EXPORT CATALOGUE OF THE EXPORT KCCIC MEMBERS CATALOGUE T R O P E R L A 2021 U N N LITHUANIA A P R E S E N T E D B Y : K L A I P Ė D A C H A M B E R O F C O M M E R C E , I N D U S T R Y A N D C R A F T S ( K C C I C ) 01 EXPORT CATALOGUE OF THE KLAIPĖDA CHAMBER OF KCCIC MEMBERS COMMERCE, INDUSTRY AND CRAFTS SERVICES: The Chambers of Commerce, INdustry, aNd Crafts of LithuaNia are NoN- Promote foreigN trade aNd partNer search; state, NoN-profit self-goverNmeNtiNg eNtrepreNeurial orgaNizatioNs that Share busiNess offers aNd requests; effectively participate iN the iNterNatioNal system of chambers of iNdustry Promote iNformatioN about members; aNd commerce. AdmiNistrate aNd participate iN EU aNd other The Klaipėda Chamber coNsolidates more thaN 240 members amoNg projects; which are the biggest compaNies of the regioN aNd represeNtatives of small ArraNge busiNess missioNs, visits aNd meetiNgs with aNd medium-sized busiNesses. foreigN eNtrepreNeurs for member compaNies; Members divisioN accordiNg to sectors (2020): OrgaNize semiNars, traiNiNgs, coNfereNces, aNd preseNtatioNs for local busiNessmeN; TraNsport MaNufacturiNg 18.6% 17.5% Issue Certificates of OrigiN aNd certificates coNfirmiNg the forcemajeure circumstaNces aNd the autheNticity of iNterNatioNal operatioN documeNts. Sales CoNstrucioN 11.3% 12.4% PLEASE CONTACT: Ph.: +370 46 390 862; 370 46 390 867 Tourism 8.2% Website: www.kcci.lt/eN 02 Services IT 24.7% E-mail: [email protected] 3.1% EXPORT CATALOGUE OF THE KLAIPĖDA KCCIC MEMBERS KEY FACTS KLAIPĖDA MUNICIPALITY STATISTICS: Klaipėda - LithuaNia's third largest city, that is located oN the CuroNiaN INhabitaNts - 210 217 (2020 July 1) LagooN at the WesterN coast of LithuaNia. Klaipėda staNds out from other cities iN LithuaNia as the oNly LithuaNiaN seaport, that is the NortherNmost ice–free port oN the EasterN coast of the UNemploymeNt rate - 4,7% iN LithuaNia - 8,4% (2019) Baltic Sea. A multipurpose, uNiversal, deep-water port, with the aNNual port cargo haNdliNg capacity up to 40 millioN toNes operates 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, all year rouNd. Average salary - 1 146,8 EUR, Klaipėda Free EcoNomic ZoNe - first FEZ iN Baltic regioN, that curreNtly iN LithuaNia - 1 296,4 EUR (2019) hosts more thaN 100 compaNies spread iN 412ha territory. It employees 5400 people aNd geNerate 2,5 - 5% of NatioNal GDP every year. Active eNterprises - 7 233 (2020) KLAIPĖDA ImigratioN - 11 631 (2019) EXPORT BY: air, sea, YouNger thaN 40 years old - 50 % (2020) rail, 03 road * - LithuaNiaN DepartmeNt of Statistics EXPORT CATALOGUE OF THE KLAIPĖDA KCCIC MEMBERS AWARDS: Klaipėda city NomiNated for "CEE BusiNess KEY FACTS services awards" EuropeaN BusiNess Services AssociatioN 2020 ADVANTAGES OF KLAIPĖDA: City plaN - Klaipėda 2030 NomiNated for „FDI strategy of the year“ TraNsport corridors coNNectiNg Klaipėda with EasterN aNd WesterN EmergiNg Europe 2019 couNtries; (9th traNsport corridor) - Strategic gateway to Europe! Award for sustaiNable mobility visioN Ice-free seaport; SustaiNable Mobility Forum 2019 Free EcoNomic ZoNe; Klaipėda ScieNce aNd TechNology Park; LithuNiaN muNicipality iNdex (2Nd. place) Developed tourism iNfrastructure; LithuaNiaN Free Marked INstitute 2019 11 VocatioNal schools, 5 Colleges, 2 UNiversities; Most successful FEZ iN the Baltics (2019) Creative Hubs. USEFUL LINKS: Klaipėda FEZ bespoke awards for: ExpaNsioNs; WWW.PORTOFKLAIPEDA.LT WWW.FEZ.LT Flexible space; WWW.KLAIPEDAINFO.LT WWW.KLAIPEDAID.LT Local traNsport; Workforce ameNities WWW.KCCI.LT WWW.KMTP.LT 04 Free ZoNes of the Year 2019 EXPORT DIRECTORY CONTENT: EXPORT CATALOGUE: THE KLAIPĖDA CHAMBER OF PLANTS AND AGRICULTURE............................................. 11 COMMERCE, INDUSTRY AND CRAFTS MEMBERS ........ 1-5 PRODUCTION OF WINDOW GLASS .................................. 11-12 JSC "PROFMARIS" - CARGO TRANSPORTATION ............ 6 PUBLISHING AND PRINTING ............................................. 12 BUSINESS ADVISORY, CONSULTING AND TEXTILE AND SEWING......................................................... 13 PROJECTS ................................................................................ 7 TOURISM AND TRAVEL AGENCIES, HOTELS ................ 13-15 CONSTRUCTION, BUILDING AND METAL WORKS........ 7-8 TRADE OF CHEMICAL PRODUCTS ................................... 15 CUSTOMS BROKERAGE SERVICES ................................... 8 TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS............................................. 16-20 FOOD PRODUCTION .............................................................. 9 WOOD PRODUCTION............................................................ 20-21 MEDICAL SERVICES AND REHABILITATION ................. 9 CONTACTS.............................................................................. 22 OTHER....................................................................................... 10 PACKING MATERIALS .......................................................... 10 PET CONTAINERS................................................................... 10 PET FOOD PRODUCTION ..................................................... 11 05 EXPORT CATALOGUE OF THE KCCIC MEMBERS ABOUT COMPANY: 06 EXPORT CATALOGUE OF THE KCCIC MEMBERS BUSINESS ADVISORY, CONSULTING AND PROJECTS CONSTRUCTION, BUILDING AND METAL WORKS PUBLIC INSTITUTION "KLAIPĖDA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PARK" PROMOTES DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGIES JSC "BALTIC TECHNICAL & TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS" OFFERS THEIR INSTALLATION CompaNy was fouNded iN cooperatioN of Klaipeda UNiversity aNd the MiNistry of EcoNomy of The Republic of SERVICES OF METAL STRUCTURES LithuaNia. KSTP is a ceNter that is focused oN promotiNg aN iNNovative eNviroNmeNt iN the Klaipėda regioN, by seekiNg JSC “Baltic TechNical & TechNological SolutioNs” maNufactures aNd iNstalls all types of staNdard aNd NoN-staNdard close aNd focused cooperatioN betweeN scieNce aNd busiNess, as well as greater ecoNomic competitiveNess aNd the creatioN metal structures of all types iNdustrial aNd civil coNstructioN sectors used oN laNd aNd offshore. LookiNg for big of favourable coNditioNs for start-ups. KSTP is actively iNvolved iN briNgiNg together the regioN’s iNNovatioN system to a coNstructioN compaNies or steel structuries maNufacturies, which are lookiNg for subcoNtractors for steel maNufacture critical mass by developiNg partNerships aNd clusters. The missioN of the KSTP is to promote the developmeNt of moderN works, weldiNg or steel mouNtiNg works. scieNtifically susceptible techNologies, to provide coNsultiNg services for iNNovative eNterprises. MiNijos st.2, Klaipėda, LithuaNia Vilhelmo Berbomo st. 10, LT-92221, Klaipėda, LithuaNia Ph: +370 673 71438 Ph. + 370 46 310 461 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: WWW.BTTS.LT Website: WWW.KMTP.LT JSC "TEMALOGIC BALTICS" IS A SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, DEVELOPING ADVANCED PLANNING AND ANALYTICS SOFTWARE JSC "KONSOLĖ" SPECIALIZES IN CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION AND RENOVATION Software products: QL Time - Staff scheduliNg, clockiNg, aNd admiNistratioN; QL CampaigN - MaNagemeNt of multi- CompaNy JSC “KoNsolė” caN carry out geNeral coNstructioN works, iNstallatioN of iNterNal aNd exterNal water supply aNd chaNNel price promotioNs aNd campaigNs; QL Price - Rule based price recommeNdatioN eNgiNe based oN exterNal aNd waste water Networks iN resideNtial aNd NoN-resideNtial buildiNgs, maNagemeNt of cultural heritage coNstructioN works, iNterNal price sigNals, such as veNdor or competitor price chaNges. Overview of competitor priciNg aNd comparisoN with iNstallatioN of traNsport commuNicatioNs - roads (streets), access rail roads aNd braNches, other traNsport coNstructioN matched iNterNal products; QL AssortmeNt - HaNdliNg of products aNd “positioNs” through the eNtire lifecycle from works aNd coNstruct hydro-techNical coNstructioN works. The compaNy also has a permit to coNstruct iNcreased hazard plaNNiNg, veNdor offers, to store distributioN decisioNs; QL ANalytics - RaNge of database haNdliNg aNd big data services, objects. The compaNy is iNcluded to the list of poteNtial NATO teNderers. iNcludiNg co-purchasiNg aNalytics; QL Task - ENterprise task maNagemeNt; QL INsight - Dashboard aNd aNalytics froNt- eNd for other; QL products as well as customers’ other 3rd party or iNterNal software; QL Mobile – ApplicatioN for Liepų st. 79, LT-92195, Klaipėda, LithuaNia employees aNd maNagers Ph. +370 46 401 433 E-mail: [email protected] Taikos av. 52C, LT-91184, Klaipėda, LithuaNia WEBSITE: WWW.KONSOLE.LT/EN/ Ph. +370 46 365 137 E-mail: [email protected] Website: WWW.TEMALOGIC.COM 07 EXPORT CATALOGUE OF THE KCCIC MEMBERS JSC “LANSMETA” PROVIDES HIGH QUALITY AND PROFESSIONAL METALWORKING SERVICES JSC "STELGA" SPECIALIZES IN DESIGN, MANUFACTURE AND INSTALLATION OF INDUSTRIAL JSC “LaNsmeta” provides high quality aNd professioNal metalworkiNg services, offeriNg iNdividual metalworkiNg EQUIPMENT services, their complex or complete product maNufacturiNg. The compaNy carries out desigN work, produces staNdard aNd JSC „Stelga“ is a reliable partNer iN desigN, maNufacture, aNd iNstallatioN of iNdustrial equipmeNt. CompaNy‘s NoN-staNdard products of black aNd staiNless steel, alumiNum, ziNc, copper, brass. The compaNy offers metal product professioNal team is ready to offer a wide raNge of services, NoN-staNdard metal coNstructioNs. The expertise of compaNy‘s desigN services, custom metal products maNufacturiNg, metal processiNg services (water jet cuttiNg, sheet metal beNdiNg, specialists aNd fully equipped maNufacturiNg facility allows eNsuriNg impeccable quality aNd timely implemeNtatioN
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