■ ■ -V CHANGES K ] d i HOP, SKIPS AND A JUMP ' OUTDOORS, regulations' AreaA track teams some Magic- , com pete In Filer. SPORTS. B l I^RlDAY flpiitM OOS me;s-J 75 cents — MagkVall^xm — ' States proposi1 lereleasising conivictstoasaveninoney tTTtl. ’Gov. Don would alldival inmates lo ^ \ deduct uuj p to 12 days fmii) Magicvalley.com ; Idaho isiAitconsidBriniIg budget opption ^htstaVsarecon- their sser e n te n c e fo r evor>' {%, .siderlng freeiieing Ininates or month (heytlu follow niles and ' To iVclp budgets. • V ByRayKewy' fm m prison, Includiniling drug liave no choice; becausebi of sending soiiime convicis to work inI pri.son.j liven some sta te s weigh prison Associated Press writof : a d d icts , dileves a n d evenevi vio- huge budget gapsIS bitJiigMb on reliabilitatlonin programs violent ol'feiulersol would be release. Watch the AP video lenl criminals.' by th e sk im p in g economy.ec<: instead of irison,pri acconling ' eligible butbu .nol (hose serving a t Magicvalley.com. I’nOViDI-NCt:. H.l. -— Idaho prisoners, however.ho "If we don’t findind a way U) to an Associaiiaied Press analy- life sentejiiejices. Liivvmakcrs from O ilifomliiiio i!i i will not .‘tec the ontsntside of ■ better manage thele populationp sls'of legislateitive proposals. If • A plann inii M ississipj)i w ould neiiii{i'ling d n ig -ad d icle d in in a ie s Kcniucky nrc iryinj; lo siivsave tlieir prison cells anyly sooner,'s nt the slate prison,'HI, WC will h e a d o p te d , th eearly Ci release pro- offer earlyirly parole for people ln(olo treaimeiil, which is m o n e y w iih a d ra stic iiiiiand Idaho prison officialsssiiid. s:i forced to spendd moneyi lo griinis couldsave s: an esliIna^ convlciediL-d ofsulliiig m.irijuana diuapuaperdian prison. poiL-niiaily clan};LT(His Inidjjudg* Officials In oilierL*r slates ex]}and the state’si’s p riso n sys- ed Sl.'iO m illiolinn in (^liifornla or prescriicription driip. New The pos-sibilii}’ of rufling ci-cuiiiiig proposal: rclLMsiii;isiiiK a ck n o w le d g e lh ai thllu e id e a te m — m o n e y we e don'tdi have," and Kentiick)'yalone.. • . lersey. SoiiiiiSo Carolina and • . tens or liiousiiiids of convicivicis airries risks, but they^ saysii they said )eff Neal, a spoklo k c sm a n fo r A Ilh o d e IslandIs pmixisal VerinoniII arc a considering fun- P lease!3se se e CONVICTSrPage A<1 DilHscovery An;swe;rs f(br aiutisim “lhaimel . re\evisits ahnsori B i ' I b lurdercase ■ ' ByCassCassidy Friedman m > m i Staffiff w rite r • •_________ DiscJlscoverj’ C h a n n e l crevs's \,n hiivcl:/c iaim ciied a w eek o f Him- ing: fffor (he s(oried Sarah ^ •; ‘ lolinscinsonnuirdercase. -niellie uncommon irial of a ■: W i M ' . girl cl wijVwi,.;. with I I. ents ; t"''- rV.-i.'"', hlghli ing sir W illi ygen network and A»C ,.i' nciwoiwork nev\’s. lo iia m e iwt», . s' dw. Discovery Channel, lich will d e b u i a n e w show, '.Solvei»lved," in rtie fall, is I'catur- .. ingthe;tlio\Vootl HiverValley with lecidedly law ontorcernent ll. acco rd in g (o iis p n id u c - Vltli |o h n .so n sv e n lic i now . buiiigng appealed to liic Idaho M(Mr Suprer)rerne Cour( in Miw, ■ ■ 'S f Luke's Magic Valleyr MHe e d iu l C e n te r v olunteer Alex Kiekeiekels, who suffers from autism, dellvej(livers mail Thursday mornlns at the:e hospital1 In Tirin Falls. Nickels' edu< n.ion's defense laxsyers arc . .Ueferome School District :rict is the focus of an autism worksh-kshop happenins today and Saturdaylay IiIn M n Falls. argiilnjlling she was cheaied out ofafai.ifairtrlal.'l'hatsafact. her ner liefense aKorney Hob ' Workshoppuseslocaal Story to aaddress auitismeduccation ighurn says, tiic flimlng P lea se se c JOHNSON. Pnge A3 . ByNatePopplno are grouped logelheIher fn school, a series of■ workshopswc based on rolesL“s of educaiiirs,. parents and . S ta f f w rite r________________ he was*maiiistreJimiiined Inic] the Nickels' educationaledi experi- licaltlilth pnividers should ho in the classroom — somemething thai's ences.Today,ay, ihcy'veallgailieredi lives;s of autisdc students, The M cel Ak'x N ic k d s fo r ihle c firsiI made a profoundi differenced in In l\vin TailsIls ff o ra tw o -d ay Work- goal,ll, I-isher said, is lo properly (ime, nnd all you may getet isi a ills life, said Nofile.tie. who lielps . shop at thuIhu Ilcd Lion Motel, prep;pare such siudonls for adult • l(.TSc“Nn c o m m e n t.", c :ia ‘ for h im as a therapistUr wilh Canyon SpriniT ings. lifein in th e real world. nail fee . T h a i’s OK, said h is sister.:r. TaraI ,1’osilive C onnectionsiins. 'Ihe worksirkshop, which uses I'sIt's so in e lh ln g s h e sa id w as Noflle. Il’s )iisi how h e sayssliello lie . I'o r ir» years. NicNickels, Noftie documentss and examples nevei.'ereasy, bu l has b e c o m e m o re Nickds, 29, is aiilistic.c. Buti n n d tlieir m o lh er., CherylCi I'islier. straight from)m Nickels' scli«»ling " inci.creases force unlike niiiny such suidentsIS whov have crossed ilic coic o u n try giv in g in le ro n ie , focusesfo( on wliai (he Please see AtmSM. Page A3 ) universities ,/ i Disorders posese challenge foior Wendell faminily Thlhe mixed-up braii, i „ totitighten belts People with autismm Of relaled disorders can displojploy a wide array 6f ByJessitessie Bo.incr ByNatePopplno' symptomsa s . Somoiimos strong, sometime!mes weak: Delated Press writer______ staff writer_________________ IjyjW Communication Soclol issuos: ■ BOISOlSi: — The hammer fell Wl-NDl-LL — l\v o yearsrs a{>o. they'd-iiavc Issues; Autlstics t • Common social (hreeyc;e years ago, after the stale been suTTOimded by the bus)nisy, urban environ- can have a hard y ractices and games Boardrd ofc I'ducaiTon clamped • meniofScallle. time expressing o on't make sense or down,'n o (i n stu d e n i tu itio n a n d But on this day, l-.imoii.I, MN ean i a n d .A lay n a ■ H what they want a re n 't inierpreteci feehikes hiki in (he double digils. Lynch play within eyesightu of( milus of farm* H H | lo say, verbally ’ .correctly. Stalelaie universities were told .. land. Of wilh octlcns. y \ ^ ■ to keepeep Idaho higher ediica- llie three seem likc any otheroil family as they I affordable. No more 12 Behavior issuos: 1-; piny basketball in V/endetl's:ll’s McGinnb^ | k ' ‘' ' I L'ent in c re as es like in Autistics may sit 2qq2 ,' ^ n d Ilkenny family, th ey haveive iheirown unKfue '.11 ^ H || Cognitive Issues: 2, o r (h e 10 p e rc cn l ^ ■ 1 Paying attention to i . and stare at >. (juirks. e ase in 2()»:J. No m o re processing InformaliQtion ■ ■ E am on, 12, waff d ia g n o seded aj t a g e 3 w iili sen - objects, rock back relyinging on s(udeni tuition jading / / 1 and forth or , , Koty processing disorder, aI complexco brain con- H jH can be difficult, Icac fees to make up for gaps . to learning Issues.5 /Phjdwu ft^jiathmicolly bang ttieif • |,, .!• dition lhat loads people toI mni; isinterpret every- late funding. hoods on objects. .-yijj, day touch, sound and other!:er sensory informin- [’he message was pretty '1, / \ !■ tion. Meara. 11, has Aspenmerger’s disorder, u . Physical Issues: Like . clear."ir." sa id C liris ■■■' milder x’nriam of autism thathat can cause social , verbal communlcalii3lion, ) Sensory issues: ' Hosenbi^nbaum, execuiive dia'c- and behavioral issues. SH B sometimes autistic:les may Autistics can be lor of tlie Boise State : Alaynu, 9, hasn't displayedidanyslgnsofdisor-' a g S m have a hard time makingm: their bobothered by touch, Uiiiveniveniity budget ollice. I . dcr herself. But variants of outa u tjs m h a v e sh a p ed *t “‘ bodies do whot the>ley want. soundI arand other senses. So) Iheih slate’s three public ji Ijfocb, n , rieht, wbo h si sentoryfpro- prt i' [he family’s lives, both In Wasl/ashinoion state nnd ^ .’ersilles will go to the e e tslaog g ddisorder, pbyt basketball wHh herlir III-t ' f” " "nore " infofmalion about 'Alex's GGit ilf: httpttp://v.wv,la'dybirdcrossing,com/ : ' ' P le a s e s ejeW e V EHDEli, F^ge AS . ter.AIiyrlayna, Tbonday ia WendelL . Plo,Please see FEES, Page M Vt 'mur Service directory . ,E6 C o m i c s . ...........................B7.B7 Horoscope................................A 2 MulualFgnds .........., ............D 5 'High: 60 Low: 35 J fld g o ........................... ; . E 2 ••Crossword ........................... ..E.E3 3 Jumble •................................. .E ll Obiluaries.......................... Calendar .......... Dear.Abby ............................... B8 Magic Valley .............','. .C l Opinion........................................ ’.AC ' BBecomingi mostly cloudy. ■iiiii:io s sitie d s.......................E -12 Garage Sales ........................ E12:i2 ..Movies...............; ................. .C3-4( • Su|do|ku......................................E8 OetallKBS ; ......... .. “ ■ j - V ' : " 7 ^ / ___ ■A2 F«ir,M 4,2008 T t a « 4ftwi,T*inFiit»,l«UhoI : TODAy'SHAPPEPENINGS j m mIMDEHTtHTAINMENT Gallery walk, continucd displaydisi of art of reverse g lass pal Ibrahima Faye, 6 to 8 p.m.,.m ., Jensen Rlngmakers and Galle g FINI ' 109 Main Avo., downtownwn 1Twin Falls, refreshm ents serveirved, 734-• -VI:(ORfiI B • • 8 091.
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