VOLUME LI, NUMBER 45 Your Local News Source Since 1963 SERVING DUBLIN • LIVERMORE • PLEASANTON • SUNOL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2014 Ruling on ‘Class’ Is Step Forward In Retiree Lawsuit Lawrence Livermore Na- among Laboratory retirees retiree group when it filed founding in 1952 until 2008, that they have standing to Find Out What's tional Laboratory retirees that they can pursue their suit in 2010. The exact when a for-profit consortium sue. According to observers, took a step forward in their case collectively, arguing number of retirees eligible took over for the University the legal path ahead how- Happening lawsuit against the Univer- that an implicit contract to join the class is uncertain. as manager of the national ever, can be a long one and Check Out Section A sity of California last week promised them the same Estimates usually range defense laboratory. the final outcome is unclear. Section A is filled with when a judge ruled that they health care programs that from 4,500 to 5,500. The retirees considered Nevertheless, the head information about arts, qualify as a “class” in aiming are available to retirees from UC has contested the suit the management change to of the retirees group, Marty people, entertainment and to be restored to UC health University campuses. from the start and argued be a violation of promises Crowningshield, said he is special events. There are care. “Now it’s no longer 10 against qualification of the made during their careers “very optimistic” after the education stories, a variety Alameda County Supe- angry old people suing. It’s LLNL retirees as a class. at the Laboratory. Court judge’s latest ruling. of features, and the arts and 5,000 angry old people su- UC health programs were rulings to date have tended entertainment and bulletin rior Court judge George Her- He said, "The only thing board. nandez agreed that there are ing,” said Jay Davis, one of available to the retirees from to support the retiree argu- (See CLASS ACTION, page 4) enough issues in common the original plaintiffs in the the time of the Laboratory’s ments, including confirming Veterans Day Measure BB Speaker Set Winning with Votes to Be Counted With ballots still to be counted, Measure BB had received 69.56 of the vote, with two-thirds needed for approval. According to the Reg- istrar of Voters, there are still 100,000 ballots left to be counted. The vote count resumee on Thursday morn- ing. Vote counting is likely to stretch through the weekend and into next week.Under State law, Alameda County has until December 2 to Robert Morris certify its election results. The measure received Las Positas College will 147,920 yes votes to 64,725 present a talk on Veterans no votes. The measure would Day, November 11, by vet- continue a one-half cent eran Robert Morris. He will sales tax and add another discuss how flying drones one-half cent until 2040. over Afghanistan led him It would help fund BART to launch his fast-growing to Livermore, widening of Livermore startup, Ter- Highway 84, and street rAvion. repair and local transit in Presented as part of the the Valley. Business and Marketing Dublin's Measure T, "Let Department's Business and Photo - Doug Jorgensen Dublin Decide," was losing Entrepreneurship Speaker Lisa Wilson's fourth and fifth grade class at Arroyo Seco School in Livermore held a Mock Election for Governor on with 5611 voting no and Series, the evening with Nov. 4. Students in Transitional Kindergarten through fifth grade voted during their lunch recess times. Students 1166 yes. A simple majority served as poll workers. Arroyo Seco students have correctly predicted the results of the 2008 Presidential Race, is required to approved the Morris is open to the general measure. In Livermore, public. He will be speaking the 2010 Governor's Race, and the 2012 Presidential Race. Measure W, which would in the College's Multi-Dis- prohibit the city from pay- ciplinary Building Lecture ing city council members' Hall, Room 2420 at 6:00 portion of health insurance, p.m. on Tuesday, Novem- Fewer, Larger Wind Turbines Less Lethal to Birds was passing 11,581 to 3090. ber 11. The Final Program En- will be the focus of a public ing projects, Golden Hills, Measure X, which would As a community out- covers about 7 square miles limit future council salary reach effort, there is no vironmental Impact Report hearing set for November 12 is sought by NextEra En- along the south side of In- increases, was ahead 10,367 charge for admittance but (PEIR) on the repowering of in Pleasanton. ergy Resources. The firm terstate 580 through much to 4245. visitors are reminded that existing wind farm facilities Two different projects proposes to remove 775 of the east-west distance of Dublin Mayor and Demo- the campus has a $2 parking within the unincorporated propose replacing a total of turbines, and replace them the Altamont. crat Tim Sbranti was trailing fee. Daily tickets are avail- Alameda County portion 1,111 turbines with 60 to 64 with up to 52 new turbines, Immediately south of in his race against Dublin able from vending machines of the Altamont Pass Wind larger turbines. generating as much as 88 Golden Hills, the Patterson resident Catharine Baker, a Republican, for the 16th in the campus parking lots. Resource Area (APWRA) One of the two repower- megawatts. The location (See TURBINES, page 4) The College is located at Assembly District seat now 3000 Campus Hill Drive, held by Joan Buchanan, Livermore 94551. Space who will be termed out. for the evening is limited Baker had 46,399 to Sbran- and guests are urged to ar- Abode Expands Services in Livermore ti's 43,050 votes. Sbranti is termed out in December as rive early. Abode Services, a San local governments, includ- come from a broad cross- a partnership with the City of Dublin mayor. Morris' talk, "Swords Francisco Bay Area non- ing Livermore and Pleasan- section of the community Livermore and its police de- In Pleasanton, incum- to Plowshares: Turning profit that provides services ton, are allowing Abode Ser- and include veterans, foster partment resulted in Abode bent councilmember Kathy Military Experience into a to individuals and families vices to increase its program youth, seniors, and people Services increasing its street Narum with 7657 votes and Venture-Backed Startup," without a home, is expand- offerings to reach more indi- with special needs. outreach efforts in the city. planning commissioner Arne will focus on his experience ing to serve those in need in viduals and families who are Abode Services began The agency has staff Olson with 5735 were elect- with entrepreneurship and the Tri-Valley area. homeless or facing a housing offering services in the Tri- members who engage peo- ed to fill the two seats on how he leveraged expertise Partnerships with other crisis. According to Abode, Valley area more than ten ple who are chronically the Pleasanton City Council. gained in the military to de- service providers and with people who need assistance years ago. Earlier this year, Olivia Sanwong was third (See ABODE, page 10) (See ELECTION, page 4) (See LPC, page 3) Nov. 12 Talk On NIF Laser TVLC to Reorganize A public talk on recent research using Lawrence Its Fund-raising Livermore National Labo- The Tri-Valley Learning hoc committee, which has ratory’s giant laser system, Corporation (TVLC) board met to hear suggestions from the National Ignition Facil- will be looking at reorganiz- parents, school councils, ity, will be offered next ing the five-school organiza- teachers and administra- Wednesday evening, Nov. tion's volunteer fund-raising tors on how to create a clear 12, at Castlewood Country efforts when it convenes in structure that will maxi- Club in Pleasanton. a special meeting Nov. 13 at mize the use of donations, The talk, by research its board room at 3252 Con- and eliminate unnecessary physicist Omar Hurricane, stitution Drive, Livermore. expenditures of personal is scheduled to begin at 7 TVLC operates the energy, resuulting from pos- p.m. Livermore Valley Charter sible duplication of effort. The National Ignition School and Livermore Val- Corso listed several rec- Facility is the culmination ley Charter Prep. ommendations. One is to Photo - Doug Jorgensen of a half-century of develop- The seven-member board reorganize the LVCP Foun- Pleasanton hosted the annual Veterans Day Parade last weekend. Military groups, ment of ever more powerful will be considering recom- dation, which raises funds scouts, and various military and veterans support groups took part in the event. In lasers at Lawrence Liver- mendations from director for the charter prep school. the photo, members of Pleasanton Military Families, head down Main Street. For more more. It was created for the Dick Corso, chair of an ad nuclear weapons program (See TVLC, page 5) information on veterans, go to page 2. with the expectation that it would also be useful in non-weapons research like PET OF THE WEEK materials science, astro- Inside Weston, ho! Eagerly awaiting his future, 4-month- physics and fusion energy. old Weston is ready to become a forever pet. An It has been a power- SECTION A Editorial..............................4 adorable poodle mix, he likes children, and should ful research instrument in Art & Entertainment.............8 Mailbox...............................4 make a fine student for the family willing to help him learn. There’s no substitute for Weston! Visit all these areas, generating Bulletin Board..................10 Roundup...............................3 extreme conditions of tem- him at Valley Humane Society, 3670 Nevada Street perature and density that Milestones ................
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