University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-23-1921 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-23-1921 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-23-1921." (1921). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/333 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I CITY Tift " EDITION ALB1JQXJEIIQUE MORNING j"Xtji- - Jk EDITION FORTV-SECON- by or D YliAH New 23, 1921. Dully Carrier Mall, 85c a Month VOOU CLXX. No. 85. Albuquerque, Mexico, Friday, September Single Goplcs 6o 15,000 MAJORITY EXAMINATION OF SHIELDS SCORES 1,100 DEAD AIR AMENDMENTS ARE Girl Guests at Arbuckie's Party FOR ROAD BOWS, GILLETT CLAIMS FftTTY RRBUGKLE ACTIVITIES OF to Be Main Witnesses at Irial 4,0Q0 HURT 11 OFFERED TOM (picial dispatch to mopnim jouhnau Santa Fe, Sept. 22. High- RHINE BLAST IS way Knginecr Leslie A. UII-le- tt B I IS HELD BEFORE DR! claimed the road bond REVISION 10CATES amendment had carried by 15,-00- 0 majority. Only three Anti-Salo- countieB voted against it, he CAPACITY HOUSE Anti Beer Bill, LUTE EST said Roosevelt, Quay and IN SENATE and Acts of Pro Otero but he estimated their y M League IE ex- aggregate vote would not Court Agents Criticised by Ten- ceed 1,000. Dona Ana, he said, Police Begins Hearing Desolation and Ruin Alone was close, but would swing May Reduce the Levies on I Which Will Determine If, nessee Senator. into the majority column. Remain of What Was The secretary ot state's of- Incomes and Make up trie-Los- The Annclntrd Fran.) -- " (By Once a Flourishing Town fice today had received eturns by Gasoline Comedian Will Be Bound Washington, Sept. 22. The from not more than twenty Taxing re- anti-be- er of scattered precincts and the and Stock. Over for Trial. bill virtually monopolized 6,000 Population. Capital made no sult of the vote on the other senate attention today but was ex- CLEARING amendments uncertain GERRY WOIJLD FAVOR AUDIENCE "COMPOSED headway. SOLDIERS cept that Santa Fe county had The legislation, the Anti-Salo- AWAY WRECKAGE gone heavily against No. 1. as FAMILIES MOSTLY OF WOMEN league's activities and acts of fed- heavily for No. 4 and over- HEADSJJF eral prohlbtion agonts were scored whelmingly against No. 7. Hundreds of Persons Are The Santa Ke count Persons Who Receive $15-00- 0 Miss . county Witnesses Who Saw In an address by Senator Shields on the senatorial election was democrat, Tennessee, and later the Digging in the Debris for still but 24 ot the or Less Annually , Rappe's Body After Her incomplete senate got Into a parliamentary the Bodies or Their Rela- 26 precincts gave Bursum May Have to Pay Only Death Testify That They tangle which was not unraveled 2,713, Hanna 1.0K9, Sena 171. It until tomorrow. tives or Friends. The defeat of K. H. Hanna, .Two Percent to Uncle Sam Observed Bruises, when adjourned - A motion by Senator sterling, democratic candidate for Unit- republican, South Dakota, to give (Br The Attnoclnted Tren) ed States senator, was conced- (IIt Tbc Aaaoclnted Tren.) Aaftorlntrd Frew.) n, (By The the bill right of way was made late 22 ed today when Arthur, Selig-ma- Wnnhineton. Sont. 22. Reduc San Calif., 22. as Mannheim, Germany, Sept. state and Mrs. Francisco, Sept. in the day but after a wrangle Associated Press.) Deso- chairman, tions In the normal tax rates on In- The court examination of to whether the motion was debat- (by the Frances E. Nixon, vice chair- police lation and ruin are all thnt remain dividual incomes of $15,000 or less Boscoe Arbuckle, which able, adjournment was taken. man, sent their congratulations Fatty) Selig-ma- n tax 10 to will determine whether the film ne UUUUUK. iur W1W uut una- of what was once the flourishing to H. O. Bursum. Mr. and a graduated of from comedian ia to be bound over to complicated further by announce' K town of Oppau. Tho town hud declined to estimate Bur-sum- 's 20 per cent on the incomes of cor- call tax y the court on a charge of ent of plans to up the r, I 6,500 residents, of whom a major- plurality. porations in place of the suggested superior vision bill tomorrow. the murder of Miss Virginia i ity of the men engagod In the flat rate of 15 ner cent were pro here today in a Opponents of the prohibit' ' Rappe, began , chemical works were killed or In amendments to the re court room filled almost exclusive- legislation refused steadfastly posed unanimous consent-- , wounded. Soldiers in French uni- tux revision bill offered ly with women. day to grant STORMS' EFFECT publican Three witnesses who saw Miss expedite the beer Din ana tnreat, forms are clearing away the todav in tha senate bv Scnatora to continue obstructive up the dead and Bappe's body after her death Sep- ened wreckage, picking Walsh, Massachusetts, and Gerry, re- injured as after a big battle. tember 9. which it is charged of Rhode Island, democrats, on tne sulted from suffered at a Eleven hundred dead and four ' Injuries thousand is the latest esti- ARE STUDIED finance committee. drinking party four days before In injured 8! suite at Hotel St. mate of the disaster yesterday, Tux Ou Gasoline. Arbuckie's the more in the .... thn SI Oi'i. 1100.000 loss Francis, testified that ob- HARDING URGES Left to Miss Alice Mrs. Maude Bambini Delroont and since which caused fatalities miU they right: Blake, Zey Prevost, photographed Mannheim-LudwlRshafe- b thrt imlivldiiMl incomes. served bruises on her limbs and district f.A, t;iv mi Arbuckle arrest. than tho four years of tho war. it was that a tax of onu body. Two of them, the surgeon to Tho Before the toi'.: buckle Miss Into U. S, PROFESSOR proposed - mortem Speclul Journal.) grand Jury up dragged Rappe Tlio desolation around Oppau cent a gallon on gasoline oe im- who performed the post San Francisco, Calif., Sept. 22. the case Mrs. Delmont 'swore to an room. seen at Verdun or tllUt examination and the autopsy sur- the equals anything r.ur.,l ut lhH KullITB and th UNITED SUPPORT The testimony at "Fatty" Arbuck Del-m- In over a similar area. geon, said death was from a rup- affidavit telling the sordid story of All along, however, Mrs. Flanders capital stock tax, yielding around le s trial of tne women wno, in Hundreds of persons ore digging In (By The AMncUled ne tured bladder, caused, In their to attend the Arbuckle party. This story has Insisted that Miss Rappe rrrii.) JtiO.OOO.OUO annually, reiaineu. addition Virginia Rappe, to was in the ruins for the bodies of rela- T. 22. Tho biH for re- opinion by external force. ed his fatal In the St. Fran which was extremely damaging good health when she went thousand Honolulu, H., Sept. The majority provides "party" Arbuckle, she modified to the Miss tives or friends, nearly a of storms atmos- of this tax, effective in 1922. Today's Testimony. cis hotel here, will go a long way considerably party and that Rappe of which have been recovered. effect and other peal At tomorrow's session of Judge FI8 RED GROSS the comedian when she appeared before the herself blamed Arbuckle for the disturbances upon the cli- Under the Gerry amendment, is towurd either freeing Cries of the Wounded. pheric net Income in less Sylvaln Lazarus' court it expect- or him more In grand Jury. injuries which resulted in her Vinura the pxnlo- - minds and activ- taxpayers whose will be introduced testi- entangling deeply Arbuckie's defense score an death. TMptvjt. nfter mate, the health, . v, tr. (inn umniri n:iv a normal ed there the meshes of the law. The wit- funnel-lik- e mony regarding Incidents at the point when Mrs. Del- The contentions In Arbuckie's sion from the gaping, ities of the peoples of the Taeiflc rate of two per cent Instead ot (Ky The Awclatd nesses upon whom the state counts important hole where the Bartische works party, where, according to witness- rrw.) and mont described to the grand jury defense will be: and upon agriculture and tndustry four per cent on $4,UUU as provmnu Washington, Sept. 22. President for damaging testimony upon formerly stood, there are still to . hill- taxnnvers whose es at the coroner's Inquest, Miss defense counts for the retirement of Arbuckle and That "Fatty" did not criminally is being studied here by Dr. Ste- i., h.. was and Harding, in a statement to the whom the vindi- Miss room be heard cries or tne wounuca, Is 5,000 and, Rappe found moaning cation are: Rappe Into an adjoining attack Miss Rappe, for phen S. Vlsher, associate profes- net income between after been alone American people, called attention from the which That he did not force while the soldiers search pos a normal mx ui screaming having to national convention Mrs. Bambina Maude Delmont, party preceded her into survivors. sor of geography at the University $10,000 would pay In a room with Arbuckle. tonight the and Miss Rappe's death. his room against her will. sible tour per cent on the excess oer of the Red Cross at Columbus, O., Los Angeles beauty specialist, The vast crater is slowly rilling of Indiana, who received the Bish- r: nrm cent on District Attorney Mathew Brady of Miss at the Mrs.
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