THE Serving Maywood, Bellwood, , Forest Park, Hillside, Vestchester, Broadview, Northlake, Berkeley and Melrose Park HERALD L LIX, No. I THURSDAY, JANUARY 7. 1943 PRICE 5 CENTS News of \ the Week/ 18-Year-Old Registration Totals 301 (Story on page 3) Year Brings Changes, Stories Show (Story Ml pag:e J) War Housing Plans Made by Villages (Story on pagf« 3) lap Army Reports More Prisoners (Story on pact » S"" THE HERALD was held at the home of Mrs. Girl Scouts Celebrate E. L. Marsh following the re- Need Teachers union. Members of the camp Registeration of women eli- Letters from committee joined the councilors. gible to teach in high, grade Camp Lone Tree Reunion Mrs. George Lindgren, chairman or rural schools, will take place All Brownie Campers of the of the camp committee assisted Monday January 11 at Proviso Readers season of 1942 had a picnic lunch Misses Evelyn Gent, Grace Shak- in the dining room. high school. A critical shortage and reunion at Girl Scout head- in, Dorothy Ryan, Shirley Moses, The new training schedule for of teachers has grown from the Save Plates quarters on Tuesday with Mrs. Marilyn Norton, Inez Houder, January is being announced by war emergency. R. M. Headley, program director Doris Zimmermann, Geraldine Mrs. O. J. Parkhurst, chairman Salvage Them of the camp as their special host- Kueck, Ethel Morris, Jackie of training for the area. Group on January 13 for luncheon. Ber- in Junk Rally ess. Miss Grace Shakin was there Cleveland, Florence Schmidt and Leadership classes for those who wyn leaders will meet on Janu- to tell stories and a movie round- Jayne Schmeckebier. A grand have had no previous training ary 6 with Mrs. James Havllk. To the Editor: Secretary of ed out the program. march, games, stories and movies will begin on Tuesday, January Miss Carmen Johnson, who has State Edward J. Hughes this Camp Lone Tree Reunion for made up the program which fol- 5. One class will meet Tuesday been a member of the Lone Tree week requested me, as president all campers of the last season lowed luncheon. Mrs. E. L. and Thursday mornings for four Area Girl Scout staff for more of the Chicago Motor club, to was held on Wednesday at First Marsh, director of the camp, was weeks from 9:30 to 11:30. the than six years, has recently re- take part in a program to col- Presbyterian church house. Coun- in charge of the program. evening class meets each Tues- signed in order to join the lect 1942 ]ic'nse plates for sal- A tea for the camp councilors day at 7:30 p.m. until 9:30 for cilors Were present as follows: WAACS. She has been inducted vage. eight weeks. At the conclusion of and is waiting for orders to leave. this training leaders are ready There are approximately two Miss Johnson has been a-field million pairs of 1942 license to lead or assist in a troop as an secretary and is well known in accredited Girl Scout Leader. plates in the state of Illinois, YOUR MONEY ... this town and throughout the each pair weighing about a Advanced training for experi- area. She has been a member of pound. If the majority of these INVESTED IN A HOME enced leaders will be presented the camp staff and director of plates were delivered to the local WILL PAY YOU LARGER DIVIDENDS as follows: Monday nights for the Lone Tree Area Brownie salvage committees throughout Brownie Leaders will be held camp. Select Your Home Now from Our Complete Listings Illinois, they could be converted Before Prices Advance throughout January 4, 11, 18 and almost at once into very high 25. A diploma will be issued At Great Lakes grade steel. I know that every DAYIES REALTY CO to all those completing the four From now on, Sam Herman owner of a motor vehicle in Pro- training sessions. The hour is Heinrick, 1917 South 23rd avenue, 1209 S. 5th Ave. (Since 1899) May wood 162 viso would wish to Co-operate in 7:30 to 9. Maywood, will be a bluejacket in this patriotic program, and I Intermediate and Senior Lead- the U. S. Navy. He reported this would deeply appreciate your co- ers will have advanced training week as a naval recruit and will operation in bringing the sugges- during January when each town be taught the fundamentals of tion to the attention of the citi- is holding a local meeting of lead- seamanship at the U. S. Naval zens of Illinois through the chan- DRYCLEANIHG MAKES ers in the town. These meetings Training station located here on nels of your newspaper. are scheduled as follows: Oak the shores of Lake Pend Oreille, I have given my approval to Park leaders will meet at the one of the largest fresh water the program and the club will CLOTHES home of Mrs. O. W. Darrah at 9:30 lakes in the country. enter into the campaign at once. a.m. on January 13. The evening After several weeks of training, The secretary of state has an meeting on that day will be held during which he will learn to con- excellent idea here and one that LAST at the home of Mrs. Elmer duct himself in the traditional should appeal to all motorists. Krueger. Maywood leaders will style of a man-o-war's man, The salvage boxes placed at LONGER meet on January 15 at 7:30 with Heinrich will be graduated and the various branch offices of the ; Mrs. J. S. Blair. Forest Park proceed to either a navy service club throughout Illinois will be leaders will meet with Mrs. Har- school, where he will be instructed convenient places for receiving Curtailed budgets Mid old Hosier at 7:30 on January in a specialized field, or join the these license plates. curtailed wardrobes call 12. Riverside leaders will meet U. S. fleet at sea. CHARLES M. HAYES. President, Chicago Motor Club. for added care in making your clothes last longer. Service in All Matters Under Illinois Have your suits cleaned Motor Vehicle Law Drive Ends frequently. You'll wear Svithiods Raise them with pride ... AUTO LICENSE BUREAU .$912 in Benefit longer! OU^kT^SC. CHAUFFEUR To the Editor: The contimittee rri W I Wd WHILE-U-WAIT for the Svithiod's "Help win the •. war" benefit program, held a? •EVANS WAY PROCESS" CLEANING PAYS' the Proviso township high school' COMPLETE SERVICE auditorium, Wednesday, Novemj RELIABLE ber 18, are happy indeed, to re- Application Typewritten, Notarized, port that the drive has been veryv Plate Pickup, Etc. successfully completed. The ben- EVANS CLEANERS efit programs, held in thirty-one cities across the nation, netted a AND DYERS total of $14,500, which will pur- (EST. 1912) ALBRIOHT chase nine fully equipped ambu- 703 S. 5th AVE. INSURANCE lances and $1,000 worth of addi- fSIO MADISON ST. 1200 LAKE ST. 2714 ST. CHARLES ROAD BELLWOOD tional medical supplies. This PHONES—MAYWOOD 8600-8601-530 MELROSE PARK 8300 MTEYENINGS, TOO amount has been turned over to 203 MARENGO AVE, FOREST 4898 the War department in Washing- ton, D. C, and May wood's part was a net total of $912. I We take this opportunity to extend a heartfelt "Thank you" to the advertisers in our souvenir program, also Mr. Tallmadge and the high school band, the Maywood Players, Mr. Pepich and the Aeolian Choral associa- tion. Miss Roberta Holmer, Earl K. Broberg, Louis Nelson, and everyone who took part in mak- ing the program an outstanding success. Sten Sture Lodge No. 32, Independent Order of Svithiod, NELS G. LUNDGREN. REMEMBER! Chairman. The same high standards of service which we Have so effectively Another Year Thank You rendered in the past are available to you during these times of for Service To the Editor: Another yea?? changing conditions. has rolled around and the officers and members of the Maywood conclave Na 31, True Kindred of llinois, wish to express to you their sincere gratitude for the services you have rendered to us STORAGE-MOVING-PACKING-SHIPPING and for every courtesy shown us during the year. FRED SLAVIK, SECURE-RELIABLE-INEXPENSIYE-CONYENIENT Secretary. Entertain at Tea Miss Nancy Nelson and Miss Dolores Chappell entertained twenty-seven of their friends at 8T0RAGI an informal tea in the home of and VAN a FOLDING CHAIRS Mr. and Mrs. L. Nelson of 406 fac^^ South 18th avenue; Maywood, on and TABLES Wednesday of last week. Decora- St or age Rented for All Occasions tions were in red and silver with Delivered and Picked Up mistletoe and holly. Miss Patricia Glerum and Harriet Olmsted poured. Miss Joan Nelson, who Telephone MAYWOOD 3 2 NORTH SIXTH AVE. at MAIN ST. was home for the holidays from Grinnell college, assisted with LOCAL AND LONG PISIANCE MOVING the entertainment. Published Every Thursday by THE HERALD THE PUBLIC PRESS, NO LESS THAN PUBLIC OFFICE. IS A PUBLIC TRUST MAYWOOD 7100 EUCLID 3200 811 South Fifth Avenue, Maywood, III. The Herald serves Maywood, Melrose Parle, Forest Park, Bellwood, Hillside, Westchester, Aroadvlew, Berkeley and North-Lake Village DELIVERED BY CARRIER BOY FOR 15 CENTS PER MONTH THE HERALD Mail Subscription Price AUDIT \ ESTABLISHED 1884 $2.00 in advance in Cook County xB"*'*" / Registered in the United States Patent Office $3.00 par year Outside C«ok County CycutATiyM Entered at the Pose Office of Maywood, Illinois, as Mail Matter of the Second Class For Single Copy, 5 Cents Back Numbers 5 Cents VOL. LVIV, No. I THURSDAY, JANUARY 7. 1943 PRICE 5 CENTS Enters Army War Housing Japanese Army Year Brings The Week Reports 192nd Plans Made Tank Prisoners Changes, in Re View • Five more members of tht by Villages 192nd Tank Battalion, the May- Stories Show Property owners will be inter- wood tank company that left the The issuance of this journal for C.
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