Volume XI, Issue 1 SScottishcottish RiteRite ConferenceConference Spring 2019 EExtraxtra EditionEdition DDetailsetails onon pagespages 31-3731-37 4 Hidden Power 5 A Great Treasure 9 What is the Next Pitch? 10 Dressed to the (‘s 30 Knight of the East The Virginia Light - Orient of Virginia Lt. Grand Commander and S.G.I.G. in Virginia Illustrious James D. Cole, 33o Hidden Power Brother Mark Twain (Samu- to resort to violence in lieu Masons) are treating each el Clemmons) said, “It is cu- of intellectual arguments? other inappropriately in a rious that physical courage Is society enhanced when discussion requires some of should be so common in the proponents on either side of that moral courage for which world and moral courage so a topic attack each other’s Brother Twain was search- rare.” character and good name? ing. It sometimes takes a lot of courage to calm peo- As I refl ect on the sometimes ple down or to suggest that heated rhetoric displayed on opinions can diff er, that good the national scene, I recall people can disagree. the Charge given to all En- tered Apprentices in Virginia However, we know it can (published in our Presenta- work, for we have only to tion Volume), wherein we contemplate the history of admonish, “In the State you our country. One hundred are to be a quiet and peaceful fi fty years or so ago, we had citizen, true to your govern- Masonic Brothers, wearing ment and just to your coun- diff erent uniforms, at times It sometimes takes a try; you are not to counte- shooting at one another, but lot of courage to calm nance disloyalty or rebellion at times calling a truce to people down or to but patiently submit to legal Within Scottish Rite, Grand hold a Masonic meeting. suggest that opinions authority…” Further, we are Commander Albert Pike, Respect and civil discourse can diff er, that good advised several times in our writing in Morals and Dog- among “enemies” could ex- people can disagree. ritual to avoid specifi c dis- ma discussed the force of ist even in times of hostili- cussion in Lodge meetings the people, likening it to the ties. about religion or politics. force of steam, which though So, one might ask, why is powerful, must be properly In today’s world, it ap- this writer bringing up the managed in order to be ef- pears to me that we need topic of passionate debate? fi cient and eff ective. Of the more discourse performed force of the people, he wrote in a more Masonic manner. The point is not to discuss “It must be regulated by In- Can we imagine what the any brand or ideology of pol- tellect. Intellect is to the peo- world could become if we itics or religion, but rather to ple and the people’s Force, as Scottish Rite Masons led discuss the nature of a Mason what the slender needle of such a courageous change and more specifi cally a Scot- the compass is to the ship…” by the examples we have tish Rite Mason. Masons are Imagine the thought, intel- been taught? If each day we taught how to disagree, but lect as a compass. Should conducted our discussions, to do so with respect. Ma- we not expect such a concept disagreements, debates, and sons can be both “quiet and from the body often regarded arguments in the manner we peaceful” and yet strongly as the “University of Free- had been taught? disagree. After all, when masonry?” did we come to believe that As the song goes, “what a debates are won based on Of course, speaking up when wonderful world this would volume? Is it ever acceptable non-Masons (and especially be.” 2 The Virginia Light - Orient of Virginia Scottish RiteDanville Foundation Report The Virginia Light© Brethren: Published quarterly for the Brethren of Virginia I report to you the activities During 2018, we were for- and include fi xed income Illustrious Ronald A. Seale, and fi nancial condition of the tunate to be able to support securities. This strategy has 33°Sovereign Grand Scottish Rite Foundation of our Language and Scholar- consistently performed well Commander of the Supreme Coun- cil, 33°, Ancient and Accepted Virginia. Despite the uncer- ship programs without any over ten-year cycles, and Scottish Rite, SJ, USA tainty of our economy, we withdrawal from our invest- because of rising cash fl ow continue to hold a relatively ments. We paid all our ob- has shown greater stability Illustrious James D. Cole, 33° strong fi nancial position, so ligations directly from the in volatile economic periods. Lt. Grand Commander and Sovereign Grand Inspector I begin by saying thank you signifi cant distribution to General in Virginia of the for you continued support. our cause in the amount of All securities are in cus- Supreme Council, 33°, $260,814 from the Trust of todianship of Wells Fargo Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, SJ, USA Our investment portfolio Worshipful G. I. Johnson. Advisors. Our non-affi liat- stood at $1,638,403 at De- This type of support great- ed investment managers are Illustrious Cliff ord A. Parker, 33° cember 31, 2018. Our port- ly assists our Foundation in monitored by Illustrious Ha- Inspector General, folio declined -3.5% during den Dudley, 33o, a member Personal Representative to the carrying out our mission. Sovereign Grand Inspector 2018 versus a -5.48% decline of the Valley of Roanoke. General in Virginia for the portfolio’s indexed Our investments at Wells The Foundation is indebted benchmark. Current value Fargo are invested approx- to him for this service. Personal Representative to the of the portfolio 3/20/2019 is imately 19% in the Schaf- Sovereign Grand Inspector $1,773,775 for a 2019 Year- fer-Cullen High Dividend Overall, we are operating in General in Virginia Emeritus to-Date gain of 8.5%, all a Stock Fund, 5% in the Schaf- accordance with the budget adopted at the September Bro. Gerald L. Frey, 32° KCCH result of the January through fer-Cullen International High Virginia Light Editor February market gains which Dividend Stock Fund, 16% 2018 Annual Conference. followed the December 2018 in the Miller-Howard High We intend to continue to pro- vide you information during Copyright © 2018, The Orient of decline. Total return goals Dividend Fund, 14% in the Virginia under the auspices of The for the Foundation are 7.2% Berkshire Asset Manage- the year so that you can be Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient and annually making the overall ment Dividend Growth port- aware of how your Founda- Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern tion is performing. A copy Jurisdiction, USA. goal to be a doubling of as- folio, 6.0% in Clearbridge sets each ten year cycle. To- Investment Growth portfo- of this Report will be shared No part of this publication may be tal return includes a goal of lio, 12% in Sterling Capital’s with each Valley Represen- reproduced without permission of at least 3% cash fl ow from Equity Income portfolio, 4% tative on the Foundation’s its Editor at : Board so that the informa- [email protected] dividends and interest, and in Dow Jones Index funds, the dollar total of cash fl ow 15% in the Caprin Fixed In- tion will be available to Deadline for next issue: to increase every four of fi ve come Fund, 4% in PIMCO’s those Brethren who have not August 1, 2019 years. Income projected for Bond funds, and 5% in Gold- attended today. 2019 is $54,151, a yield of man Sach’s U. S. Treasury 3.05% on the 3/20/2019 cur- funds. Our portfolios are March 23, 2019 Spring rent value of the assets. concentrated in high quality, Workshop Report dividend growth companies, 3 The Virginia Light - Orient of Virginia AA Treasure TreasureDanville of of Great Great Price Price Joel T. Bundy, 32o KCCH “Wherever your heart is, night of the year each Christ- on the track. This is what I there you will fi nd your mas Eve, regardless of where remember from an idyllic treasure” the winter solstice fell on the childhood. I love those mem- The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho calendar. Are you ready yet? ories still. “Not yet” came the reply. What was taking so long? Now, as a man I have learned Andy and I were huddled Dad would always say that that across this vast world together in the hallway. We it was because he was fum- of ours, there are too many both wore fl annel pajamas bling with his super-8 mov- who live without these sim- from Sears and Roebuck, ie camera, the one with the ple gifts during the holidays. with socks for slippers, slip- huge white lights. We used to They have little to show for ping down over our toes. It beg him to fi lm people at the in the way of things. No may have been cold out- dinner table, and then to play i-phone this year. No Bar- side, but in this room, on the movie backwards, simply bie doll. No bicycle. Perhaps this morning, we were warm to watch a steak being reas- not even a decent meal, and from the kerosene heater sembled with knife and fork, with their future granting churning next to us. I always but I digress. them ongoing strife, hunger, loved to look into the fur- and poverty. Even in these nace porthole seeing fl ickers Finally, the door magically United States, there are those Remember to stop of red fl ames pushing heat to opened and we scampered children who suff er, even in and look at what is these little boys.
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