CHINESE JOURNAL of CATALYSIS Vol ISSN 0253-9837 CN 21-1195/O6 催 CODEN THHPD3 化 学 报 CHINESE JOURNAL OF C CHINESE JOURNAL ChineseChinese JournalJournal ofof CatalysisCatalysis 主编 林励吾 2014 Editor-in-Chief LIN Liwu Vol. 35 No. 9 AT ALYSIS September 2014 pages 1431 35 No. 9 Vol. - 1590 中 国 化 学 会 催 化 学 会 会 刊 Transaction of the Catalysis Society of China 2014年 2014 第35卷 第9期 CHINESE JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS Vol. 35 No. 9 In This Issue 封面: 贺泓及研究团队基于实验室对 V2O5-WO3/TiO2 催化剂配方及涂 覆成型技术的大量研究, 在中国重汽集团建成了一条 NH3-SCR 催化剂生产 线, 产品满足国产重型柴油车国 IV 排放标准要求. 见本期第 1438–1445 页. Cover: Prof. He and his coworkers in their Article on pages 1438–1445 reported the laboratory study of catalyst formulation and washcoating technolo- gy for the V2O5-WO3/TiO2 system, and also the establishment of an NH3-SCR (selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3) catalyst production line of which the product can make the heavy duty diesel vehicles meet the China IV emission standard. About the Journal Chinese Journal of Catalysis is an international journal published monthly by Chinese Chemical Society, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Elsevier. The journal publishes original, rigorous, and scholarly contributions in the fields of heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis in English or in both English and Chinese. The scope of the journal includes: New trends in catalysis for applications in energy production, environmental protection, and production of new materials, petroleum chemicals, and fine chemicals; Scientific foundation for the preparation and activation of catalysts of commercial interest or their representative models; Spectroscopic methods for structural characterization, especially methods for in situ characterization; New theoretical methods of potential practical interest and impact in the science and applications of catalysis and catalytic reaction; Relationship between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis; Theoretical studies on the structure and reactivity of catalysts. The journal also accepts contributions dealing with photo-catalysis, bio-catalysis, and surface science and chemical kinetics issues related to catalysis. Types of Contributions Impact Factor Reviews deal with topics of current interest in the areas covered by this journal. Re- 2013 SCI Impact Factor: 1.552 views are surveys, with entire, systematic, and important information, of recent progress 2013 SCI 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.180 in important topics of catalysis. Rather than an assemblage of detailed information or a 2012 ISTIC Impact Factor: 1.198 complete literature survey, a critically selected treatment of the material is desired. Un- Abstracting and Indexing solved problems and possible developments should also be discussed. Authors should have published articles in the field. Reviews should have more than 80 references. Abstract Journals (VINITI) Communications rapidly report studies with significant innovation and major academic Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CIG) value. They are limited to four Journal pages. After publication, their full-text papers Catalysts & Catalysed Reactions (RSC) can also be submitted to this or other journals. Current Contents/Engineering, Computing Articles are original full-text reports on innovative, systematic and completed research and Technology (Thomson ISI) on catalysis. Chemical Abstract Service/SciFinder Highlights describe and comment on very important new results in the original re- (CAS) search of a third person with a view to highlight their significance. The results should Chemistry Citation Index be presented clearly and concisely without the comprehensive details required for an (Thomson ISI) original article. Japan Information Center of Science and Viewpoints describe the results of original research in general in some area, with a view Technology to highlighting the progress, analyzing the major problems, and commenting the possi- Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition ble research target and direction in the future. (Thomson ISI) Academic Arguments can discuss, express a different opinion or query the idea, con- Science Citation Index Expanded cept, data, data processing method, characterization method, computational method, or (Thomson ISI) the conclusion of published articles. The objective of an academic argument should be SCOPUS (Elsevier) to enliven the academic atmosphere. Web of Science (Thomson ISI) 2014年 2014 第35卷 第9期 CHINESE JOURNA OF CATALYSIS Vo l . 3 5 No. 9 《催化学报》第四届编辑委员会 月刊 SCI 收录 1980 年 3 月创刊 中国化学会催化学会会刊 The Fourth Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Catalysis 2014年9月20日出版 顾问 (Advisors) 主管 中国科学院 蔡启瑞 (CAI Qirui) 辛 勤 (XIN Qin) Bernard DELMON (比利时) 主办 中国化学会 闵恩泽 (MIN Enze) 胥诲熊 (XU Huixiong) Gerhard ERTL (德国) 中国科学院大连化学物理研究所 彭少逸 (PENG Shaoyi) Jürgen CARO (德国) Masaru ICHIKAWA (日本) 主编 林励吾 宋春山 (SONG Chunshan, 美国) Michel CHE (法国) 编辑 《催化学报》编辑委员会 出版 主编 (Editor-in-Chief) 林励吾 (LIN Liwu) 国内统一连续出版物号 CN 21-1195/O6 副主编 (Associate Editors-in-Chief) 国际标准连续出版物号 ISSN 0253-9837 包信和 寇 元 张 涛 CODEN THHPD3 (BAO Xinhe) (KOU Yuan) (ZHANG Tao) 广告经营许可证号 2013003 高 滋 (GAO Zi) 刘宇新 (LIU Yuxin) 编委 (Members) 总发行 安立敦 (AN Lidun) 李 灿 (LI Can) 王祥生 (WANG Xiangsheng) 北京东黄城根北街 16 号 包信和 (BAO Xinhe) 李大东 (LI Dadong) 吴 凯 (WU Kai) 邮编: 100717 陈 德 (CHEN De, 挪威) 李微雪 (LI Weixue) 吴通好 (WU Tonghao) 电话: (010) 64017032 陈经广 美国 林励吾 夏春谷 E-mail: [email protected] (CHEN Jingguang, ) (LIN Liwu) (XIA Chungu) 国内订购 全国各地邮政局 陈庆龄 (CHEN Qingling) 刘昌俊 (LIU Changjun) 肖丰收 (XIAO Fengshou) 邮发代号 8-93 陈诵英 (CHEN Songying) 刘宇新 (LIU Yuxin) 谢在库 (XIE Zaiku) 国外订购 中国国际图书贸易总公司 陈耀强 (CHEN Yaoqiang) 刘中民 (LIU Zhongmin) 熊国兴 (XIONG Guoxing) 北京 399 信箱 邮编 100044 陈 懿 (CHEN Yi) 卢冠忠 (LU Guanzhong) 徐柏庆 (XU Boqing) 国外发行代号 M417 椿范立 日本 罗锡辉 许建和 印刷 大连海大印刷有限公司 (Noritatsu TSUBAKI, ) (LUO Xihui) (XU Jianhe) 定价 50 元 邓友全 (DENG Youquan) 沈俭一 (SHEN Jianyi) 徐 杰 (XU Jie) 方佑龄 (FANG Youling) 沈师孔 (SHEN Shikong) 徐龙伢 (XU Longya) 伏义路 沈之荃 严玉山 美 国 Publication Monthly (12 issues) (FU Yilu) (SHEN Zhiquan) (YAN Yushan, ) Started in March 1980 高 滋 (GAO Zi) 申文杰 (SHEN Wenjie) 杨启华 (YANG Qihua) Transaction of the Catalysis Society of China 关乃佳 (GUAN Naijia) 苏宝连 (SU Baolian, 比利时) 杨维慎 (YANG Weishen) Superintended by 郭新闻 孙予罕 杨向光 Chinese Academy of Sciences (GUO Xinwen) (SUN Yuhan) (YANG Xiangguang) Sponsored by 何鸣元 (HE Mingyuan) 万惠霖 (WAN Huilin) 余 林 (YU Lin) Chinese Chemical Society and Dalian 贺鹤勇 (HE Heyong) 万 颖 (WAN Ying) 袁友珠 (YUAN Youzhu) Institute of Chemical Physics of CAS 胡友良 (HU Youliang) 王德峥 (WANG Dezheng) 张 涛 (ZHANG Tao) Editor-in-Chief LIN Liwu Edited by Editorial Board of 贾继飞 (JIA Jifei, 美 国 ) 王国祯 (WANG Guozhen) 赵进才 (ZHAO Jincai) Chinese Journal of Catalysis 寇 元 (KOU Yuan) 王建国 (WANG Jianguo) 郑小明 (ZHENG Xiaoming) Published by Science Press 编辑部成员 (Editorial Office Staff) 主任 尹红梅 Distributed by Science Press (Managing Editor) (YIN Hongmei) 16 Donghuangchenggen North Street, 资深编辑 (Senior Editor) 刘宇新 (LIU Yuxin) Beijing 100717, China 编辑 (Editor) 初人合 (CHU Renhe) Tel: +86-10-64017032 编辑 (Editor) 张 艳 (ZHANG Yan) E-mail: [email protected] Subscription Agents 编辑部联系方式 (Editorial Office Address) Domestic All Local Post Offices in China Foreign China International Book Trading 地址: 大连市中山路 457 号 Add.: Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Corporation, P.O.Box 399, Beijing 100044, 中国科学院大连化学物理研究所 Academy of Sciences, 457 Zhongshan Road, China 邮编: 116023 Dalian 116023, Liaoning, China Printed by Dalian Haida Printing Company, Limited 电话: (0411)84379240 Tel.: +86-411-84379240 Price $50 传真: (0411)84379543 Fax: +86-411-84379543 电子信箱: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] 中文主页 国际版主页 公 开 发 行 国际版全文 (CUIHUA XUEBAO) CHINESE JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 中国科学院科学出版基金资助出版 月刊 SCI 收录 2014 年 9 月 第 35 卷 第 9 期 目 次 亮 点 1511 (英/中) 3+ 具有高可见光催化活性的 Ti 和碳共掺杂改性的 TiO2 光催 1431 (英) 化剂 多相光催化分解水制氢中宽光谱响应材料的研究动态 刘允昌, 邢明阳, 张金龙 陈闪山, 章福祥 1520 (英/中) 快 迅 Nd, Ce 和 La 改性对 Ni/SBA-15 催化剂在 CH4/CO2 重整反 应中性能的影响 1433 (英/中) 刘会敏, 李宇明, 吴昊, 杨维维, 贺德华 分子氧为氧化剂磷钒酸盐为催化剂超深度氧化脱除柴油中 的二苯并噻吩 1529 (英) 唐南方, 赵小平, 蒋宗轩, 李灿 磷酸铜锆催化剂上醇选择性氧化 Abdol R. Hajipour, Hirbod Karimi 论 文 1534 (英/中) 1438 (英/中/封面) 哈茨木霉 CGMCC 2979 生物转化栀子中的京尼平苷制备京 NH3 选择性还原 NOx 技术在重型柴油车尾气净化中的应用 尼平 刘福东, 单文坡, 潘大伟, 李腾英, 贺泓 董悦生, 刘乐平, 包永明, 郝爱鱼, 秦莹, 温祖佳, 修志龙 1446 (英) 1547 (英) 可调苯氧基修饰的聚(苯乙烯-苯乙烯基膦酸)-磷酸氢锆固载 三(羟甲基)氨基甲烷改性 SiO 固载钯纳米粒子: 合成、表征 手性 MnIII(Salen) 高效催化烯烃环氧化 2 及其催化 Heck 偶联反应活性 邹晓川, 石开云, 王存 Abdol R. Hajipour, Ghobad Azizi 1456 (英/中) 编织芳基网络聚合物负载 Rh 催化剂上高碳烯烃氢甲酰化反 1555 (英) 应性能 南极假丝酵母在纳米聚苯乙烯上的共价固载及其在微波辅 姜淼, 丁云杰, 严丽, 宋宪根, 林荣和 助酯化反应中的应用 Attaullah Bukhari, Ani Idris, Madiha Atta, Teo Chee Loong 1465 (英) AgMn/HZSM-5 催化剂上室温 O3 氧化脱除空气中的苯: Mn 1565 (英) 含量和水含量的影响 银掺杂聚(2-氨基二苯胺)修饰碳糊电极作为一种简单有效的 刘阳, 李小松, 刘景林, 石川, 朱爱民 电催化剂用于甲醛氧化 1475 (英) Reza Ojani, Saeid Safshekan, Jahan-Bakhsh Raoof 纳米片聚结 Co3O4 微球催化甲苯燃烧 1571 (英) 王芳, 戴洪兴, 邓积光, 谢少华, 杨黄根, 韩文 用于大肠杆菌消毒的负载型和悬浮型 TiO2 催化剂的动力学 1482 (英/中) 和催化效率 一个新的满足未来排放标准的摩托车尾气净化催化剂 Majdi Kacem, Gael Plantard, Nathalie Wery, Vincent Goetz 王苏宁, 崔亚娟, 兰丽, 史忠华, 赵明, 龚茂初, 方瑞梅, 陈思洁, 陈耀强 1578 (英/中) 铋掺杂二氧化钛纳米颗粒的制备及其可见光催化性能 1492 (英) 李海燕, 刘金凤, 钱俊杰, 李秋叶, 杨建军 新型分层 ZSM-5 沸石的合成及其在去除三氯乙烯中的应用 João Pires, Ana C. Fernandes, Divakar Duraiswami 相关信息 1497 (英) 1437 《催化学报》2013 年 SCI 影响因子为1.552 (Bbpy)(HSO4)2 无卤素可重复使用 Brönsted 离子液体催化剂 1590 作者索引 用于一锅法多组分合成非对称多氢喹啉衍生物 Nader Ghaffari Khaligh ( ) Elsevier ScienceDirect 1504 英文全文电子版 国际版 由 出版社在 上出版 (英) 硫中毒对 Co3O4/CeO2 复合氧化物上炭黑催化燃烧的影响 石晓燕, 余运波, 薛莉, 贺泓 Chinese Journal of Catalysis Vol. 35, No. 9, September 2014 催化学报 2014年 第35卷 第9期 | available at journal homepage: Chinese Journal of Catalysis Graphical Contents Highlight Chin. J. Catal., 2014, 35: 1431–1432 doi: 10.1016/S1872‐2067(14)60183‐2 Recent progress on photocatalysts with wide visible light range absorption for heterogeneous water splitting Shanshan Chen, Fuxiang Zhang * Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 600 nm class photocatalyst Recent progress on wide visible light range photocatalysts for heter‐ ogeneous water splitting was summarized, and the next challenge of 2H O h 2H + O developing an efficient 600 nm class photocatalytic water splitting 2 photocatalyst 2 2 system was highlighted.

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