How to ·Keep Time by Yahweh's Calendar in the Heavens by Jacob O. Meyer a publication. of ABBemblie. ofYahweh -.~.-.---- . ~- - ----- .---.-~....­ An Assemblies of Yahweh® publication Assemblies of Yahweh, The Narrow Way Newsletter, The Sacred Name Broadcaster, and The Sacred Name Broadcast are Service Marks and Trademarks of Assemblies of Yahweh, Bethel, PA 19507 · Published By Assemblies of Yahweh P.O. Box C Bethel, PA 19507 V.SA. Copyright © 1977, 1988, 1990 Assemblies of Yahweh. All Rights Reserved to eep eby Yahweh's ~' lendalr in 1~he ens From the many questions that we dar in toto. They have attempted have received over the past years to justify this stand by quoting concerning the reason why the Romans 3:2. But there is a scrip­ Assemblies of Yahweh occasionally tural answer to the calendar ques­ observes the Holy Days of Leviticus, tion and calendar arranging is NOT chapter 23, on different days than an "oracle" that has been committed do the Jews, it is apparent that to the Jews. The sacred Scriptures is these questions present an opportu­ the oracle, the Word. nity for the author to write an The Jewish Calendar in-depth article on this timely subject. However, since we observe the Many of the people wl10 have Holy Days of Leviticus chapter 23, arrived at the threshold of the some people have assumed that the Assemblies of Yahweh have never Assemblies of Yahweh would look to questioned why they do things as the Jews to set the scriptural they have always done them. In the calendar since they also observe Assemblies of Yahweh we seek to these identical Holy Days. However, delve deeply into what the Bible by upon obtaining a Jewish calendar teaches so that we may live our lives Jacob O. Meyer one might be surprised to learn that well pleasing to Yahweh, in close the orthodox Jews observe TWO harmony with His Word. Unques­ which will ever bring doctrinal order DAYS CONSECUTIVELY rather tionably, this concept of sincere out of the obvious confusion existing than the SINGLE DAY which is worship and reverence for the presently upon the religious spec­ legislated in the inspired Scriptures. Almighty Father in heaven will trum in understanding the Scrip­ The only exception is in observance yield a life which differs in many tures is to completely HARMONIZE of several holidays which the rabbis points from what is found in all of the passages on a certain have inaugurated under their own Judaism or in the ch-rches of subject and allow them to mold the authority and volition (for example, nominal Chr-stianity (even though doctrines which we believe. Such Chanuka), and of course in the some of these Chr-stian groups in scriptural harmony is indeed possi­ scriptural fast of the Day of Atone­ some respects do seek to restore the ble. Both Old and New Testament ment (which certainly no one wishes narrow way which was lost after Scriptures complement each other to extend unnecessarily). Apostolic days). Nor can we shrink and will say the same thing if we There is, to be sure, a reason for from humble, submissive obedience allow them to do so. There are no everything, and the reason why the to the directives of the Most High unexplainable discrepancies, but Jews have set TWO feast days to when YAHWEH'S commandments unifying truth will emerge only commemorate the ONE enjoined and are brought to our attention or we through consistency in research into legislated by the Scriptures in Levit­ shall soon discover that He will deny the writings that were transmitted icus chapter 23 is because of the blessings. to us. The Father in to us. The Holy Spirit of Yahweh dispersion of the Jewish people into heaven, who looks upon our hearts, will direct our sincere efforts. all of the nations of the earth. Not knows if we are not being obedient Some, having failed in their wishing for their observance to be in to a truth which He has revealed to attempts to find a scriptural basis error, the Jews have specified two us. for reckoning time, have turned to days so that they would be certain The only method of Bible study the Jews and accepted their calen­ to be correct in keeping one of their 1 -_.__....... _--­ center of the scientific study of the the vernal equinox as their starting heavens. Doctor H. C. Leupold, in point for fixing the time of the first offering his analysis of Genesis scriptural month. I cannot insist too 11:3-4, has said that the tower of forcefully that this term (vernal Babel was built to touch or reach equinox, the spring day when nights into (discover the secrets of) heaven. are the equal length) is not found in Doctor Bullinger in The Companion the inspired Scriptures, nor is it Bible suggests that the zodiac was even alluded to in the Word of depicted on the top of this tower so Yahweh. that the movement of the heavenly When Almighty Yahweh gave His bodies could be studied and directions to Israel He gave them as recorded. You will find that the a father would to a child, speaking astrologers are mentioned promi­ in simple, explicit, candid language, nently among the wise men of not in veiled technical terms. Such days. Babylon in Daniel's time (Daniel straight talk, forthrightly delivered, This concept of being overly 2:2). Please give some attention to is a universally consistent charac­ righteous is condemned by Solomon Isaiah 47:13. "You are wearied in teristic of the message of the Bible. in Ecclesiastes 7:16. In too many the multitude of your counsels: let Would a little shepherd lad, such as cases the Jews have made void the now the astrologers, the star­ was David, living constantly out in law of Yahweh by their traditions of gazers; the monthly prognosti­ the open fields tending flocks, be men, binding upon the people heavy cators, stand up, and save you able to determine an astronomical burdens, which are beyond what was from the things that shall come conjunction of the new moon? Would intended by the law of Yahweh. This upon you." it not be more simple for Almighty practice has caused the Law of Yahweh to allow the movement of Yahweh to be viewed as a yoke of Equinox Complicates Matters this great sign in heaven to deter­ bondage-which it is not, nor was it Nevertheless, allow us to reiterate mine a division of time? The ever intended to be. The Torah law once more for emphasis that renewal of the moon each month was given by a loving Heavenly advance calculation as a system of would be so obvious that no one Father and He intended it for our calendar compilation cannot be could mistake what was happening. good, Deuteronomy 6:24. supported from the Scriptures. As Therefore, each one who reads the Watching for the Signs Chr-stianity sees it, calculation of Bible can comprehend the simple the calendar in advance depends directions. It is also true that because of the, primarily upon the vernal equinox The Scriptural Method dispersion, the Jews have no longer as its starting point, while using an followed an observable calendar. astronomical conjunction of the new Almighty Yahweh has explained Scholarship abounds with substantial moon rather than sighting a visible in Genesis 1:14-18, ttAnd Elohim and irrefutable evidence that, moon. The Jews employ an astro­ said. Let there be lights in the during the days of the Messiah, it. nomical conjunction of the moon. firmament of heaven to divide the was the Sanhedrin which set the Basically, this method is intended day from the night; and let them calendar. This august body of elders to remove the comprehension of the be for signs, and for seasons, and in Israel fixed the months by progression of time from the for days and years: and let them sending out observers to the higher common man. If the method be for lights in the firmament of elevations of terrain around the city exPressed so simply in the sacred heaven to give light upon the of Jerusalem so that they could Scriptures is rejected, the calendar earth: and it was so. And Elohim VISUALLY OBSERVE the actual arrangement is placed in the hands made the two great lights; the new crescent which marked the new of a few learned men who usually greater light to rule the day, and or rebuilding moon. intend to use their knowledge to the lesser light to rule the night: Seeds that germinated into the gain and hold position. For example, he made the stars also. And calculated calendar, which is pres­ in past years I have sat through Elohim set them in the firmament ently in use in Judaism, were most lectures by noted scholars and edu­ of heaven to give light upon the likely originally planted while Judah cators who presented quite a formi­ earth. and to rule over the day and was in Babylonian captivity. But, it dable array of scientific research on over the night, and to divide the took the dispersion into very distant the phases of the moon and how to light from darkness: and Elohim lands to bring their seeds into total calculate the holy days. Without fail saw that it was good." fruition. Babylon had long been the these men always reverted back to Yahweh's method of reckoning ~--....... ~---- ~- time is good (perfect)! So why and by extension a month." Did you change it? notice the implication here? It could Let us analyze this passage thor­ not be a moon or new moon unless oughly.
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