University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 2-17-1999 Central Florida Future, February 17, 1999 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, February 17, 1999" (1999). Central Florida Future. 1480. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1480 Jasketball tea1tts re1ttaitt perfect at ho1tte agaitttt f AAC - See Sports A D I G I T A L C I T Y 0 R L A N D O C O M M U N I T Y P. A R T N E R (AOL Keyword: Orlando) www.orlando.digitalcity.com State requests budget documents on expenses SHELLEY WILSON $750,000. The Senate passed this amount STAFF WRITER 1998 Budget Proposal - the only on Oct. 8 of last year. James Smith, Jr., director of This week the State University University Budgets, requested the System is expected to receive the docu~ one questioned in UCF history increase in spending for Activity and mentation it requested from UCF's Service Fees in a memo sent to Ron Student Government on budget alloca­ the ones who said we don't need this In the pas! 20 years, 14 addendum Stubbs, director of Budgets for the State tions. money and that we already have too much budgets have been proposed at UCF. Only University System of Florida, on Dec. 2, "In October we submitted. our adden­ money to spend." two of those budgets were vetoed by 1998. dum budget," said Student Body The requested documentation either the SO president or Student Affairs' The memo said the current budget President Jason Murphy. "Senate and includes expenses through Nov. 30, 1998 vice president. Another budget was not would not meet operational requirements OAF passed this budget and Dr. from the $4.5 million approved budget, granted at all by the state. Murphy's bud­ and local delays did not allow inclusion in Huddleston signed off on the budget. We sources for projected increased revenues, get proposal is the only proposal that the the original budget request. Operating started funding all of the programs we and the Activity and Service Fee Board of Regents/State University System expenses were requested at $725,000 and wanted to and did not hear about this bud­ Committee's minutes from its meetings has bad questions about. non-operating transfers were requested at get not being passed until January. It has on recommendations for implementing The increased revenue for the total been told to us by Tallahassee that they're new programs. Addendum Budget Allocation was MORE,Page2 Student makes his living under water - ,,, ,,------- MARIA CHANDLER As an African­ STAFF WRITER American woman/ I "If you don't want t-0 have close feel we are going encounters with sharks, don't be the first down the path person off the boat," Bret Forbes, 36, a that has been set journalism major at UCF, said. "Sharks will come within 5 or 6 feet of you, which before us. is a great opportunity to get a close-up ~ylvia Mi<hel~ SCH.lie shot." Forbes, who is 5 feet 10 inches tall with a medium build, was diving at San Salvador in the Bahamas where hammer­ head sharks cruise along a wall around 150 feet deep when he got up close and personal with some sharks. "I was at llO feet below the surface, and they were 40 feet below me," Forbes said. "When I first saw them, I got a rush of adrenaline mixed with a bit of fear, but it was an overwhelming feeling to be able .... ·.;.;.;c•·":'''"". to photograph them." ···:~::~>' ':::· It was not until 1988 when his wife African-American StudenteJJnion was scuba certified that Forbes became ' p~i1;,s , Stu(ij7$ prw:am.h9sted interested in underwater photography. on Tuesday f.orA.frican-American "My wife was into photography, and we o di$Cuss thejr .cbangibg roles in both wanted to learn how to take pictures .. ··· soc;~efY: · underwater," he said. ~· "Black w0men: w:here we nave been, Forbes and his wife invested in an ;;:w:Qere,i"Ye ar~: ~d \¥{lere we are gqin.g" underwater camera made by Nikon called '' whs 1~d by three, Udit employees. Each the Nikonos V Underwater Camera p~rs~n. took atdifferenU<;>C>kat the t<?pic; System. "We decided to take turns with 'ihthe. old5:st tMtihg ~'wheve we have been;~ the camera, but I ended up taking it more PHOTO BY SUZANNE FORBF.S to the youngest speaking on ''where we UCF senior Bret Forbes at Stingray City in Grand Cayman Island. than she did," Forbes said with a chuckle. > are going/' "J In 1991, Forbes began entering pho­ ' The evenf•was a part Q:f. UCF's cele- tography contests. That same year he Islands, the second contest he entered, was a construction superintendent of 4) bmti.ou of Black H,istory M9nth. It Wa$ entered the EPIC Underwater Photo Forbes placed second in the wide-angle steel erection for high-rise buildings. He :if attended by abQut 30 people of differing Contest sponsored by Nikon and placed category. Gversaw the setting of beams and the ~ges an~ race§.· At the. end of the cQnfer.. in the top 10. In the Nikonos Shootout · Forbes began taking pictures and held in Cayman Brae in the Cayman submitting them for publication while he PHOTOGRAPHER, Page 3 Swimming with fish Shining Knights Under what conditions Register online to win Find out the steps and School of Communication would you approve a free movie passes to requirements to becoming offers first annual image tuition increase at UCF? Playing by Heart scuba certified. awards. -PAGE 7 . Our weekly Q&A. www.UCFfuture.com February 17, 1999 www.UCFfuture.com Central Florida Future • 2 • Panhellenic proposes More funding needed for clubs FROM PAGE 1 all and we wanted to enhance sure that had to be taken. changes to sorority rush those students. "When the Senate got $25,000 on the memo. "We don't get very accu­ their chunk of money, they KELLY BRYANT Chi Omega, Kappa Sigma, and Stubbs sent a memo back rate information with the uni­ took in account the traditional STAFF WRITER Acacia; Delta Gamma, Sigma to the UCF Student versity pushing us to pass the programs they would fund," he Chi and Fiji; Zeta Tau Delta, Government office, received budget because you never said. "Due to the enormous • Panhellenic's Rush Alpha Tau Omega and Phi Delta on Dec. 9, 1998, stating that at know what the revisions are. amount of wonderful programs Executive Board is currently Theta; Kappa Delta. Delta the time the 1998-'99 operat­ We tried to put the padding in that the students are putting on proposing a few changes to Upsilon, and Pi Kappa Phi; ing budgets were approved, the budget to catch the old this year, the Senate spent all • sorority rush for the fall semes­ Alpha Xi Delta, Lambda Chi UCF was provided a 139 per­ transactions and a lot of that of their money and their ter. The Board would like to see Alpha and Alpha Epsilon Pi; Pi cent increase over 1997-'98 was line item vetoed." accounts went dry. UCF move to a "no frills" rush Beta Phi, Sigma Phi Epsilon and actual expenditures. This addi­ The clubs and organiza­ "It's not the student body • that would Lambda tional request would make the tions requesting funds ha".e president's responsibility to eliminate a Theta Phi. budget over 179 percent from been affected by t~is budget. monitor what the Senate is lot of the the previous year. During the past month, 10 dif­ doing with their money. I think flashiness •A The memo also stated that ferent bills equaling $44, 730 Senate has done an excellent of past rush parties. One change Greek block party has been 'the ending fund balance of the in funding for clubs and orga­ job this year and I'm happy that has already been voted on added to Greek Week. It will be '98-'99 budget was $560,383, nizations have been presented they' re out of money because and passed is the removal of held on Greek Row on March 6. significantly less than the to the Senate. The bills have that means they have given Skit Day. Instead, sororities will The time has not been requested $750,000 additional been delayed because the every club and organization prepare a 10-12 minute video to announced. increase. Based on the increase Senate did not have the money opportunities for funding." be shown on the day that skits provided in August 1998 and to fund all of them at once. Murphy said that the • are usually performed. •Chi Omega visited the the end fund balance, the State When the bills were on their transfer of funds would affect Westchester Retirement Home University System requested third reading at the ninth ses­ the next Student Government •Rush Executive Board has for a Valentine's visit on the documentation to make a sion of Senate, a reserve of administration. • also chosen the J999 Rho Chi February 13. The chapter sere­ recommendation. $50,000 was used to fund these "When the next student team.
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