Pasadena's Sanford Wins Twice in State Prelims: He Ties Meet Record ... GUSTKEY, EARL Los Angeles Times (1923-1995); Jun 4, 1977; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times pg. C1 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Other 12 -- No Title Los Angeles Times (1923-1995); Jun 4, 1977; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times pg. C7 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. -- Russell Runs ) :09 .6 Prelim By STEVE BRAND Stoff Wtl1ff, lJM Soll Dfll90 Union Jr: m WESTWOOD - If Pat.rick . ifenry's rn David Russell needed a psychological dl boost going into today's callfomia State j(' High SchOOl .Track and FfeJd ..Champion- N ships, he got one yesterday. · · tt1 Russell, who did not even make tbe f1nal nine iri last Year's meet. recorded the ·· 5eCQnd castes(ttme of the day in the JOO, yard dash. :09.69. on UCL.A's all-we.ather tratk. - e1 Running a hard curve, he had the crowd d , of 7.(Q) buzzing as be.came back to .record a :Zl.24 in the 220, again quaUJylng' set.'Ond tt. · for today's !lnals which start at 12:30. tc Wipi Jlis impres.9ve ·runs, Russell be­ SE comes the prime contenc.ter among san A Diego County track ath.letes to end a si prolonged victory drought · whkh dates S; · back to 1974. 0 Meanwhile, Crawford High dld nothing c to hurt Us chances to capture the tir'Is crown. Of The Colts qualtfied every athlete who l) figured to score and, a1Uiough Danita tt Young d.id nor look as impressive as D CrawfordJans might wish in gaining the finals of tbe two sprints. ·she did what she Wet! asked to do - quality. w · Included in her eUortswas a le~d-ofOeg u cin the Colts' ~yard relay team whichset a state meet record of :46.9. It's Ute lhird D ttme this ..sea8on Crawford has dipped le · under :47.0. r. The mark CrawfOrd topped was Berke­ n ley·~ 11714 standard of :47.5, However, Jt's sWJ back ot ure naUohalJtJglrschool rerord p of :46.6 ~e COit quint ran two Weeks .ago. J\! s~: ~Died - tti be ~ · k~).. !o; -. fu~ · d;y Cl and no.one can que$Uou .Russell's crede.n­ D tialS•any longer. Thm are even tho$e: who think the.P3triot senior actually recorded thefasteSt 100 of the day, ·· Russell Mis one ot them. _ n •1bey, Jet the man get a ruer:l 8atd · o· Riissell, ''they let hlin go. I don't care. ·as T long as tt doesn't happen again. u a tc tJ a $ n v s ) . ... SECOND FASTESTJhl:.STATE PReLJMS Portlal ilt thel ln tl fanif :i ,Henry's 'R't.i'ssefl 'R'l•ns -:09.6 In lOO 76ers straigl: ln on • (COntlntted fl"l)m :Page C-1) Danit.a raced to a relaxed For the Barons, bowever. perllxt , rem a .. ·.·. · ·. ·. :11.24 In th~ 100 (she's run tamng .slightly !H:htnd . lte explained, why he ar· McGtt Russell complained or feel· : i-01) and :25-13 (her best is ~ provoo d1sastro~ as on the ,nved just as his flight was sleepi~ Ing WQ;Jy !Iner the 220 but :24A} tn making !be !lnrus In second batan . jlllSS the is~ng . .. a.wake whe'n rupping a c001a, re. ootb e\'t!nts. Joining her in runners got entangled witl,J .• . We mis$ed the tumo(f for quick gained lits composure. tl:le JOO wUl 00 teammate another team.... , waSting prw. -:. UCt.A j nd kept going . on delphll.· • "!.. was wn~}et'I aoout the Judy Reed who actually ran ous seconds. ·. ; wus~. We went to the . Orr-' 220• be $aid ~ l went all9ut faster, quiyifyillg at ; 2~J2. A Jate run by Heltm Fulton end. · . ... McGti; m.1 Ute turn1111d Ul~n ~dcloo Perhaps even more lm· -0n ·the anchor leg came up. The eM .ts tn downt~ · compli to relax o~ the ~tt~lghtaway. portant f(l,1'. uie c-0Jt hopes short . Los Angeles, a full 4& mm~ wmu The 2l0 will be very' tougtit. .. was Jewell Lovelady posting . ()lher grU qualifiers in· >Utes away, ,, .·· nave t "My struteS,JY ·win ~ . mm· tl1c stt<.'tl!'ld be~t Jon~ ·Jump duded Vista's Vicky ne.ise.r On the waJ back ~e .ran ' shot h! pl~, HaveJ0;ge~ fn.fr(lnt or :mark al the day, n season Jn the no at :24.50. (!ourUi Into normal !,.A, trom.c plus . .. · (}>a$11dena's :, James) i<l!"" · ~·rot lU~l'k She w.a.s trot fastest}; Debbie Wilfol'd . of a }am · at tlltr track meet a.mu f.or.a .· and. ·.(. Cba .ts.. worlhs. c'tlunted. ontosrorn.·atall .. cas. 1.le .P.'Ar .klntlle·ro.·ngJump ,·pro·. pe.. r •. He· ··wasallowed. one ..l.Ual . .. ·. ' . j!Onald) Williams. " l'v~ got Further uie Colts could (l!HPA}. 'l/alhalia's Cheryl warmup and then barely ~!~~. 1 "'tQ:m.t:lk;ethefJicomeatme." itncb Uflfn um nd!e may .Flowers in the. mile .at a rrt!Ssed lhef!Jla!~... ~ s: .. ·Sanford • .. running afler where one of a hanttrul o{ oonifortable 5:64.?, Henry's . Another . runner. who Ptttl.iU0 ~t docke~ uie.,,fa&test upsetS ousted Bonlta Vista •s Kathy 'Werse in tilediSl'us at m~ the ,meet "OOmplet~Jy c.~ i 22a.Qf in~ day, .20.80, wlllch rav<7red team. Crawford H7·5. Carlsbad freshman .~s Henry s Kipper Bell, a 1 ~nt nice!? with his :47.5. tn ... qwill.Ued wlUl a oounty best., Sµe McNeal in the lllgh JUll'lP sophoni~. Ile .d,idn't rni,<;.'1 the·4.40 an unoelltvable' llor iequallmg 3:&5.a. at 5-5 and the Morse 440 any tur.n<Jfls, he . slmply leg on P~~etta's mile relay ' · · · • • • relay team, which qnali!led watch~ f~m U1e sideUnes r!W~ -PI wfn at U·U. ·. ,, . fOtlrthat :48.2. with chldten poK. • • , . ~e;11nwhUe, . there w~re .. tUllQIJ!~~IMlft . STAT& MEET NOT.ES'."."'. AfUtougnfiUr~· · cl~~to~M pl«mtY of aU\Jt?tes like El 4D1t.l9Y:r=~~:,J,1.11 '.l'o>1v n wa.:Htot .all tmpplrte&s at ocean, the aften:1oon br001..e captlno's Dokle wnuams, io.v, v. votl•Y: ~~H =1 IM meet. ·.. did not come up and ailnoi.t w:b4,seemed ccmtent U> quaU· ..:-r:;t~a.:~ ·;u.,. ~tit!~11 (lne of the pre-meet discus all of Ure san Diego athletes ry; ,-?...:~ . no•t:.,1 _ GrllhOrn .11..«kWI) .,.., favorites, M3tt Gautbler ol complained of feellng. the .D.olde, one f>f the faV(Jrlles f=t~~.;~~11!J,~~~ Valhalla, could not make the smog. it was thick l!UQUgh to .· ... , . gopig.. In\<) t.rie·.l . ®gfl:llllj}. had , 1tl~Jr~\. 1~,~~;J~. ST'.'411<1~~·. - fl. o,al$ . tn .eitn~r . •tlle sh9t or nqU~, fo reaclt '23~ <Hl blS f!ntll ~r. 111111iu11o.'5o4i.1. the discus. Gauthier barely --------- e&rt to m3ke U1e .flnals.. ":r,v'."'/S!~:.,~;:~Li;51ih!0~ made the shot compeUUon. 'Jllat . mark .is 'ust two men· '~~!Jn. ~..:.ft'=!r/Ji! \\ es,beblnd hisseasonat best. • .~,u~,.-11o 1111111, 111u, .. " .. 1 1 Tbe triple JI.Imp, too. was f:;":,,,;(lt11v111_10 - l!ro•o» P-~. tough with I>GkJe agaltl com• a.!s't.ir1m:lt}f=:cf:fi::lt:# ..:.thni · ·lt.· .ugn ..·. ~•ujIa. te· ~~ wltb ,.,.,,··. ·. a ·4M ''"''!.O ~PIWI...• ·• >.l,ll'M ·. .' °''l!Q,., 1"- .&. 11rrt1.IJOIHVlllll. 1 tS!mr ...- "~811~ :&O•l- . qu..... ., i;u urn., "'ci ~'·"\¢~~Run} . _~ tt.A baek c>f Dokle's nation-lead· GJ~""r:tr:t:tiltnim, tF~1111n lllgS1 ~2~,·. ~Vt~lG~~f{JJi1<~f~,~ · ~~.;.;C.aYiff!iitv.-..._ , Dolde exptafued ms prob- f:l t!!"J,.~~1cJs4tf: · i:~'.~: , "MJ: ~t'l~~~.0~~· :~.~~ f@l; ~,Hl atfi9, :IU?I, . .. '-: n"""' '''"""'"1 ·-·••""' v ·. ·. ·JMI1 '"~'":".~~I(~"' ~ii~ l!f!llltw Hll!J> 2m.1. Mui· ~·1 re.a. .u y d.ldlt'~ have my "-. """-.*1J; ."~. ·. · ·~. · . • . tt. 1~: 1:1 ~/'"l"'l i :l~.•,C\ . .~.tt .SU!. · • . .. P ®. wn a.m:I mentally. ·rm u."n.. tt. .· 1. v. ' ""~t1 »-lllllllll .· • --.. · 0oin. '.if·· . iii~~. ."l,li d '. .·2 •tJ'A 111.. ·., . '. · .· ·.. ' ~1t,.,r"'r11'1~ f~1fl~~... I~ 'oolcility~..;.P't;;(K;er Coi«}, ;;2$.C, thinking .. about landing I)~ Sl~~~O!lltitillls 21.fl'tl Gtnl.... Q!ukl\illt~11!llill)el , . my heel am! l sh®4iQ't. · . · · ·. ' · , . .. : il't.eo=mri1~m1'r~c~ Mentall\! t·bav·e·ioget over .- - wi11!4lll'J <LA ~n-:l "'' tSon F-1 :tM11• .1.~ tu • < . ~· ·. ·•• · heel dOOsn't :'14,$(1!),,~)~i•::O~v · Llr.i'!Jlitotii r lO' l/~Kll llJ< ~> .. lt. ~~ mY ., --· ··· ,, .. ...... ' lfen~1~k.tt:w{ Ht~} ' ~ngtJ.~~~ 1 l~~~ W1~ oot.ller me any more. i ".i~ 11._,.~ ""-· ·- ~ ·-- _,. · · · · William$ spent. three ~IY~~w.s. weekS sidelined With a hetl ~:~~rtil lnliJey thilHIWWU. ·· ·. ·-· ~f! - oovira1w · Jimdeo ·· &ui ,. · l>iego•s Dan Stewart tn 1the _.J 440 1Inals, Bonita Vlsta's . ,J:t Rt~k Krueger 1n Ule .· 880 e.odl clllmpmnshlpfi, M°'rse 1ti the mile relay today and EJ . -·--· _ ,- _ cap's teen Pole ill tlle shot lP.lt. f~ fScWG · Morse'!i time, tn tbird ' =:rtJ.'f place tn 11$heat, was~:lU, ~3 U)b laste:lt In the .county lid$. ;A'=1 1•dt ~ Ule-siltb'lUU!'st ftfYr!ttf oUhe·day. ::>U1 r · On~tJ;eam,TooyBanks, a·. s:>poomare ·w110 f1fflsht!d , .
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