25¢ ~J~ 21!':~~~ ------- - ..... _ No. 283 ;-:z::: X523 19 June 1981 EI Salvador: "Negotiated Solution" Means Bloodbath e unla, owerI JUNE IS-Fighting has sharply in­ creased in EI Salvador's bloody civil war as leftist guerrillas are mounting a rainy season offensive that has built in intensity from week to week. From the northeastern province of MoraZ<ln to the western hills of Chalatenango, the entire northern tier of the country has been the scene of coordinated guerrilla assaults on the forces ofthe U.S.-backed military/Christian Democratic junta. So far, insurgent advances contrast with the January "final/general" offensive that was called off after only ten days. But government troops and police are not the only obstacle facing rebel fighters-treacherous calls for negotia­ tions with sectors of the junta pose a dangerous roadblock to a left-wing victory on the battlefield. As rebel forces step up their attacks, Reagan continues to pour millions in weapons into thejunta'sarmory. Mean­ while, imperialist liberals have launched an offensive of their own, pleading for a "peaceful solution" to the civil war which has claimed 20,000 lives since January of last year. But the Reagan regime isn't buying. While supplying the junta colonels with Huey helicopters (,Of1linued on page 14 Cruz/Gamma Remember, this is the same Menachem Begin whose Irgun terrorists massacred hundreds of defenseless and unarmed Arab villagers at Deir Yassin in 1948 and whose planes routinely bomb defenseless Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon today. Israeli Nuclear Begin Bombs Reagan's Anti-Soviet Grand Plan If Reagan added his whisper to the worldwide outcry over Israel's raid on Iraq, it is not because the U.S. imperialist chief is more concerned over Terrorists "unarmed and innocent civilians" than the Zionist JUNE IS-We may consider ourselves lucky if we get over the "unprecedented character" of the attack and rulers. In leveling Baghdad's nuclear reactor, Begin through the June 30 Israeli elections without to delay a shipment of F-16s. To this transparently also destroyed for the time being Washington's grand Menachem Begin provoking World War III. For his minimal gesture the Zionist terrorists in Jerusalem design for a "strategic consensus" in the Near East air attack on an Iraqi nuclear power plant is only the reacted with snarling defiance. "Israel doesn't equip aimed at the Sovict V nion. The Saudis know that latest criminal adventure by the increasingly desper­ itself with any weapons for parading purposes," the Israel's F-16s could just as easily have bombed ate Zionist ruling class, a class which believes that defense minister reminded his American patrons. In Riyadh as Baghdad and that their much vaunted history is nol on its side. So the borders of "Eretl other words, the Zionist state will do whatever it American AWACs had failed to detect anything. So Israel" have now been extended to anywhere its U.S.­ damn well pleases with its U.S,-supplied weaponry. it's no surprise that for now the Saudis' denunciation supplied F-16s can reach, and pre-emptive strikes Begin's only concession to the universal of "international terrorism" is directed at Israel and against potential nuclear rivals are the order of the condemnation was to note that the reactor had, after not the Soviet Union. Even the V.S.' most important day. Syria's SAM missiles are next, says Begin. And all, been destroyed before being fueled, so the attack and loyal Arabally, Egypt, ruefully noted that all the then') Of course the indignant Arab rulers are no did not irradiate Baghdad, That was good of him. To while Sadat was meeting with his "brother" Mena­ more moral or peace-loving, no more respecters of prove his "humanitarian" concern, Begin bombed on chem to discuss the Sinai peace accords, the Israeli other peoples' rights than is the Israeli prime Sunday (when no French technicians were supposed high command was putting the final touches on the minister-just militarily weaker for now. to be present), citing Israel's supposed war ethic: Baghdad raid. Begin's terror raid was ritually condemned right "!\ever usc arms against innocent and unarmed In fact, sowing discord between the U.S. and across the globe, Even Israel's great-power protector civilians," Of course for the maniacal Zionist the Arab states was as much the purpose of the in Washington felt compelled to voice disapproval nationalists, no Arab can be an "innocent civilian." continued on page 15 NYC DenIo Blasts Anti-Yanlil Terror in Sri Lan l\E\V '{OR K-l\carl:- lOG people dem­ Cd~t~' \\ar. -rhC'~- ~tarl th2 rclIgl0n \\'ar. onstrated Junc 8 outside the Sri Lankan They "tart the language \\ar. E\enthlr1/;' Mission to the United .'\ations to protest to ge; the poor to kill each other." A the murderous attacks on the Tamil Spartacist League speaker noted that minority of Sri Lanka which have the anti-Tamil repression "is similar, but escalated in recent weeks. Since late more intense, to what you had in this March at least 89 Tamil activists have country in the '60s when, after blacks "disappeared," victims of military and rose up in the ghettos to fight against police dragnets. Tamils have been their two- and three-fold oppression, arrested by the hundreds, Hindu tem­ cops and troops-from Watts to ples and political offices burnt, and five Detroit-launched a brutal campaign of Tamil youths have been reported killed state terror against them.... This is by the police. On June 3 the predomi­ nothing but Jim Crow, Ceylon style." nantly Tamil Northern Province was Before the demonstrators concluded placed under a state of emergency. Two the protest with a spirited singing of the days later this was extended to the whole Internationale, a Spartacist spokesman island, then called off on June 9. But summed up: "American imperialism has the military occupation of the Tamil come to Sri lanka. It has come in two areas continues in effect. as it has for the ways. One way is trying to compete with past two years. the Chinese labor of Hong Kong and The NYC demonstration was Singapore and Taiwan. They take initiatf?d by the Spartacist League/V.S. young Sinhalese girls, put them in the and joined by members of the Edam \--riCe Trade Zone, pay them 25 cents an Tamils Association, which advocates a hom and work them for textiles. Cheap separate Tamil state on the island N\/ Phct c labor. Sweated labor. Slave labor. The (Eelam). Another protest demonstra­ International Spartacist tendency Sinhala placard says: "Forward to a other way is that American imperialism revolutionary workers and peasants government in Sri Lanka!" tion called by Tamil groups was held in has moved into the Indian Ocean." The London on June 6. The Spartacist SL speaker stressed the importance of League of Britain was the only British tion Front (TUlF) headquarters, Tamil determination for the Tamil people of opposing imperialist naval bases on the left organization to mobilize for this businesses, the public library, the Tamil Sri l.anka. Other demands lllcluded. island of Diego Garcia and at Trincom­ demonstration. And on June IS, some press, Hindu temples and cultural Stop deportations of Tamil plantation alee in Sri Lanka. He concluded by 2-3,000 Tamil workers marched on the centers. Twenty Tamil youth returning workers! Equal status for the Tamil reminding the protesters that not only Sri Lankan embassy in Bonn, protesting from West Germany, where they were language! Equal pay for women planta­ the government party in Sri Lanka has the anti-Tamil terror. Again, the Trotl­ denied political asylum, were arrested at tion workers! Spartacist League pla­ the blood of the Tamils on its hands: cards proclaimed: "Tamil workers­ kistische Liga Deutschlands was the on!) the airport. A Tamil member of parlia­ "There i, a man, hi, name is J. R. group on the German left to take part in ment narrowly escaped with his life key to socialist revolution in Sri lanka' .Iayewardene. and hi, rotund prime the demomtration. when his house was ransacked, and even For proletarian revolution throughout minister Premadasa-the\ arc the What little news slips out through the the leader of the parliamentary opposi­ the Indian subcontinent!" In Ceylon enemies. The \\a) was prepared b\ ',',ali of censorship points to the urgent tion, TUlF leader A. Amirthalingam, ani) the Spartacist League of Sri Lanka [tonner prime mini\ter] Bandaranaike. the popular lront of raci'm. of anti­ need for such international protests was arrested and released only after takesan uncompromising stand for these Tamil oppre,s!ol1 The Tarr.il people against the n1urderou') regime of Sri rrotcsts. and other demand, that point the way arc oppressd I hC\ arc being dumred La nk~1 n t', • J.R Jayewardent'ln Slogans rai:,cd at the 1\cw York toward "J amil-SinlJaicse class lIl1lt) b,-~ck Ollt of an i~.Jal1(i. The\' arc hcinl! .C;;i:~ . i~ and cut ofunifl..)rrn, dcn;un..:,tratiuii cd:cd fu;- the freeing of -\ ~pcakcr at the picket-hr:c prot('~: lH'C7Cd tn Jafjn~l th('~· arc ht~ln~ f-h:> \,.-dl r:o: l'OJ1tllH; 1 R \'. :":j (1:-. tr~H)Ds. i11Ll.ldin~ a \ !r:-; ..... c/' the dIlt 'f r.und terr:'J;. for the frun~ the [cIani -farnils :\~SC\i.::i~ltion J:i" (nld :.1 (.iii' ~} r p., .., ('; r: ;;; ~'l j' ~1 ~ ~:"; ~;n" ~ r01.-~-~ L-:~rl'!i}jt'--"; bc:~ C.~ri de..:· i \ '. ,(',, ........ ... _ ',:':' . --!." rhj'c(' b:-J,ve n (uhn¥ or !nlncriaii~jL ~lnd tiL \\ ...:: ...
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