United War Work Campaign as conducted in Wisconsin November 11-20, 1918. Orbach, Lee C. H. [Madison, Wis.]: [Campaign, Wis. Headquarters] , [1918] https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/EY3IKFNWTLZ668F http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-US/1.0/ The libraries provide public access to a wide range of material, including online exhibits, digitized collections, archival finding aids, our catalog, online articles, and a growing range of materials in many media. When possible, we provide rights information in catalog records, finding aids, and other metadata that accompanies collections or items. However, it is always the user's obligation to evaluate copyright and rights issues in light of their own use. 728 State Street | Madison, Wisconsin 53706 | library.wisc.edu UNITED WAR_WORK CAMPAIGN ¢ ate OSG) O@ © meng = a |S | hea @> O8e: @ tes 7 C4) couittie'tinvee [PS ASCONDUCTED & Cees SIN WISCONSIN NOVEMBER 11-20, 1918 Ee OVER TF: v0 THERE ES S rt) Being a brief sketch of the greatest benevolent campaign in the annals of Wisconsin, including facts and figures as prepared and compiled by LEE C. H. ORBACH, state publicity director } ae. OF THE: Sie EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE fe Emerson Eta, Army Y. M. C. A., Chairman wa Mrs. W. L. Roacu, Y. W. C. A. War Work Council Wim J. Nuss, National Catholic War Council Proressor L. B. WoLrenson, Jewish Welfare Board Juper M. B. Rosenperry, War Camp Community Service : M. S. DupeEon, American Library Association 5 A. T. VAN Scoy, Salvation Army GENERAL COMMITTEE i Justice Jonn B. Wrnstow, Chairman Y.M. C. A. -.--_-_--__-.------.. Emerson Ela, Madison F, E, Anderson, Milwaukee H. F. Lindsay, Milwaukee Y. W. C. A, ~-----------.-.----- Mrs.-James S. Church, Milwaukee Clara S. Roe, Madison Mrs, W. L. Roach, Madison National Catholic War Council_. William J. Nuss, Sheboygan (Including K, of C.) Walter M. Burke, Kenosha Rey. Joseph Edward Hanz, Beloit ' z Jewish Welfare Board _---_--. Professor L. B. Wolfenson, Madison Rabbi Charles S. Levi, Milwaukee * 5 < Nath’l Stone, Milwaukee : r ‘War Camp Community Service.. Justice M. B. Rosenberry, Madison Fred Vogel, Jr., Milwaukee ‘ E. J. Sensenbrenner, Neenah Ef American Library Association. Justice John B. Winslow, Madison M. S. Dudgeon, Madison Charles, E. McLenegan, Milwaukee . Salvation Army —_----.--.-.--. Brig. John C. Smith, Milwaukee ' J. W. Disch, Milwaukee A. T. Van Scoy, Milwaukee Ci STATE PERSONNEL - Emerson Era, Chairman Hxecutive Committee Louis C. BrapsHaw, Campaign Director Ler C. H. Orsacu, Publicity Director ae H. F. Linpsay, State Treasurer ob M. S. Duperon, Speakers’ Bureau : Ciara S. Ror, Women’s Work Director Marcurrite M. Merriman, Associate Publicity Director Arnotp B. Hani, Student Executive Amanpa C. NeLson, Student Executive . EvizaperH BE. Mewan, Victory Girl Executive Grorcr A. Burns, Victory Boy Executive “On UWisconsin”’ q YN " : AY NG pp ay q Ai é Fis p o Pe 4 DR. 4 | JOHN R.MOTT IA ~*~ Ee Lo oy) Cg ff) — ROWS w* SS ANU ex ee a iy fox 6. i) CERO be Nig | Sale Gar tie GARE SP THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR GENERAL 5@-©:©@ a O42 eet SDOQ@He oe = oH comittteataves KY ASCONDUCTED & == \® IN WISCONSIN ———S in the annals of In the greatest benevolent campaign the magnificent sum of Wisconsin this state subscribed conducted No- OF $4,546,706.25 in the United War Campaign, ES FORTHE cent, of its min- Ew S0YS BOM vember 11 to 20. By subscribing 134 per the Badger state ranks 3 (utd BS imum quota, which was $3,390,000, It is third in the 2 7 among the highest in the United States. states. Central War Department, comprising fourteen Ba a sum Never before in the history of Wisconsin was such remarkable in view of raised by voluntary subscription. This is the more in the face of that this immense undertaking was accomplished the fact campaign. With such adverse circumstances as never before confronted a immediate pre- preparation for the actual drive, by reason of its but scant many Fourth Liberty Loan and the general elections, the cedence by the y augmented by serious influenza epidemics, quarantines difficulties were situation and forest fires in some of the northern counties. The influenza hundreds of speakers z prevented the scheduled speaking campaign and a consequence. Schools were unable to add their mite to the campaign as until long after the close of were closed and in some instances did not open the drive. which followed Another serious handicap was the inevitable reaction scheduled for the inauguration the signing of the armistice on the very day of the United War Work Campaign. actual launching of Then, too, it must be borne in mind that prior to the after change and substitution the campaign revision after revision, change in successive events re- after substitution in the national plans followed plans and of state and quiring repeated readjustments of organization ability of the Wiscon- county quotas. It was only through the executive response on the part of sin campaign leaders and the patriotic and generous in this state succeeded. De- the people of Wisconsin that the campaign wrote another glor- spite these obstacles—or because of them—Wisconsin history. ious chapter to its lengthy and honorable war at the helm as Chief Justice J. B. Winslow, chairman With such leaders executive general committee, Emerson Ela, chairman of the state of the and the va- committee, Mrs. W. L. Roach, chairman of the women’s council sterling district chair- rious members of the state staff, augmented by ten ability the machine men and seventy-one county chairmen of unquestioned oiled automaton. set up in Wisconsin swept across the goal like a well AS IT STARTED the United War Work The inception of the drive which eventuated into the Army Y. M. C. A. Campaign was a joint campaign contemplated by back as in May of 1918 and the Y. W. C. A. War Work Council. As far a national drive which these two organizations had perfected plans for the Y. M. GC. A. was to contemplated the raising of $115,000,000 of which receive $100,000,000 and its sister organization $15,000,000. organizations were set up in In preparation for this drive, campaign body was formed every state of the union. In Wisconsin a strong working 4 UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN I gy i a eas ENO ge SE under the leadership of Attorney Emerson Ela of Madison, who ultimately was selected to head the United War Work Campaign. After Wisconsin and many other states of the nation had outlined specific plans for waging the Y. M. C. A.-Y. W. C. A. drive, these plans experienced their first serious upheaval when the War Camp Community Service and the American Library Association linked forces with the two Y. associa- tions, thereby MA ju—4—m—n—a—n—n—nn—n nnn King it a four cornered aes | Wisconsin may justly be proud | Soe uae ba \ were oo Au changed Ohee ene in| + of qin its record ‘an original in this campaign. quota of | ae #ccordance De with Peete “ati bmdant | $9:397.000.00 the people of Wis. | toon the augmen. Acorn of the cam | consin generously over-subscribed | Se Se eeonete Was aaslened oa = and contributed a total of over = quota of $2,225,000 MyHiGh | sonmed al four and one-half million dollars. ! most an impossi- Bieraniount | Too much ore ae posse | e = be given to the ten district chair- | ing ' the drive Gayl = of ee the worst cha men obstacles ane, me that face were | | re drawing up Renee nc ecaen k ever encountered in a drive of | seen qigvement word came that a | den king, ee 10 poepleay ! nother important change tn : he cam | | catty defeat every or failure, instance and nent in on practt- woth J Pave, : Blab - I merger would con | their tasks until at Teast the Walder, ieLree more organiza | minimum one hundred per cent | tions. These three were the National | quota had been reached. There i Gatholic War Council, Jewish | can be no question whatever that * Welfare Board, and the Salvation | te district chairmen and county | army. With these seven organiza | chairmen im the state are en- i tions consolidated in the one cam # titled to the greatest credit for z paign _ organiza- tion, a more dras | the remarkable success of this | tic” revision of plans and quotas | campaign. They and the thou- i was made impera- tive than at any # 8¢”ds of workers who devoted § time since the or- iginal campaign | their time unstintingly to this | was launched. The revised goal | Lig wdertaking may very justly | set for Wisconsin by these seven affi take great satisfaction in the #liated agencies was then $3,390, | part they had in this big piece of | 000. Girding itself | @¢riotic work for the benefit of | for the herculean efforts that loom {| te boys who fought and helped j ed ahead forthe successful prose ! to win the world war for democ- 4 cution of the’ United War Work | 72¢/-—EMERSON Era. | campaign, Wis- consin set out to S——1—m—m—m—m—i—n—m——n—f amalgamate its campaign into such an organization as would triumphantly “carry on” for the “glory troops” who helped make this world a decent place to live in by : shunting the Hohenzollern dynasty into oblivion and freeing the world for democracy. Representatives of the seven organizations met in their initial confer- ence at the Pfister Hotel, Milwaukee, September 11th. The session was called to order by Chief Justice John B. Winslow of the Wisconsin supreme court, who, upon motion by Emerson Ela, was elected to preside as chair- man.
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