A NATURAL NEIGHBOURHOOD CONNECTOR 3 REMEMBERING TED GREEN 4 GARY GARRISON RECEIVES SPOTOWSKI AWARD 8 NATIONAL HOUSING DAY RALLY 11 N G F O T I R T A Y R Y B E E A L R E S C I N Y T I T H E N C O M M U @BMCVIEWS @BMCNEWS FB.COM/BMCNEWS CirCulation 5500 • january 2020 BMCNEWS.ORG free VOL. 40 NO. 8 PUBLISHED ON TREATY 6 TERRITORY VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1979 Indoor Farmers Market Opens in Boyle Street The indoor location of the Edmonton Downtown Farmers Market officially opened on October 26th at the historic GWG Building at 10305 97 Street. The grand opening was later than expected due to a permit issue between the City and the building owner, and the following Saturday the market was closed due to another permit issue. However, the market is now open every Saturday from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m and Sundays from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. The building is accessible, and there is free parking. Here is a look at some of the vendors and their displays. PHOTOS BY PAULA E. KIRMAN MCL “PROBLEM BSCL Inner City Rec UPDATE PROPERTIes” UPDATE If you love this Our most . signs & Wellness “community like I “wounded citizens of a Boyle Street do, then fight for it deserve to be cared for building“ boom are NEW CARDS & CALENDARS – stand beside your with compassion and everywhere. PAGE 5 neighbours and say, with their health and PAGE 14 “Enough!” humanity respected. PAGE 3 PAGE 7 2 Boyle McCauley News JANUARY 2020 EDITor’s NOTES two-year terms), so he steps down Thoughts on a New Decade (for now) as a board member and all of that hype, my computer still as our Chair. His wisdom and worked when I turned it on that Welcome to our final issue of presence will be greatly missed. morning. 2019 (and, due to our publishing schedule, technically the first one Also stepping down from the Now we are on the brink of a new of 2020). What a year it has been! board for the same reason is Ian decade. As we enter the 20s, some We celebrated our 40th anniver- Young. We look forward to his con- people I know are reflecting on Paula E. Kirman • BMC News Staff sary with a grand gala on March tinued involvement with the paper what they have accomplished in 9th. Our publication schedule as a columnist. MCCAULEY MUSINGS the last while and are re-evaluat- changed to eight issues per year, ing their goals. I think it’s good to while we focussed additional at- Finally, Nathan Binnema steps Those of you reading this who are do that on a regular basis, and not tention on our website and social down after four years on the board, old enough will remember that the just at major intervals on the lunar media. as he has moved out of the commu- months leading up to the year 2000 cycle. nity. We thank him for his contri- were fraught with anxiety. Experts As always, we could do none of butions and wish him all the best. were exclaiming that the end of the However, we tend to be really hard these things without the support world as we knew it was possibly on on ourselves if we haven’t achieved of our volunteers. I have a few to And to you, our readers: have a the horizon. certain things by a particular year thank. Gary Garrison has com- wonderful holiday season and be- or age. That’s why so-called mile- pleted the maximum number of ginning of the New Year. We’ll be Translation: all of the computers in stone birthdays seem like such big terms as a board member (three back in February. the world were going to explode (or deals. Why should someone’s 40th something like that) as soon as the birthday be any more significant LETTERS TO THE EDITOR clock hit midnight on January 1. than their 39th? Any year is ripe for OUR NEXT ISSUE. reaching or setting goals - or even Volume 41, Issue 1 will be Do you want to respond to As the eve of the new millennium just having fun. published February 1, 2020. something that you read in these approached, we unplugged and Articles and photos concerning pages or that is going on in the turned off our computers, both After all, time is just a collection community news, events, and community? Share your thoughts our laptops and desktops. Smart- of minutes, hours, days, weeks, opinions are welcome. We also with a Letter to the Editor. Send phones and tablets weren’t even a months, and years. It’s what you accept submissions of poetry your letters to editor@bmcnews. thing yet. Then, the chilling mo- do with that time that matters - not and cartoons. Deadline: January org. Letters should be no longer ment arrived, and - nothing. After some arbitrary date on a calendar. 12, 2020. Send submissions to: than 300 words, and may be edited [email protected]. Articles for length or clarity. Publication should be 400 words or less and is not guaranteed. The deadline accompanied by photographs (JPG, for letters for our next issue is in high resolution) when possible. November 22. Boyle McCauley News is a non-profit newspaper published eight times yearly by the Boyle Street McCauley Community Newspaper Society. The Society is made up of the people who live 174 and work in the Boyle Street and McCauley neighbourhoods. Opinions expressed in the newspaper are not necessarily those of the Board of Directors. Any submissions may be subject to editing for length and suitability. Advertisements from political parties and politicians are paid for. Boyle McCauley News does not support or endorse any political party or viewpoint. BOYLE STREET Circulation 5500 • Since 1979 • www.bmcnews.org Vol. 40 No. 8 • JaNuary 2020 AND MCCAULEY Suite B1, 10826 – 95 Street, Edmonton AB, T5H 2E3 P: (780) 425-3475 E: [email protected] CRIME AND SAFETY BOARD OF DIRECTORS Megan Elizabeth, John Gee, Anita Jenkins, Karen Matthews, Alan Schietzsch, Mike Siek NUMBERS THE BOARD MAY BE CONTACTED AT [email protected] OFFICE STAFF BLOCK CARRIERS EDITOR • Paula E. Kirman Sandra Barnes, Brockman Family, Sara Report “john” activity & license plate numbers • (780) 421-2656 [email protected] Coumantarakis & Gary Garrison, Michelle VOLUNTEER COORDINATORS • Cumming, Barry Daniels, Richard Farr, Mary Report Problem Properties & Derelict Houses • Call 311 Colleen Chapman & Paula E. Kirman Gallivan, John Gee, Rosalie Gelderman, Rich [email protected] Gossen & Anne Fitzpatrick, Ann-Marie LAYOUT AND DESIGN • Vikki Wiercinski Johnson, Layna Johnson, Kuipers-Glugosh Report Gang Activity • (780) 414-4567 [email protected] Family, Bob McKeon, Phil O’Hara, Jesse ADVERTISING • Vikki Wiercinski Orjasaeter, Antonio Pagnotta, Kate Quinn, EPS General Crime/Complaints • (780) 423-4567 [email protected] Mike Siek, Adam Snider, Marta Travnik & PROOFREADERS • Jakob Kolaric, Heather Van Boom, John- EPS website • edmontonpolice.ca Karen Simons West Family. Rosalie Gelderman - click on Crime Prevention Colleen Chapman DISTRIBUTION MANAGER: Mike Siek ACCOUNTING • Rosalie Gelderman THANK YOU TO OUR VOLUNTEERS! Crisis Diversion Team • Call 211 and press 3 Our goal is to report issues fairly and WRITERS & PHOTOGRAPHERS provide a variety of perspectives on Manon Aubry, Lindsay Brommeland, Mark issues affecting this community. The Crime Stoppers • 1-800-222-8477 Davis, Tony Forchetta, Leif Gregersen, Todd opinions expressed in Boyle McCauley 1-800-222-TIPS Homan, Anita Jenkins, Rebecca Kaiser, Paula News are those of the people named as E. Kirman, Greg Lane, Jonathan Lawrence, Yovella M., Scott McKeen, Sharon Pasula, the authors of the articles, and do not Kathryn Rambow, Alan Schietzsch, Mike Siek, necessarily reflect those of the Board, Ian Young. staff, or Editorial Committee of the paper. Boyle McCauley News JANUARY 2020 3 MccAULEY COMMUNITY LEAGUE UPDATE More Than a Little Problem GREG LANE and the practice of unlicensed room- ter and their Mission Statement. something is done? Mayor Iveson, if ing houses operating in plain view There’s an item about safety and I this was going on next door to your I started writing this article about of the City and Bylaw Enforcement. wonder how many actually feel safe family how long would you wait? three times, and each time I found In late November, we watched as two living next door to one of these plac- myself either not being able to cap- houses burned midday under suspi- es. I’m not talking about just aban- I ask you to write a letter to the May- ture all the information I wanted to cious circumstances – fire investiga- doned houses and vacant lots - I’m or and your Ward 6 Councillor Scott share, or going down a rabbit hole of tors will have to resolve the cause. I talking about active criminal enter- McKeen (who, in my experience, has despair. personally watched a drug house or prises that prey on the vulnerable, been nothing less than supportive “trap house” (to use the term EPS is thumb their noses at authority, and and empathetic), send an email, call The issue is about Problem Properties familiar with) operate across from us have been allowed to terrorize our 311, raise your voice – stand by your (PP) in our and other inner city com- unimpeded for months. community like some Frankenstein neighbours and show them your munities. These places (and we can monster. EPS members feel like their support. Tell the media, tell anyone all bring an image of them to mind) The last incident I witnessed could hands are tied and have to stand be- who would listen.
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