2014 BC Closed by Victoria Jung-Doknjas 57 the 99Th BC Championship Took the Players Ship

2014 BC Closed by Victoria Jung-Doknjas 57 the 99Th BC Championship Took the Players Ship

Chess Canada 2014.11 2 Chess Canada Chess Canada (CCN) is the elec- Chess Canada tronic newsletter of the Chess 2014.11 Next Issue... Federation of Canada. Opinions expressed in it are those of the Features Year in Review credited authors and/or editor, Interview: Qiyu Zhou and do not necessarily reflect Razvan Preotu: On the GM Trail those of the CFC, its Governors, ........................................................ 8 You Gotta See This... agents or employees, living or th dead. 25 NATO Championship Favourte games from 2014 ....................................................... 27 selected & annotated by: subscriptions 99th BC Championship GM Bator Sambuev CCN is distributed by email to ...................................................... 57 CFC members who have submit- IM Jean Hebert ted their email address to the IM Bindi Cheng CFC: Events [email protected] World Senior ...................................... 74 FM Victor Pechenkin Elias Oussedik submissions CHOM ................................................ 79 CCN is looking for contributions: Maritime Open .................................... 91 tournament reports, photos, an- Aurora Fall Open .............................. 101 Coming Soon... notated games. For examples, see this issue or read the 2013.06 Quebec Amateur .............................. 107 Student Issue: anada Appendix for other ideas. · World U16 Teams C suggestions Columns · BC Junior If you have an idea for a story you Upcoming Events .................................... 3 · 2014 Pan-Ams would like to write, email me: Critical Positions ..................................... 5 · Canadian University Ch [email protected] · Nicholas Vetesse Cover: Don’t Look Down hess - John Upper Bishop: ....it’s easy (ya dumb brute): just stay on the dark squares. 2014.11 editor CCN Pawns: ....If I was a Knight I’d just hop over. C King: ...knew it from my first look: he’s not made of the Right Stuff. Upcoming Events 3 March 20-22 March 30 - June 1 April 11-12 April 24-26 41st Championnat Ouvert de la Toronto Closed McIntosh Open Niagara Falls Open Mauricie Annex Chess Club McIntosh Country Inn, Morris- Niagara Shrine Club, 5621 North Hôtel l’Urbania, Trois-Rivières, QC Mondays (except April 6, May 18) burgh, ON St. http://annexchessclub. Sat: 9, 2, 7; Sun:9:30, 2:30. Fri: 7; Sat: 10, 4; Sun: 10 + ASAP Fri: 7:30; Sat & Sun: 10, 4 com/2015/03/2015-toronto-closed- TC: 30/75 + G/45 + 30s chess-championship/ TC: 90 + 30 TC: rd.1 G/90; rd.2-5: 30/90 + Prize Fund: $10,000 estm. Org: Raymond Lacroix G/60 http://www.eoca.org/resources/ Contact: John Erikson Contact: Jean Deschesnes McIntosh-Open-2015.pdf [email protected] April 3-5 [email protected] http://www.fqechecs.qc.ca/cms/activite/ ch-ouvert-de-la-mauricie-20-22-mars Alberta Closed Lethbridge Open May 1-3 Vlad Rekhson Lethbridge Lodge, 320 Scenic Dr. Format: 6 player RR McGill Open March 24-26, 2015 Sat: 10, 2, 6; Sun: 9, 1:30 Pavillon Shatner, McGill U, Mon- Fri: 7 pm; Sat: 11, 6; Sun: 10, 3. TC: 90 + 30 Eric Hansen Chess Camp http://www.albertachess.org/2015AC. treal Location: Calgary Chess Club html Org: Dr.Paul Viminitz http://www.albertachess.org/2015LO. Fri: 7; Sat: 10, 4; Sun: 10, 3. Time: 9-4 pm daily. php TC: 90 + 30 Camp includes: Approximately 4.5 April 3-6 New: U2000 and U1500 amateur hours per day of instruction by 9th Grand Pacific Open April 17-19 sections EF: $30 GM Eric Hansen and other instruc- Victoria, BC http://ssmu.mcgill.ca/chess/ Stan Rogers Memorial mcgill-open-2015 tors, simul game against Eric, and Fri: 6pm; Sat & Sun: noon, 6; Mon: Chilliwack Lawn Bowling Club, BC other fun activities. 10am Fri: 6:30; Sat& Sun: 9:30, 2:30 http://www.albertachess. May 2 org/2015ACAHansenCamp.php $5000 Guaranteed TC: 90 + 30 http://grandpacificopen.pbworks. https://www.facebook.com/ Campbellville Active anada com/w/page/15387541/FrontPage ChilliwackChessClub Details: TBA http://www.miltonchess.ca/ C March 30 April 10-11 Junior et Senior Ch. du Québec IM Razvan Preotu Simul Ontario High School Champion- Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf, Mon- May 2-3 Razvan returns from Cappelle-la- ship tréal Arnprior Open Grande and Reykjavik to give his UofT Schools, Toronto Ven: 19; Sam & Dim: 10 et 15:00. Arnprior Library (by clocktower) first simul. Fri: 9, 1, 6; Sat: 9, 1, 3pm/5pm Cad: m/90 + 30s Sat: 9, 2, 7; Sun: 9, 2. Aurora Chess Club TC: Rds 1-3: G/90; Rds 4-5: 40/90 Org: FQE TC: 90 + 30 http://www.aucc.club/?page_id=1067 hess + G/30 + 30s http://www.fqechecs.qc.ca/cms/sites/ Org: Herb Langer http://www.ohscc.on.ca/ default/files/jun_senior2015-2-pub.pdf http://www.eoca.org/resources/2015- 2014.11 C Arnprior-Open.pdf Upcoming Events 4 May 2-3 May 16-18 Edmonton International Qualifier 40th Keres Memorial June 19-28 Edmonton Chess Club Richmond, BC 10th Edmonton International July 17–25 Sat: 10, 2, 6 Airport Plaza Hotel Chess Festival AIDEF-Quebec Open Sun: 10, 2 TC: G/80 + 60s Collège Brébeuf, Montréal TC: 90 + 30 Sat: noon, 5:15; Sun: 10, 5; Edmonton International: Association Internationale des http://edmonton-international.com/ Mon: 10, 3:15. Qualifier.php GM Vasil Ivanchuk GM Pentala Harikrishna Échecs Francophones combined TC: G/80 + 60. GM Sam Shankland GM Surya Ganguly with the 2015 Quebec Open. http://keresmemorial.pbworks.com/w/ page/92178981/40th%20Annual%20 Format: 9rd Swiss; Open, U1600 May 8-10 Keres%20Memorial%202015 TC: 40/90 + G/30 + 30 Nova Scotia Open Edmonton Open: June 26-28 (max. 20 players) Mount Saint Vincent U Ontario Open http://www.fqechecs.qc.ca/cms/ Fri: 6; Sat & Sun: 10, 4. Side Events: GM Lecture, Harikrishna Simul, Blitz activite/3e-rencontres-inter-des- Quality Inn & Suites, Brant- echecs-francophones TC: 120 + 30. ford Org: Ken Cashin Contact: Edmonton Chess Club, Micah Hughey http://www.nschess.ca/ TC: 90 + 30 Sat, Sun, Mon: 10am, 3pm http://edmonton-international.com/ July–August http://www.brantchess. ca/2015ontarioopen/index.html Kitchener Chess Festival May 15-17 Open de Sherbrooke May 30-31 RETURNING Pavillon Armand Nadeau, Parc Calgary International July 9-16 6th Canadain Seniors Ch. Jacques Cartier Qualifier Canadian Closed 9th Canadain Amateur Ch. Ven: 19h; Sam: 10h, 16h; Dim: Org: Vlad Rekhson nd anada 9:30, 15h. Details: TBA Winner represents Canada at World Cup 2 North American U20 Ch. Cad: 75/30 + m/40 + 30s. Baku, Azerbaijan, Sept.10–Oct.4, 2015. July 26-30: 9 rd Swiss for GM C http://www.fqechecs.qc.ca/cms/sites/ and WGM norms. default/files/annonceopen2015.pdf June 19-21 Peter Clark Hall, University of Guelph, ON. Eastern Ontario Open NEW May 16-17 RA Centre, Ottawa Eligibility: 2100 CFC, FQE or FIDE as of 2015/05. FIDE Kitchener Masters Red Deer Open Org: Halldor Palsson Format: 9 round Swiss. (July 31 - Aug.4) Details: TBA Org: Alexy Taranik http://www.eoca.rg/2014-15- TC: 40/90 + G/30 + 30s. 2 Scheveningen-style tourna- Details: TBA tourn.html ments for GM and IM norms. EF: $250 hess Org: IA Hal Bond 2014.11 http://www.chessfest.ca/ C Critical Positions selected by the editor 5 XIIIIIIIIY XIIIIIIIIY XIIIIIIIIY The following diagrams are criti cal positi ons from this issue of Chess 8r+lwq-+k+0 8-+-+-trk+0 8-+-+-+-+0 Canada. You can treat them as ex- 7zp-zp-+-tr-0 7+-+qzp-+-0 7+-+-+-+-0 ercises or as a teaser introducti on 6nzp-zp-sn-vl0 6-+-zp-+-zp0 6-+-+k+-zP0 to what you’ll fi nd this month. 5+N+Pzp-+-0 5+NzpP+l+-0 5+-+-+-+-0 4-zP-+Pzpp+0 4Q+-vl-+pzP0 4r+-+-+-+0 These “criti cal positi ons” can be: 3zP-tR-+-P-0 3+-+-zp-zP-0 3+-+-+RmK-0 • winning combinati ons • surprising tacti cs 2-+-+LsN-zP0 2P+-+-+PmK0 2-+-+-+-+0 • endgames requiring precise play 1+-+QvL-tRK0 1+R+-+R+-0 1+-+-+-+-0 • simple calculati on exercises xabcdefghy xabcdefghy xabcdefghy • variati on-rich middlegames • m o m e n t s w h e n o n e p l a y e r w e n t see: Razvan badly wrong. see: NATO see: NATO XIIIIIIIIY XIIIIIIIIY XIIIIIIIIY The and squares next to 8r+-+k+-tr0 8lmk-vl-+-+0 8-+r+-+k+0 each diagram indicate the player 7+-wqnsnpzpp0 7+n+-+-+-0 7+p+l+-+p0 to move. 6-+pvl-+-+0 6R+-zp-trp+0 6p+-+pwQpvL0 5zpp+p+-+l0 5+-zp-zp-+p0 5+-zppzPnzP-0 4-+-zP-+-+0 4P+N+P+-+0 4-+-+-+-wq0 anada Soluti ons appear in the game anal- ysis in this issue of Chess Canada, 3+-sN-vLN+P0 3+-+P+-zP-0 3+-zPPtR-+-0 C in the red diagrams in the reports 2PzPPwQLzPP+0 2-+-+-zPKzP0 2-zP-+-+LzP0 named under the diagram. Criti - 1+-mK-tR-+R0 1+-+L+-+-0 1+-+-+-mK-0 cal posti ons usually feature signifi - xabcdefghy xabcdefghy xabcdefghy cantly more analyti cal commen- tary than the rest of the game. What happens after ♗xb5!? a)...♗c7 b)...d5 c) something else? hess see: NATO see: NATO see: NATO 2014.11 C 6 XIIIIIIIIY XIIIIIIIIY XIIIIIIIIY XIIIIIIIIY 8-+-+-tr-mk0 8-+-+-tr-mk0 8-tr-+-trk+0 8-+r+r+k+0 7+-zpl+-vlp0 7+-zp-+r+p0 7+l+-+-zpp0 7zp-sn-+p+p0 6-+-zp-+p+0 6-+-zp-+pvl0 6pwq-zpPvl-+0 6nzpl+p+p+0 5wQNzpPzp-wq-0 5zp-zpPzp-+-0 5+-+-+-+-0 5wq-+-+-+-0 4P+P+LtrP+0 4P+P+P+P+0 4-sN-sN-+Q+0 4P+-zP-sN-+0 3+P+-+P+P0 3+PsNQ+-+P0 3+PzP-+-vL-0 3+-zPL+PzP-0 2-+-+-+K+0 2-+-+-+-wq0 2-zP-+-+-zP0 2-+QvL-+-zP0 1+-+-tR-+R0 1+K+-+RtR-0 1tR-+-+-mK-0 1+R+-+RmK-0 xabcdefghy xabcdefghy xabcdefghy xabcdefghy Black’s ♕ has no safe squares.

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