; , 5 E ^ r j - r _ tarnts m b «". Seen Ky Vid CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP)—^The Gemini 11 astro­ jo b ueat nauts, sw;ift hunters in the sky, accomplished iqan’s 1?^ SAIGON, South Viet ernAent and tt demonstrated There was jvndencoAat some quickest rendezvous of high-flying space vehicles today Nam (AP) — The govern- that' Ky's regime has effective provincial^wid districb^^icials as a dramatic prelude to three adventurous dayi in space. ment said today that de­ administrative control over the —under^ressuio from Satgpn— ietr majority of South Viet Nam. had S p o rte d soiiie padded They caught and captured an could be a possible guide for irti« spite Communist intimida­ Agena target satellite before rhU It was- a dramatic defeat for At one point. Information rendezvouelng with futura nl^ tion, about 75 per cent of the Communisms who mounted a 'officials in the central voting they completed their first orbit spacesUps. ^ oro> South Viet Nam's register­ of the globe. lam cami'ilgn of terror 'n the days office in Saigon had a provincial The •xperlment was to oontln-' Moa ed voters cast ballots to preceding the voting and a slap voting total with an obvious er- “We are docked!” exclaimed ue about 90 minutes. % elect a constituent assem­ in the face for the once-powerful rcir of more than one million Gemini 11 command pilot Conrad lialled out as Ctominl bly which will draft a new radical Buddhist minority which votes. Charles Conrad Jr. U approached for the record constitution for the war- had called for a boycott of the Returns were coming so fast “ Beautiful,” mission control rendesTOUBi . polling. that the limited tabulation facil- said to tiie spacemen. "Would you believe an M. torn country. The rendezvous occurred ap- The successful candidates for A goveniment spokesman Itles in Saigon were swamped, equiti one?” the 86-year-old Con­ roximately 186 miles above the rad exclaimed as be neared the 2 predicted' that when the final The government spokesman the 117-man constituent assem­ tallies are In, they will show said, however, that rechecked Pacific and the word was re­ acena tancet. i i » bly wiu not be know for some layed by the pilots when they tch . that 75 per cent of the regls- tabulations would show a final "M equal one” Is the astro­ ilaf. days but Premier Nguyen Cao tired voters had caat their bal- percentage of alxiut 75 per cent. passed over a bracking station naut’s term for a flnft-orUt ren­ Ky’e military government pro‘ lots. Unofficial tabulations The voters chose 106 members at Point Arguello, Calif. dezvous. claimed the voting Sunday a showed more than 4 million of of the constituent assembly. Conrad and Navy Lt. Cmdr. When Conrad told the ground “smashing victory” because of the 5,288,512 registered voters Nine others are to be fUled by Richard F. Gordon Jr. accom­ he used <xdy 44 per cent of his nod the huge turnout despite a Corn-' went to the polls. Officials cau- mountain tribes who will use plished the quick first-orUt ren­ fuel to accomplish the docking, lent dezvous nearly three hours and mission control replied; toot munlst ten or campaign. tioned, however, that this total their traditional selection proee- loll, The electlim was the first step may contain some tabulaticm durea. There were 630 candi­ two orbits faster than any pre-' "Tbait’s great, Pete.” TMI toward restoring civilian gov- errors. dates. Known Communist or vious Gemini flight. Experts had said as mucta m neutralists were banned from They steered their tiny space- 78 per cent of the fuel mlglbt be running. sUp through a series of maneu­ required for the tricky maneu­ TTie assembly will have six vers as they pursued the Agena vering of Gemini id. (0> months to draw up a new consti­ over an 18,000-mile course, The 80-minute UiA at 17,600 ^ B52s Pound North tution after it meets Sept. 6 t o ' catching it above tile Pacific miles en hour easily topped the Uca replace the one which was abro­ some 80 minutes after they rode old rendezvous mark of fomr K*. gated after the overthrow of a thundering Titan 2 rocket hours set by the Gemini 0 astro­ Off In ‘Biggest’ Raids President Ngo Dinh Diem in . This diagram shows how the manned Gemini 11 took after and successfully linl from Cape Kennedy. nauts in. June. The dramatle Of loss. ed up with the Agena target in its first obrit today, setting a world space rec­ . About 10 minutes later, at pursuit triggered what sboifld Then more elections are to be ^ m p .r n . EDT, Wgh ovw the p, .a action-padced three days Um tlAIGON, South Viet Nam The 171 air missions over the ord. (A PPhotofax) . held to fill whatever offices the United States, Conrad lupped pj apace, (A P )—American warplanes North was well over the pre­ a constitution sets up. Almost cer­ the Geintni nose Into a docking . pounded North Viet Nam with vious high of 168 raids of August collar o n ^ e n d of the Agena! a lOT-mlnute space >rk tainly the country is expected to the heaviest raids of the war 28. A U S. spokesman would not MechanlcaKlatches ^pped end up with a presidency and a State News ^ stand” by Gordon, a dash to a Sunday, the U.6. command an- ay how many individual plane balancing legislature. the two as the; led as one nounced. strikes the 171 missions involved record cdtitude o f 063 miles and Ky's military regime has re­ rigid vehicle. ‘ B62 bombers struck today at but such large numbers would About 40 minutes the a unique experiment in vdilcb tained virtual veto power over Dr. Everhart the Agena and Gemini will be N ^ ^ Vietnamese troops in the almost certainly meem 400 to 000 the constituent assembly. How­ hookup, Conrad diaconn dsmlitarlswi aone in follow-up single-plane sorties, from-the Agena « s planned.. * lOCWoot 1 ^ ,. s ever, be announced on election ^ maneuvering, llT* raids to taoUcal strikes made in raids Sunday against the tracked away an4 executed oal- Co-Discovers with abttost no led Sunday by Air Force Canberras demllitiu-lsed aone. Air Force (See Page Six) culated mwMuvers around tte hU and Phantoip bombers. B57 Canberras and F4C pban- Urget. ., .. from 'tbakTound, has two tin- lilts ^ p o c iu t iq^pl^Mtiona for Ameri- mo- J^ V.S. i»kesman said Amer- toms reported touching off 65 IVew Comet *Be advised we -taavr un- Im. loan pilots flew a record 171 eecondary explo ions and eight docked ^ritorte” thTfM ex- ^ missiona against the Communist secondary fires. Former Priest CAMBRIDGE, Mass; perlment,” Conrad reported. ____ <0) •Phtt Q9il Im mvk awnnfiiwei mill Ive it fU13AUUtteQ,;^lUl ttlM IV lyl- North hitting at bridges, fuel This indicated bomb hits oo (AP) ■— A Connecticut S26 tM AH AXpAtllUAlIv IZI ♦>*** n n rt hne* ^an depots arid transportation facll- E Given Asylum, teacher of physics was ng. North Vietnamese ammunition tS^Ltronant, who m l^ ^ low ties in the Hanoi suid Haiphong and fuel dumps in the Once named today co-discoverer Ro* areas and the southern panhan­ netrual buffer zone between Toss Reports with a Japanese amateur s;th”iSAnoiio’^ i r S ! ^ dle. North and South Viet Nam. particles fknving behind the ^ " • During the forays, carrier JtfOfKJOW, Sept. 12 (AP) — astronomer of a new comet. These raids in the norihem Dr. Edgar Everhart of Mans­ based Navy planes reported hit­ ^ c e c r ^ t like the wal^ of a ^^cond. It demonatrated (he half of the zone were followed Tass, the official Soviet news, field Center and the University ting three North Vietnamese o* the aatronauta to uae iu(> by the B52 strikes today in the agency, reported today a U.S. of Connecticut sighted the visi­ lit* torpedo boat in the Tonkin Gulf Sclentiata beUevfe a thorough mair computer, Inerital girid- southern half, which were tor from outer space Sunday 26 miles northeast of Haiphong. citizen and former Roman Gath- a y a te S ^ radar to cSS- irt* aimed at North Vietnamese night while observing with wake might enahlS them to de- jute all their Ground action In South Viet oUc priest has been granted maneuvera en troop concentrations. his U-lnch telescope. velop inatnunenta to detect thla Nam continued in a lull and “ political aeylum” In the Soviet P Pilots carried the war to the ion flow at great diatancea. TUa (See Fage She) United States and Vietnamese The Smithsonian Astrophysi- enemy as U.S. and allied troops Union. cal Observatory named the com­ JtlUltary spokesman reported no Tass identified the American et Ikeya - Everhart. Officials raa major enemy contacts. (See Page lliree) <3 as Harold M. Koch and said he said it is not now visible to the ihade bis request “to protest naked eye but may appear Judge Has Final ^^dict against the criminal United brighter in a few days or weeks. States aggression in Viet Nam.” Kaoru Ikeya Is^a 22-year-old Five Reach West Berlin The Tass report did not give observer who has discovered any further information about four comets in the past four Koch. years. Tanzapifin Jury Says There was no immediate com­ Everhart, too, is an expe­ ment on his case from the U.S. rienced comet finder. He'spotted Mt Armored ’Dozer Bmbassy. one in August 1984 which the Ipzisey Is Innocent Tass said the American sub­ Smithsonian named Comet Ever­ mitted a statement to the For­ hart in Us honor.
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