Appendix A Biology Database Searches and PTO Table APPENDIX A Biology Database Searches and PTO Table 1. Special-Status Plants and Animals with Potential to Occur in the Trimble and Agnews Study Areas 2. California Natural Diversity Database Report 3. California Native Plant Society Plant List 4. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Species List Trimble and Agnews Municipal Groundwater Wells A-1 ESA / 201900966.03 Initial Study A. Biology Database Searches and PTO Table This page intentionally left blank Trimble and Agnews Municipal Groundwater Wells A-2 ESA / 201900966.03 Initial Study A. Biology Database Searches and PTO Table TABLE BIO-1 SPECIAL-STATUS PLANTS AND ANIMALS WITH POTENTIAL TO OCCUR IN THE TRIMBLE AND AGNEWS STUDY AREAS Status Federal/State/ Potential Occurrence in Scientific and Common Names CRPR Geographic Distribution Habitat Requirements Project Area Plants Astragalus tener var. tener --/--/1B.2 Southern Sacramento Valley, northern San Alkali playas, on adobe clay in valley and foothill Low; no suitable habitat within study areas. Alkali milk-vetch Joaquin Valley, east San Francisco Bay Area. grassland, vernal pools on alkaline soils; below Considered extirpated from Santa Clara County. 60 meters above MSL. Blooms March - June Atriplex depressa --/--/1B.2 Western and eastern Central Valley and Alkaline clay soils in chenopod scrub, playas, Low; no suitable habitat within study areas. Brittlescale adjacent foothills on west side of Central Valley. valley and foothill grasslands, meadows and seeps and vernal pools on alkaline, clay soils; below 320 meters above MSL. Blooms April - October Atriplex minuscula --/--/1B.1 Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley, Butte Sandy alkaline soils in chenopod scrub, playas, Low; no suitable habitat within study areas. Lesser saltscale County and from Merced County to Kern valley and foothill grassland; 15-200 meters County. Also recorded from Don Edwards NWR above MSL. in Alameda County. Blooms May - October Centromadia parryi ssp. congdonii --/--/1B.1 East San Francisco Bay Area, Salinas Valley, Alkaline soils in annual grassland, on lower Low; ruderal areas at both Trimble and Congdon’s tarplant Los Osos Valley. slopes, flats, and swales, sometimes on saline Agnews study areas provide marginally soils; below 230 meters above MSL. suitable habitat. Nearest extant CNDDB Blooms May – October record is 1.5 miles northwest of Agnews site and 3 miles northwest of Trimble site. None observed during 2020 ESA site visit. Chorizanthe robusta var. robusta E/--/1B.1 Coastal central California, from San Mateo to Coastal bluff scrub, coastal dunes openings in Low; no suitable habitat within study areas. Robust spineflower Monterey County. cismontane woodland, on sandy soil. Blooms April - September Chloropyron maritimum ssp. palustre --/--/1B.2 Coastal northern California, from Humboldt to Coastal salt marsh, tidal salt marsh; below Low; no suitable habitat within study areas. Point Reyes bird’s-beak Santa Clara County, though presumed 10 meters above MSL. extirpated from Santa Clara County. Blooms June - October Eryngium aristulatum var. hooveri --/--/1B.1 South San Francisco Bay area, South Coast Vernal pools; 3-45 meters above MSL. Low; no suitable habitat within study areas. Hoover’s button-celery Ranges in Alameda, San Benito, Santa Clara, Blooms June - August and San Luis Obispo Counties, though presumed extirpated from Santa Clara County. Extriplex joaquinana --/--/1B.2 West edge of Central Valley from Glenn County Chenopod scrub, alkali meadow, playas, valley Low; no suitable habitat within study areas. to Tulare County. Also reported from Monterey and foothill grassland. San Joaquin spearscale and San Luis Obispo Counties. City of San José Trimble and Agnews Municipal Groundwater Wells A-3 ESA / 201900966.03 Focused Initial Study A. Biology Database Searches and PTO Table TABLE BIO-1 SPECIAL-STATUS PLANTS AND ANIMALS WITH POTENTIAL TO OCCUR IN THE TRIMBLE AND AGNEWS STUDY AREAS Status Federal/State/ Potential Occurrence in Scientific and Common Names CRPR Geographic Distribution Habitat Requirements Project Area Plants (cont.) Lasthenia conjugens E/--/1B.1 Scattered occurrences in Coast Range valleys Wet areas in cismontane woodland, valley and Low; no suitable habitat within study areas. Contra Costa goldfields and southwest edge of Sacramento Valley, foothill grassland, vernal pools, alkaline playas Alameda, Contra Costa, Monterey, Marin, Napa, or saline vernal pools and swales; seasonal Solano and Sonoma Counties. Presumed wetlands below 470 meters above MSL. extirpated in Mendocino, Santa Barbara and Blooms March - June Santa Clara Counties. Malacothamnus arcuatus –/–/1B.2 Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, and San Mateo Chaparral, between 15-355 meters above MSL. Low; no suitable habitat within study areas. arcuate bush-mallow Counties. Blooms April - September Navarretia prostrata --/--/1B.1 Western San Joaquin Valley, interior South Vernal pools and mesic areas in coastal scrub Low; no suitable habitat within study areas. Prostrate vernal pool navarretia Coast Ranges, central South Coast, Peninsular and alkali grasslands, seasonal wetlands in Ranges: Alameda, Los Angeles, Merced, alkaline soils; between 15-700 meters above Monterey, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, and MSL. San Luis Obispo Counties. Blooms April - July Puccinellia simplex --/--/1B.2 Central to southern California; within San Alkaline and vernally mesic soils on sinks, flats, Low; no suitable habitat within study areas. California alkali grass Francisco Bay area has been found in Alameda, and lake margins. Elevation 2 - 930 meters. Contra Costa, Napa, Santa Clara, and Solano June – July Counties. Suaeda californica E/--/1B.1 Morro Bay, San Luis Obispo County, and San Margins of tidal salt marsh; below 15 meters Low; no suitable habitat within study areas. California seablite Francisco and Contra Costa Counties; above MSL. historically found in the south San Francisco Blooms June - October Bay. Trifolium hydrophilum --/--/1B.2 Sacramento Valley, central western California. Salt marsh, mesic alkaline areas in Valley and Low; no suitable habitat within study areas. (T. depauperatum var. hydrophilum) foothill grasslands, vernal pools, marshes and Saline clover swamps; below 300 meters above MSL. Blooms April - June Invertebrates Bombus caliginosus --/--/-- Coastal areas from Santa Barabara county to Food plant genera include Baccharis, Cirsium, Low; no suitable habitat within Trimble Obscure bumble bee north to Washington state. Lupinus, Lotus, Grindelia and Phacelia. study area. Marginally suitable habitat within Agnews study area. Nearest recorded occurrence in San Jose area from 1952 (Occurrence No. 23) City of San José Trimble and Agnews Municipal Groundwater Wells A-4 ESA / 201900966.03 Focused Initial Study A. Biology Database Searches and PTO Table TABLE BIO-1 SPECIAL-STATUS PLANTS AND ANIMALS WITH POTENTIAL TO OCCUR IN THE TRIMBLE AND AGNEWS STUDY AREAS Status Federal/State/ Potential Occurrence in Scientific and Common Names CRPR Geographic Distribution Habitat Requirements Project Area Invertebrates (cont.) Bombus crotchii --/CE/-- Coastal California east to the Sierra-Cascade Food plant genera include Antirrhinum, Low; no suitable habitat within study areas. Crotch bumble bee crest and south into Mexico. Phacelia, Clarkia, Dendromecon, Eschscholzia, Marginally suitable habitat within Agnews and Eriogonum. study area. Nearest recorded occurrence in San Jose area from 1903 (Occurrence No. 23) Bombus occidentalis --/CE/-- Current range central California to southern Food plant genera include Melilotus, Cirsium, Low; no suitable habitat within study areas. Western bumble bee British Columbia. Trifolium, Centaurea, Chrysothamnus, Marginally suitable habitat within Agnews Eriogonum. study area. Nearest recorded occurrence in San Jose area from 1903 (Occurrence No. 254) Branchinecta conservation E/--/-- Eight known populations in Butte, Tehama, Yolo, Large, cool-water vernal pools with moderately None; outside of known range. No suitable Conservancy Fairy Shrimp Glenn, Solano, Stanislaus, Merced, and Ventura turbid water. habitat within study areas. Counties. Callophrys mossii bayensis E/--/-- Coastal mountains near San Francisco Bay, in Rocky outcrops and cliffs in coastal scrub on the None; outside of known range. No suitable San Bruno Elfin Butterfly the fog-belt of steep north facing slopes that San Francisco peninsula. habitat within study areas. receive little direct sunlight. All known locations are restricted to San Mateo County. Euphydryas editha bayensis T/--/-- Disjunct occurrences in San Mateo and Santa Associated with specific host plants that typically Low; no suitable habitat within study areas. Bay checkerspot butterfly Clara Counties. grow on serpentine soils. Lepidurus packardi E/--/-- Shasta County south to Merced County. Vernal pools and ephemeral stock ponds. None; no suitable habitat within study Vernal pool tadpole shrimp areas. Tryonia imitator --/--/-- Assumed to occur between Petaluma River Brackish marshes. None; no suitable habitat within study mimic tryonia marsh and San Diego River. areas. Fish Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus T/--/-- DPS includes all naturally spawned populations Requires cold, freshwater streams with suitable None; known to occur in multiple South pop. 8 of steelhead (and their progeny) in streams from gravel for spawning. Rears in rivers and Bay streams including the neighboring the Russian River to Aptos Creek, Santa Cruz tributaries to the San Francisco Bay. Guadalupe River
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