B”H The Chabad Weekly Parshas Eikev Chabad of Beverly Hills Vol. 17 Issue 45 Friday, 19 Menachem Av 5774 / August 15, 2014 409 Foothill Rd. Beverly Hills, CA 90210 one’s family, going out into Candlelighting The Secret of Success Chabadofbeverlyhills.com (Los Angeles) the world and not living a By Mordechai Wollenberg monastic lifestyle. At the Rabbi Yosef Shusterman 7:22 PM The story is told of Hymie, who was same time, we strive to 310-271-9063 remain cognizant of the Friday Mincha: desperate for success in business. higher power that guides He went to the synagogue and 7:35 PM our life, to realize that ulti- prayed devoutly, “G‑d, if You’ll only mately it is not “our own handiwork” help me somehow, I’ll give you 10% LATEST SHEMA: 9:37 AM but that really it comes through of everything I make.” This Shabbat is the 20th of Av, the blessings from Above. We are yartzeit of the Rebbe's father, Rabbi Nothing happened. merely fashioning channels for Levi Yitzchak Schneerson. Shabbat Schedule these blessings to flow through, The next day, Hymie prayed, “G‑d, Previously, in a gathering on Shabbat and vessels to receive them. Tanya 8:45 AM I’ll give you 25% if you help me.” that coincided with Rabbi Levi Yitz- It is this recognition that helps us to chak's yartzeit, the Rebbe spoke about Still nothing. Shacharit 9:30AM remain a little detached, to main- the significance of his father's yartzeit followed by The next day, “G‑d, I’ll make you my tain a certain spirituality even whilst and specifically of it occurring on Shab- Kiddush, 50–50 partner if you just help me out being totally immersed in material- bat. Cholent & a little.” istic concerns. The Rebbe quoted the Talmudic saying that "The death of the righteous is com- Farbrengen Just then his wife came running in to In truth, all too often we are unable pared to the burning of the House of G- the synagogue. “Guess what, Pirkei Avos 6:30 PM to be absolutely sure whether we d." The Rebbe then went on to explain Hymie, we won five million dollars in are onto a good thing in our work- that the true meaning of this statement the lottery!” Mincha 7:15 PM ing lives or whether we are on the is that the tragedy of a righteous per- followed by Hymie turned to the heavens: “Oh, wrong track, whether a particular son's passing is, like the destruction of Seuda don’t worry about it, G‑d, it’s okay, I opportunity or project will yield fruit the Holy Temple, a descent that must or not. Nonetheless, when we real- Shlishit got the money someplace else!” ultimately bring us closer to the building ize that there is a higher power of the Third Holy Temple. This week’s Torah reading de- involved, that our efforts will be Shabbat 8:22 PM The Rebbe then went on to explain that scribes how a person may “say in successful if that is what G‑d ends on this Shabbat there are many reasons [their] heart that ‘my strength and wants, we can feel assured that we to be joyous. It is the Shabbat following the might of my hand made me all are more likely to be running in the Announcements: Shabbat Nachamu - the Shabbat when this wealth.’” The Torah counsels us right direction. to “remember . that G‑d was the we are doubly consoled for the destruc- Kiddush is sponsored by the Becker If anyone ever needed proof of this, tion of the two Holy Temples. That this family in honor of the Bar Mitzvah One who gave you strength to gen- erate wealth.” look at how unpredictable the world Shabbat follows the 15th of Av (known of their son Dean. is. A top executive could be earn- as a very joyous day in the Jewish calen- The story is told of Rabbi Levi Yitz- Yartzheits: Riva Fredrich – Av 20, ing millions one day, and fall from dar) means that it brings completion to chak of Berditchev, who saw a man grace, losing everything, the next. the day. In addition, that it is the 20th of Yitzchak Dafner – Av 20, Jack running breathlessly through the Somebody else, with no experi- Av, a day that will ultimately bring us Gindi– Av 20, Farangiss Faliv – Av marketplace. ence, comes up with a brilliant idea closer to the building of the Third Holy 21, Menashe Garibi—Av 21, Marvin “Why on earth are you running so and becomes a millionaire over- Temple is also a reason to be joyous. Levingston – Av 23, Sara Mareyna – fast?” asked the rabbi. night. The world is described as a The Rebbe also spoke about the impor- Av 26. wheel which is constantly turning, tance of permeating all of our actions “What do you mean, why am I run- Happy Birthday to Dr. Natan like a Ferris wheel. Sometimes we with joy, thus hastening the promised ning so fast? I am hurrying in pursuit find ourselves on the top, other Shaulian, Raymonde Barishman, redemption: of my livelihood!” times on the bottom. When we are Aviel Hezghian, Yehoshua Meir "This joy, consolation and salvation on the top, we have to remember must all be expressed in a revealed way Kushner, Noach Herbst, Yehuda “How do you know that your liveli- hood is in front of you, and you are how easy it is to end up on the and in actuality.... Our action in all areas Leib Sperlin & Levi Menachem running to catch up with it? Maybe it bottom, and that it is due to G‑d’s of Torah and mitzvot (commandments) Ganjian. is behind you, and you are actually providence and kindness that we will speed the realization of the prom- running further away from it!” are prospering, not just through the ised redemption.... the attitude of joy Mazal Tov to the Becker family on “strength and might of my hand.” should also permeate and encompass all Jewish tradition emphasizes toil, the Bar mitzvah of their son Dean. This also enables us to appreciate of these good actions, and this will pursuit of livelihood, supporting more deeply that but for the grace speed the transition of the day of Mazal Tov to Dr. Daniel and Malka This Shabbos, Av 20, marks of G‑d we might be on the bottom, mourning into a day of rejoicing." Ganjian on the upcoming upshernish and to help those less fortunate May this take place immediately, NOW! the 70th Yartzheit of than ourselves. of their son, Levi Menachem. Rabbi Levi Yitzchak (From: L’Chaim #1334) - lchaimweekly.org In this manner, may we enjoy true Schneerson O.B.M., success and prosperity in all mat- GOOD SHABBOS! father of the Rebbe O.B.M. ters. Chabad.org SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Story of the Week: employees, had suddenly ap- Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson peared on his doorstep in the mid- thus emerged unscathed from Sunday 8:00 AM For a long time the Soviet govern- dle of the night and asked that he this particular incident. But the Gemara – Tractate Sanhedrin ment had been carefully scrutiniz- marry them "according to the laws evidence against him continued (men) ing the actions of Rabbi Levi Yitz- of Moses and Israel." It was a very to mount until in 1940, he was chak Schneerson, the Chief Rabbi dangerous proposition: Not only declared an "enemy of the peo- of the city of Yeketerinaslav (and did the Rav not know them per- ple" and exiled to Central Asia. Monday 8:00 PM the father of the Lubavitcher sonally, but in order to conduct a After much suffering he returned Chumash (men and women) Rebbe). A network of spies had Jewish ceremony under a chupa, his holy soul to its Maker, on the infiltrated his synagogue and was ten Jewish men would have to be 20th of Av of 5704 (1944). May observing his every step. Indeed, a found. his saintly memory protect us all. Tuesday 8:00 PM thick dossier of his "crimes" had Within a short time, nine Jews (From: L’Chaim #1334) - lchaimweekly.org Gemara B’Iyun already been gathered. were hastily assembled in Rabbi The truth is that it wasn't all that Levi Yitzchak's home. But where Tractate Kesuvos (men) difficult to substantiate evidence of to locate a tenth? With no other PIRKEI AVOS the Rav's defiance. Nonetheless, option the Rav had taken the bold "By ten Divine pronounce- step of asking the director of the Wednesday 8:30 PM by dint of his courage and ingenu- ments was the world cre- ity, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak had so far housing project to participate. ated" (Ethics 5:1). Halacha and Tanya (women) "Me?!" the man had jumped as if succeeded in avoiding their traps. The letters of the ten Divine Take, for example, the time the bitten by a snake. "Yes, you," Rabbi Levi Yitzchak had answered pronouncements uttered by G- Thursday 10:00 AM government decided to conduct a census in which all Soviet citizens in earnest. Surprisingly, the direc- d give each and every creation Chassidus (women) were asked if they believed in G-d. tor had agreed, and the clandes- its life-force and vitality, bring- Because of the great danger in- tine wedding was held. But who ing it into being from nothing- volved in responding truthfully, knew if this would now be counted ness. Every created entity, Daily against him? many Jews, even observant ones, from the highest celestial Chassidus 6:45 AM– 7:15 AM had planned on answering in the The second witness had also re- negative.
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