H126 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 9, 2007 b 1200 that the Senate has agreed to the Fol- tion for President Ford’s outstanding and lowing Resolution: important service to his country. AFTER RECESS Resolved, That the Senate directs the Sec- S. RES. 19 The recess having expired, the House retary of the Senate to communicate these Whereas Gerald Rudolph Ford, the 38th was called to order by the Speaker pro resolutions to the House of Representatives President of the United States, was born on and transmit a copy thereof to the family of tempore (Mr. MORAN of Virginia) at July 14, 1913, in Omaha, Nebraska; the former President. noon. Whereas Gerald Ford was raised in Grand The message also announced that the f Rapids, Michigan, where he was active in the Boy Scouts, achieving the Eagle Scout rank, Senate has passed a bill of the fol- PRAYER and where he excelled as both a student and lowing title in which the concurrence of the House is requested: The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. an athlete during high school; Whereas after graduating from high school, Coughlin, offered the following prayer: S. 197. An act to authorize salary adjust- Gerald Ford attended the University of ments for justices and judges of the United This Nation is still in mourning for Michigan at Ann Arbor, where he played on States for fiscal year 2007. President Gerald Ford. Today, as the the university’s national championship foot- f House of Representatives pays tribute ball teams in 1932 and 1933, and was honored to him, we pray to You, Lord God, as the team’s most valuable player in 1934, RAISING THE MINIMUM WAGE before graduating with a B.A. degree in 1935; paraphrasing his own remarks in 1974 (Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas on taking the oath of office as Presi- Whereas Gerald Ford later attended Yale Law School and earned an LL.B. degree in asked and was given permission to ad- dent: 1941, after which he began to practice law in dress the House for 1 minute.) ‘‘We believe that truth is the glue Grand Rapids; Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of that holds government together, not Whereas Gerald Ford joined the United Texas. Mr. Speaker, the sad truth is only our government but civilization States Naval Reserve in 1942 and served his that we have an epidemic of working itself. That bond is unbroken at home country honorably during World War II; poor in this country. These are Ameri- and abroad. Whereas upon returning from his service in cans who work 40 to 60 hours a week ‘‘In all our public and private acts as the military, Gerald Ford ran for the United States House of Representatives and was and sometimes 7 days a week, yet can’t Members of Congress, we expect to fol- elected to Congress; afford the basic necessities. At $5.15 per low our instincts of openness and can- Whereas Gerald Ford served in the House hour, a full-time minimum wage work- dor with full confidence that honesty is of Representatives from January 1949 to De- er makes less than $11,000 a year, which always the best policy in the end. cember 1973, winning reelection 12 times, is less than most of us make in a ‘‘As we bind up internal wounds, let each time with more than 60 percent of the month. These aren’t just teenagers us restore the golden rule to our polit- vote; working part time. Most minimum- ical process and let mutual love purge Whereas Gerald Ford served with great dis- tinction in Congress, in particular through wage workers are actually hard- our hearts of suspicion and of hate.’’ his service on the Defense Appropriations working disadvantaged adults. Each At the beginning of the 110th Con- Subcommittee, of which he rose to become day these working poor are faced with gress, we ask the people of this Nation ranking member in 1961; the impossible decision of having to for their prayers. With all the strength Whereas in addition to his work in the choose between food, clothing, shelter, and all the good sense we have gained House of Representatives, Gerald Ford medicine and utility bills. No Amer- from life, with all the confidence our served as a member of the Warren Commis- ican who works hard for a living should family, our friends and dedicated staff sion, which investigated the assassination of President John F. Kennedy; have to make those types of choices. impart to us and with the good will of Whereas in 1965, Gerald Ford was selected We cannot continue to look away while countless Americans we have encoun- as minority leader of the House of Rep- hardworking Americans linger in pov- tered, we now solemnly reaffirm our resentatives, a position he held for 8 years; erty. This isn’t just an economic issue, promise to uphold the Constitution, to Whereas after the resignation of Vice it is an ethical and moral issue. do what is right as God gives us to see President Spiro Agnew in 1973, Gerald Ford I commend the Democratic leader- the right, and to do the very best we was chosen by President Richard Nixon to ship for their dedication to this issue, serve as Vice President of the United States; can for America. Whereas following the resignation of Presi- and I urge my colleagues to support ‘‘God helping us, we will not let you dent Nixon, Gerald Ford took the oath of of- this raise for the millions of Americans down.’’ fice as President of the United States on Au- who deserve it. Amen. gust 9, 1974; f Whereas upon assuming the presidency, f Gerald Ford helped the nation heal from one MEXICO GOES HIGH-TECH ON THE JOURNAL of the most difficult and contentious periods ILLEGAL ENTRY in United States history, and restored public (Mr. POE asked and was given per- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The confidence in the country’s leaders; Chair has examined the Journal of the Whereas Gerald Ford’s basic human de- mission to address the House for 1 last day’s proceedings and announces cency, his integrity, and his ability to work minute.) to the House his approval thereof. cooperatively with leaders of all political Mr. POE. Mr. Speaker, Mexican Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- parties and ideologies, earned him the re- illegals looking to breach entry into nal stands approved. spect and admiration of Americans through- the United States are receiving encour- out the country; aging help from their own government. f Whereas the John Warner National Defense In the past, the Mexican government PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 rec- ommended that America’s next nuclear-pow- has provided pamphlets to illegals on The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the ered aircraft carrier, designated as CVN–78, how to sneak into the United States. gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. EDDIE be named as the U.S.S. Gerald R. Ford, in Now the Mexican government has an- BERNICE JOHNSON) come forward and honor of our 38th President; and nounced it is going high tech. The gov- lead the House in the Pledge of Alle- Whereas Gerald Ford was able to serve his ernment will provide illegals with GPS giance. country with such great distinction in large tracking devices, allowing them to call part because of the continuing support of his on the U.S. Cavalry, the U.S. Customs Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of widely admired wife, Elizabeth (Betty), who Texas led the Pledge of Allegiance as also has contributed much to the nation in and Border Patrol, if they get lost follows: many ways, and of their 4 children, Michael, among the treacherous rivers and I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the John, Steven, and Susan: Now, therefore, be deserts lining the U.S.-Mexico border. United States of America, and to the Repub- it By passing out GPS devices free of lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Resolved, That the Senate notes with deep charge, Mexico wants the U.S. to res- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. sorrow and solemn mourning the death of cue illegals that are in trouble on President Gerald Rudolph Ford. f American soil and provide them free Resolved, That the Senate extends its medical attention but supposedly let MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. Ford and the family of President Ford. them still stay in the United States. A message from the Senate by Ms. Resolved, That the Senate honors and, on Instead of discouraging Mexican citi- Curtis, one of its clerks, announced behalf of the nation, expresses deep apprecia- zens from illegally entering America, VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:00 Jan 10, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K09JA7.004 H09JAPT1 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with HMHOUSE.
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