INDEX Adelheilige, 88–89, 95 ceramic vessels, 41–49 adolescence, adolescentia: defi nition child, childhood: accidents during, of, 127–134, 151–53; employment 112–14; constructions of, 37, during, 156–58; male, 128, 130–31, 89; education during, 92, 224; 157–72 employment during, 23, 104–04, 127, ageism, 234–37 157; esteem for, 70–71; initiation of, age of responsibility, 136–49 42–50, 129–130; prodigy, 93–96; ages of man, 3, 129, 152, 229–31; status of, 21, 24, 61, 66–68, 80–82; cohorts, 247–49; see cildhad, cnihthad, unbaptised, 32–33, 62–63. See also fulfremeda wæstm, geogoð, and yld cildhad, fosterage, pueritia Alfræði Íslenzk, 230 Christianity, 18–20, 31–48, 61–67, 87, Alfred, king of Wessex, 222 216, 229, 236 Alþingi, 82, 95, 132, 152, 159, 267, chronological age, 4–5, 110, 129–30, 295–96 134–37, 244–50, 261, 271–83 Andreas. See under Old English poetry cildhad, 207, 212. See also childhood, Athelstan/Aðelsteinn, king of England, pueritia 61 cnihthad, 207, 212. See also adolescence, Árni Þorláksson, bishop of Iceland, 88 adolescentia Ælfric, Homilies, 33–34; ‘Parable of the cognitive age, 4, 209; cognitive Vineyard’, 206–08 development, 207–13, 288–95 baptism, 32–33, 61–64 Denmark, 247 barn, 109–10, 231 Deor. See under Old English poetry Beowulf. See under Old English poetry dependency, 10, 52–53: in old age, biological/sexual age, 4–5, 23, 110, 239–42, 249–50, 252–54, 262–63, 143–45, 207–08, 231–34, 243–45, 298–300; úmætr/ómagar, 232–33, 249, 256–57, 261 252, 263; veizlusveinn, 82 bishops, 87–126: childhoods of, 12, disability, 29–36, 50–53, 107, 232 91–102; deaths of, 272–77; miracles Durham Proverbs. See under Old English by, 103–26 poetry Bj‡rn Gilsson of Hólar, bishop of Iceland, 273–75 elli, 231–32, 255–56 Brandr Sæmundarson of Hólar, bishop England, 237: Apple Down, of Iceland, 274–75 Sussex, 27; Barrington, Edix burial, 64: child, 5, 19–36, 38–56, 59, Hill, Cambridgeshire, 24, 27, 68–71; Christian, 39–41, 54–56, 29–30; Barton-on-Humber, 64–68; customs, 25–36, 245–46; North Lincolnshire, 31; Beckford, ‘eavesdrip’, 31; food in, 35–36, Hereford and Worcester, 29; 41–50; inhumation, 5–6, 39–40; Brandon, Staunch Meadow, Suffolk, location of, 65–67; of pregnant 31; Christ Church Spitalfi elds, women, 21, 63–64; ship (Oseberg), London, 248–49; Doncaster, South 67; of the unbaptised, 62 Yorkshire, 248; Finglesham, Kent, byskupa sögur, 11, 87–126; Guðmundar saga, 19; Flixborough, Lincolnshire, 31; 96–98; Jóns saga, 95–96, 101, 273–75; Great Chesterford, Essex, 19, 26; Laurentius saga, 98–99, 101; Páls saga, Hartlepool, Tyne and Wear, 25, 278–81; Þorlaks saga, 90–94, 101, 272, 31; King’s Worthy, Hampshire, 275–82 29; Marina Drive, Bedfordshire, 306 index 24, 35; Monkwearmouth, Tyne Haraldr hárfagri, king of Norway, 61 and Wear, 25; Nazeingbury, Essex, Håkon, king of Norway, 61 25, 34; Norton, Cleveland, Tyne Hávámál. See under Old Norse poetry and Wear, 26; Raunds Furnells, Heilagra manna sögur, 87, 89–102; Northamptonshire, England, 31, Ambrosius saga byskups, 96–98, 101 246; St Mary’s, Lincoln, 31; Sutton hell, 62 Hoo, Suffolk, 20; West Heslerton, Hungrvaka, 273, 275–76 North Yorkshire, 30; Whithorn Priory, Dumfries and Galloway, 32; Worthy Iceland, 2, 11–14, 73–102, 265–84: Park, Hampshire, 34; York Minster, Hólar, 87–88, 94–94, 98, 100, 102, York, 245–46 104–09, 118; Skálholt, 87–94, 100, eorl, 211, 218 102, 104, 107, 119; Þingeyrar, 87 Icelandic Homily Book/Hómilíubók, 230 family, structure of, 24, 238–39 ield. See yld fathers, 144–46, 155–61, 224 impairment, 18, 28–32, 52–53 fornaldarsögur, 152: Ketils saga hængs, infants, infancy, infantia, 129. See under 158–60, 163; Þorsteins saga Víkingssonar, child, childhood 159–60, 163–65 inheritance, 138–40, 184–90 fortitudo, 207, 218–20 iuventus, 129, 207 Fortunes of Men, The. See under Old Ísleifr Gizurarson of Skálholt, bishop of English poetry Iceland, 87, 272 forwerode ealdnyss, 207 Íslendingasögur, 8, 85, 87, 227–29: Egils fosterage, fostering, 11, 61, 73–86, 91, saga, 73, 75, 154–66, 234–35, 243, 211, 224, 238 285–304; Eyrbyggja saga, 99; Finnboga fostr, fóstra, 76, 83 saga, 76; Gísla saga, 11, 76, 82–86; frumvaxti, 110, 231 Grettis saga, 99, 153–55, 160–61; fulfremeda wæstm: characteristics of, Grœnlendinga saga, 99–100; Hrafnkels 222–24. See also frumvaxti, middle age Saga Freysgoða, 217–18; Kormáks saga, fulltíða, 3 99, 285, 302; Laxdæla saga, 231, function, 9–10, 14, 52; functional age, 4, 269–76; Njáls saga, 73, 75, 77, 82, 23, 231, 249–50, 261 233, 267–70, 284; Vatnsdœla saga, 74–75 gamall, 231, 260 games, 23, 161–63; martial games, Jón Ögmundarson of Hólar, bishop and 142–43 saint of Iceland, 88, 92, 94–96, geogoð, giogoð, 207, 212. See also juventus; 103–26, 273, 275; translation of, 104 youth Gizurr Ísleifsson of Skálholt, bishop of karl, 110 Iceland, 272 Ketill Þorsteinsson of Hólar, bishop of grandmothers, 167–204 Iceland, 273 grave goods, 6, 11, 21, 23–24, 39–53, Klængr Þorsteinsson of Skálholt, bishop 68, 245, 250–51: amber as, 50–53; in of Iceland, 272, 276 child graves, 23–24 kolbítr, 157–58, 165 gravitas, 129, 225 konunga sögur, 87 Grágás. See under laws Greenland, 247 Landnámabók, 281 Grænlendinga þættr, 280 Laurentius Kálfsson, bishop of Iceland, guardianship, 79–86 88 Guthlac A. See under Old English poetry laws, 7: Anglo-Saxon, 32–33; Guðmundr Arason of Hólar, bishop Borgarþing Law, 48; canon law, of Iceland, 88, 91–94, 103–26, 273; 63–68; Frostaþing Law, 3, 49, 64; translation of, 104 Grágás, 8, 11, 73–74, 77–81, 132, 134–37, 237, 240–41; governing Hallr Teitsson of Skálholt, bishop of dependents, 77, 237–41, 252–53; Iceland, 275 Gulaþingslög, 252; Járnsíða, 240–41; .
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