.Jil - rr-'-- - .uljl ’ AVCRAOB DAILY CjiBCCLATION for the Month of Aagast, 1988 TRB WEATHER Forecast sf 11. S. Weather ' Hartford • ev026 jM |mber ef the Andtt in of CIreoiatlons Fair Umlght aad Thureday. wanner toinlght, eooler Thursday. ^ ^ ^ M ANl’HESTER^i::^ O^VniLAGB VOL. LVIL, NO. 306 (Claaallled Advertlstng on Page 12) MANCHESTER, CO>fN., WEDNEI^DAY, SEPTEMBER 28* 1938 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS J I.., ^ N^zTEars Wrecked i|i Border Clashes Am ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ »«>r BE.\CHCqMBtNO BOOMS Tofl O iy p id ^ ^ e a d Edges ON Mma ISLAND SHORE ^ ^^--Port Jefferson, N . Y.^ SepL 28 AEdfe 80; H e ^ Relief: —(A P)—The beachcoiutblng busL WHEAT . FIELD . SOWN ■ness boomed here today. • - —for -WORLD'S FAIIl I .With each wave'at high tide, ; Coordinator, Pim Pi^ seb^ns of Long Island’s north GERMAN NOTE -.New, York, Sept. 28— (AP)_ short; residents deployed along ^ the sapds and hauled out furni- A wheat fleld^-only one within Stuns Hobfe Of gram Of. Expeditin^Aid. the city a llmlU-wiU be on- ex- ture ahd clothing-washed into GI VES CZECHS hibit at- the New York World's the sound by fast week’s hurri- Fair. Hitler, Chamberlaiii, Mii* ^ cane and tidal wave. - BCLLBT|N!j . - The quarter- acre site was Furniture labels indicated It THEIR LIBERTY Hartford, 8epL '28,—(AF)-r sow(n ye.sterday. if will be cul- hqd come from Connecticut, 25 solini And Daladier Isl Rapidly organizing the rehabili- mllee distant. T ’ . > tivated ab part of a baking com-‘ pany’s exhibit. tation program of the state fol- All lowing the disastrous hurricane-, Letter To Chamberlain Says Meet In Mnoicb; Germ ul and flood, Col. Thomas Hewes, coordinator of rehabtutatiom' Mobilization Po conferred today In the hril or- Political And Economic In- DISEASE FEARS ^ 'th e House ■ ’of Representatives.. ILDUCEPICKED with Representatives of all s'tato departments conducting dependence H of findan* London, Sept. (AP) — T M relief work. .Alarmed by . the ifLEH A LlED FOR MEDIATION electrifying announcement to blockade of commodities and gered By>Nazi Occupation stunned House of Qommona food Intended for 'Connecticut, that Europe’s big four — Hltli sufferers, due to the truck- BY RED CRdSSf Chamberlain, Mussolini and men's strike Jn,the New -Yorlc W^Ha .^Sudeten German Berlin, Sept. 28.—(AP)—An au- TO AVERT WAR Ci^’ area, .Governor Cross ap- ' u Czechoslovakian border guards continued _to 61er—would meet tomorrow In Mi ctoh along the d-sputed boundary Nazi motorcars like those shown above at the border town bf Gras.; thoritative source srtid today Reichs- Ich snatched Europe back from pealed to- Governor ,^^Moore. of ^ met a VIolenUfate. ,Gcrma'n, news sources said, the machines had been wrecked by hand grenades. • New Jersey- to get me AFL to, Medical Director Charader* ftJChrec .Adolf HIUejft had sent a let- brink of Imminent war. This'picture was trahsmltted by radio from London, to New York. - ® let shipments through. ter to Prime Minister crhamberlaln Accepts Responsibility At Within a few second Prime izes Conditions'^tisfac- giiaranteeing^ that - Czerhoslovakla’i Ister. Chamberlain painted a cl Hartford, Sept. 28.~(A P )—Con. political and economic Independence Request Of Britain; Con- ed picture of the World’s for peace In the most nectlcut tackled a staggering task of wouIfT not be endangered by Ger- tbry After Tonr Of Strick- nounccment Parliament haa /heaf#. reconstruttlon in storm devastate JAPAN ASKED man occupation of SUdeteiiland. tacts Hitler About Meet- In a generation. areas'todayr as official estimates of ROOSEVELT MAKES NEW The letter, sent yesterday after Gernian mobUizaUol^' postpone.' , property destruction by floods and en Areas; Dedlh Tofl 592. Chamberlain’s, broadcast to the ed for 24 hours whileI t h e iramlewofl hurricane soared to $100.000,0()0 and TO SEND PLEA Britl.oh Empire, was reported to ing At Muiucb Tomorrow, the four great Euro; powaijp^ the .toll of khowa dead edged above TO HITLER haye said, hbwe.ypr,. that occupation .sought a new way. to . wacovw^ 80. of the Sudeten territory waa "Indis- Boston,. Sept. 28.—(AP) —Fears Germany’s demands cession •^2 crln Cbl. Thomas Hewes, appointed pensable" In view, of conditions' Rome, Sept. 28.—(A P)—Premier Czechoslovakia’s SudetanlaikjU state rellel. co-ordinator by Gov. that dlqeai^ mlght follow last week's which Germany could no longer en- Mussolini;', today became a mediator. Pfemlflbjmlft- MuaaoUnt'Musaor '' of- — * Hvldu* , -Wilbur'L. Gross, summoned officiala hurricaneldevastation in New -Eng- dure. Directed Only To In Oermuiy’a conflict with Checho- ed the role of m e n to r m ____ ^Ih’a< Of federal and state agepcies to land w.cre allayed today by Red REPLY TO LAST Measure Of Safety German ally an<y the bead* of eoi conference this- morning-to mapla^ a> Cross medical officers,'as the knoWn Hitler told the British prime min- slovakia. -: " “ ' —. democracies. unified program of- expedlting aid of Ameri(;aD Envoy Requests 'Ihtuing death toll passed beyond 5Qp. ny; Suggests Con- ister Germany's decision to occupy He accepted the responaibiilty, in- Roosevelt .Message* Flgiir* I u l U 1) the atrickeri regions. Sudetenland Oct. 1 waa Intended foimed sources said, at the request Message* from President E \ Hewes, Democratl(\^ candidate for Dr. WiUiam De Klelne, National APPEAL BY FDR I ad to( Appeal Be Sent Hitler A ni solely as a measure of safety to In- velt to Hitler, Mpsaoltoi sDd . lieutenant governor, was assigned Red Ooss medical director, char- Of General Parley of Great Britain ih .a desperate el- _ J iWch 1 acterized health conditions as "very sure orders during^final' settlement fort to avert war. A personal mss- geveriimcht Jap«m^.^»ir6dS8 I - rocedi , the Job o.f cp-ordlnating relief and T the"pr^Iem T)y a plebiscite. toe rn^U-Communitt pact-^lgiuriMJ reconstruction work after an emer- satisfactory” after a jo iir of the Benes; Proposal To Bh sage from President Roosevelt, re- Ian, n NOT EXPECFEDP Germany ,1s even ready to be co- ceived at the crucial moment, may the Ughthlng change* of the _ gency conference ' of municipal ancf stricken areas along the Connectl, cut and Rhode Island coasts. guarantor with Poland and Hungary also have influenced his acceptance. The haggard ChantoerlSto hli relief officials at the' state capitol when he entered the House to yesterday at which Governor Cross The Red Cross listed 15,440 fam- Given Serions T h o n ^ t of the revised Czechoslovak state’s After receiving personal mea- ilies as receiving aid, and aaid . ..BIlWUETDri : - independence, KlUcr was - aaid to toe most momentous speoch bt asserted: >. Spokeanan For Nazi For- hay# written. ■ag* -from Prim* Minister Chamber- career did not know that the Me -- -Connecticut has suffered to the 44,000 suffered loss In the storm. Waol^Utap. 8Mt. 28.—AP) lain of Great Brlfain, II Dues Imme- Discoveries of new deaths in Mas- H* also was reported to have ask- mectog was to be held. Hla i tune of about IJOO.OOO.OCIO.''' . -< i .Tokyo, Sept. 28.rr-(AP)—United —White HansA a(ttdfaes hantd diately got tof touch with Reichs- speech tnalcated he thought i sachusetts,- Vermont and Connecti- aa “veryN, encouraging'’ today 'hd Chamberlain, why . Britain was "The further we look into the dis-, States Ambassador Joseph C. Grew eign Office Says Tnne mobilizing her fleet and France was fuehrer Hitler,, presumably by tele- evitable. „ . ' f*e*u aater, .the worse it atmears”, he cut lifted the toll to 602. divided as the suqiinohlng by Adolf Hitler phone. hha' follows: Rhode Island, 268; Massa- today asked Japan to send a peace preparing for a state of war if But a pencil scribbled noth banAed added. ) of representatives' of England, Subsequently, it wm« annotmeed to him an hour and a half after h* iosaibi) Session Not Necesaaiy. appeal to Adolf Hitler and President France afid It^ly to a oonfer- For Ezeban^ng Friend- Chamberlain realised, as he . said In (Continued On two) Eduard Benes of Czechoslovakia. hla broadcast, that Europe ought that Mussolini, Hitler,.Chamberlain, began explaining why it appealed ,M s hat ' State Senator James R. Rahbett enoe in Munich tomorrow..' and Premier Daladier of France • must come changed the Bioondr* A Wi of Windsor Locks urged Governor Grew made his proposal in a half- Stephen Early, a presidential not to be pluhged Into a war on ac- hour conference with Gen. Kmzub^ ly Messages/Is Past would meet in Munich tomorrow tense House and golietle* Into (M gne Cross to convene the General A's- seeretary, told thls'to newsmen, cheering frenzied maa*. hlge Ugakl, foreign minister. advising them slnhdtnnebusly (Conttntied on itoge Ten.) morning. Mato * sembly in emergency, session, but ' It waa a message from Hitler bury Ur the chief executive asserted he did He, called Ugaki’s attention to that President Roo.serelt’S -cable Delivera Rooeeveit’s Message ALCORN REQUESTS Prestclent Roosevelt’s first appeal to Berlin. Sept. 28—(AP) — A For- Ambassador William Phillips of vitlng him.—as the premiers Mancbe not believe that step Was necessary. to the German chancellor last France and Italy also were iwrit " Colonel Hewes immediately set up. Hitler and Bepes apd suggested that night probably would be the eign office spokesman,, commenting the United Stated went to 11 Duce’s Japan send a similar me'.tsage. - ch’pf executive’s final wor,4'- In 6fflce ih toe Palazzo -Venezia to de- to toe Munich conference. h ea d m a rb ^ sjn an bfljce in the old yP®U-5'‘**l4ehtjFtooBeyelt’.s^iate8t ap- MRS. mmm A p i ^ Through MOssollqL- .
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