'll! COW IN COMMITTEE OF FRED CLARKE A NO iPE FOR WILL iai lui SESSION' HE CARNIVAL MEETS CHEAPER MEAT Mr. O. P. to DehveCAddress 'NO'Grand and No Beckley Nearly Half of the Capital Stock Handler of Buccaneer* Ha* All the Jury Charge ®y Packers Rrw. Roush That a Leader of a Team Say Price of Live* Home From Thursday Night of Carr»i*-i— Qualities High P.ttsbur-^ Naeda—May Retire From Gama. Subscribed. Where He Took Part in Large Judge Dayton. More Prizes. Already Hans Waqner May Quit Also Stock is the Cause. Communion Prom of Service. The World Tuesday: By TOMMY CLARK. There wl 1 be a of the vari meeting When the history makers ot our na- Rev. \\ iA, Roush Vki« re; urned frmu ous committees of the Horticultural flWILY ONE CASE ON OPTION ON THE RALEIGH tional pastime are being awarded i he Centennial Convention of tie* at the Y. C. A. this THE SAME OLD EXCUSE society building places in the baseball hall of fame the Ohratian Church whien convened at evening to complete the nrrangements name Fred of STREET FACTORY BUILDING of Clarke, manager Pfttefrurg and to which meeting ho TEFE CRIMINAL DOCKET for the Apple Carnival, to' be he'd will a big the Pittsburg Pirates, occupy IN THE SAME OLD WAY eongt> nation Intd sent, aim at lie e> November 4 and 5. here on conspicuous place. The wonderful l»'»se m a t often of their esteem. The committee has received an ac of this resourceful lead achievements Rev. Mr. Roush swtt* s that the coi* eeiptance (from Mr. O. P. Beckley, of er on the diamond in this and many vent ion service ^Westey Lee. colored. Sentenced to Pay Stockholders of the Heiser Shoe Co. of nearly 40 thousand the McFarland Service of seasons him in a class Are Publicity other place by President ef Combine lays There people on laet Sum! iy *as the * Fine of and Jail For 30 Hold Enthusiastic and AM arges-t $100 Dajrt. Harrisburg, Pa., to moke an address Meeting himself as a leader of a major league Not Enough Cattle, and Possibly communion aervice the v.orld tms ever' For Boot I A Downt on of tbe Feel That the Success of the Enter no leader in baseball egg ng—Harry Thursday night Carnival. club. In fact, known, to the the Beet the according press report;*. Mr will talk on is Secured—Committee has such a splendid record as this Temporary Relief Is /Admitted to: Practice in the U. S- Beckley ''Cooperation prise Ap An offering at the dose of the com in the Industry." He is we 1 same fellow Court—Court Adjourned till Wednes Alptpk- pointed to Solicit More Subscrip Trust Can Give. munion service amounting to $2,tire qualified to »|>eak on such a subject. As manager of a baseball team tions to Stock. Kilted for the neHer of aged ami day Morning He is in touch with all the bor Clarke has no superior. He bas all the Chicago. Oct. 1»—To the nation's large dependent min let era. who are ticulturaiists of the as well as that go to make A successful anxious housewives hoping iFrom The World of Tuesday: country, Manrinsburg wi'J have, in the not qualities ltev. Mr. Roush will d«' lv# r an ;t<( for a reduction In the price of moats nurserymen, and has spent meet of his distant a Iran*! new Tne ifal’. term of the l u ted State* future, industry dress to his congregation on next Stm the American Packers’ association, time in the o; theee indns and this is none Disk riot Court convened this morning promotion other than a shoe fac lay morning at 11 o’clock on "Echoes which opened its fourth annual meet at 10 o’clock in the Federal buHdin^, tory. 1 ing hero, gave no encouragement. Judge Alston C. Dayton, of Philippi, Mr. Charles Hois* r of llat ini ore, Through Michael Ryan, president of Prom The Ceivt*nnl*>l presiding. As there, was no grand one of the most widely ‘known shoe Convention." the association, it is announced that FARMER'S NATIONAL jury the usual charge was dispensed makers in the country, caoit here last, CONGRESS. if there Is any reduction in price It with spring and ti ed to interest some of will be only temporary, and that meat 29th The court ca'led the criminal docket the capitalists and business men of Annual Session Will be Held «t more will probably he even expensive N. C., November 3 to 9. and there was found (o be but on case town in a proposed shoe factory bu/o Raleigh. than it is now. The .ninth on lit. This was the case of the the effort from one cause- or ether iwcnty annual session of Unit the The packers’ usual excuse, that, the Partners 'National ed States a was a 'allure. a Conventton will | against Wesley Lee, color Lately, however, is demand Is than the supply, ■ new greater Ik* held tut Ra» It N. C.: from Novem ed man of Marts nab u rg, for retailing set of men have taken hold of the offered as an explanation. her 3 to 9. An extensive ha* liquor without a license. The court project and now it ooks like a go. program now are the natural "Conditions been and M will be an in appointed H. A. Downs to defend him. A number of the stockholders of the arranged, outcome of the failure of production to The tie-fen dent non f'jtf tin teresting and inwtrmo Ive meeting pleaded quilty to the company—which present: of de- keep abreast of the progress Men of tNteittonal h«ve 'been and was may be called the Heiser Shoe Co.— reputation charge sentenced to pay $10*1 "and unless mand,’’ said Ryan, many, aeenred to make addresses before th»* fine and costs and an met last night in the offio- of Mr. undergo urtpris more are raised, there can many cattle ernaress. Am * k> bora * . ritertaijvmcpt. onmetit of 30 m Herbert L. Alexander ami talked over days jail. More are be no hope for lower prices. has also been There no Other criminal bust the tmajtttr. Attorney C. M. Seibert program prepared. | being raised now, but when the being Just Among the dele gab s from this stab* ness court adjourned till tomorrow presided and Mr. lx>e Bingley acted as price goes down in accordance iliey secretary. Tint stock of the who have been apeohitd by Governor morning at 10 o'clock when the only capita and will stop the extra raising high Glafwscoek.hs Mr. C. J. Selin rt.of Arden cost on the civil docket wili tie tried. company is $10,000, d t ided into 200 w with prices ill be us again. one of the farm This the case of shares o: $50 each, it was district, prominent is, Frank H. Leonard, reported times the wild and "In early game and fruit rs of the of New ait the that had ers growe county. York, against the Merchant meeting already $4000 animals made the of native raising Mr, Sotfci rt. will at tend tin* Omul Co., of West Virginia. The case been subscribed to the new enterprise, probably stock for the market almost unprofit- to or almost half of the full amount of congress if he can arrange attend w'll likely const! re the entire day. of civilization has able. The growth without with bis attend A. ifcbis was adi O. P. BECKLEY, stock. As soon as the stock is all sub hjterfer.tog Harry Downs, city, increased this demand for stock to aiiO’ at the Carnival in Hhif* tnihed to practice in the United States scribed the company wi 1 be regularly Apple I tTV*6. IIp is. a landscape gardener of supplant the wild meats formerly con- which will be held the- court of the Northern organized. The city during District of West president, secretary sumed. The stockmen have, through naty and is tiie owner 01 the Berryhilt mline dartes. Virginia. and treasured! will be of this city, the nwrsery of Harrisburg, which is given desire to keep prices good, perhaps, intention being to have the controll Petit Jurors. entire to the cultivation of orna and to make sure of sale of all the up interest in the tag company held by to The fa lowing are the petit jurors: mental trees and foliage. He has just stock they raised, failed keep THE men of Berkeley county, though some F. H. Buzzell, of Elkins; I. T. Hammer comp eted a tour of the horticultural abreast of the heavy demand. The re- of the Stock may be held outside o of John W. of Rom 6ectl»ns of the west and oouth and sult is natural. America will probably Ruddle; Davis, It soon forced to meats. ney: L. J. Foreman, of' Petersburg; C. will come here with ideas of practical flUU> OLAKJUt, MANAGER OF PITTSBURG be Import A committee of three, consisting of 1 Pentoney, of Munson; Henry Getz.cn value that have been gathered during NATIONALS. “There has been only enough raised Messrs. H. L. Aexander, Henry J. Sv i mu to the market, and at times It dianner, of Charles Town; Jacob Files his extensive experience. His lecture major pnou v^hurc *» o , supply bert and Chas. J. was Spaulding, ap looked as there would not Of Cherry Run; L. P. Km mart, of Au will no doubt prove of benefit to dent of Uie game, a fighter, developer, has though great to solicit further pointed1 subscriptions be and such of un {justu; T.
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