& ~ ·, - ~ ---., """-!--~ == "=:: • ---.. ' I•i I \ . I / Sesqui- entenHial 1799.-./949 WEST CHESTER Pennsylvania HIGII AND MAR.KET STRRl-:'l'S AP.OUT 1840 1949 • .. ., 0 THE MODERN WEST CHESTER - 1949 WEST CHESTER Sesqui-Genf enniaL COMMEMORATING Since the Incorporation of the TOWN AS A BOROUGH 17 99 - 1949 An Ode to ff/est Chester The following ,·erses were penned by DR. FRANCIS HARVEY GREEN on tlte 150th Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Borough of West Chtl!lter, Pa. Dear \Vest Cl,ester! Tow11 of re11ow11 aml of beauty! \l'ell tltou ,lesen•est our tribute of praise! F/011risl1i11g fi11el)' for (,ftce11 f 1111 clecacles, \Viti, exce1le11ce loft)' i11 all of tl,y ways. Foumled by folks that were 11prigl1t a11tl l,011est; Nr,rt11retl l,y citize11s, wortl1r aml wise, Nol,l>· tl1y life lias bee11 crow11ecl witl1 co11quests; Gai11i11g a stature tlwt towers towanl tl,e skies. l\!oulcl we co111tl know all the earl)' trailitio11s, A11cl learu just wlio figureil iu place a11tl i11 11ower, Sliapiug 1111 matters aml lc,yiu~ fo111ulatio11~, \Vorkiug witl, fen•or l,efitti11g tl,e hour. lVlwt may lrnt'e tra11sac1etl i11 Se1•c11tce11 llrmclrecl \Vl,cre uow is located a r,rosperous low11 1 llistoriaus fail to rereal wit I complete,iess Allll let11 1e us to womlcr, an,I sigl, with a froll'll. ll'ise pla11s ll'ere uufolded, witl, tlirift mul ass11ra11ce; Crrule romls were w11str11ctecl m1tl streets were laid orct; A rilfoge took slwpe wit/1 its houses n11 d !,{arclt•1H, t\11'1 lwuws were esta'1tisl1etl 1,y 11eople ,lel'<111t. I lotels were erectecl, a court lwuse was fasl1i<mecl; i\leu clwse11 (or office witl1 motives most pure; Sa11e actio11s were take11 to ge11erate progress, Auel build up a l,oro11gl1 tl1ro11gl1 time to e11d11re. \Viti, clwrcl,es m,cl scl100llw11ses goodl}' i11 1111mber1 True worsl1i1, aucl wisdom lwt>e goue lia11cl i11 liaml, Provicliug a11 at111ospl1ere, wl1oleso111e mul pmde11t, Creotiug a ra11k tliat few towns ca11 co111111a11d. Wit/, ba11ks a111i witl, l1ospitals timely a11,l l1el1,f 11l; A 11ews1mper 111eriti11g 1111bor111cle,l vraise; lVitl, places of b11si11ess co11tl11cted discreetly AIICl l10uses most comely tl,at 111ea11 lwp11y il,,ys; \Viti, cl111's a11el witl1 lo,lge.s all ,loi11g tl,eir ,luty; A Y. M. C. A. tl,at is servi11g so well; A Ul,rary {,llc,i wit1, most e.Ycelle11t volumes; A Historical Society tliat 11011e cm, excel; W itl, prr."cl,ers mul teacl,crs mul ,luctors 111m11111beretl \Viti, lmrv,e.m?s, lawyers, a111I cops 1101 a (cw 'flwu forward hast 111ove,l wit I, a spee,l aucl a spfc11clor, That 11otl1i11~ coulcl l1i11cler and 110 011c s11l,d11e. \Viti, cle11tists aud ,lmggis,'s a111l 111erca11tile masters; \Viti, 1111rsery111e,; florists aml real-estate 111e11; \Viti, l,arl,ers a11d 1,akers aucl milk se1mrators; I low well tl,ou lwst 11rosvered, tl1e gazer may ke11. Glml greetiugs tu you wlw now strit>e witl1 s11cl1 te11se11es.~ To carry 011 11obl}' the work of tocla)'i ,Hay i1rogress atte11,l you, a goo,I Go,l ,lcfc11d you, Auel cr0t"ll )'Ollr exertio11.~ witl, la11re a111l l,ay. All lrail to tl,e future witl, all it presages May gramleur a11d glory 1,e co11stm1tly wm,, Dear \Vest Cl1estcr l10ro11gl1 1 aclvance iu tl1y 111ot•c111e11ts Auel el'er kee11 sta11cl1ly tl1y 11lace i11 the su11. FHANCIS IIAHVEY GHEEN. PROGRAM FOR Sesqui-centenniaL Cele brat ton SUNDAY-SEPTEMBER 25, l 9-l9 Sermons in the churches relati\'e to borough history. 12:00 Noon State Championship Model Airplane Meet under tlie auspices of the Exchange Cluh. West Chester Airport. .l\10NDA Y-SEJ>T}<;,\IBER 26. 8:15 P.M. Selection of MISS WEST CHESTER, Queen of the Scsqui-Centennial, Philips Memorial. TUESDAY---SEPTEMBER 27. 7:30 P.;.~. W. W. MACELR1-:1-:, ESQ. Address: "Wu/ l'l1u/er 1'11ro11.QI, //u .lli.tl.r of //ze Year,r," West Cliester I Hgh School Auditorium. Au~pices of the Chester County Historical Society. 8:00 P.M. DRUM AND BUGLE CORPS CONTEST, Junior American 1:egion, Wayne Fiefd. Sponsored hv the First West Chester Fire Company. · \VEONESDA Y-SEPTEMBER 28. 12:00 Noon INDUSTRIAL EXHIBIT-State Armory. To AGRICULTURAL EXHIBIT-Edward Brinton Building. 9:30 P.M. EDUCATIONAL AND ART EXHIBIT-High School G.vnrnasium. 12:00Noon To IIJSTORICAL SOCIETY EXIIIBITS-Ilistorical &1ciety Building, N. High Street. 6:00 P.M. Afternoon COSTUME PROMENADE oF YESTERYEAR-Arrangements hy Soroptimist Cluh. 8:15 P.M. HISTORICAL PAGEANT-"lf'e.r/ C/,e.r/er Pa.r.re.r in Re,•iew." High School Athletic Fielcl. THURSDAY-SEPTEMBER 29 10:00 A.M. INDUSTRIAL EXHIBIT-State Armory. To AGRICULTURAL EXHIBIT-Edward Brinton Building. 9:30 P.M. EDUCATIONAL AND ART J<:XHIBIT-High School Gymnasium. l :00 P.j\\. TO CHESTER COUNTY IIISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM EXHIBIT. 5:00 P.M. 2:00 P,j\t. j\ULITARY PARADE. 4:00 P.j\1. FORMAL CEREMONIES OPENING SESQUI-CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION-Acldress by lloNonABLE T. Mcl{1-;EN CmDSEY, Attorney General of Pennsyl\'ania. Wayne Field. 8:15 P.M. HISTORICAL PAGEANT-"lf'e.r/ Clu.rler Pa.r.re.r in Rt'l'iew." High School Athletic Field. FRIDAY-SEPTEMBER 30 9:30 A.M. COMMUNITY CENTER DAY-LONG PROGRAM. Puhlic hH'ited .. 7:30 P.M. BUFFET SUPPER-Speaker: MARJ<>Rrn PENNY, Director of Fellowship llouse, Philadelphia, 10:00 A.1\\. INDUSTRIAL EXIIIBIT-Stnte Armory. To AGRICULTURAL EXHIBIT-Eclwarcl Brinton Building. 9:30 P.M. EDUCATIONAr .\ND ART EXHIBIT-High School G.vmnasium. 4:00 P.M. CORNERSTOI'\' :-. LAYING--Memorial Hospital. 8:15 P.M. HISTORICAL PAGEANT-" We.rt C/,e.i-/t'r Pti.r.re.r in Re,•ieu•." I ligh School Athletic Field. SATURDA Y-OcTOBER I 9:30 A.M. CONSECRATION oF ST. AGNES' CHURCH. Officiating Bishop: THE MosT REvrn1rnD I luo11 L. LA~\D, 0.1)., Auxiliary Bishop of Diocese of Philadelphia. 10:00A.M. To CIIESTJ<:R COUNTY DAY-Historic· l10uses open to the puhlic. 6:30 P.M. 9:00 A,j\\. To CLOTHESLINE ART EXIIIBIT-Court Street. 6:00 P.M. 9:30A.M. To YOUTH ACTIVITIES-High School Athletic Field. II :30 A.M. 10:00 A.M. INDUSTRIAL EXHIBIT-State Armors, To AGRICULTURAi., EXHIBIT-Eclwarcl Brinton Building. 6:00 P.M. EDUCATIONAL ~ANn ART EXHIBIT-High School G.vmnasimu. 2:00.P.M. TO RECEPTION-Italian Social Club. 4:00 P.M. 2:15 P.M. S1':SOUI-CENTENNIAL FOOTBALL CLASSIC West Chester Hi_sh School ,·s. Phoenixville High School, Wavnc Field. 7:00 P.M. GRANO CIVIC PARADE-Floats, Firemen, Fraternal Cluhs, ;\tilitnry and Bugle Corps Bands , .... star-stucldecl, pri1.e-winning features. After the parade, the greatest fireworks display e\'er seen in \\'est Chester. I ligh School Athletic Field. Sponsored b." Italian-American Citizens' Committee. SUNDA Y-OCTOBJm. 2 l :00 P.M. WEST CHESTER GUN CLUB-Sesqui-Centennial Shoot. 7:30 P.M. COj\tMUNITY RELIGIOUS SERVICE OF REDEDICATION. Address hy Dn. FRANCIS HAnv1-:y GnEEN. 6 Introduction Fifty years ago, when our Borough celebrated its lGJth birthday anniversary, the Dail.Y Local News published a Centennial Souvcnir-"\Vest Chester-Past and Present." This book, containing 270 pages of attractively illustrated and carefully authenticated history, stands out as a paragon as town histories go. It was made possible by a combina­ tion of fortunate circumstances. \Vilmer \\'. Thomson, who in 1899, had already served for more than a quarte1· of a century as Editor of the Daily Local News, made the publica­ tion of this history his particular project. Among others, he was nbly assisted by Gilbert Cope, local historian and 6enealogist, whose accuracy and meticulous care have seldom ~en equalled, and H. Rush J{ervey, who had charge of the Historical Museum exhibit m the Court House. l\1r. Thomson and Mr. Cope were members of a committee composed of 20 prominent local citizens, chairmaned by Burgess C. \Vesley Talbot, which was responsible for a most successful and noteworthy centennial celebration. Today only one member of that Centennial Committee survives-Edwin L. l\1cl{instry, veteran Editor of the Daily Local News. The Commit tee responsible for the 150th Anniversary booklet decided to place its major emphasis upon the histor.Y of the past 50 years of our Borough. However, an effort has been made to trace, in brief outline, the early roots of our contemporary institutions and organizations. In addition, it seemed desirable to limit the scope of this book to the confines of \Vest Chester proper, thus resisting the temptation to include many items of historic interest pertaining to nearby areas in Chester County. An effort has been made to have the a<lvcdising section of the Look also function as history. A number of our current business firms have roots going well back into the 19th century. On the other hand, many others happily reflect the changed pattern of today's life. Livery and feed stables, horse-shoeing, harness and carriage shops have been ·re­ placed by garages, gas stations, automobile agencies, and tire service. Today a horse and buggy are almost as much of a curiosit.Y as was the one automobile which appeared in the parade of 1899. No longer noted for its nurseries and cream separators the town is now w1del.Y recognized for its air compressors, tags, mushroom industry, production of penicillin, refrigeration cabinets, radio towers, laundry, mechanical cow, hosiery, fire foam, wheels, and a dozen other important industries. A picture of the industrial and retail business life of the town is portrayed in the advertising pages.
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