958 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE January 11, 1977 to the Committee on Post Office and Civil By Mr. HAMMERSCHMIDT (for him­ sentatives to remove the limitation on the Service. self, Mr. MONTGOMERY, Mr. HYDE, number of Members who may introduce By Mr. CHAPPELL: Mr. EMERY, Mr. NICHOLS, Mrs. LLOYD jointly any b111, memorial, or resolution, and H .J. Res. 124. Joint resolution to authorize of Tennessee, Mr. KINDNESS, Mr. to provide for the addition and deletion of the President to proclaim the week of June 29 DERWINSKI, Mr. WAGGONNER, Mr. names of Members as sponsors after the in­ through July 5 as Why I Love America Week; MITCHELL of New York, Mr. GUYER, troduction of a bill, memorial or resolution; to the Committee on Post Office and Civil Mr. McEWEN, Mr. KETCHUM, Mr. to the Committee on Rules. Service. WALSH, Mr. BROYHILL, Mr . .ABDNOR, By Mr. MOORHEAD of California: By Mr. CONABLE: Mr. COCHRAN, Mr. DICKINSON, Mrs. H. Res. 100. Resolution in support of con­ tinued undiluted U.S. sovereignty and juris­ H .J. Res. 125. Joint resolution proposing a.n SMITH of Nebraska, Mr. FLYNT, amendment to the Constitution of the diction over the U.S.-owned Canal Zone on United States providing for the election of Mr. McCLoRY, Mr. LoTT, Mr. WHITE­ the Isthmus of Panama; to the Committee the President and Vice Presiden t; to the HURST, Mr. CLEVELAND, and Mr. BAD­ on International Relations. Committee on the Judiciary. HAM): By Mr. CONTE; H. Con. Res. 54. Concurrent resolution ex­ H.J. Res. 126. Joint resolution designating pressing the sense of the Congress in op­ Anne Sullivan Week; to the Committee on position to the grant of blanket amnesty or PRIVATE BILLS Al'jD RESOLUTIONS Post Office and Civil Service. pardon for Vietnam-related draft or mllitary By Mr. EILBERG: absence offenses; to the Committee on the Under clause 1 of ru1e XXII, private H .J. Res. 127. Joint resolution proposing an Judiciary. bills and resolutions were introduced and amen dment to the Constitution of the By Mr. HYDE: severally referred as follows: United States relating to the election of the H. Con. Res. 55. Concurrent resolution ex­ By Mr. AMBRO: President and Vice President; to the Com­ pressing the sense of the Congress in favor H.R. 1748. A b111 for the relief of Carmela mittee on the Judiciary. of eliminating the reduction in veterans' pen­ Scudieri; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H .J. Res. 128. Joint resolution proposing a.n sions which results when cost-of-living in­ H .R. 1749. A bill for the relief of Louis De­ amendment to the Constitution to provide creases in social security or railroad retire­ Lucia; to the Committee on the Judiciary. for the prompt election of a Vice President in ment benefits occur; to the Committee on By Mr. HANNAFORD: cases of a vacancy in the Office of Vice Presi­ Veterans' Affairs. H.R. 1750. A bill for the relief of Abdelah dent by reason of the succeSsion to the Office By Mr. KETCHUM (for himself,- 1b. Ahmed Chrayah; to the Committee on the of President by a Vice President selected un­ ANDERSON Of Dllnois, Mr. BRECKIN­ Judiciary. der the 25th amendment; to the Committee RIDGE, Mr. BROWN of Michigan, Mr. By Mr. JONES of Oklahoma: on the Judiciary. BURGENER, Mr. CLEVELAND, Mr. H.R. 1751. A bill for the relief of Lucy By Mr. HANNAFORD: COUGHLIN, Mr. EMERY, Ms. FENWICK, Davao Jara Graham; to the Committee on H.J. Res. 129. Joint resolution to establish Mr. FLOOD, Mr. !CHORD, Mr. KlLDEE, the Judiciary. a National Commission on Housing for the Mr. LEGGETT, Mr. LOTT, Mr. McEwEN, By Mr. MITCHELL of New York: Elderly; to the Committee on Banking, Fi­ Mr. McKINNEY, Mr. MIKvA, Mr. H.R. 1752. A bUl for the relief of Maria nance and Urban Affairs. MITCHELL of New York, Mr. PRITCH­ Anna Santoro; to the Committee on the Ju­ By Mr. JACOBS (for himself and Mrs. ARD, Mr. REGULA, Mr. RICHMOND, Mr. diciary. KEYS): RINALDO, Mr. SIMON, Mr. SLACK, and By Mr. MOORHEAD of California: H.J. Res. 130. Joint resolution to amend Mr. WINN): H.R. 1753. A bill for the relief of Marina the Constitution of the United States to H. Res. 98. Resolution amending rule Houghton; to the Committee on the Judi­ provide for balanced budgets and elimina­ XXII of the Rules of the House of Repre­ ciary. tion of the Federal indebtedness; to the Com­ sentatives to remove the limitation on the By Mr. RONCALIO: mittee on the Judiciary. number of Members who may introduce H.R. 1754. A bill for the relief of Theodore By Mr. O'BRIEN: jointly any b111, memorial, or resolution, and H. Gies; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.J. Res. 131. Joint resolution to clarify to provide for the addition and deletion of and reaffirm Government purchasing policies, names of Members as sponsors after the in­ troduction of a bUl, memorial or resolution; to the Committee on Government Operations. PETITIONS, ETC. By Mr. RICHMOND: to the Committee on Rules. H.J. Res. 132. Joint resolution to author­ By Mr. KETCHUM (for himself, Mr. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions ize a special gold medal to be awarded to ANDERSON of California, Mr. ARCHER, Mr. BLANCHARD, Mr. DEL CLAWSON, and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk Miss Marian Anderson; to the Committee on Mr. CONTE, Mr. DICKINSON, Mr. ED­ and referred as follows: Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs. WARDS Of California, Mr. EDWARDS Of 29. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Bong By Mr. WALKER: ALABAMA, Mr. FRENZEL, Mr. HAGEDORN, H.J. Res. 133. Joint resolution proposing Young, Kang, Seoul, Korea, relative to re­ Mrs. HOLT, Mr. HORTON, Mr. JEFFORDS, dress of grievances; to the Committee ontile an amendment to the Constitution of the Mr. KocH, Mr. LENT, Mr. McCLORY, United States with respect to abortion; to Judiciary. Mr. MICHEL, Mr. MOORHEAD of Cali­ 30. Also, petition of Margaret Rush, Costa the Committee on the Judiciary. fornia, Mr. O'BRIEN, Mr. PATTISON of By Mr. WHITEHURST: New York, Mr. ROBINSON, Mr. RuN­ Mesa, Calif., and others, relative to the In­ H.J. Res. 134. Joint resolution calling for NELS, Mr. STEIGER, and Mr. WHITE­ vestigation into the assassinations of Presi­ protection of international waters from fur­ HURST): dent John F. Kennedy and the Reverend ther pollution; to the Committee on Inter­ H. Res. 99. Resolution amending rule Martin Luther King, Jr., to the Committee national Relations. XXII of the Rules of the House of Repre- on Rules. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS UTILITY ffiREGULARITIES New York. This was created in the 1930's such irregularities. I recently had occa­ and was, in fact, the model for the Ten­ sion to testify on the subject before the nessee Valle~ Authority. New York State Assembly Committee on HON. RICHARD L. OTTINGER Now we find ourselves with the Power Corporations, and I would like at this OF NEW YORK Authority having become truly a state­ point to share that statement with my IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES wide utility, with the ability to build colleagues: Monday, January 10, 1977 any kind of power facility anywhere in PASNY'S PECULIARITIES the State. Prior to 1968 it could build (By Hon. RICHARD OTTINGER) Mr. OTI'INGER. Mr. Speaker, it is only hydroelectric projects only on the Chalrma.n Kremer, members of the Com­ likely that the 95th Congress will enact Niagara and St. Lawrence Rivers. mittee, ladles and gentlemen, I am delighted legislation to reform utility rates and PASNY's rates, and here lies the ir­ to have the opportunity to appear here today pricing practices so as to bring them into regularity, are set on a plant-by-plant on what I consider t o be probably the single line with a national policy to provide basis, so that customers of the hydro most important en deavor this Committee ca.n energy on an equitable basis to users and, power pay much lower rates than cus­ undertake in the coming months: the rewrit­ at the same time, to promote conserva­ tomers of nuclear or oil-fired plants. And ing of the Power Author ity Act . tion. PASNY is not regulated on its rates-­ As your hearing announcemen<t points out, In New York State we have an inter­ there are many intemal inconsistencies either by the Federal Power Commission within the Power Authority Act. Many of esting and troubling situation where or by the State's Public Service Com­ these show up when one reads the act and there is a public power entity known as mission. It may be necessary to enact tries to determine what PASNY'S mandates the Power Authority of the State of Federal legislation to bring an end to are. In some sections of the law, PASNY is January 11, 19'77 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 959 charged to serve the "people of the state;" kinds-even . though this results in grossly public power entities that it has no power in others it is to gain optiin3.l benefit from inequitable treatment of the customers of the available because of long-term contracts with the hydroelectric facilities and to serve " high newer plants. private utilities upstate. And it should not load factory (sic) industry;" in another it is Customers of the Niagara and St. Lawrence be able arbitrarily to set deadlines for ap­ to serve industry as a "secondary purpose," plants-regardless of the type of customer­ plications for PASNY power-as it has done with the primary purpose as "the benefit of pay a demand charge of $1.00 per month per with dividing up the output of Indian Point the people of the state as a whole." kilowatt, and an energy charge of 2.67 mills No.
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