Diocesan operations result in$157,857 surplus PITTSB UR G H — The Catholic Diocese of Pitt­ w e e k ' s Pittsburgh Catholic. "In that sam e spirit, tained in this year's report," Bishop W uerl added replenished if the Church is to prosper and grow sburgh reported a surplus of $157,857 for fiscal the people of the Pittsburgh Diocese can be Justly in his letter, "w e ad so recognize that we m ust in years to com e.” 1989-90, the first year in the past five when a proud of their stewardship as reflected in the an­ continue to be very careful in the use of our deficit was avoided. nual financial report of the diocese for the financial resources. The sources of our financial The bishop also noted that the surplus was on­ "In the gospel parables, we read that Jesus 1989-90 fiscal year.” assets are still very lim ited and our needs are ly one percent of the total expenditures of the diocese. Total diocesan revenue for fiscal commended those servants who were faithful m any. The Church, too, knows the im pact of the Recent deficits from operations included 1989-90 was $15,925,410, an increase of $1.3 and wise stewards of the m aterial goods that had $595,637 for 1988-89: $2.2 million, 1987-88; negative econom ic factors that affect our whole o their care.” said Bishop Donald m illion for the previous year. Th e bulk of the in­ $2.6 m illion. 1986-87; and 1.2 m illion, 1985-86. society. Th e deficits of previous years have near­ introductory letter to a special come comes from the Parish Share program, ly depleted our reserves which must be (j. financial report carried in this "W hile we are pleased by the good news con­ where receipts totaled nearly $9.5 m illion. (M __________ __ _________________ IA < » . t - o - t - t/> i/> \~ ISBIRGH a at U J U J > "0 M -I z o 3 O X J UJ u3 J c h - O> ' </>z Ü ^ « r u j isi /) S 2 3 a - O J û 146 Year, CXLVI No. 43 25 cents Established in 1844: America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper in Continuous Publication _______________________ Friday, January 11, 1991 Pittsburgh diocesan education secretary elected archabbot By JOHN FRANKO was confirmed immediately by PITTSBURGH — Diocesan of­ the Rt. Rev. M elvin Valvano, OSB. ficials have expressed jo y over the abbot president of the Am erican election of Father Douglas R. Cassinese Congregation of the Nowicki, OSB, diocesan secretary Benedictine Order, who con­ for education, as the 1 1 t h a r c h a b ­ ducted the meeting. bot of St. Vincent Archabbey, In accepting the office of ar­ Latrobe, on Jan. 8. chabbot, Fr. Douglas said: "I ac­ Bishop Donald W . W uerl said he cept this position in the hum ble was pleased and felt a deep sense awareness of God's love for me Bishop Wuerl and of Joy for Fr. Nowicki, as well as and our monastic com m unity and Cincinnati Archbishop the entire Benedictine Com m uni­ in the awareness of your love (the Daniel Pilarczyk ask ty. He praised Archabbot Douglas m onks') for me which has made Catholics to pray for as a prayerful and gifted priest me what I am today." peace as tensions bet­ w ith a fine intellect and sense of In addition to his new duties at ween the U.S. and Iraq service. He said his work for St. Vincent Archabbey, Sem inary m ount with the threat Catholic education and, par­ and College, Archabbot Douglas of war in the Persian ticularly for Catholic schools, has w ill work directly with the m onks Gulf. They especially shown extraordinary ability and w ho conduct Benedictine M ilitary encourage prayers for accom plishm ents recognized not School. Savannah, Ga.; parishes peace this Sunday, only locally but nationally. and chaplaincies in Penn­ J a n . 1 3 . He expressed the gratitude of sylvania, M aryland and Virginia; ............................ P a g e 4 the Church of Pittsburgh for his and foreign m issions in Vinhedo. Brazil and Taipei, Taiw an. T — ____ service over the years as secretary for education and pledged his As new archabbot, he will prayers that God continue to receive the abbatial blessing from bless him in his new m inistry. Greensburg Bishop Anthony G. Master work by Titian Top IO Fr. Thomas Tobin, diocesan Bosco. The blessing and ec­ general secretary, spoke of the clesiastical installation w ill be an­ Christ's disciples gather around Him in greatest works are currently on display in Father Peter Horton strong educational foundation A r­ nounced at a later date. “Last Supper." a painting by the the U.S. See story on page 7 . chabbot Douglas provided. His role at the archabbey w ill be recaps the year's best Renaissance master Titian. Fifty of Titian's and worst film s in his “I am very happy for Fr. the equivalent to that between a weekly colum n. As far Douglas on his election as A r­ (Continued on page 2) as box office totals are chabbot of the Benedictine Com ­ concerned, 1990 was m unity. I am equally happy for March for Life not quite as profitable the Benedictine Com m unity a s 1 9 8 9 . which will enjoy Fr. Douglas' leadership and will benefit from Thousands from area to rally in Washington, D.C. his m any gifts and talents," Fr. Tobin said. By JOHN FRANKO participation. Congressman Doug Walgren had "W hile we will miss our close PITTSBURGH - “No Waffling People Concerned for the Un­ a pro-abortion voting record, ac­ P a g e 6 association with Fr. Douglas, we on the Life Principles" w ill be the born Child will again coordinate cording to the PCUC. will work hard to build on the theme and rallying cry for the m ajority of the buses m aking "A lot of pro-life people were foundations which he has provid­ thousands of pro-lifers from the trip. The schedule is reprinted m obilized because they saw it (his ed for us during his time as southwestern Pennsylvania who on page 3 of this week's Pitt­ election) as hope." Gartner said. secretary for education." w ill participate in the 18th annual sburgh Catholic. "They are excited to be going Archabbot Douglas. 45, suc­ National March for Life in The rally will take place on the t h e r e . " ceeds Archabbot Paul R. Maher, W ashington, D.C. on Jan. 22. Mall rather than the Ellipse near Marchers also will meet with who resigned as leader of the M ary Lou Gartner, area m arch the W hite House. The m arch will Senators John Heinz and Arlen com m unity on Nov. 30. representative, told the Pitt­ be shorter and allow more time S p e c t e r . Nearly 200 Benedictine m onks sburgh Catholic that as of Jan. 8 , for lobbying legislators. Cardinals John J. O'Connor of in perpetual vows met at St. V in­ 104 area buses had been reserved Marchers from the 18th Con­ New York and Jam es A. Hickey of cent Archabbey beginning Jan. 7 to take m archers to W ashington. gressional District w ill visit the of­ Washington will attend the to elect the new m ajor superior of She noted it is the largest num ber fices of newly elected Rick San- march, in addition to Bishops the 144-year-old m onastery. of buses registered in the history torum, who has supported the Rene H. Gracida of Corpus Archabbot Douglas' election Archabbot Douglas Nowicki of southwestern Pennsylvania's Right to Life movement. Form er (Continued on page 2) B ishops irt Y ugoslavia fin d ‘no p ro o f’ J W HY DO TEENS VOLUNTEER? Visit o f M arian apparitions a t More than half - The reasons teen-agers give for Our Lady of the 58 percent - of becoming volunteers: Sacred Heart senior By JOHN THAVIS the statement sounded a clear ment on Medjugorje, it is American youth Tim Plucinski spent ROME (CNS) — Bishops in note of caution to Catholics, but recognized that visitors will con­ between the ages two weeks getting a Yugoslavia said that after several added that it was not a tinue to arrive there and need first-hand glimpse of of 14 and 17 Want to do something years of study there is no proof "definitive" pronouncement on closer pastoral guidance. perform volunteer useful/help others 4 6 . 7 % life in Brazil and the that Marian apparitions have oc­ the subject. Such a pronounce­ "It’s alm ost im possible to stop work an average country's passion for curred at Medjugorje. m ent, if it is m ade, will probably the pilgrimages, but we need to s o c c e r . At the same time, the bishops take years, another Vatican of­ take care of these people,” he of 3.9 hours Enjoy doing the work encouraged better pastoral and ficial said. s a i d . a week. 3 8 . 4 % liturgical services for the pilgrim s "O n the basis of research con­ Bishop Pavao Zanic of Mostar- who travel to the popular site in ducted so far, one cannot affirm Duvno, the diocese that includes Teens who attend P a g e 1 0 Medjugorje, has been one of the western Yugoslavia.
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