HullTourism CityPlan HULL CITYPLAN ADOPTED MAY 2000 Development Plans Team Transportation and Planning Division Regeneration and Development Directorate Kingston House Bond Street Kingston upon Hull HU1 3ER Telephone 01482 612223 HullHull CityPlan CityPlan Written Statement Adopted Adopted May May 2000 2000 1 Hull CityPlan Group Director Regeneration and Development John North BSc(Hons), MCIT, MILT Development Plans Team John Nesworthy Steve Westgate Keith Griffiths John Craig Chris Cumberlin Sue Frampton Technical Support Team Grant Cairns Kate Leeming Robert Harrison Beth Morgan Produced by the Transportation and Planning Division Aerial photographs in the CityPlan are printed courtesy of Richmond and Rigg Photographers This document can be made available in alternative formats on request Printed on Recycled Paper Hull CityPlan Written Statement Adopted May 2000 2 ForewordTourism Forward I am pleased to commend this important document, the Hull CityPlan – the Adopted Local Plan for Kingston upon Hull. It is the main basis for all development decisions to be made in the City. Adopting the Plan is also an important stage in achieving an up to date Development Plan for the City. The other parts of the Development Plan are the existing Structure Plan, currently being reviewed, the Joint Minerals Local Plan and the Joint Waste Local Plan. The City Council and the East Riding of Yorkshire Council are working together to progress these Plans. The CityPlan aims to ensure economic, social and environmental well-being and to promote more sustainable development and lifestyles in the City. Together with other plans and strategies it will help the City meet the challenge of improving the quality of 21st Century living. Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) forms an important part of the CityPlan. It provides more detail and basic guidance for others to consider in preparing development proposals. SPG provides clear planning standards that will improve development proposals. Councillor Ken Branson Joint Portfolio Holder for Strategic Planning and Leader of Kingston upon Hull City Council July 2001 HullHull CityPlan CityPlan Written Statement Adopted Adopted May May 2000 2000 3 Hull CityPlan Hull CityPlan Written Statement Adopted May 2000 4 ListTourism of contents PART I 9 1. Introduction & user guide 11 The CityPlan 11 Plan purpose 11 User Guide 11 Written Statement 13 Proposals Map 13 Supplementary Planning Guidance 13 Glossary 14 Authors Note 15 2. Context and strategy 19 Introduction PART 2 19 City development 26 National and strategic guidance 32 Corporate policies 35 Strategy 39 CityPlan aims 43 3. General policies, implementation, monitoring and review 47 Introduction 47 General policies 50 Implementation 52 Monitoring and review 53 Implementing general policies 55 4. Managing the environment 59 Introduction 60 Trends 61 Policy context 62 Objectives 62 Topics and policies 70 Implementation 73 5. Urban regeneration 77 Introduction HullHull CityPlan CityPlan Written Statement Adopted Adopted May May 2000 2000 5 List of contents 77 Trends 77 Policy context 78 Objectives 78 Topics and polices 82 Implementation 85 6. Natural environment 89 Introduction 89 Trends 89 Policy context 90 Objectives 91 Topics and policies 107 Implementation 129 7. Built environment 135 Introduction 135 Trends 135 Policy context 136 Objectives 137 Topics and policies 157 Implementation 159 8. Movement 163 Introduction 163 Trends 167 Policy context 168 Objectives 168 Topics and policies 185 Implementation 199 9. Housing 203 Introduction 203 Trends 204 Policy context 205 Objectives 205 Topics and policies 214 Implementation Hull CityPlan Written Statement Adopted May 2000 6 ListTourism of contents 221 10. Employment 225 Introduction 225 Trends 227 Policy context 229 Objectives 229 Topics and policies 236 Implementation 241 11. Shopping 245 Introduction 245 Trends 247 Policy context 247 Objectives 248 Topics and policies 257 Implementation 263 12. Community facilities 267 Introduction 267 Policy context 268 Trends 269 Objectives 269 Topics and policies 280 Implementation 283 13. Tourism 287 Introduction 287 Trends 288 Policy context 288 Objectives 288 Topics and policies 294 Implementation 297 14. City Centre 301 Introduction 301 Objectives 301 Topics and policies 332 Implementation HullHull CityPlan CityPlan Written Statement Adopted Adopted May May 2000 2000 7 List of contents 335 15. Docklands 337 Introduction 337 Objectives 337 Topics and policies 353 Implementation 355 16. Kingswood 357 Introduction 357 Objectives 357 Topics and policies 362 Implementation 365 Key documents consulted 365 Key documents used when preparing the Deposit Draft CityPlan 366 Relevant Supplementary Planning Guidance Notes 367 Glossary 373 Use Classes Order 373 Development considered in this document classified by the Use Classes Order Hull CityPlan Written Statement Adopted May 2000 8 Introduction and user guide Introduction and user guide CONTENTS 11 The CityPlan 11 Plan purpose 11 User guide 11 Written Statement 13 Proposals Map 13 City wide Proposals Map 13 Commitments 13 Allocations 13 Area based policies and proposals 13 Established areas where significant change is unlikely 13 Primary Route Network 13 Citywide policies 13 City Centre Inset Map 13 Supplementary Planning Guidance 13 Glossary 14 Authors’ note Hull CityPlan Written Statement Adopted May 2000 10 IntroductionTourism and user guide THE CITYPLAN The City has exciting opportunities as the Northern Gateway to Europe and the centre of a dynamic sub- 1.1 The City of Hull is the main focus of the Humber region. The CityPlan takes a positive view of how these area, an important commercial and industrial centre opportunities can be realised. and a major national port. The Port of Hull has regular links with Europe and the rest of the world and is a USER GUIDE major point of entry with over 1 million ferry passengers a year. The national and local economy is emerging 1.5 The CityPlan is laid out to make policies and from a major recession, and economic recovery proposals as accessible as possible. It comprises: coupled with growth in European trade will create • a Written Statement (this document); pressures for development. The City Council prepared • a Proposals Map for the whole City including a the CityPlan to guide development to the year 2006 City Centre Inset map; and and provide a framework for managing change and • Supplementary Planning Guidance Notes. promoting growth. The CityPlan will affect the lives of most residents and other people who work in or visit the City. WRITTEN STATEMENT Plan purpose 1.2 Local Planning Authorities are legally required to 1.6 Part I of the Written Statement includes the prepare district wide Development Plans. For the City, Introduction and User Guide and provides the context the Development Plan is the relevant parts of the and strategy for the CityPlan’s policies. Humberside Structure Plan, setting out strategic policy 1.7 Part II contains the 14 chapters shown in figure for the former County as a whole; and the CityPlan, 1.1 These chapters set out policy to guide containing detailed policies and proposals broadly development, either for the whole City or for smaller conforming to the Structure Plan. The CityPlan brings areas, and make specific land use proposals. Policies together planning policies and proposals into one and proposals are supported by strategic aims, document, and replaces the existing Development Plan objectives, background summaries and justification. (approved 1954) and its subsequent amendments, Policies and proposals are shown highlighted and in informal local plans, and large scale planning briefs. bold print. 1.3 The CityPlan is an important document because 1.8 The first chapter in Part II sets out general policy all development proposals are decided according to applied to all development and underlines the its provisions, unless very good reasons are given for requirement to prepare planning briefs guiding the an alternative approach. development of larger or more sensitive sites. This 1.4 The CityPlan achieves its strategy and objectives chapter also outlines the means of implementing and by providing a clear framework to guide development. monitoring policies and the resources likely to be The CityPlan’s main concerns are land use and change available over the CityPlan period. and the physical environment, although social and 1.9 The second group of chapters comprises economic considerations are taken into account. The Managing the environment, Urban regeneration, CityPlan promotes regeneration, sustainable and Natural environment, Built environment and appropriate development if these are complementary Movement. These are topic based. However, in to improving the existing built and open environment. general, the policies within them relate to all areas of HullHull CityPlan CityPlan Written Statement Adopted Adopted May May 2000 2000 11 Introduction and user guide the City and later chapters. 1.15 In most cases, the first policy of each chapter 1.10 The third group of chapters comprises Housing, identifies the general criteria used in judging Employment, Shopping, Community facilities and development proposals. All other policies within the Tourism. These are topic based and, in general, chapter will comply with this first policy. More specific policies relate to particular land uses. policies and proposals and their justifications relating to that topic follow on within the chapter. 1.11 The City Centre chapter is concerned with a particular
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