fern 1i-30<f hWà 111 IM i :J i w ISSUE NQI APRIL* bl FREE TO SI'S PUBLISHED UNDERGROUND-FOR AND BY GPS AT THE FORT ORD MILITARY COMPLEX iiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiitiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiQiiiiiiiiiii A NEWSPAPER FOR SERVICEMEN THIS IS YOURS NO ONE CAN TAKE TMS AWAY FfcOAA YOU Travel TOUR #1 Quick Action-packed 12 Month THIS COPY IS YOUR, PRIVATE PROPERTY Trip to the Exotic and Exciting EVEU âl'S HAVE CONSTITUTIONAL rUSHTS FAR EAST (VIETNAM) TOUR #2 13 months in Korea TOUR #3 Hawaii - Japan • Okinawa TOUR #4 Hunt and Fish in Alaska T'RniK/IN^ 1)-RV TOUR #5 Serve in the Sunny Caribbean ) s/ ALL EXPENSES PAID For full details see your unit travel agent (RE-ENLISTMENT NCO) FOR M one i Hf». f4ii s.f. £Z/-Z/VZ r-uptight the brass MAKE RESERVATIONSTODAY Work togefh IIMTERVIE FLASH!, EN MONTEREY!! ! ! Interview with Mrs. Trecethen mother of Ernest Trefethen one i inselinq Center will be of the Presidio 27 .beina tried »round May 1, 69 .in 1 for "MUTINY ;! ! ! '. Monterey. It's pur­ pose will be to counsel GI's What we.s your soi'» sent to the on C Lcations. To direct stockade .'or: A.WGL, was serv­ to Legal, suirttural and ing a 6 month sentence. nsychiatriatic del:, with-in the What was your reaction to tha area. This is a cooo orwuect news of the protest? Well I was with local groups, and S.c\ never informed ny the Artnv, X sroups sending down ...ull tinte read about, it. îri the newspaoer. counselors, clercrvmen, What is your opinion of your •ers. Lt will be a clearing sons action? He was doino what >r GI Newspapers, Anti- he tnouohi was riant and i woul< rer lit, local group activities, do the same if 1 were in his md down to earth. , true info nosition. in what is really happing. Took 'What is your oninion od MJÏÛ CAr< SUPPORT THE PRESIDIO 27!! The Military, certainly recoonizinq the- .n our nfxt issue comino out JUSTTOE? r'rom what I can see 1 implication of mass GI peace demonstrations, is attempting to silence ;oon for more info. dont see i;ow the MM if can T GX Protest Movements through intimidation by imposing extaordinary it Mutiny. charoes and punishments on the Presidio demonstrators. What will be your actions if CHECK THIS OUT your son is sentenced? Go to The Presidio 27 were charged with Mutiny for gently protesting a •For info on where vou can pick Hierher courts. stockade guards senseless slayino of a friend by sitting together up copies of this newspaper anr 1 •that did your son no before and singing, "America the Beautiful" and "We Shall Overcome." The others, fine , info on local GI cam^ into the A-vM^? He wrote first three men convicted on these charges received an average of rtteetifurs, Contact Peler at: Poetry ano Painted. fifteen years hard labor. These harsh and unfair sentences, following .•375-9638 .»i'.at nein can the Public oive the spread of GI war protests last fall, makes it obvious that the you2 T\-> Icentify with what Army is useing fear to prevent GIs from exercising their legai richits »»»«»»THERE ARE OTHER;;»****•» ?se to demonstrate against the war 14 of these men are now on boys are ^oinc thru. Have vou read the latest copy trial at Port Ord, are we going to let the Army do this of the "79<t SPREAD" Well bo.. ARMY REGULATION 600-20,-PARAGRAPH 46 PREMITS SERVICEMEN TO PARTICIPATE IN The-/ are definitiv with us.. DEMONSTRATIONS WHICH ARE LEGAL, NONVIOLENT, OFF MILITARY RESERVATIONS ANO NOT IN ON SALS JUST ABOUT EVF.RYV*IBRE A FORIEGN COUNTRY- - - SO LONG AS AN INDIVIDUAL SERVICEMAN IS OUT OF UNIFORM BRING THE TROOPS HOME NOW! AND IS NOT REQUIRED TO BE PRESENT FOR DUTV AT TH£ TIMF FREE THE PRESIDIO 27! STATE KIB 818 S MADJSQN. :JX 5370P Even Presidio MPs are flashing F.T.A! the 'V sign Friday, April 4, 1969 By George Jonnson SAN FRANCISCO- Leafleters for the April 6 Gl-Civilian Easter Peace March returned to the Presidio Army base Sat­ urday, March 29, after being physically attacked by MPs a week earlier. This time, the brass had changed tactics. The week earlier, they had not prevented leaf­ M £ Sis *r hJ I U£SIMYS leters from entering the base, and the attack seemed to stem primarily from panic. This time, the entire 30th MP Battalion was mobilized in battle gear — including gas masks, riot batons and camouflaged U A//7BR/thA/ d f~/u/lC/•/ helmets —for a caravan of 10 cars which held 30 people, most of them girls. At the main Presidio gate, an NCO C'FfHlli£LL&- F/Z FlN\<LLi A/ was telling newsmen to wear their identi­ fication so they wouldn't get hurt. Or­ IN S.F. ganizers of the march, who had been told of the 30th's alert by friendly GIs, felt the brass was trying to stage a bloody "confrontation" to use as an excuse to keep GIs from the April 6 march. (Army Regulation 600-20 allows GIs to take part in marches and rallies off duty, out of uniform, and if there is no possibility of violence. ) They decided not to give the brass the handle they needed to prevent mass GI participation, and after being denied permission by a Lt. Emperor to ride through the Presidio, which is an open base, they left. They then prepared a special leaflet for Presidio GIs explaining what had happened and telling the 30th MPs the brass was responsible for their extra duty, not the leafleters. Later, leafleters who had been distributing this leaflet to GIs on the base were apprehended by members of the 30th who took their leaflets and apologized for ROUGH STUFF. MPs at San Francisco's Presidio force Ted Walker, antiwar having to escort them off base. activist, against car, grab his leaflets and handcuff him. Walker was there with The MPs said they already had their others from antiwar movement to let GIs on base know about April 6 GI- own personal leaflets and copies of Task civilian antiwar march on Presidio. Force (a Bay Area GI antiwar newspaper) in their foot lockers. They would be with the march and rally (at the main Presidio gate j, one of them said, even if they were Military cops at Presidio physically on the other side of the gate. They expected to be alerted again. When the leafleters left, the MPs flashed the "V sign from their jeep. hassle antiwar leafleters iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiMiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiii niuiimim Pvt. Andrew Pulley By Deb by Woodroofe place his leaflets on top of the car. Walker SAN FRANCISCO, March 25 - Mili­ replied, "If 1 do that, the leaflets wall blow |Army keeps the heat tary Police at the Presidio army base away and you'll probably arrest me for tO o roughed up antiwar leafleters here March littering." At that, he was surrounded by 22 who were taking part in a campaign MPs, shoved against his car. and hand­ eus sponsored by the Gl-Civilian Easter Peace cuffed. Ion Ft. Jackson GIs 0) ™ March Committee to inform GIs at the Another demonstrator. Ken Shilman, edi­ x n base about the April 6 demonstrations. tor of the GI paper Task Force, saw j COLUMBIA, S.C., April 3-The Ft. a "riot" which could have sent the men The campaign, known as "harass the Walker being harassed. He approached j Jackson Nine are still confined, four in marauding through the post brandishing m brass day," began with an antiwar car the MPs and demanded that they stop : their barracks and five in the stockade boots and broomsticks. caravan. Fifteen cars, covered with ban­ beating Walker. Shilman was struck with [ under maximum security. a stick and charged with assaulting an In the past week, two other activists of ners, posters and bumper stickers publi­ The nine soldiers have been associated z officer. Ed Arno, a KPIX newsman who GIs United have been victimized, giving cizing the April 6th demonstrations, drove j with GIs United Against the War in Viet- had accompanied the caravan, was film­ further evidence for the belief—widely held around the city for an hour and then | nam, a predominantly black and Puerto ht ing the scuffle. The MPs were a little late here —that the commander of Ft. Jackson, headed for the Presidio. Although it had i Rican group of Ft. Jackson servicemen, o in noticing him, but when they did, they Gen. Hollingsworth, in concert with the been expected that MPs would be waiting threw a cap over his camera lens, told i They were arrested March 20, following Pentagon, is out to destroy the organi­ at the gates to turn the caravan away, him he had no right to film and continued ! an orderly discussion meeting held on the zation. Pvt. Joe Goodman of Queens, New there was no confrontation and the cars jo push Walker and Shilman around. j post by more than 100 GIs. Five days York, with only eight months of time drove straight onto the grounds of the ; later, the nine were formally charged with remaining to be served, has received orders o open base. Walker and Shilman were held at MP | a variety of fabricated "crimes," including headquarters for two hours. They de­ to go to Vietnam. This in itself is highly The caravan was joined immediately j "disrespect to a commissioned officer,""will- irregular, but, in addition, Pvt. Goodman u manded their right to call a lawyer and i fui disobedience to a superior officer," by a military escort.
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