Knights Of Columbus May 2009 Mater Dei Council #9774 www.geocities.com/materdei9774 Month of Mary GK’s Message brating the Holy Thursday hoping that this will be Knights of Columbus mass. His death left St. the last of the funerals Mater Dei Council Worthy Brother Knights, Raphael’s in shock, disbe- for Brother Knights this lief, and sadness. Thou- year. As we enter the sands of parishioners and Inside this issue: month of May, we experi- On a brighter note, mourners came to the GK’s Message 1 enced a lot of change two of Brother Knights, Vigil Mass on Easter within our Council. Some George Prokop and Jack DD’s Report 2 Monday and the Funeral of that change was good; Phillips, both widowers, Mass on Easter Tuesday to In Memoriam 3-4 a lot of that change we happily remarried to two pay their final respects. experienced was difficult. new wives in private Officers 5 It’s still strange not seeing On Holy Thursday, our ceremonies. We at Ma- him at mass or hearing one St Paul, Divine Mercy 6 Chaplain, Brother Knight, ter Dei Council wish of his jokes after mass. Calendar 7 and pastor of St. Raph- both George, Jack, and ael’s, Fr. William Finch, On the same day that their new brides, happi- Pope on Mary died suddenly after cele- Father Finch was being ness in their new mar- mourned, we lost another riages. The covenant with Israel was like a period of courtship, a Brother Knight, Lloyd long engagement, then came the definitive moment, the mo- In April, we also ment of marriage, the establishment of a new and everlasting Welter. Lloyd was not welcomed three new covenant. As Mary stood before the Lord, she represented very active in Mater Dei members to our Council. the whole of humanity. In the angel's message, it was as if Council, but he did spend Both Babu Davis and God made a marriage proposal to the human race. And in his career working for Michael Araman are our name, Mary said yes. Catholic Relief Services. members of St. Raph- In fairy tales, the story ends there, and all 'live happily Lloyd was also very active ael’s, and Rafael ever after.' In real life it is not so simple. For Mary there in the Community Minis- Aguirre-Sacasa joins us were many struggles ahead, as she lived out the conse- tries of Rockville during quences of the 'yes' that she had given to the Lord. [...] council from Our Lady his few years of retire- of Mercy. Welcome to Throughout her trials she remained faithful to her promise, ment. sustained by the Spirit of fortitude. And she was gloriously Mater Dei Council, and I rewarded. This year, I’ve at- hope to see you more Dear young people, we too must remain faithful to the 'yes' tended the funerals of five often over these next that we have given to the Lord's offer of friendship. We Mater Dei Brother few months. know that he will never abandon us. We know that he will Knights: Bob Cassin, Ken Despite all the sad- always sustain us through the gifts of the Spirit. Mary ac- Sullivan, PGK Chet cepted the Lord's 'proposal' in our name. So let us turn to her ness we experienced in Kasprzak, Father Finch, April, we did have an- and ask her to guide us as we struggle to remain faithful to and Lloyd Welter. On the life-giving relationship that God has established with other successful Blood May 6, we will have the each one of us. She is our example and our inspiration, she Drive on April 18. intercedes for us with her Son, and with a mother's love she inurnment ceremony of Thanks again to Mike shields us from harm. PGK Chet Kasprzak at Donahue for organizing - Pope Benedict XVI, July 20 2008 Arlington Cemetery. I am another great blood Page 2 May 2009 The Blue Mantle drive, to Tom Sherman and Joe Either way, I hope that many of you We finish up the month of Doane for helping out at the front can show up to the meeting to take May with a fun event: the Poker table, and to the 28 donors who part in the election of your new of- and Bridge Tournament in the St. were able to donate a pint of ficers. Raphael’s Duffy Center on Thurs- blood. May is also Special Olympics day, May 28th at 8:00PM. Many This month, more change is in Month, and Mater Dei Council will Mater Dei card-playing luminaries the air as we elect the new Mater once again help out. On May 24th, should be there including PGK Pat Dei Council Officers in the May we will man the grills at the Special DeGraba, Eric Gregrich, and hope- 14th election. The election takes Olympics Barbecue at the Potomac fully PGK Wil Adams. Hopefully, place at the Business Meeting at Community Center. On May 27th, we’ll see you there too. St. Raphael’s school. We are we return to Potomac Community scheduled to meet at 8:00PM in Center to serve ice cream to the Fraternally, the Youth Center, but the location Special Olympics Athletes after Bob McCaffrey, GK of the election may change de- their final meeting before the Mary- Mater Dei Council 9774 pending on what room we can get. land Special Olympics. phase. We move forward with a col- As a member of your Council in lection of activities to complete our good standing, you have an important program plans for the current year, right to elect the new leaders in our and plan for the beginning of each Order. Take this right, and duty, se- new administration. Of course, riously. So, I recommend all to re- many hands are needed. Please con- flect on the candidates carefully and tinue to support your Council’s ac- support those who will lead your DD’s Report DD’s By E. Roberto Ibáñez, DD #18 tivities. Councils to an even higher level of We need to choose those who performance; make an extra effort to My Brothers all, will lead our Councils in the coming attend your Council meeting on elec- May is a glorious time of the fraternal year. I am aware of the tion night, and participate in shaping calendar: hard work Nominations Committees the new fraternal year. It is the month of Mary. As chil- at each of our Councils, forming a Along with May comes the 111th dren, we crowned Mary as our slate of officers to lead each council Maryland State Convention in Ocean queen in beautiful ceremonies each during the new fraternal year, sched- City, this year to be held May 15th year – as many of our children still uling installations of new officers, through the 17th. Come on early and do today. Let us as Knights also and planning activities for the new see your Grand Knight’s athletic crown her in our hearts as our Columbian Year. Let me send an abilities while he participates in the Queen and renew our pledge of fe- open invitation to all our members: “BEACH OLYMPICS.” Bring the alty and devotion to her. The Rosary if you are interested in taking a lead- entire family! Your Grand Knight has is a very good way to reach Mother ership role in the finest Catholic fra- information about dates, schedules, Mary and then Her Son. Say a Ro- ternal service organization in the times, etc. I look forward to seeing sary as often as you can. Try to in- world, and are a Third Degree many of you there. stitute the praying of the Rosary Knight (or will be at the time of the prior to the beginning of your Busi- election), let your Nominating Com- ness Meetings, or continue doing it, mittee know of your interest, or give Fraternally, if your Council already has this the startle of the year to your Grand E. Roberto Ibáñez, PGK most worthy practice. Knight or Financial Secretary by giving them a call. Let them know District Deputy No. 18 This is also the month when (as of your interest. You’ll never regret "We are Called to Serve" the fraternal year draws to a close), it. our Councils enter a transition Page 3 The Blue Mantle In Memoriam priests, and over 1500 people, some George William Finch was born on of whom had to stand outside for the April 9, 1954, in Washington DC. He Fr. Bill Finch 1954-2009 mass. Father Lee Fangmeyer, Pastor grew up in Southern Maryland and On Holy Thursday, Father G. Wil- at St. Francis of Assisi and a seminar- was raised in the Baptist faith. He liam Finch died of a heart as he was ian classmate of Father Finch, said the attended Charles County Community returning to the church after he fin- homily at the funeral mass. Father College. He converted to Catholicism ished celebrating the Washing of the Fangmeyer had to pause many times after he met nuns while doing con- Feet in the Trumpet Room. As the during his homily to contain his emo- struction work on a Carmelite monas- priests returned to the sanctuary after tions. tery. He was ordained to the priest- the mass, Father Finch said he wasn’t Father Finch was named pastor of hood at the Basilica of the National feeling well. The priests led him into St. Raphael’s in 2002, and since then Shrine of the Immaculate Conception the church and laid him down below he greatly improved the parish.
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