COMMUNICATION FOR HEALTHY COMMUNITIES (CHC) YEAR SEVEN Quarter One Report October 1st, 2019 to December 31st, 2019 Submission Date: 31st January 2020 Agreement Number: AID-617-A-13-00003 Activity Start Date and End Date: June 21st, 2013 to June 20th, 2020 AOR Name: Kathleen Frank Submitted by: Sheila Marunga Coutinho, Chief of Party Communication for Healthy Communities Plot 15 Kitante Close, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256-312-266-406 Email: [email protected] Submitted to: Agreement Officer’s Representative (AOR) Copied to: [email protected] This document was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development Uganda Mission (USAID/Uganda). 1 ACTIVITY INFORMATION Activity Name: Communication for Healthy Communities (CHC) Project Communication for Healthy Communities (CHC) Activity Start Date and End Date 21st June 2013 to 20th June 2020 Name of Prime Implementing FHI360 Partner Agreement Number: AID-617-A-13-00003 Name of Subcontractors/Sub- None awardees and Dollar Amounts: Major Counterpart Organizations: The Government of Uganda and USG Implementing Partners Geographic Coverage National Reporting Period: 1st October 2019 to 31st December 2019 i ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ANC Antenatal Care BCC Behavior Change Communication CHC Communication for Healthy Communities CLA Collaboration, Learning, and Adaptation CPR Contraceptive Prevalence Rate DHE District Health Educator DHMT District Health Management Committee DHO District Health Officer DHT District Health Team DQA Data Quality Assessment DREAMS Determined Resilient Empowered AIDS-Free Mentored Safe DSDM Differentiated Service Delivery Model E Eastern Region EC East Central Region EMTCT Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV EVD Ebola Viral Demand FP Family Planning GBV Gender Based Violence GHSA Global Health Security Agenda GHSC-PSM Global Health Supply Chain – Procurement and Supply Management GIS Geographical Information System GOU Government of Uganda GP Guiding Principles HC Health Communication HIVST HIV Self Testing HMIS Health Management Information System HP&E Health Promotions and Environment HTS HIV Testing Services IDI Infectious Diseases Institute IP Implementing Partner IPC Interpersonal Communication IPTp Intermittent Preventive Therapy/Treatment IR Intermediate Result IRS Indoor Residual Spray ITN Insecticide Treated Net KM Knowledge Management KP Key Populations KPI Kampala Pharmaceutical Industries LLIN Long Lasting Insecticide Nets MAFOC Mbale Area Federation of Communities MAPD Malaria Action Program for Districts MCH Maternal and Child Health MER Monitoring, Evaluation and Research MIS Malaria Indicator Survey MNCH Maternal Nutrition and Child Health MOH Ministry of Health MUWRP Makerere University Walter Reed Program ii MIYCAN Maternal, Infant, Young Child and Adolescent Nutrition NDA National Drug Authority NMCD National Malaria Control Division PMP Performance Monitoring Plan PrEP Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis PRS Performance Reporting System RCCs Risk Communication Committees RHITES Regional Health Integration to Enhance Services Projects RHSP Rakai Health Sciences Program SBC Social Behavior Change SBCC Social and Behavior Change Communication SM Social Marketing SOPs Standard Operating Procedures SW South Western Region TA Technical Assistance TASO The AIDS Support Organization TMA Total Market Approach TWG Technical Working Group UAC Uganda AIDS Commission UAIS Uganda AIDS Indicator Survey UDHS Uganda Demographic Health Survey USAID United States Agency for International Development USG United States Government VHT Village Health Teams VMMC Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision WG Working Group iii INTRODUCTION Activity Description The USAID/Communication for Healthy Communities (CHC) is a seven-year project whose mandate is to support the Government of Uganda (GoU) and United States Government implementing partners (USG IPs) to design and implement high-quality health communication interventions that contribute to a reduction in HIV infections, total fertility, maternal child mortality, malnutrition, malaria and tuberculosis. CHC aims to achieve this by using innovative health communication approaches, capacity strengthening, rigorous research and knowledge management for health communication. Figure 1 outlines the goal, strategic objective, and intermediate results for the project. Additional sub-areas of the CHC program include the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) and Social Marketing Activity. This report highlights Year 7 Quarter 1 (October – December 2019) accomplishments under the project intermediate results that contribute to the project’s strategic objective and goal and the additional sub- areas of GHSA and Social Marketing. 1 Performance Analysis to Date Table 1: CHC PMP/Project Indicator Progress - USAID Standard Indicators and Project Custom Indicators Contribute to Reduction in HIV Infections, Unmet Need for Family Planning, Maternal and Child Mortality, Malnutrition, Malaria, and TB Indicator Data Baseline data FY 2019-FY 2020 Quarterly Status – FY 2019- Annual Comment(s) Source 2020 Performance Year Value Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Achieved to Annual Annual Date (in %) Cumulative Cumulative Planned target Actual CHC - USAID Standard Indicators High level context indicators Percent of men age 15-49 who are UAIS 2011 2015 26.4% 50% 61.8% N/A N/A N/A N/A 61.8% (291/471) Annual target is based on HSSP III. circumcised The actual is based on CHC’s 5th Listening survey June 2019. Percent of women age 15-49 who were UAIS 2011 2015 75% 100% 99.7% N/A N/A N/A N/A 99.7% (386/387) Annual target is based on HSSP III. tested for HIV and received the results The actual is based on CHC’s 5th during antenatal care Listening survey June 2019. Proportion of children exclusively UDHS 2011 2015 62% 80% 73.8% N/A N/A N/A N/A 73.8% (59/80) Annual target is based on HSSP III. breastfed for the first 6 months The actual is based on CHC’s 5th Listening survey June 2019. Percentage of children under 5yrs classified UDHS 2011 2015 Height-for- Unavailable Height-for-age <-N/A N/A N/A N/A Height-for-age Target was not set because data as malnourished. age 2SD2 = 28.9% <-2SD2 = 28.9% were unavailable. The actuals are <-2SD = 33% Weight-for-Height <- Weight-for-Height based on UDHS 2016 data. Weight-for- 2SD = 3.6% <-2SD = 3.6% Height Weight-for-age <- Weight-for-age <-2SD = 5% 2SD = 10.5% <-2SD = 10.5% Weight-for- age <-2SD = 14% Proportion of women who took 2 or more UDHS 2011 2015 25% 85% 82.3% N/A N/A N/A N/A 82.3% (195/237) Annual target based on President’s doses of IPTP Malaria Initiative (PMI). The actual is based on CHC’s 5th Listening survey June 2019. Contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) UDHS 2011 26% 38% 35.3% N/A N/A N/A N/A 35.3% (426/1207) Annual target based on DO3. The actual is based on CHC’s 5th Listening survey June 2019. 2 Indicator Data Baseline data FY 2019-FY 2020 Quarterly Status – FY 2019-2020 Annual Comment(s) Source Performance Year Value Annual Annual Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Achieved to Cumulative Cumulative Date (in %) Planned Target Actual CHC - USAID Standard Indicators (cont.…) Strategic Objective Level Outcome indicators Percentage of individuals who used a UAIS 2015 14.8% Men 80% General Pop 41.9% - Women N/A N/A N/A N/A 41.9% - Women Target based on UAIS 2011. The condom at last higher risk sex 2011 15.8% 85% MARPS 58.9% - Men (57/136) actual is based on CHC’s 5th Women 50.5% - All 58.9% - Men Listening survey June 2019. (83/141) 50.5% - All (140/277) Percentage of mothers of children 0-11 UDHS 2015 57.4% 72% 94.9% N/A N/A N/A N/A 94.9% (225/237) Target is based on UDHS 2011. The months who delivered their last baby in 2011 actual is based on CHC’s 5th a health facility Listening survey June 2019. Proportion of pregnant women who UDHS 2015 47% 85% 77.2% N/A N/A N/A N/A 77.2% (139/180) Target based on UAIS 2011. The slept under an ITN/LLIN last night 2011 actual is based on CHC’s 5th Listening survey June 2019. Proportion of children under five years UDHS 2015 30% 72% 94.2% N/A N/A N/A N/A 94.2% (261/277) Target based on UAIS 2011. The old with fever in the last two weeks for 2011 actual is based on CHC’s 5th Listening whom advice or treatment was sought survey June 2019. Percent of individuals with a persistent National 2015 65% 75% 52.8% N/A N/A N/A N/A 52.8% (114/216) Target based on NTBP. The actual is cough lasting two or more weeks who TB based on CHC’s 5th Listening survey sought TB screening and testing services Program June 2019. 2014 Intermediate Result (IR): CHC Capacity Strengthening (CS) and Technical Assistance (TA) Sub-IR 1: High quality health communication interventions designed and implemented Number of collaborating partners staff HC 2015 30 IPs 30 IPs N/A 106 IPs 353% (IP) In Q1, 56 DHEs and 106 IP staff were that increased their HC competencies Capacity 50 DHEs 50 DHEs 56 112% (DHE) supported in champion-follow-up, strengthe 20 (National 20 (National level) DHEs 0% (National orientation, community activations, ning level) level) micro targeting of men to address database emerging barriers to the fight against Non- GBV and uptake of VMMC and FP cumulative services. (NB: staff can be trained more than once in a given reporting period) 3 Indicator Data Baseline data FY 2019-FY 2020 Quarterly Status – FY 2019-2020 Annual Comment(s) Source Performance Achieved to Date (in %) Year Value Annual Annual Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Cumulative Planned Target Actual Number of collaborating partners that HC 2015 30 IPs 30 IPs N/A 16 IPs 53% (IP) During the quarter, 16 IPs and 42 DHEs adopt one or more components of the Capacity 50 DHEs 50 DHEs 42 84% (DHE) adopted CHC-IPC approaches of home integrated HC strategy strengthe 20 (National 20 (National level) DHEs 0% (National visits such as using “Manyatta elders’ & ning level) level) Manyatta VMMC task force teams” database while mobilizing clients for integrated Non- VMMC camps.
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