Document Symbol: T/217/Add.1 Best copy available ....... 414 #' ••• 44,_ ,.$.4,' =4 .. 44 WW\; • $ • ." s P i$' a a_Q T/217/Add.1. TRUSTEESHIP CONSEIL 31 Ootobe~ 1948 ENGLISli I COUNCIL DE TUTELLE ORIGINAL: FRENaR _------------.... '...__••__* _, ,_....",,.,... li_ , VISITING MISSION• TO THE THUST TERBITORY OF BtTANDA-URtmDI UI\JDER BELGIAN ADMINISTB,ATION REPOBT .. ANNEI IV: PETITIONS The Vis1ting Miesion received twelve petitions relat1ns to . Buanda-Urundi. In reapect of each ,of them, the folJ.oT.d,ng will be found below~ (a) the text of -Che petition. (b) . the written observations (5f an~') of the local admin1.stration (e) ,the observations of. the Visiting Miseio~. 1:,.. "P!ltition .t:r0~ pap,ji Jamal Kal1~, dated 21 July 1948 •• ( a) Text oí' the peti'tion 3 (b) Observations of the local ~1stre.tion 8 (e) Qbservations oí the V1siting M:tse1on 9 2" Fatition oí Mulla Atta Muhammed, dated 21 July 1948 E 4..... • •• (a) Text oí the petition 10 (b) Observations of the lccC',l adm1nistl"atiol1 12 (o) Observations oí the Visiting Misa10n 14 3" Petition,.2f ;Ahme~•.Iw~' dated 22 July 1948 (a) Text oí the petition 16 (b) Observations .of the local adm:L.listration 22 (e) Observations úf the Vis1ting Misaion 26 4. Pet1tion ~f Moladad Pirandita, datad 24 July 1948 ............ •_ 7 ..... I P 1 (a) Text oí the petition (b) Observetiona of the local adminlstration (e) Observations of the Visiting Misaion 5. :?eti~~on oí, l\~b_~t.~a..z, I4.wa.'ni of Urun~i, dated 25 July 1948 (a) Text of the petition 36 (b) Observations of the local Belgian admlnis.t. tion 42 of Ruanda...Urun,di Observ6tions of the local British administration "'''~'''''"'''''''''~''''''''''''_'_'''''''''''_:_''.'''_''''''''''''lf''·.~~' ~' ,~'l.t~., ~"",.'.• fh.3.'/. ',f~ 'r,Jo:w:#ran~al1yika'r\. H ti AJ.'lOl1Yl1l0US /6. r _ 1" li4 ... ~ _.~.. 2:':' Anonymous Peti'bion" not dl:3t¿~d. rec3ived on 25 July 1948 ...... ... .." " (a) Text or the petition •••••••••• ~ ...... 46 (b) Observations oí the lucnl administration • _ • • .. '47 (e) Observations oí the VL:li ting Miss10n • • • •••• .' 50 Anonymous Petition, dated 31 Ju1y 1948 ~ \ ( a), Text of the petit:ton . .. •• , • lO • • • .. ¡, • • 52 (b) Observations oí' the lccal administration • • • • • • ;6 (e) '. Observations oí th'3 Vielting Mission • ,. •••• • ~ 56 Petition oí GassamunyiGa !'.í'ltthieh, not dated, 8.. r _. • ... t .,.. _....... ti' received on ~ August 1~!18 (a) Text of the petiticn .. ,.. •••••••• .. o • 58 (b) Obseryations oí thE. J.?8a~. aclministration •• .. •• .. 61 (e) Observations oí the iT=~.sit.ing Mission II .. o .. .. •• 61 Petition of Francia ~uk3ba. datod 3 August 1948 9. _ 9 -~~ (a) Text ci the ~etit¡0n . , ..•.•. II .. 62 (b) Observations of -the ·-:.ocal administration • .. ••• I 65 (o) Observations oí the 7~(:dting Mission •• I ..... o 71-. - 10. Petition of Mussa K. Bin lü.ülmbCl.. dated 6 August 1948 ., .. =- -. --.-.- ...- - ......- (a) 'Text oí the petition . ~ • . lit' I•••I• ... 73 (b) Observations oí the looftl o.O'lllinistration . • • .. ., 75 (o) Observations of the ViDiting Mission • • •••• •• 75 11. Petition oí the Tan~any!!~~~8;huy:~ Union, dated 6 August 1948 . (a) 'I1ext of the petitiO:L1 . ~ , •.•••• I•••• ... 76 (b) Observations by the Belgian tocal Authoritiea in Ruanda-Urundi .. • " • . .• .. " . .. 79 • • • . • • .,.• " • Observations by the B~itioh Local Authorities angf.. in T myika Torri.Jeory .. • • • • • • • I I • • • 79 . : - (e) Obaervationo of the Visiting Mis.sion • • • • • • • • 79 12 .. 'Petit:Í.on of Clement Htiiampaqa dated 18 August 1948 -.....0..... .- -.. ~ ................. ... (a) Text of the petition I l' I 80 • • • • • • • • • • • " • .! (1) Ob servations by the ~.oca2. adl11inistration 82 • • • • / • • • (e) Observations .of the Vis:.'cing Mission • • • fi • • • • 82 , . dd /1. Petitio~ T/217/Add.l Page 3 1. Pe,]it1on ~rom :N:~j~ Jamo.l K't'11a., do.ted 21 July 1948 .... reoeived at Usumbura on 22 July 1948. (s,) ~..:x;ta of the y~)::i'tton Pot:tit~n~an<l.of'.. th~ Oral statement (These texts wero tro.nomittod to tho membors of the Truotoeoh1:p Counoil in document T/PET/3/1/Add 2, dated. 6 Auguot 1948). COpy NANJI JAMAL R'ALIA B.P. NO. 77 USUMBURA Uoumbura 210t July 1948 To Tho Hon. General Secmta,ry, Deputation United Nationo, Organiontion of' Soourity Counoil for Mandate TOxT1torieo USUMBURl\. MAY IT PIEASES YOtffi RONOUE, I bog most humbly and res.poctfully, to welcomo Your Honour and other Honourable Membero of' the Commiooion, to 'this MandAte territory and pray tha.t you will be good enough as to consider my this humble application" ,.,.hich states as folloWs: As we have no reliable rep:rooonto.tivo here who oan approach you 'With our grievancos, I bog, now, to approa.ch Your Honour myoel:f', and hope that Your Honour will <lo ovoryth1ng to holp me in this mo.ttor. Some rapresenta.tiw . ' of Indian and Pak1stan10 oommunity ma.y vioit you, but they do not oars to lay our griovances before you. .' That, I Elm roo1d1ng ~d currying on bus1noso in Ruenda. Urund1 for the la~t 29 yeE.4rS, I beg, also, to otnt0 that, I am ma~"riod hore and h~"ro, throo children, during a.11 th10 til110 I hu"rrJt never. left this torritory. • That, according. to COll'lme!'olal raiotakes, whioh happon very. often overywhere, and 'Whi~h I oommi ttod ono by which I 'WaS ordered. to leave this territor;y', I bog to rofer you to CaGe NO. R.P. 120/2743 USA, in 'Whioh you will note all particulars, by which I am ord.orod to leave 'this oountry;, the matter was ~ oommorcial one, and n.ot politioal, and it was not suoh a. serious offenoe, tho.t I deserved 8uch jUdgment. I beB" o.lao, to statatha.t, during m;r stay l:lere, I have n0ver nppearod in Oriminal Court, and naval' oommitte9- any offonco" That, in the above !IlQ,tter, I wo imprisonod o.nd a.lso ordered to pay penalties, and during my term of imprisoX'lIl1ent, I ws served vith oOPY' of the judgment afte:r ninety days, and I wao not allowed to appeal the jua.smant) /aa I was U'$ _40 T!e17/Ad.d.l page 4 as I was told that tho time for apPQal has already barred. That on lD1 raIos-so from. the prisoc, I was s'~rved w~ th a not.ice, to leave Ruanda Urundi w1 thin 60 d.a~l s • I beg, also" to state thatl, it is now 2 yea.rs I am in this trouble" and d.uring which timo I lost my bUf:liiness and I am ruined altogether. I beg, also, to stato that caS0S liko th0SG have also happend, with.other Asiatics here" w'ho aro also ruined and left to the mercy of charity. That, I, also, roquest Your Honour, to go through Case No. 4089 which I filed in Court here, to gut the order of the deportation a.nnulled, but unfortuna.tely· ,my application was dismissed, and I was ordered to leave this c'ountry, within 30 days, and now I am forced, to leave Ruanda Urundi and Congo Belgo. That" Your Honour must 1)0 well aware of the neighbouring countries of this Ruanda Urundi, such as Ugunda, Kenya, and Tanganyika Territories, where thousands Oi' Asiatics commit criminal offences, but are not deported; on minor ofi'~ncJs., and always expect mercy for the first offence. Only old offenders" and J:til birds are being deported, but my offence, here ls the first ono, and it is net such soriou.s that, I should be deported within 30 days. I beg to enclose herewith coples of telegrams, sent to United Nations, Brussols, India, and Pakistan for your kind perueal. I beg also to ref3J:' you, to go through the above case, copies of Which you can obtain from Judicial Depar'tmGnt here, and I request Your Honour that you, and the other members of the commission, will do thoir utmost to help us J as this law of deportation is only fOil Asiatics .. who have already been deported on simple matters. All Asiatics here are eagerly awaiting that your Honour will take such action as to get this Law wnend,ed. It is a hard thing for a person like ~self, who has lived 1n this country for mor~; than 29 years to be ,deported to a place wher.e I know nobo~y and to re-start my menns of' living. As I am an old resident of Ruanda-Urttndi, I beG GO state that I am entitled to citizenship right of here, and also being tha first orfance, I must expect a mercy from the Government, and I hope that Your Honcur and the honourable members of the Commission will takG necessary steps from saving me from farther ruin for Which act of kindnoss, I shall bo ever grateful. I 'beg to remain, Your Honour, Your most obedient and humble servant (signed) Nanji Jamal Kalla !TELlJX}RAM '1'/217/Add.1 Page 5 on my da Urundi ~ted, 6/7/48 1. GENERAL SECRET.\RY ouble, and UNITED NArfIONS ORGANIZATION I beg, 2. REPRESENTATIVE Asiatics GOVERNMENJ:1 OF INDIA 3. REPRESENTATl;TE PAKISTAN GOVERNMENT onulled, LAKE SUCCESS, NEW YORK to leave Urundi UNDERSIGNED RESIDENT OF INDIA PRESENT RESIDIl\U AT USUMBURA RUANDA URUNDI MANDATE UNDER BELGIUM ADMINISTRATION FOR TWENl'YNINE YEARS POSSI~sSIm ~ries of PROPERTIES STOP DUE TO COMMERCIAL FAULT AUTHORITY HERE IMPRISONH.:D AND lea, FINED STOP N01~ DEPORTING ME AND MY FAMILY WiTHIN THIRTY DAYS STOP MANY Leported, DEPORTED ON SIMIT.AR GROUNDS AND STILL CONTINUES STOP PLEASE DO NEEDFUL Only TO PRESERVE B.lJMAN RIGHTS IN MAlITDATE STOP COPIES REPRESEIf,rATlVES HINDUSTAnT lere is AND PAKISTAN GOV-.!£+RJ.'IJIvlli1lTT STOP KINDLY IillRANGE DEFRAY PROPOSED AOTION ~d within DEPORTATION PENDING YOUR DECISION STOP GRATEFUL R]}PLY Wl'RE CARE P.
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