tUCKY SIRIKE JAN,' - FEB. 1933 SAM}Aiy THE LUCKY STRIKE HOUR 60 Modem Minutes with the world's finest Dance Orchestras and Famous LUCKY STRIKE lhrills TUESDAY• THURSDAY "LUCKIES SATURDAY 10 to 11 P. M. WEAFandASSOCIATED have CNARACTER NBC STATIONS and MILDNESS" TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1933 (ILUSICAL SIGNATUAS) : HO WARD CLANEY : Ladies and gentleven, the LUC :fY STRIitE Hour presented~ for your pleasure by the manuYacturers of LUCKY STRIKE Cigarettes - sixty modern minutes with the world's finest dance orchestras, and the famous LUCKY STRIKE thrills . Tonight in the HIagic Carpet Theatre we present a thrilling dramatization of "The Arizona Mail Train Hold-Up^ - a real case frob the {Slee of the secret investigatlon work at Washington, D .C . .put before we brinq this drama of federal agents and desperadoca, let's start the evening off with a dance . Ferde Grofe, the famous composer and conductor has his orchestra a11 ready to provide bhe music, so -- ON SVITH'PF, DA.TCE FERDE GROFE . .('BHISTLE) . .,OKAY A1d3RICA : M ANNOUNCHR : For the first dance tonight, Ferde Grofe and his Orchestra play -- (TITLES) ) ANNOUNCER : The Wagic CarpeE speeds back to the Pilot . (WHISTLE) OKAY N E ^ YORK : HO'.RARD CLAID'cY : ' Fine, Ferde -- that was a real thrill! . die're happy, folks, to bring you the music of that great American corz:poser, Ferde Gro£e . .hie famous work "T h e Grand Canyon Suite," is recognized everywhere as a new and colorful blend of fine harmonice - a dietinetive, modern note in American musical compoeltion . And so it is most appropriate that Ferde GroYe's dance tunes are brought to you by the makers of LUCKY STRIKe . .that modern, distinctive cigaretie which gives so much smoking pleasure! LUCKY STRIKE, too, offers a distinctive, unusual note -- a unique, balanced blend of choia Turkish and domestic tobaccos, brought together in every LUCKY in a fragrant, delicious harv.ony that meane real smoking enjoyment! And LUCKY STRIKE not only gives you the finest of tender, golden tobaccos- it gives you the true mildness that can only be imparted to these choice tobaccos by the exclusive "TOASTING" Process - the most modern step in cigarette rcdnu£acture! Wp ;.le you're listening to Ferde Grofe'e tunes -- why not light up a LUCKY, and enjoy the finest of fine tobaccas, melloa,-nild and delicious . HO'~YARD CLANEY : (CON^ .INUFS)Nomr we're in the Magic Carpet Theatre ., . .the curtain is rising . the house lights are dimming . and the footlighte are coming up . The stage Se set for the first act of "The Arizona Mail Train Hold-Up ." This is a dramatization of a case taken £rms the United States Gevernment files at Washington, D .C . Special Agent Five is listening for orders and instructlons are flashing through the air from headquarters . (THI9TLe.) ON'AITH TEIE SHOW! (FIRST PART -- "TH^c ARIZONA WAIL TRAIN HOLD-UP") HOWARD CLANEY : United 6tatee Postal Inspector Irwin has trailed the two train robbere to the ranch of Tom Vance . Can he prove that any of these men are guilty of the crime? A little later me'll bring you the second and final act . but right now the program calls for music from the talented baton of Ferde Grofe, so let's have it ! ON WITH T}D: DANCE FERDE GHOFE . .(41HI9TLE) 0%AY AMEHICA I ANNOUNCEA: As the Magic Carpet settles down on the dance floor, Ferde Grofe's Orchestra plays -- (TITLES ) ) ) ( ) ANNOUNCEAI Hack we go to the = at the controls . (YYHISTLE) OKAY NEW YOR%f HOWARD CLANEY : He is a major factor in a huge industry . He built a business from twelve men in 1902 to eixteen thousand employee today . He gave a distinct service and brought to the American motorist an excellent product at a fair price . Such a man ie Harvey S . Firestone . pioneer in the automotive tire industry . Because he worked long and hard, in the cause of economical transportation ; because his rubber organlxation reaches to the far corners of the world ; and because he is a sportsman, a philanthropist and a representative of the highest type of business executive, two minutes ago, at 10':29, we flashed this telegram to Mr . Firestone : MR . HARVEY S . FIRESTONE, HARBEL UWNOR, MEDINA ROAD, AKRON, OHIO . YOU REVOLUTIONI23D THE AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY BY INTRODUCING A FINE TIRE AT A LOW PRIC E . .YOUR PIONEERING IS NOW BRINGING INCREASED AUTOMOBILE ENJOYMENT TO MILLIONS OF PEOPLE . YOU CAN WELL UNDERSTAND OUR OWN THRILL OF ACHIEVEMENT IN BEING ABLE TO OFFER TO THE AMERICAN SMOKER CERTIFIED CREMO A FINE 7lJNG-FILLER CIGAR FINISHED UNDER GLASS AT THE UNIQUE PRICE OF FIVE CENTS STRAIGHT, THREE FOR TEN CSNTS . WE HAVE PROV3D TO OURSELVES AND TO CIGAR SMOKERS THROUGHOUT THE NATION THAT A IL.ALLY FINE CIGAR NEED NOT BE EKPENSIVE . .'iYITH CORDIAL GOOD WISHES VINCENT RIGGIO VICE-PRESIDENT IN CHARGE OF SALES THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY _______ _______STATION BREAK ----------------------------- HOWARD CLANEY :. It won't be long before we come to tie fibal act of our drama, but while the stage is being set, we'll dance again to the strains of Ferde Gro£e's music . Climb aboard as he dances the millions of you over the air waves . ON flITH THE AvNCE FERDE GRJFE . .(YlHISTLE) . .0%AY AIdEAICA! ANTrOUtv`CER : Everybody swing your partners to -- (TITLES) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ANNOUNCER : Here comes the high flying Magic Carpet . ('NHISTLE) OKAY NES YORK! HOWARD OLANEY : You'xe back in the Magic Carpet Theatre of the air for the last act of "The Arizona 11ai1 Train Hold-Up ." This is a dramatization of an actual case from the 8ederal Investigation files at Washington, D .C . Tom Vance and his son John were tracked to their ranch by United States Postal Inspector Irwin after the hold-up of the Arizona Mail Train . B111 Vance, another son, is a deputy in the sheriff's office but Tom and John Vance admit naking the trail from the scene of the hold-up, claiming It was made the day before the crime, when they were riding the range . Inspector Irwin may have some impertant clues . he followed the trail carefully, even examining a fire which the men made . Now our . second act is about to begin . Special Agent Five is awaiting Snstructlens frec. headquarters . (WHISTLE) ON Y4ITH THE BHOW : (SECOND PART -- ARIZONA llAIL TRAIN HOLD-UP") HOWARD CLANEY : Well Nr . and Mrs . America, that's the way the Federal inepectors do their job . Both Tom and John Vance wound up behind thc bars and Bill Vance was on the wrong end of the bullets . Next 'fuesda.y we'll bring you a dramatization of another actual caee, this time from the filee of the United States Bureau of Naxcot4os . Treasury Department, at 5ashington D.C . and nae at this mmu.ent we're going to take a flying trip to Ferde Grofe and his Orchestra . Ferde is the maestro of the evening so we're on our way to land right at his feet . ON WITH T}E DANCE FERDE GROFE . .('AHISTLE) OKAY AIdERICA : ANNOIINCc^R : This time Ferde Grofe and his orchestra play -- (TITLES) ( ) ( ) ) ( ) ( ) ANNOUNCER : . The Magic Carpet flies over our heads and speeds back to the pilot . (WHISTLE) OKAY NEN YORK! HO"/ARD CLANEY : Thank you, Ferde . As the Magic Carpet flies acrose the country, there is another great fleet winging its way on the air . lanes . Flying high nbove the tortuous passes of the Rockv Mountains, tTe great passenger planes of the Western Air Express cover in a matter of minutes the route that covered wagons followed for days and weeke . and in these ultro-modern cabin planes men and women are carried in swift luxury, everything provided for their enjoyment . It is significant that in these great modern air liners, LUCKY STRI37 Cigarettes are served exclusively to passengers . For it is a known fact that modern, fastidious smokers prefer the extra enjoyment of that modern cigarette -- the choice delicious blend of fine tobaccoss that only LUCKY STRIKE offers . the true mildnese, mellow-mildnes_s, which can only be imparted to those tender golden leaves by the exclusive "TOASTINC" Process . That is why, wherever modexn smokere gather, you'11 always find LUCKY STRIKE is the favorite . .the mildect, most delicious of cigarettes . _ We go back into the dancing led by one of America's foremost directors and ace conductore . .Ferde Grofe, whose intricate musical patterns are going to flow out of the laud speakers in every city, town and village all over the country . ON WITH THE DANCE FERDE GRJF-c . .(wHISTLE) . .OKAY AMERICA! ANNOUNCER : We invite you to dance to the tune of -- (TITLES) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) -10- AN.`iOUNCER : The Magic Carpet takes that lightning trip . (VPHISTLE) OKAY NEfl YOFi%! HOWAHD CLANEY• So, ladies and gentlemen, we come to the end of another LUCKY STRIKE program . but on Thureday night Jack Pearl will step forth in the role of the Baron Munchausen and relate some more of his amazing adventuree . also on that program Abe Lyman and his £amous orchestra vdll .provide the music for the dancing . Vntil Thursday, then, goodnight . , (:dU9ICAL SIGNATVB-e) This is the National Broadcasting Company . + +++ .++++4+++++ SPECIALk6ENT FIVE EPISODF. X "ARIZONA 14AIL TRAIN HOLD-UP" PARTS I AND II FOR LUCKY STRIKE HOUR JANUARY 3 . 1932 ~ }: SU-173-X SPECfAL A6ENT FIVE EPISODE X "ARIZONA 14AIL TRAIN HOLD-UP" PARTB I AND II OFFICIAL STORY BY CEOR6E F . ZIMMER DRAMATIZATION BY FINIS FARR AND GREGORY WILLIAMSON CHARACTERS : TOM VANCE P . 0 . INSPECTOR IRWIN JOHN VANCE JERRY BUNN BILL VANCE BRAIG:'dAN ADA VANCE CONDUCTOR SHERIFF SIMM0NS NOTICE : This property is duly pratectcd by copyright and ay not be ueed in any manner without the authority of the owner thereof .
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