S t t EDITORIAL The Su nflo w er Page 8 Vandenberg, Stucky Clash At 'Issues *69’ Discussion By BRUOE SANKEY apply proven methods toaccom- activities to those that use them Staff Rffierter pUsh our goals,*’ e3<plalned Stucky. the most. As it stands now, we’ re Vandenberg told the listeners all having to pay for the enjoyment SGA presidential candidates that what SNU is basically after is of a few.” Richard Vandenberg ( SNU ) and the establishment of a brother-to- •Stucky - - “ It is completely Scott Stucky, met head-on in a panel brother relationship between the irrelevant to a person’s effec­ discussion of the issues of this admthistration and students rather tiveness, whether or not he is a year’s SGA elections along with than the present father-child re­ member of a Greek letter so­ Mike Sylvester, Black Student lationship. cial organization.” Union candidate for SGA treasurer, In conjunction with thisbrother- at Issues ’69. •Vandenberg - - “ More effec­ to-brother relationship, Vanden­ Dr. James P. Erickson, asso­ tive legislation has been passed by berg advocated the elimination of Student Senate since the Commit­ ciate professor of English, mod­ student committees and faculty erated the discussion and question­ tee for Student Rights was formed committees In similar areas and ip F ^ ru ary, than in the previous ing of the candidates by members of replacing both with “ free and e- the audience. year. Prior to CSRbecomlngactive qual’’ University committees. in campus activities, theSenate had Sylvester began the discussion, Stucky added that SGA progress the reputation of being nothing held 'Hiursday In the CAC, with the has been steadily increasing since more than “ a panel of Greeks” HEAD-ON GOLLISION-Two of WSU't protldcntial candidates statement of the BSU posiUon In before the days when Jim Roberts who play games every Tuesday and BSU representative field questions at “leaues ’69," the SGA elections. was at the helm of the SGA in 1966. night.” “ The Blacks at WSU are in­ •Stucky - - The Student Senate “ Students shouldn’t be limited to terested In doing something for of WSU Is structurally and pro- Just asking the administration for themselves and for others as cedurally one of the finest In the Election Commissioner Soys tovors, but should be allowed to well,** said Sylvester. “ We’re try­ nation. Its record for progressive participate In thedecision mak­ ing to educate too.’ ’ and effective legislation is self- ing, ” stated Vandenberg. ‘ 'We want efident, and stretches back long Stucky, speaking next, told the studeht powerl ** Voter Turnout Disappointing sparce audience that he ted the before the CSR was even a gleam experience necessary to accom- Following the statements by the in Ron W ylie’ s eye. Steve Davies, SGA election com­ candidates, Erickson called for ing all the work and trouble his Jplish things through student missioner, reported Thursday questions of the candidates from staff of volunteers underwent to I government, •Sylvester - - “ As this dis­ night that approximately 1,075 stu­ members of the audience. cussion has demonstrated, SGA insure students plenty of places " I offer ejq>erience, new ideas dents had turned out to vote in to vote. I where needed, and the ability to Ashed if the BSU platform Isn’t Is really quite Irrelevant to us the SGA elections since polls designed exclusively for Black Blacks.” opened Wednesday night. The largest single group of students, Sylvester replied that voters, 296, turned out inthe’CAC. miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Polls will be open today from it is “ not totally exclusive.” We Following the debate, Vanden­ A low of three votes were cast welcome any White man who is 9 a.m. through 2 p.m. in the CAC, berg made comment on the light in the CEC (mi Wednesday night. Wbot’s laside willing to “ deny his whiteness and CEC, Neff Hall, DFAC, Wllner voting turnout. He attributed the “ I'm ” very disappointed that we take up blackness,” declared Syl- small number of Voters that rea­ Auditorium, Henry Levitt Arena, placed a booth in an area with Engineering Building, Wheatsboc- vester. “ We're willing to work ched the polls to the Inclements such poor participation,” Davies with any group, however, that is ker Hall, Falrmount Towers, and Why are coeds in Grace Wilkie commented. sincere,” he commented. Vandenberg agreed with the pre­ Grace Wilkie Hall. Dorm forbidden to kiss thier beaus Tliree members from each po­ goodnight Inside the lobby? See diction made recently by Ron Wy­ Davies felt weather conditions Other salient points made by litical party plus selected Student page 3. lie, SNU chairman, that if only a kept many voters from the polls the candidates ip answer to ques­ Senate members will count votes tions, include: few voters turn out, SNU will go Thursday, but predicted a proba­ tonight. Tallying will begin today •Vandenberg - - “ I'd be wil­ under. But If the vote equals that ble voter turnout of 2,500. Peace monger Julian Bcmd talks of the stadium election, then the at 2:30 p.m. Davies predicted that ling to give seats on the Student However, Davies added that the about the White problem. Seepage SNU ticket will sweep the election. the winners would be announced by 6 . Senate to faculty in trade for seats turnout was “ sickening” consider­ 8 p.m. tonight. on the University Senate for stud­ ents.” What does Uhuru, the Black •Stucky - - “ A Black Studies PesaltY Phon Beaiiis Monday student newspaper, really say to program at WSU would add to the students at WSU? See page 8. academic tenure of the Uni­ versity.” •Vandenberg - - “ Our proposed bookstore retete policy would shift Sirhon Convicted of Murder One iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii the burden of the payment of CAC LQS ANGELF.S (A P ) - Slrhan their husband and wives visit them on Slrhan's shoulder and walked Bistera Sirten, who assassinated In their hotel until Sunday night. hack with him in the small hold­ When the jury returns it must Robert F. Kennedy as the senator ing tank outside the court. savored a major triumph in his choose between San Quentin’ s pea- campaign for president, was con­ green gas chamber or a life term Slrhan’ s 56-year-old mother, v ic t^ today of firs t-d ^ re e mur­ in a suite of rooms set aside Mary and his brothers, Adel and der for Slrhan at the medical facility Munir, who ted been In the court­ The jury will begin on Monday at Vacaville. room almost daily since the trial to choose either life or death for But first there Is more argu­ started Jan. 7, were not presen' the 25-year-old Jordanian Arab ment, with the defense presenting for the verdict. A defense at­ who said he was inflamed by Ken­ its case first and las^ with the torney said they were listening t< nedy’ s support of Israel In the prosecution In the middle. their radio. Middle East conflict. Chief defense counsel Grant B. Kennedy was shot as he lef Sirten entered the court Thurs­ t'ooper said he did not know a ballroom filled with enthusias day as he ted for the 15 weeks whether he would call any wit­ tically cheering supporters afte of the trial-puffing a cigarette nesses for the penalty phase, but winning California’ s DerAocratL but looking no more apprehensive suggested that they might call the presidential primary. than at any other time. Sheriff’s district attorney of Los Angeles This was the last day of his deputies stood over him as the County and the three assistants crusade “ to seek new policies” court clerk read the verdict, but who prosecuted the case. He said in American government. he betrayed no emotion. also he might call prosecutiem psy­ The jury, which ted deliberated chiatrist Seymour Pollack to testi­ His victory In the country's 16 hours and 42 minutes since fy for the defense. most populous state was a ll the taking the case Monday, thus chose Pollack ted agreed with nine more satisfying b^au se he ted a to ignore more than a month of <^her mental experts who testi­ major setback the week before, testimony ofpsychlatristsandpsy­ fied that Sirten was mentally ill losing the Oregon primary to Sen. chologists who said Sirten was so — but not so sick that he should not Eugene J. McCarthy of Minnesota. mentally ill he did not have the be legally responsible for the as- After Kennedy left the stage In capacity to form a meaningful plot sa ssination. Pollack also testified the Embassy ballroom he walked against Kennedy. that at the time he was hired by through a pantry where Slrhan, Sirten also was convicted of the prosecution it was known he 5 feet 3 and 110 pounds, was five separate counts of assault was strongly opposed to the death waiting with an eight-shot revolver with a deadly weapon with intent penalty. he bought for $25. Two dozen to commit murder In the wound­ While court clerk Alice Nlshi- witnesses testified that Slrhan ing of five others in the Ambassa­ kawa read the six verdicts, the lunged forward, placed the gun dor Hotel pantry when Kennedy jurors* expressions in the hushed near the senator’ s heed and pulled was shot early last June 5. court did not change. They were the trigger repeatedly. Kenne^ Superior Court Herbert V. LIFE OR DEATH-Sirtiiu Sirhin facet ytf anotlicf bafflc-ttia gat polled one by one on the murder was hit three times the other Walker told the seven men and five count only. bullets sprayed Into the crowd In chamber or a mental Inatltution.
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