4876 CONGRESSIONAL R:ECORD -HOUSE May l3 I James Major Baley, Jr., of North C~rO":. RESIDUAL OIL SPECIAL ORDER GRANTED Una, to be United States attorney for the KELLEY Mr. POWELL (at the request of Mr. western district of North Carolina~ vice Mr. of Pennsylvania. Mr. Thomas A. Uzzell, Jr., resigned. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to MAcHRowrcz) was granted permission. to extend my remarks at this point. address the House for 5 minutes· today, The SPEAKER. Is there objection to following the legislative business of the CONFIRMATIONS the request of the gentleman from day and any other special orders here­ Executive nominations confirmed by Pennsylvania? tofore entered. the Senate May 13 (legislative day of There was no objection. May 12), 1953: Mr. KELLEY of Pennsylvania. Mr. ~' DIPLOMATIC AND FoREIGN SERVICE 1 Speaker, under prevailing trade laws, CALL OF THE HOUSE ~ Horace A. Hildreth, of Main'e, to be Ambas-: unlimited quantities of foreign residual Mr. HALLECK .. Mr. Speaker, I make sador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of oil may be imported into this country the point of order that a quorum is not the United states of America to Pakistan. -regardless of the adverse effects on do- present. - DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY' mestic industry and American WOrkerS. The SPEAKER. Evidently, no quorum catherine B. Cleary, of Wisconsin, to be As a consequence, thousands of miners is present. · Assista.nt ~easurer of the United states. and ·railroaders are unemployed, and Mr. ALLEN of Tilinois. Mr. Speaker, MISSISSIPPI RIVER COMMISSION whole communities are suffering severe I move a call of the House. · Brig. Gen. John R. Hardin (colonel, Corps economic depression. A call of the House w.as ordered. of Engineers) to be a member and President The President has asked that theRe­ The Clerk called the roll, and the fol­ of the Mississippi River Commission. ciprocal Trade Agreements Act be ex­ lowing Members failed to answer to their UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGES tended in its present form for a full names.: Julius J. Hoffman to be United States dis­ year. Apparently he is willing to retain [Roll No. 35] trict judge for the northern district of illi­ .the status quo for our coal areas, re­ Angell Hays, Ohio Sieminski nois. (New position.) gardless of the widespread distress that Baker Hull Simpson, Pa. Win G. Knock to be United States district Barrett Johnson Small becomes progressively worse with the Bennett, Mich. Kearns Smith, Miss. judge for the northern district of Illinois. rise in shipments of foreign residual Boykin Krueger Smith, va. (New position.) · oil into this country. Brown, Ohio Mcintire Sutton COMPTROLLER OF CUSTOMS Bush M1ller, Calif. Taylor I therefore feel that the Congress must. carlyle O'Ne111 Warburton Albert Cole, of Massachusetts, to be comp­ assume the responsibility of enacting Dempsey Poulson Williams, Miss. troller of customs, with headquarters at Bos­ equitable legislation for the protection D'Ewart Rabaut Withrow ton, Mass. of our labor groups and our industries. Feighan Reece, Tenn. Wolcott COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS Gubser Roberts Regardless of the glowing promises in Hart Shafer Carroll L. Meins, of Massachusetts, to be the administration's long-term plans, it collector of customs for customs collection is heartless to permit the suffering The SPEAKER. On this ·rollcall, 392 district No. 4, with headquarters at Boston,_ among our coal and railroad groups to Members have answered to their names. Mass. be continued. To extend such condi­ a quorum. II ..... •• tions for as much as a year would be By unanimous consent, further pro­ abhorrent. It is difficult for families in ceedings under the call were dispensed HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES affected areas to obtain the proper food with. essential to good health. They are en­ WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1953 tirely unable, with 'their incomes re­ TREASURY-POST OFFICE DEPART­ The House met at 11 a.m. stricted to unemployment compensation MENT APPROPRIATION BilL The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, or relief, to purchase clothing and neces-:- D. D., offered the following prayer: sary household items. With each addi­ Mr. CANFIELD, from the Committee tional month that they are unemployed; on Appropriations, reported the bill Almighty God, in this brief moment of the situation is aggravated. (H. R. 5174) making appropriations for prayer and meditation, may we be re­ . To me it appears strange that a year's the Treasury and Post Office Depart­ freshed and renewed in spirit and study is needed when we already have ments for the fiscal year ending June 30, inspired to dedicate and devote ourselves ample evidence of the damage wrought 1954, and for other purposes, which was more resolutely and wholeheartedly to upon the coal industry by residual-oil read the first and second times, and with the doing of Thy will. imports. Committees of both Senate and the accompanying report referred to the Grant that, in 'these tense days, when House made studies of the situation after Committee of the Whole House on the nerves· are taut. and we are in danger of 75 million barrels of residual oil were State of the Union and o_rdered printed. cracking up under the pressure of life, shipped into the United States in 1949. Mr. GARY reserved all points of order we may learn the secret of patience, At those hearings it was learned that on the bill. poise, peace, and power in hearing and upward of 25,000 miners lost their jobs heeding Thy voice when Thou dost say, or had their working time reduced as "Be still and know that I am God." a result ·of the loss of coal markets to SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED God forbid that we should ever yield foreign oil. In 1952, residual-oil imports Mr. DIES asked and was given per­ to the devastating feeling that life is were 75 percent more than the amount of futile and not worthwhile but before we the 1949 imports. mission to' address the House for 1 hour on Tuesday, May 19, 1953, following the are at our own wits' end may we have Why must we permit our people to> the grace and the wisdom to follow and be the victims of a policy which, by the legislative business of the day and any try the way of our blessed Lord. President's own statement, is so ques­ other special orders heretofore entered. Hear us in His name. Amen. tionable that a long investigation is in Mr. POWELL asked and was given permission to address the House for 5 The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ order? Should ·not our own people re­ terday was read and approved. ceive the benefit of any doubt which the minutes today, following the legislative President may have about this policy? business of the day and any other special I recommend that the Congress enact orders heretofore entered. LEAVE OF ABSENCE a law restricting residual-oil imports to Mr. BAILEY asked and was given per­ Mr. SMITH of Wisconsin. Mr. Speak­ 5 percent of domestic demand for the mission to address the House for 10 min­ er, I ask unanimous consent that our­ corresponding quarter of the previous utes on tomorrow, following the legisla­ colleague the gentleman from Wiscon­ calendar year-a provision that is in­ tive business of the day and any other sin [Mr. HULL] be granted an indefinite cluded in the bill now before the House special orders heretofore entered. leave of absence because of illness. Ways and Means Committee. If another Mr. MARSHALL asked and was given The SPEAKER. Is there objection to long study is necessary, as is claimed, our permission to address the House today the request of the gentleman from Wis­ people should at least be given the op­ for 20 minutes, following the legislative consin? portunity to earn ·a living in the mean­ business of the day and any other spe .. There was no objection. while. cia! orders peretofore entered. 1953 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE 4877 REPORTS FROM THE COMMI'ITEE Mr. ALLEN of Tilinois. _ I will say I there is presently no Submerged Lands ON RULES ~now of no other person. Act in existence. In my long experience Mr. ALLEN of Dlinois. Mr. Speaker, Mr. COLMER. Mr. Speaker, I yield in the House I do not remember wheri I ask unanimous consent that the Rules 5 minutes to the gentleman from New we were called upon to do just that: Committee may have until midnight to. York [Mr. CELLER]. namely amend an act not yet passed. night to file reports. Mr. CELLER. Mr.- Speaker, we are There may have been some exceptions The SPEAKER. Is there objection to asked to do something which is rather during the war because of the emer­ the request of the gentleman from Dli­ unprecedented this morning, ~ost anom· gency, when we did that. We did un­ nois? alous, in my humble opinion. You may usual acts during the war in the interest There was no objection. recall that we passed the so-called· off· ?f speed. But what is the need for hurry­ shore bill which contained three titles, Ing now? I can conceive· of no reason three separate titles, I, II, and III. Title for rushing this bill, as was the case ~UBMERGED LANDS ACT I involved definitions. Title II apper­ yesterday before the Judiciary Commit.;. Mr. ALLEN of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, tained to submerged minerals seaward tee. I call up the House Resolution 233, and to traditional State boundaries. Title An announcement was made on the ask for its immediate consideration. III appertained to the minerals seaward floor that there would be an executive The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ from the State boundaries outward to meeting of the Judiciary Committee.
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