Working Papers in Linguistics No. 33 FINNISH PARTICLE CLITICS AND GENERAL CLITIC THEORY Joel A. Nevis October 1986 The Ohio State University DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS The Ohie> Ste.ta Urii-v-er-sity We>r-k:irig Pe.per-a iri Lirig'-1istics # 33 Joel Ashmore Nevis Finnish Particle Clitics and General Clitic Theory The Ohio State University Department of Linauietics 204 Cuna Ball 1841 Millikin Road Columbus, Ohio 4,3210-1229 U.S. A, October 1986 Information about Ohio State.University WORKING· PA'PERS IN LINGUISTICS (OSU WPL) Working Papers in Linguistics is an occasional publication of the Depar taent of Lfoguistics of Oh-io State University a:nd usually con-tains articles written by students and fat"ulty in the departm.ent. There are one to three issues -per year. Infor1ation about availahle issues appears below. Nos. 1, 5, & 10 are out of print and no longer available. There are two ways to subscribe to WPL. ·rhe first is on a reguiar basis: the subscriber is autoaatically .sent and billed for each issue as it appears. The second is on an "issue-by-{ss·ue basis: the subscriber is uotified ill advance of the contents of e_a_ch issue, and returns an order l;_llank if that particular issue is desired. To ·orde'r Working Papers, please send a check Made payable to "Ohio siate ~,iversity" to: OSU WPL, Department of Linguistics, Ohio State University, 1841 Hillikin Rd., Colu1bus, OH 43210-1229. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ' ' OSU WPL '18, $2.00. 183 pp. (June 1975): Papers by Michael Geis, Sheila Geoghegan, Jeanette Gundel, G. L Pullum, and· Arnold Z11icky_. OSU WPL 119, $2.00. 214 pp. (September 1975), Edited by Robert K. Herbert: Patterns of Language, culture, and Society: Sub-Saharan A'fri·ca conthns eighleen papers presented· a·t the Symposium on ·African Language, Culture, and ·society, held at Ohio State University on April 11, 1975. · OSU WPL. 1120, $2.00. 298 pp. (September 1975), Edited by Robert K. He'rbert: Pr'oc'eedings of the Sixth Conference oll Afr1can ·Linguistics contains twentv-seven papers presented at the Sixth Conference on African. Li'nguistics, held at the Ohio ·sta-te University on April 12-13, 1975. OSU WPL 121, $2.50. 252 pp. (Hay 1976), Edited by Arnold Zwicky: Papers on Honphonology. Papers by Steven Boer and Wtlliam Lycan, Harian·· Johnson, Robert Kantor, Patricia Lee, and Jay Pollack. OSU WPL »22, $3.50. 151 pp. (February 1977), Edited by Olga Garnica: Papers in Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics. Papers by Sar a Garnes, Olga Garnica, Harv Louise Edwards, Roy ltajw, and J'ohu Perkins. OSU WPL 123, $3.50. 162 pp. (December 1978): Doneyan, Patricia J., On the Natural Phonology of Vowels. (OSU Ph.D. dissertation). OSU WPL 124, S3.50. 173 pp. (Harch 1980), EditeJ by Arnold H. Zwickv. Clitics and Ellipsis. Papers by Robert Jeffers, Haney Levin (OSU Ph.D. Dissertation), and Arnold Zwickr. OSU WPL 125, ~- 173 pp. (January 1981), Edited by Arnold H. Zwicky: Papers in Phonology. Papers by Donald Churma, Roderick Goman (OSU Ph.D. Dissertation), and Lawrence Schourup. ISSN 0473-9604 OSU WPl 126, $4.50. 133 pp. (Hay 1982), Edited by Brian D. Joseph: Graaaatical 1!elations and 1!ehti'om1l "Graaur. Papers by David· Dowty·, Catherine Jolley, Brian Joseph, John Nerbonne, and Aay Z•harlick. OSU WPL 1127, U.50. 164 pp. (Hay 1983'1, Edited by Gregory T. Stu-1p: Papers in Historical Linguistics. Papers by Donald Chur1a, 6. H. Green, Leena Hazelkorn, Gregory Stu11p, and Rex Wallac~. OSU WPL 1128, $5.00. 119 pp. {Hay 1983). La11rence Clifford Schourup, Co111on Discourse Particles in English Conversation. (OSU Ph. D Dissert'ation) ·osu WPL 129, S5. oo. 207 p·p. ·(Hay 1984), Edited by Arnold Z11icky & Rex Wallace: Papers on Korphology. Papers by Belinda Brodie, Donald CltUrlla, Erhard Hinrichs, Brian Joseph, Joel Nevis, Anne Stewul, Rex Wallace, and Arnold Z11icky. OSU WPL 130, $5.00. 203 pages. (July 1984). John A. Nerbonne, Ger11an Temporal Semantics: Three-Dimensional Tense Logic and a GISG Fragment. tosu Ph.D. Dissertation). OSU WPL 131, $6.00. 194 pa·g·es. (July 1985), Edited by Hichael Ge-is. Studies in Generalized Phrase StructUTe ·GnHar. Pa·pers by Belinda Brodie, Anne'tle B'issantz, Erhard,Hinrichs, Hichael Geis and Arno'ld Z11ickv. OSU WPL 1132, $6.00. 162 pages. (Juh 1986), Interfaces. 14 articles by Arnold Z11icky concerni'ng the interfaces behieen various· co1ponents of gJ am11ar. OSU WPL 133, $6.00. 159 pages. (August 1986), Joel A. Nevis, Finnish Particle C'litics·and General ·cl'itic Theory. ·(OSU Ph.D. Dissertat'ion). The following issues are available through either: The National Technical Information Center, The U.S. Department of Co11r1erce, 5285 Port 1!oyal Rd, Springfield·, YA 22151 (PB) or ERIC Document Reproduction Serv. (ED) Ctr. for Applied Linguistics, 1'611 N. Kent St., Arlington, YA 22209. 12. November 1968, 128 pp. (OSU-CISRC-TR-68-3). PB-182 596. 13. June 1969, 181 pp. {OSU-C[SRC-TR-69-4). PB-185 855. 14. Hay 1970, 164 pp. (OSU-CISRC-TR-70-26). PB-192 163. 16. September 1970, 132 ·pp. (OSU-CISRC-TR-70-12). PB-194 829. i7. February 1971, 243 pp. (OSU-CISRC-TR-71-7). PB-198 278. 18. June 1971, 197 pp. (OSU-CISRC-T1!-71-7). f'B-202 724. 19. July 1971, 232 pp. (OSU-CISRC-TR-71-8). PB-204 002. 111. August 1971, 167 pp. ED 062 850. 112. June 1972, 88 pp. (OSU-CISRC-TR-72-6). PB-210 781. 113. Decl!11ber 1972, 225 pp. ED 077 268. Parts of fll4. April 1973, 126 pp. ED 115. April 1973, 221 pp. ~D 082 566. Parts of 116, Dece•ber 1973, 119 pp. ED FINNISH PARTICLE CLITICS AND GENERAL CLITIC THEORY DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillaent of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Phil_osophy in the Graduate School of the Ohio State University By Joel Ashmore Nevis, B.A.., M.A.. * * * * * The Ohio State Univeniity 1985 Dissertation Committee: Approved by Arnold M. Zwicky Ilse Lehiste ~(t#-67 Brian Joseph Department of Linguistics .. li ACKNO~.LEDGMENTS. I am enormousiy ,indebted to my .advisor" Ar~old, Zwicky. for , ,,r· service'aDove and beyond the cai1· of· duty. Ariiold w~ extremely encouraging throughout the writing 9f this.dissertation, and·indee~ during _my entire tenure at OSU. I J1ave.,benefi_1;ed from,elf_tensiye .. interaction with Arnold as-his-student, _his-advisee, and his f.r.iend for over si,_c years. · · All -~f my committee members Arnold Zwicky> Ilse Lehiste, and Brian .Joseph - have been instrumental1in s11aping:mY career as a linguist: They have guided both my M.A. ·thesis and uow my Ph.D. dissertation.. I thank Ilse Lehiste for promoting Bal.tic Finnie as a subject of study early in my career and fgrC<>Jll!llentirig astutely on my·work all along. I am also grateful to Brian Joseph for his ·critical scrutiny of''the preseut work and 'for ~dvice ·during my gra4uate studies in ~eneral. · · I ·thank the Americar;-Scandinavian F~undatio~ fi>r end~ing.. the Finnish Fund Fellowship for the year 1983-84 academic year~ as well as· the U.S. Educational Foundatiou in Finland for providing· ' Fuloright Travel Funds. During that fear:at the University of· . Helsinki, I collected a great deal of data on the partii:le ~litict.i: Professor Auli Hakulinen was kind enough to discuss my early ideas and refer me to additional references.. She, put ·me· oi1'to the , .. parallels between -Mn and sitli (and the· other epistemic 'adverbs). I have benefitted also from iuteractiomf"with Professor Fred .Karlsson, Profess<;>r Raij~ Bartens, an_d lecturer Maria Vilkwia, all at; the University of Hel.siµki. Pertti Pyhtila, also at the . University of Helsinki, hereby receives acknowledgement and fond appreci'ation for his contributions - send,ing inacces;,'ible. .. materials, acting as informant, and providing mo~al _·support. Occasionally I have querried other Finns on their language; thanks go especially to the 'leikko Kettunen family for their patience in this matter and to Riitta Valimaa-BlUlll at osu·, who took time to discuss the Finnish data with me (and to proofread part.:of · the mar1uscript). Her native :.~peaker intuition was of great utility, and her judgments on many sentences helped ward off a number of errors. ii Several other mea,ers of the OSU Linguistics Department of Linguistics have contribtt.ted to the present work. Alllong the111 I . -single out Rich Janda and J1111e Smirniotopoulos. At each stage of resear~hing and writing this dissertation I found my work to be facilitateo.by the presence and advice of the departmental secretary, Marlene Payha. Marlene helped me wade· through administrative paperwork; ahe instructed me in the use of the Weng word processor; and she saved ~ea great deal of wasted effort by assisting me through several Wang "dysfunctions". Thanks go also to the person that put o and ii on the Wang (Epson LQ 1500) - you simplified my life by two umlauts and a slew of back spacing. Finaily, no dissertation could ever be completed without the emotional (and sometimes financial) support of one's loved ones. My parents, Arnold and Newlin Nevis, provided this plus a whole lot more. They both have always demanded high academic achievement and have acted as role-models in that regard, too. My good friend Jeff Prine put in overtime in the moral support department. I only wish it could have been done without all those long-distance phone bills. My interest i11 Finnish clitics arose already in my 1981 master's thesis (Object Case Marking in Finnish), where, besides exploring one aspect of Finnish syntax, I observed in a footnote that the possessive suffixes are really clitics.
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