Open Research Online The Open University’s repository of research publications and other research outputs Pit Closures in Northumberland: A Study of Bates Colliery Thesis How to cite: Hutchinson, Margaret Anne (1993). Pit Closures in Northumberland: A Study of Bates Colliery. MPhil thesis The Open University. For guidance on citations see FAQs. c 1992 Margaret Anne Hutchinson https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ Version: Version of Record Link(s) to article on publisher’s website: http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.21954/ou.ro.0001017f Copyright and Moral Rights for the articles on this site are retained by the individual authors and/or other copyright owners. For more information on Open Research Online’s data policy on reuse of materials please consult the policies page. oro.open.ac.uk PIT CLOSURES IN NORTHUMBERLAND A STUDY OP BATES COLLIERY (The decline of the Northumberland Coalfield. An historical and socio­ economic study with special reference to the closure of Bates Colliery, Blyth.) Margaret Anne Hutchinson B.A.(Hons. 2:1 OU) C.Q.S.W. M.Phil Thesis. Sociology/Economics of Social Science Discipline Open University, Newcastle upon Tyne. June 1992. ProQuest Number: 27701210 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a com plete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. uest ProQuest 27701210 Published by ProQuest LLO (2019). Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States C ode Microform Edition © ProQuest LLO. ProQuest LLO. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.Q. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In a.study of this nature many people have assisted in the collection of information. However, I would like to particularly thank the miners from Bates Colliery for their honesty and genuineness. I would like to thank the Northuidoerland N.U.M. for theiriacknowledgement and thanks to me. I would like to thank Dr. Eric Wade for his Supervision and constant support during the long protracted production of this thesis. I would like to thank all the library staff, particularly at Northunberland Records Office. Finally, I would like to thank my family for their patience and particularly Geoff for helping with the hard and soft-ware difficulties. THESIS ABSTRACT Diis thesis examines the Northumberland Coalfield and its subsequent decline. It looks at the closure of "uneconcxnic pits", with particular reference to the social effects. As a case study of a pit closed on these grounds. Bates Colliery in Blyth, NorthuntoerlarxS has been chosen to focus in detail on closure. % i s has been achieved by describing and analysing a Study and the development of a Campaign to oppose the closure. Hie thesis then expands again to encompass the subsequent increase in opencast mining in Northuirtoerland and social effects. IV œNTENTS Page FIGURES PAGES INTRODUCTION vil CHAPTER ONE Geological Perspective CEiAPTER TWO Historical Perspective 13 CHAPTER THREE Before Mechanisation 27 CHAPTER FOUR Decline of the Industry 40 CHAPTER FIVE Uneconomic Pits and the "Strike" 67 CHAPTER SIX Bates Colliery, Blyth - 84 A Case Study CHAPTER SEVEN The Study and the Campaign 106 CHAPTER EIGHT Analyses of Questionnaires and 128 Other Studies CHAPTER NINE New Modified Colliery Review Procedure 160 Independent Review Body CHAPTER TEN (^)encast Mining 172 CONCLUSION 195 EVALUATION AND METHODOLOGY 200 BIBLIOGRAPHY 203 FIGURES PAGE Page Fig. 1 The Goalfields of Britain 2 Fig. 2 Geological Map of the Northumberland 8 Coalfield and Contour Map of the Low Main Coal (from Sea-level downwards) Fig. 3 Section of the Northuntoerland Coalfield 9 Fig. 4 Coal mining expansion 1807-1850 21 Fig. 5 Map of the Northumberland Coalfield 25 showing Collieries, Railways and Ports / before Nationalisation. Fig. 6 Ministry of Fuel and Power - 32 Northumberland and Durham Coal Seams Fig. 7 "Sunday Times" article "Goodbye, East 36 Chevington" 17.2.1980. Fig. 8 Northumberland Collieries since 1900. 38 Fig. 9 Maps of Employment at Collieries in the 45 Northumberland and Durham Coalfield 1957 - projections 1995. Fig.9a = 1957. Fig.9b = 1984 and Fig.9c = 1995 projected. Fig.10 Tables of Nbrthuntoerland Collieries 49 in production since 1947 - Manpower. Fig.il Ministry of Fuel and Power - Map of 55 Northumberland Coalfield - coal reserves. 1960. Fig.12 Number of Pits in North East Coalfield 56 1947-1984 - Graph 1. Miners as a percentage of those employed - Grag^ 2. Fig. 13 Map of North East England and Druridge 60 Bay showing site for proposed nuclear power station. Fig.14 N.C.B. Accounts Table 1983/4. 75 Fig.15 Location Map of Blyth, Northumberland. 85 Fig.16 Map of the Borough of Blyth Valley. 86 Fig.17 Mill Pit, Cowpen Colliery 1892. Technical 93 information by Mr. H. Beavis. VI Page - I Fig.18 Map of Blyth Valley Colliery locations 95 1947 - 1985. Fig.19 Table of Collieries in the Blyth Valley and 96 Peripheral Areas showing Manpower 1947 - Closure. Fig.20 Table of Main Transfers to Bates Colliery. 97 Fig. 21 Map of Three-Quarter (R) Seam Workings. 101 Fig. 22 Map of proposed workings in Hiree-Quarter 102 (R) Seams. 15.2.1984. Fig.23 Curating Results at Bates Colliery 103 1975 - 1984 Fig. 24 Operating Results At Bates Colliery - 104 R.53's Face and R.53'2s Face. August 1983 Fig.25 Letters from David Hunt, Secretary of State 118 for Energy, Houses of Parliament. 18.5.85. Fig.26a . Questionnaires and covering letters for 130 2 6 b Addenda 1 and 11 - "Coal Mining and 137 Employment - A Study of Blyth Valley." Fig. 27 Map and Table of transfer of miners from 170 Bates Pit at Closure. Fig.28 Opencast Mining - Areas of interest in 184 Northumberland. Fig.29 Cpencast Mining - Amble/Druridge Bay/ 190 Widdrington Areas, Northuirtoerland. Fig.30 Opencast Mining - British Coal Sites 191 in the Amble/Druridge Bay/Morpeth Areas, Northumberland. Sources outlined on Figures. vil INTRODUCTION In this thesis the author examines the Northumberland coalfield in its entirety. Hie scene is set with a chapter on pre-history and the geological conditions that laid down the foundation of the story. Hie second chapter moves us through history into the nineteenth century and the early working and living conditions of miners and their community. Maps and charts that plot the development of the coal mines from the late nineteenth century to the present time are accompanied by historical detailed information on "cavilling" traditions and working arrangements that link the past with today's sense of a miner's unique "community spirit" and philosophy of life. Much of the historical information was gathered at the Northumberland Records Office in Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, and the author had to dig deep to find the relevant material. Much of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century records were still covered in ’ soot from the Pit offices of the day, and their blazing coal firesI This historical data is given to illustrate and portray the pit-vill^e community life and to see the traditional values and practices carry forward into the later in-depth study of Bates Colliery closure. ■ Hie historical perspective set the scene for the later 1947 Nationalisation changes, which were highlighted by manpower figures and details of pit closures in Northumberland to the present time. These.tables were collated by the author from various sources and vin have never been listed as such before. Hie politics and philosophies of the N.C.B. can be traced in parallel with the coalfield's gradual decline. Hie graphed peaks and troughs of closure reveal that Nationalisation gave only a brief respite to the 20th Century rundown of coalmining in Britain until the oil boom in the mid i960's. Hiis led to a further contraction of the industry, because coal was no longer regarded as an economic fuel. A brief look at the proposed nuclear industry in the area was considered relevant here. It was considered important by the author to examine closely the question of what is "uneconomic" as regards pit closure as this issue was so central to the 1984/5 Dispute and the arguments given by the N.C.B. for the numerous pit closures. Hiis brings us to the main body of the Study which focuses on the closure of Bates Colliery, Northumberland from the perspective of the author's involvement in the Save Bates Campaign as a Research Assistant for the Open University, helping Dr. E. Wade compile "Coal Mining and Employment - A Study of Blyth Valley" 1985. During that year the data of the research was often required at very short notice by Blyth Valley Council, and it could be called "action research" in every sense of the word. The meetings. Conferences and delegations are set out in detail, with the intention of recreating some of the feverish atmosphere and high emotion of the time. The analyses of the questionnaires also demonstrates how the miners feel, and cope when the basis of solidarity and community is threatened and taken away. These findings are discussed with reference to studies on "Occupational Communities" and other studies on Pit Closures. 1 X Hie story moves on to the Independent Review Body hearing in 1986 which again raised and dashed hopes in a very short tine, causing violent swings of emotions for those closely involved. Hie Study tries to balance human stories and issues with the analytical data available; thus linking the reality of the situation for the miner with the academic and research material of the dDserver.
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