: FEATURE RATE: the amount of sampled stores advertising any reported beef item during the current week, Stew Meat 3,350 5.96 3,340 5.92 5,400 4.85 expressed as a 'percentage of the total sample. 2/: SPECIAL RATE: the percentage of sampled stores with a no- Ground Round 2,020 4.54 240 4.99 1,470 3.98 price promotion (e.g., buy 1, get 1 free etc.). 3/: ACTIVITY INDEX: a measure of the absolute frequency of feature Ground Chuck 950 3.93 1,370 3.86 1,850 3.18 activity equal to the total number of stores for each advertised beef item (e.g., a retailer with 100 outlets featuring 3 Ground Sirloin 1,100 5.02 230 6.36 340 4.99 beef items has an activity index of 300). 4/: STORES/AVG: the number of advertising outlets and the weighted Ground Beef 90% Or More 1,450 5.80 4,880 5.58 1,780 4.31 average price weighted by the respective number of outlets. 5/: BRANDED: includes any advertised beef cuts Ground Beef 80-89% 4,160 3.81 4,680 3.92 5,710 2.85 marketed under a corporate trademark, or under one of Meat Grading & Certification Branch's Certified Beef Ground Beef 70-79% 2,350 2.45 2,810 2.24 970 2.73 programs. 6/: NON-LABELED/OTHER: Beef cuts advertised without a USDA Quality Grade. Beef Patties 4,050 5.74 4,630 5.30 3,010 4.84 Tri-Tip 910 7.03 1,350 6.93 2,670 5.23 USDA-MGC Certified Programs List: http://www.ams.usda.gov/AMSv1.0/BeefPrograms Skirt Steak 140 10.44 110 7.65 560 8.65 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Source: USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Livestock, Poultry, and Grain Market News -- (816) 676-7000 website: https://www.marketnews.usda.gov/mnp/ls-home Click here to also view the 'National Retail Report - Local and Organic' http://www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/wa_lo100.txt Page 1 of 9 NORTHEAST Fri. Oct 1, 2021 (CT, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT) (prices in dollars per pound) Outlets 5,500 Explanatory Notes Feature Rate (1/) 68.4% 5/: BRANDED: Includes any advertised beef cuts marketed under a corporate trademark, or under one of Meat Grading and Certification Special Rate (1/) 5.6% Branch's Certified Beef Programs. 6/: NON LABELED/OTHER: Beef cuts advertised without a USDA Quality Grade. Activity Index (3/) 13,570 BRANDED(5) CHOICE SELECT NON LABELED / OTHER (6) Wtd Price Range Stores Wtd Avg Price Range Stores Wtd Avg Price Range Stores Wtd Avg Price Range Stores Avg Bone-In Ribeye Roast - - - - Bone-In Ribeye Steak - - - - Bnls Ribeye Roast - - - - Bnls Ribeye Steak 16.99 - 16.99 60 16.99 - - - T-Bone Steak 9.99 - 10.00 80 9.99 6.99 - 9.99 480 8.34 - 7.99 - 7.99 20 7.99 Porterhouse Steak 9.99 - 13.99 140 11.89 6.99 - 9.99 280 7.10 - 7.99 - 7.99 20 7.99 Tenderloin - - - - Filet Mignon - 15.97 - 15.97 230 15.97 - - Loin, Bnls - - - 10.88 - 10.88 70 10.88 Bone-In Strip Steak - - - 8.99 - 8.99 20 8.99 Bnls New York Strip Steak 9.99 - 9.99 60 9.99 5.99 - 10.99 530 9.56 4.99 - 4.99 110 4.99 7.99 - 9.99 230 8.86 Beef Backribs - - - - Sirloin Roast - - - - Sirloin Steak - - - - Bnls Sirloin Roast - - - - Bnls Sirloin Steak 4.99 - 10.99 380 9.17 5.99 - 8.99 350 7.89 - 5.99 - 5.99 60 5.99 Sirloin Tip Roast 4.99 - 4.99 70 4.99 - - - Sirloin Tip Steak 5.49 - 6.98 160 6.36 6.99 - 6.99 70 6.99 - - Bnls Top Sirloin Roast - - - 4.99 - 4.99 60 4.99 Bnls Top Sirloin Steak - - - 4.99 - 9.99 160 8.49 Top Round Roast 5.99 - 5.99 100 5.99 2.99 - 4.99 240 4.06 - 3.99 - 3.99 60 3.99 Top Round Steak - 3.99 - 4.49 130 4.03 - 5.99 - 6.99 90 6.27 Bottom Round Roast 4.99 - 5.49 140 5.24 4.99 - 4.99 70 4.99 - 5.99 - 5.99 20 5.99 Bottom Round Steak 4.99 - 4.99 70 4.99 7.99 - 7.99 70 7.99 - 6.99 - 6.99 20 6.99 Eye Of Round Roast 5.49 - 5.49 60 5.49 3.99 - 4.99 540 4.95 - 6.99 - 6.99 20 6.99 Eye Of Round Steak 5.99 - 5.99 60 5.99 4.99 - 4.99 70 4.99 - 7.99 - 7.99 70 7.99 Rump Roast - - - - Rump Steak - - - - Chuck/Shldr/Arm Roast 4.99 - 6.49 460 5.61 5.49 - 5.98 170 5.75 4.99 - 4.99 110 4.99 5.99 - 5.99 20 5.99 Chuck/Shldr/Arm Steak 4.99 - 4.99 210 4.99 3.98 - 7.99 950 5.76 4.99 - 4.99 110 4.99 5.99 - 6.99 100 6.23 London Broil 3.99 - 7.99 370 6.06 2.99 - 6.99 800 5.01 - 4.99 - 12.99 280 7.61 Brisket - 7.99 - 7.99 110 7.99 - - Brisket, Flat - - - - Corned Beef Brisket - - - - Corned Beef Flat - - - - Beef Short Ribs 7.99 - 7.99 60 7.99 - - - Flat Iron Steak - - - - Flank Steak 15.88 - 15.88 70 15.88 8.99 - 10.99 180 9.73 - - Minute/Cube Steaks 6.99 - 6.99 190 6.99 4.49 - 7.99 220 6.34 - 5.99 - 5.99 20 5.99 Stew Meat 4.99 - 6.99 330 6.57 4.49 - 5.99 650 5.97 - 5.99 - 5.99 140 5.99 Ground Round 4.49 - 4.49 210 4.49 - - - Ground Chuck - - - - Ground Sirloin - - - - Ground Beef 90% Or More 5.99 - 6.99 200 6.32 - - 5.99 - 5.99 70 5.99 Ground Beef 80-89% - 5.99 - 5.99 50 5.99 - 1.96 - 4.99 1,330 3.28 Ground Beef 70-79% - - - - Beef Patties 4.00 - 6.79 470 5.22 - - 3.99 - 6.85 260 5.48 Tri-Tip - - - - Skirt Steak - - - - ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Source: USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, Livestock, Poultry, and Grain Market News -- (816) 676-7000 website: https://www.marketnews.usda.gov/mnp/ls-home Click here to also view the 'National Retail Report - Local and Organic' http://www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/wa_lo100.txt Page 2 of 9 Fri.
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