Charles University in Prague Faculty of Mathematics and Physics DOCTORAL THESIS Tereza B´artlov´a History and current state of recreational mathematics and its relation to serious mathematics Department of Mathematical Analysis Supervisor of the doctoral thesis: prof. RNDr. LuboˇsPick, CSc., DSc. Study programme: Mathematics Study branch: General Questions of Mathematics and Information Science Prague 2016 I declare that I carried out this doctoral thesis independently, and only with the cited sources, literature and other professional sources. I understand that my work relates to the rights and obligations under the Act No. 121/2000 Sb., the Copyright Act, as amended, in particular the fact that the Charles University in Prague has the right to conclude a license agreement on the use of this work as a school work pursuant to Section 60 subsection 1 of the Copyright Act. In Prague on June 28, 2016 Tereza B´artlov´a i Title: History and current state of recreational mathematics and its relation to serious mathematics Author: Tereza B´artlov´a Department: Department of Mathematical Analysis Supervisor: prof. RNDr. LuboˇsPick, CSc., DSc., Department of Mathematical Analysis Abstract: The present thesis is devoted to the study of recreational mathematics, with a particular emphasis on its history, its relation to serious mathematics and its educational benefits. The thesis consists of five papers. In the first one we investigate the history of recreational mathematics. We focus on the development of mathematical problems throughout history, and we try to point out the people who had an important influence on the progress of recreational mathematics. The second article is dedicated to Edwin Abbott Abbott and his book called Flatland. It is one of the first popularizing books on geometry. In the third article we review one of the prominent personalities of recreational mathematics, Martin Gardner. The fourth article is in some sense a sequel to the third one. It deals with treachery of mathematical intuition and mathematical April Fool's hoaxes. The last article is devoted to the implementation recreational mathematics to education of students. Keywords: recreational mathematics, mathematical puzzles, mathematical ga- mes, science center ii N´azevpr´ace:Historie a souˇcasnostrekreaˇcn´ımatematiky a jej´ıvztah k matema- tice odborn´e Autor: Tereza B´artlov´a Katedra: Katedra matematick´eanal´yzy Vedouc´ıdisertaˇcn´ıpr´ace:prof. RNDr. LuboˇsPick, CSc., DSc., Katedra mate- matick´eanal´yzy Abstrakt: Tato disertaˇcn´ıpr´aceje vˇenov´anastudiu rekreaˇcn´ımatematiky se zvl´aˇstn´ımzˇretelemna jej´ıhistorii, vztah k odborn´ematematice a didaktick´emu v´yznamu. Pr´acesest´av´az pˇetiˇcl´ank˚ua struˇcn´eho´uvodu. V prvn´ımˇcl´ankuzkou- m´amehistorii rekreaˇcn´ımatematiky. Zamˇeˇrujeme se na v´yvoj matematick´ych ´ulohv pr˚ubˇehu dˇejina snaˇz´ımese jmenovat v´yznamn´eosobnosti, kter´emˇelyvliv na v´yvoj rekreaˇcn´ı matematiky. Druh´yˇcl´anekje vˇenov´anEdwinu Abbottovi Abbottovi a jeho knize Flatland. Jedn´ase o jednu z prvn´ıch popularizaˇcn´ıch knih o geometrii. Ve tˇret´ımˇcl´ankuse vˇenujeme jedn´ez v´yznamn´ych osobnost´ı rekreaˇcn´ımatematiky, Martinu Gardnerovi. Na jeho pr´acivolnˇenavazuje ˇctvrt´y ˇcl´anek,kter´yse zab´yv´azr´adnost´ımatematick´ea fyzik´aln´ıintuice a ilustruje ji na matematick´ych apr´ılov´ych ˇzertech. Posledn´ıˇcl´anekje vˇenovan´yimplementaci rekreaˇcn´ımatematiky do vzdˇel´av´an´ıstudent˚u. Kl´ıˇcov´aslova: rekreaˇcn´ımatematika, matematick´eh´adanky, matematick´ehry, science centra iii I would like to express my deep gratitude to LuboˇsPick who was my PhD advisor. I am very grateful to him for introducing me into the field of recreational mathematics and his help during my study. I really enjoyed sharing the ideas with him. His endless optimism and great enthusiasm for everything he does helped to make my study at Charles University an unforgettable experience. I would like to thank Vejtek Musil for his help with the TEX system. Special thanks belong to my mother for her never-ceasing support of all kinds. iv Contents Which came first, the recreational mathematics or the serious mathematics? 2 0.1 The popular-scientific aspect . .3 0.1.1 Arithmetics . .4 0.1.2 Number theory . .5 0.1.3 Geometry . .5 0.1.4 Combinatorics . .5 0.1.5 Probability . .5 0.1.6 Graph theory . .6 0.2 The amusement aspect . .6 0.2.1 Mathematical games . .6 0.2.2 Mechanical puzzles . .7 0.2.3 Problems . .7 0.3 The pedagogical aspect . .8 0.4 The historical aspect of recreational mathematics . .8 Bibliography . .9 Paper I 11 Paper II 67 Paper III 84 Paper IV 108 Paper V 142 1 Which came first, the recreational mathematics or the serious mathematics? Before we fully delve into the study of recreational mathematics, we should con- sider what this label exactly means. Perhaps the most concise definition of recre- ational mathematics is the one that has been provided by the leading figure of recreational mathematics of all times, namely Martin Gardner, who claimed that recreational mathematics is that part of mathematics that \includes anything that has a spirit of play about it". However, of course, different people might have different opinions on which part of mathematics can be considered as fun. For some it may be a Sudoku in Sunday newspapers, for others it can be the Rubik's cube, and, not surpris- ingly, a completely different idea of what is \amusing mathematics" is shared by professional mathematicians. Not a single mathematician would say that he/she does not enjoy his/her job, even if he/she is studying functional analysis or other advanced mathematical topics. Many professional mathematicians regard their work as a form of play, in the same way professional golfers or basketball stars might. In general, math is considered recreational if it has a playful aspect that can be understood and appreciated by non-mathematicians. Consequently, such “definition” would be rather blurred as it would probably encompass almost all kinds mathematics and therefore it would be too general. So what is it that determines whether a problem or task is recreational or not? There are four, somewhat overlapping, aspects which altogether cover most of the topics that could be possibly labelled by recreational mathematics. 1. The popular-scientific aspect - recreational mathematics is that part of mathematics which is fun and which is popular. That is, the corresponding problems should be understandable to an interested layman, though the solutions may be harder. By recreational mathematics we can understand the approach using which we can make serious mathematics understandable or, at least, more palatable. 2. The amusement aspect - recreational mathematics is a mathematics that is used as a diversion from serious mathematics to one's amusement. For example, one of the prominent contemporary recreational mathematicians Ian Stewart perceives the role of recreational mathematics precisely in this sense. He is trying to view mathematics as a source of inspiration and joy. He often writes in his books that the amusement mathematics is that part of it which is not taught at school. The same point of view was held by Martin Gardner who moreover believed that even in the school the mathematics that is taught there should be fun to a certain degree. 3. The pedagogical aspect - recreational mathematics can be used for the teaching purposes. It seen as a great pedagogical utility. Its parts have 2 been present in the oldest known mathematics and this situation continues to the present day. 4. The historical aspect { recreational mathematics has always played a very important part in the history of mathematics and it was responsible for the origin of whole important mathematical theories and concepts that would not exist without it. All the four named aspects are interconnected and influence each other. They overlap considerably and there is no clear boundary between them and the \se- rious" mathematics. The recreational mathematics is somewhere on the border among all these four aspects and tries to find the balance between seriousness and frivolity. We shall now consider each of the above-mentioned aspects of recreational mathematics separately in detail. 0.1 The popular-scientific aspect Mathematical riddles have been boggling the willing minds of interested intelli- gent people from the dawn of mankind. Moreover, important connections exist between problems originally meant to amuse and mathematical concepts. As a motivation force, then, the inclination to seek diversion and entertainment has resulted in the unintended revelation of mathematical truths, while, at the same time, it provides a good training of mathematical logic. One of the areas in which recreational mathematics is interconnected with a serious one, include problems whose assignment is understandable to everyone, but not everyone knows how to solve them. These problems have usually caught the attention of both professional mathematicians and the public with its simple formulation and comprehensibility. In this way the recreational mathematics provides the utility of a way to communicate a mathematical ideal to the public at large. Sometimes we can even wait centuries before mathematicians find a solution to a particular problem because the solution requires a nontrivial and advanced mathematical knowledge. These problems include for example Three classical geometrical problems which have eventually been proved to be impossible to solve but these proofs took incredible twenty-four centuries. Similar fate we have seen in connection with further problems such as the Archimedes's cattle problem, the Four-color theorem or the Fermat's last theorem. All these problems and others are mentioned in more detail below in the article about the history of recreational mathematics [2]. Another area in which the recreational mathematics is intertwined with the serious one, includes problems that are both understandable and at the same time have quite an easy solution. On the one hand, for a mathematician, it is not difficult to solve such a task, on the other hand the problem might become more mathematically interesting when one tries to generalize it.
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