M t //. V TUESDAY, NOVEMBER !, IWO AySlagh Badly Not Preoo Ktui ^turlinfstfr ^oEttittg l|fraU> ' For tin W«Oh Ended ' PeqeoMl e t U / i . ' Oct 29,1986 ^ • : itor.v.M ii/uite Rhnngn Umig k i 'em TWO Women’s Bodetjr C l r ^ of Annual Gi^d Fair GiubHeirsTalk^: t At 13,263 Law tetofhl mOo 40 the Community Baptist Chura Membw Of the Audit will meet -tomorrow at 8 p.m. The FU l day 86-00. Alto Set at St. MaiyV V (M Satelli^^ Ecko Aotdikatfo Hnreoa eC Clhiiglntlea. Reed-Bathn Circle win meeU at Manchester--—4 hf VUlage Charm . y . the home of Mrs. L T . w o o l , jitofliaito’ ! » ' wUI be ipon- dell, ISO Oak Bt,.and the WlUlng The annual fair of St. Mary’s I.TIie aatellltb Echo wlU be dls- FbesM m 2-tltf ^ rr*\ Ort BomU Episcopal OuUd' win take place eussed' tiy KeEineth' Sklimer of the Ones Circle will iheet at the home MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1M6 (CMssHted no Face 82) PRICE riVECKNTK m S toJB P.m. toi the of Mrs: Jtoes Bldef,_ 85 Wads­ on Thursday, Nov. 10, at 2 p.m. SduUiam New Engtend Telephone: VOL. LXXli; NO. 28 " (TWENTT-FOUIt PAGES—TWO SECTIONS—PLUS TABLOID) lihgilttMl b in e ( Methodist worth 8 t ' .. in.the hall of the old pfYblb house. B. P. Itury Is «en- Cheese will be aokfhesn* the.pn-, Oo. at a meeting of the 60-60 club •faf'dntnnan. an— Eva Holmea M Church St, trance by Mrs. Walter AitHen. of SL Mary’is Episcopal Church and Mrs. Ruth SomervOle, 156 8. Tea . will be served from 2 to-4 Friday kt 7 p.m, In Neill Hair. Britons Protest Bas^ U;S. Gold Flow VlM Aid of ZicR Evan ).m., with- Mrs. Joseph., Johnston His talk will foUovr a ^tluck COSIRTIQS _____ camrch will meet Main' St, left yesterday py P*?"® ' iMtheran to t ^ t their brother, Robert B. In' charge. She will be assisted, by ■itTtSOpJm. Mrs. Prank H. Sheldon, Mrs. and business meeting. He wfll con- WE OARSCARRY ALL Holmes, In Jamaica, B.W.L Thomss lAemdn, and Mrs. Martha ddot a question and answer period. THEt h e TOPTCP u on ss Abroad in 1960 A meethw ®* Verplsnck BelL Omits for the evening will be Mr. Macn Seliaal PTA will be held tomorrow The board of dlrectoifS' of Jun« Supper will be Mrved from 5 to aiid Mn. Skimier and Mr. and ARTHUR 9 at • pjn. Instead of the usual seo lor Century Club of Manchester 7 pirn. Ih^elll Hall by Mrs: Clau' Mrs, Uoyd Hobron. Mr.' Ho- Over $1 BOlion bod *neaaay' of the month because will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at (•tVJrM,,-' Porter, Mrs, Alan Hotchkiss, " bron Is hiEmager of the Mahcheeter of the national pfefldentlal elec­ the home of Mra Raymend King- Wyrilie Peahpdy, Mrs. Etetha office of the telephone company. Wgshingto^: Nov. 2 (IP)— tion on that date. Mlsa Margaret man, Watson Rd., .Vernon. Oreenhalgh, Mrs. Marie McCann, The food committee includes Mr. U.S. o » Polarvis ___ f Mrs. Gertrude Cdnnon, Mia. Edna The 1980 outflow of gold from Pailter of the Manchester unit of and Mrs. Walter pdrd, chairmen, the United'K^tes has passed ChtMrai’s BerVlces of Connecticut h Banville, Mrs. Anna Kurts, Mrs. Committee members for the assiated by Mr. and Mrs. Henry M s Rainnkalils the billion^ollar mark, the win bo guest «>eaker. fashion show, to be sponsored by Henry Stanfield, and Mrs. Eva Butterworih Studios Bryan, Mr. and Mn. Jeff Arnold, the Msnchester . Registered Nurses Dexter. Mrs. Jolur Trotter .and Treasury disclosed'to4ay. Mrs. Arthur Bumap wilt h« lb Mr. and Mm. John Brennan, Mr. Story Circle. WBC8, of South Assn, on Nov. 11, wljj meet to­ Bolton Legislative Candidates , Engaged and Mrs, Gerald O’Connor. The latest Treasury nnimeial MethdUUt Church. wUl hold a work morrow at 7:30 p.m. at the home Charge of the dmlng room. Reser­ statement ahowed that the Unit­ John McDermott, Democratlc?> Dorothy Risley Miller Is. a can­ vations muat^e made by Monday, The engagement of Miss Nancy meeting tomorrow at 10' a,m. at of Mr8.,-Charles YVoodbury. 38 Viens to Robert Saylea Is an­ \ By THE ASSOOUiTBD PRESS Omt up next February, Is not a ed SUtea owned $18,417,000,000 Server 81. candidate for the legislature, didate for reelectlon to her second Nov. 7, ^ calling Mrs. Emma base in the sense as the airbases of gold ,as of last Friday night. the lihnrehu term as State Representative from Brown, 60 Spruce St., or Mrs. Por­ nounced by her parents, Mr. and U.S. officials express^ sur- served on the Board of Education Mrs. WflUam'Vians, 88 Strickland Ih .Britain are, officials' stressed. This represented a'drop of $45 S Bolton. ter. 29^yde St. prise todhy at Prime Minister The puij»oee of the' Clyde River hilllion from the Thursday total.' A meeting of the Manchester Mrs. Clarence Smith, worthy for eight years, and was Board State; Central ComnUtteewoman Alice Johnston, Mrs. Ar- St. -t^Midie’ of Women Voters will be grand matron of the Order of Her .fiance Is the son of Mr. and BINGO ^ Harold MacBiillan’s statement Station is to. shorten the supply Since the first of the year, the chairman for two years of that from me' 35th l>lstrlct, president r J. Holmes, and Mrs. Edith Every Wednesday Night 7il8 outfiow has totaled $1,039,000,000.' h d f tonight at 8 o’clocb at the Eastern Star of Connecticut, and ,_.ioren will be In charge of a Mrs. George Sayles, 4 Mints Court. that he, expects Britain to be line of U.S. Bubmsrines patroUlng PresidStit^ N o t her associate grand ofllcera win of Tolland County Republican AS Advance Cnterirs Hail the high eesis. Of this amount $905 million has l u ^ . o f W ^.,'Prank Horton, 63 term. sociates and the Toliind C oun^ candy table whlph will offer both Miss Viens kttepded Manches­ \consulted before any Polaris PHptorton ^ instead of tomoriow make their offiptal visitation. jto He la a member of the Bolton homemade and commercial oandy. ter High School and Is employed 122 Naobne Ave.. QIaatonIniry These vessels, based in New Lon­ moved into foreign hands since Temple Chapter, No. 163, NoV,P at Republic Women’s Aasn.,' Vzi. By VFW PMt 7659 ihissiles are fired from sub­ June 30. Cffiitobg'as proviously announced. Volunteer Pire Department which MlUer is also active In Bolton^COP Those In charge of the ntlHty ta­ at K l ^ s department store. Mr. marines serviced Rt a Scottish don, Conn, and caiarleston, S.C., Running Ag^iit Says GOP Cueft speakOT will be Miss Pat 8 p.m. at the Masonic Temptfe. Be­ he has servied as both secretary ble will be Mrs. Edna Karlson 29 R ^ . Oames 8 Specials would visit the station only for The United States buys and circles as secretary of both the Sayles is a 1958 graduate of Man­ FREE Rtfs SERVICE BtStieiorC research assistant of the fore the meeting, a dinned will be and trustee.' He has also served as and Miss Annie Crawford. chester High School,, and Is emi bflSQ*' * * repalA,, re f ueliniT »nd crew sells gold a t the official price of served at 6:30 p.m. at the banquet Town Committee and tl)« Young LeaVE) Town Bap At 8:25 Macmillan stated that opinion . .Los Angeles, Nov. 2 )— A .j of PbbUc Service at Unl- Are commlMloner. - Republican Club. , A fancy work table of aprons ployed by Nlohote-Manchester Changee. $36 an ounce. It deals only with {/P hall by members of Chapman A native o f Ireland, M.cDermott Christmas markers made by Guild Pine Fhannacy 6:85 yesterday as he formally annoimced foreigh governments and central new and mocking note toward ’ o f Conhacticut. She has lived In Boltoii for eight Tire Inc. • Bring TUs Advt. to the House of Commons a U. S.- While the air bases in Britain Court, Order of Amarapth and studied at the University of Con­ members, and other gift itenu will A wedding In the fall of 1961 la are the "operational stations" of banks. Slate Best Rainbow Ajwembly. ReservaUohs years, and lived mdst of her life British agreement to permit the Vice President Richard Nixon necticut and Trinity. College. He until that time In Vernon, near the be operated by Mrs. Martha Wlr. planned. the planes—in other words, the bn Oct. 20, wild speculation In may be n)adc by calling Mrs. Helen is credit manager at Morlarty taUa, Mrs. May Robinson, and United States to keep a mobile entered Senator Jofip F. Ken­ Bolton-Manchester town line, She submarine tender and a floating starting point of their opecation the London market pushed 'the By j AOK b e l l m Elliott. 177 Summit St,, ^before Brothers tii Manchester. Mrs. Florence Donnelly. Home In case of war—the operational nedy’s tone yesterday, a-ka- Thursday. -te the daugh^ of John and. the dock In the Clyde River Estuary. market price o f gold to about $41 New "York, Nov. 2 (A")— McDerpnot8 Is a member of the late WlnifrM Risley and was cooked food of all kinds will be sold bases of the submarines is in In- an ounce., .This prompted a re­ leidescopic day that brought n U D E U V E R Y Democrat^ 'tosm Committee^ He by Mrs. Jacob Lutz, Mra.
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