THE CANADIAN MUSIC TEACHER LE PROFESSEUR DE MUSIUE CANADIEN VOLUME 67 - NUMBER / NUMÉRO 1 - SEPTEMBER / SEPTEMBRE 2015 Providing Leadership in Music Education across Canada Chef de le de l’éducation musicale au Canada 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Opening Night Gala 1 - Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble 2 - Donna Fishwick Ensemble 3 - James Parker 4 - Bob Murphy Jazz Trio 5 - Sara Davis Buechner 6 - Janet Scott Hoyt 7 - The Gateway Theatre 8 - Recepti on More on Page 32 Photos by John Loughee d 4 e Canadian Music Teacher - Fall 2015 PUBLICATION INFORMATION What's inside . Offi cial Journal of the CANADIAN FEDERATION OF MUSIC TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATIONS / FÉDÉRATION CANADIENNE DES ASSOCIATIONS DES PROFESSEURS DE MUSIQUE 4 Opening Night Gala - Conference 2015 6 Greetings from CFMTA/FCAPM President CIRCULATION approx. 3500 - FOUNDED IN 1935 8 Hello from the Editor UPCOMING EDITIONS OF The Canadian Music Teacher 9 Meet our New Le professeur de musique canadien Winter (Hiver) Editi on 2016 10 2015 Executive Meeting Highlights • Publicati on: January 2016 14 Order your Canada Music Week® Supplies • Submission Deadline: December 1, 2015 Spring (Printemps) Editi on 2016 15 William Andrews - Canada Music Week® Awards • Publicati on: May 2016 • Submission Deadline: April 1, 2016 16 CFMTA/FCAPM Students Composer Competition Fall (Automne) - Canada Music Week® Editi on 2016 20 Branching Out • Publicati on: September 2016 • Submission Deadline: August 15, 2016 22 CFMTA/FCAPM National Essay Competition The 'Reel' Deal: Benefits of Traditional Fiddle Playing SEND ALL MATERIALS FOR EDITIONS TO: for Classical Violin Students Dina Pollock Phone 604.614.3298 27 CFMTA/FCAPM Call for Compositions Fax 604.859.9855 [email protected] 29 CFMTA/FCAPM Young Artist Tour 2014 - 2015 ADVERTISING 30 CFMTA/FCAPM Piano Competition 2015 Send all adverti sing inquiries and orders to: Dina Pollock 32 CFMTA/FCAPM National Conference 2015 Phone 604.614.3298 Pathways to . 8 au 11 juillet 2015 Fax 604.859.9855 Tech Teacher of the Year Award [email protected] Hugheen Ferguson Distinguished Teacher Award The offi cial journal of the Canadian Federati on of Music A few Comments Teachers’ Associati ons/Fédérati on canadienne des Review of Dream - Maximizing Digital Music Resources associati ons des professeurs de musique is published Music, Meaning and Wellness: three ti mes a year. Its purpose is to inform music teachers The Changing Role of Music Teachers - Part 1 about the Associati on’s acti viti es, provide a forum for 41 Mark your Calendar discussion and supply informati on of topical interest. Inclusion of items in this journal does not imply 42 A ernoon Musicale endorsement or approval by the CFMTA/FCAPM. In Celebration of Pauline Harborne's 100th Birthday All opinions are those of the authors and may diff er from 44 Chamber Music, Christmas Dinner, and Listen Up! those of CFMTA/FCAPM. An Interview with Jamie Parker SUBSCRIPTIONS 48 What's New at the Conservatories? Non-members may receive a subscripti on by submitti ng 50 Music Theory Education - Part 3 an annual fee to: 51 Review of Publications Cathleen Gingrich A3 - 3545 East 43rd Ave 58 Delegates and O icers Directory Vancouver, BC V5R 6A4 The fee for Canadian residents $ 20.00 per year. 60 Please Support our Advertisers For non-residents $ 30.00 per year. 61 Canada Music Week® Poster Make cheque payable to CFMTA/FCAPM. Automne 2015 - Le professeur de musique canadien 5 GREETINGS FROM CFMTA PRESIDENT SALUTATIONS DE LA PRÉSIDENTE DE LA FCAPM Cynth ia (Cindy) Taylor any of us began our Nova Scoti a. Her knowledge of additi on, we truly value the important summer by att ending our organizati on has been a great contributi ons of our various M the CFMTA/FCAPM infl uence on all of us and we have committ ee chairs and members, Conference hosted by the BCRMTA. grown in our understanding of whose parti cipati on and input is Concerts and workshops were CFMTA/FCAPM under her guidance. essenti al to our success. presented that were inspiring and I am so very grateful that Charline My vision is one of working rejuvenati ng to all. The conference Farrell, Past President, will conti nue together in a spirit of unity to bring committ ee did an outstanding job to be a mentor to me during my term. programs and projects to each of making everyone feel welcome Her guidance and encouragement Province and Territory of Registered and we left the conference inspired throughout the past two years, Music Teachers. We live in a vast and replenished by the sti mulati ng while I have been learning about our country, but through music we can concerts and workshops we had the organizati on, has been gracefully communicate our love of music and privilege of att ending. We renewed off ered with much pati ence. It is with be kindred spirits across the miles. our acquaintance with members from excitement and some trepidati on that As Janet Scott Hoyt, the key speaker across Canada, the USA and Hong I follow in her footsteps and I am very for the CFMTA/FCAPM Conference in Kong, and made new friendships grateful for her ongoing support. Briti sh Columbia, reminded us with like-minded colleagues. Thank you BCRMTA for bringing us this Charline and I are very happy to - "by living the musician’s life, we wonderful conference to begin our welcome Tiff any Wilson, from change the world". summer. Manitoba, as the new Vice President Together we can work together to of CFMTA/FCAPM. Tiff any brings The Nati onal Offi cers, Executi ve keep music a growing and vital art her experience as the President across Canada. Council members and Committ ee of the MRMTA and a global view Chairs att ended the CFMTA/FCAPM of musical knowledge from her annual meeti ng where voti ng took experiences living and studying in Cynthia (Cindy) Taylor place for the changeover of Offi cers. Europe. With Cathleen Gingrich (our President - CFMTA/FCAPM As your new President I would like new Secretary) and Lynda Baechler to thank Lorna Wanzel for her many (our new Treasurer), the Executi ve years of service as an Offi cer of the Council will be working together on CFMTA/FCAPM and for the years your behalf and I feel that the future she has served as the delegate from looks exciti ng for our organizati on. In ANNOUNCEMENT OF ANNUAL MEETING 2016 Take noti ce that the Annual Meeti ng of the members of the Canadian Federati on of Music Teachers’ Associati ons will be held in Toronto, Ontario - July 6th & 7th, 2016 Venue - TBA Business to be conducted includes: Complete the business of the current year Transact business as it is brought before the meeti ng Appoint Auditors. By order of Cynthia Taylor, President - Cathleen Gingrich, Secretary Dated at Vancouver, Briti sh Columbia this 15th day of August, 2015 6 e Canadian Music Teacher - Fall 2015 lusieurs d’entre nous toutes les années au service de sa secrétaire) et Lynda Baechler (notre avons commen cé notre province, la Nouvelle-Écosse, en tant nouvelle trésorière), le comité exécuti f P été en parti cipant au que déléguée. Sa connaissance de nati onal travaillera ensemble pour congrès off ert par l’associati on de notre organisati on fut d’une grande vous. Nous valorisons l’importante la Colombie-Britannique (BCRMTA). infl uence sur nous. Elle nous a permis collaborati on de nos coordonnateurs Ateliers et concerts ont été présentés de mieux comprendre la FCAPM/ d’acti vités et de nos membres, et furent tout aussi rafraichissants que CFMTA sous sa gouverne. lesquels contribuent grandement à rajeunissants ! Le comité organisateur Je suis tout aussi reconnaissante notre succès par leur implicati on et du congrès a réalisé un travail envers Charline Farrell, ex-présidente, leur dévouement. extraordinaire tout en n’oubliant qui conti nuera à être un mentor pour Ma vision est d’abord de travailler pas de favoriser un climat convivial. moi pendant les deux prochaines ensemble dans un esprit d’unité Ainsi nous avons quitt é ce congrès années. Au cours de son mandat de afi n de diff user nos projets et nos plus inspiré et rempli à nouveau par présidente alors que j’apprenais le programmes vers chaque province les concerts et les ateliers sti mulants foncti onnement de notre fédérati on, et territoires de notre fédérati on. auxquels nous avons eu le privilège ses conseils et ses encouragements Nous vivons dans un grand pays mais de parti ciper. Aussi, nous avons eu la ont toujours été exprimés avec grâce à la musique nous pouvons chance de renouer avec des membres pati ence et délicatesse. C’est avec communiquer notre amour de celle- provenant des quatre coins du pays, une vive émoti on et une certaine ci et être des âmes sœurs malgré les des États-Unis et de Hong Kong et de inquiétude que je suis les pas tracés distances. Tout comme le disait Janet faire de nouvelles connaissances. Je par Charline et je suis extrêmement Scott Hoyt, notre conférencière lors remercie la province de la Colombie- reconnaissante de son indéfecti ble d’un exposé pour la FCAPM/CFMTA Britannique de nous avoir préparés support. en Colombie-Britannique, elle nous ces bons moments pour débuter rappelait notre été. Charline et moi-même sommes très heureuses d’accueillir Tiff any « qu’en vivant la vie de musiciens, Lors de l’assemblée générale de la Wilson, du Manitoba, en tant que nous changeons le monde ». FCAPM/CFMTA, le comité exécuti f vice-présidente de la FCAPM/CFMTA. Ensemble nous pouvons travailler nati onal, les délégués ainsi que les Tiff any apporte avec elle toute son coordonnateurs d’acti vités ont voté à faire de la musique un art vital en expérience comme présidente du croissance à travers le Canada.
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