欢迎辞|WELCOMING SPEECH 主办单位: 中华人民共和国文化和旅游部 天津市人民政府 承办单位: 天津市文化和旅游局 北京兴旅国际传媒有限公司 Organized by: Ministry of Culture and Tourism, P.R. China Tianjin Municipal People’s Government Operated by: Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism Beijing Sunny International Communications Ltd. 中国·天津 Tianjin, China 2019.9.6-9.8 扫描二维码了解更多展会信息 Scan the QR code for more information. 2 3 CONTENTS 目录 02 欢迎辞 / Welcoming speech 04 展会日程 / Schedule 06 走进天津 / Visit Tianjin 08 天津名片 / Image of Tianjin 18 展馆交通图 / Venue and Traffic 19 展馆平面图 / Venue Floor Plan 20 参展商名录 / Exhibitors List 欢迎辞|WELCOMING SPEECH Welcoming Speech China Tourism Industry Exposition 2019 (CTIE), co-organised by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China and Tianjin Municipal People’s Government, will take place at Tianjin Meijiang Convention Center between 6 and 8 September. As a general-tourism exposition strongly supported by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China, Tourism Expo has taken place for 10 consecutive editions and is widely commended in the industry. It has generated an agglomerative effect that sees the clustering of tourism industries, businesses and services, making it the most influential and dynamic exposition of China’s tourism industry. In the year when culture and tourism are integrating, CTIE 2019 focuses on “promoting culture and tourism integration and pooling together industrial-development achievements”. The exhibitors include outstanding cultural and tourism businesses, travel-equipment businesses, cultural-performance equipment, hotel articles, cruise ships, specially fitted vehicles, tourist-site equipment and cultural and creative businesses. For on-site trade and talks, tourist sites, hotels, travel agencies, professional clubs and government business-recruitment departments are invited, with a view to create a professional platform that showcases China’s cultural and tourism brands, exhibits and markets products, encourages industrial collaboration and exchanges achievements. With open arms, we welcome everyone from the tourism industry at home and abroad to further encourage the integrated development of tourism and related industries with the help of the platform that is 01 欢迎辞 CTIE. The expo shall become a gala of tourism, as we effectively promote the continuous extension of the tourism-industry chain and intensify regional and international industrial collaboration. CTIE 2019 has a total exhibition surface area of 50,000 square metres, which may accommodate 3,000 2019 中国旅游产业博览会(以下简称“旅博会”)由文化和旅游部、天津市人民政 standard booths and is divided into 7 content-based exhibition areas, namely Quality Domestic Cultural 府共同主办,将于 9 月 6 日至 8 日在天津梅江会展中心举行。 Tourism Products, International Culture and Tourism, Cultural and Tourism Innovations, Quality Cultural 作为文化和旅游部重点支持的综合性旅游产业展,旅博会已连续举办了十届,受到 and Tourism Products of Tianjin, Cultural and Tourism Equipment, Intangible Cultural Heritage and Cultural 旅游业界的赞誉,形成旅游产业集聚、旅游企业集聚和旅游服务集聚效应,成为中国旅 and Creative Products. 游行业最有影响力和生命力的博览会。 It is a great event that cannot be missed. We look forward to seeing you in Tianjin! 在文旅融合的起点之年, 围绕“促文化旅游融合,汇产业发展成果”,2019 中国旅 游产业博览会邀请优秀文化和旅游企业、旅游装备企业、文化演艺装备、酒店用品、邮 轮游艇、特装车辆、景区装备、文创企业等参展,邀请景区、酒店、旅行社、专业俱乐部、 政府招商部门等现场采购洽谈,打造中国文化和旅游产业品牌展示、产品展销、产业合作、 成果交易的专业平台。 我们张开双臂,欢迎国内外旅游业界的同仁一起借助旅游产业博览会这个平台,进 一步推动旅游相关产业的融合发展,有效地促进旅游产业链的不断延伸,加强旅游产业 的区域联合及国际合作,使之成为旅游产业集聚的盛会。 本届博览会总展览面积 5 万平方米,可容纳标准展位 3000 个,按照展示内容分为 7 个展区,分别为:国内文化和旅游精品展区、国际文化和旅游展区、文化和旅游创新展区、 天津文化和旅游精品展区、文化和旅游装备展区、非遗文化展区、文创展区。 天天乐道、津津有味。天津热诚欢迎您的到来,祝您工作顺利,生活愉快! 2 3 展会日程|SCHEDULE 02 日程安排 Schedule 2019 年 9 月 3-5 日 展商注册报道,展台布展、搭建; September 3-5 Exhibitors’ registration; Booth installation and decoration 2019 年 9 月 5 日 晚上:天津推介会、古文化街灯光情景京剧演出; September 5 Evening: Promotion of Tianjin; Peking Opera performance in ancient cultural street 2019 年 9 月 6 日 上午:开幕式、巡馆; 文化和旅游智库联系点开放式交流活动; September 6 Morning:Opening Ceremony; Exhibition Tour; 全国自驾车旅居车旅游发展推进活动暨阿尔山自驾游推介会; Open communication among cultural and tourism think-tank contact points; 全国文化和旅游科技干部培训班观摩; Promotion of National Tourist Caravan Development & Promotion for Road Trips through A’ershan; 下午:数字产业创新发展论坛; Visit to training program for cultural and tourism technology officials of China 文化和旅游产业发展论坛(主论坛); Afternoon: Digital Cultural-Tourism Innovative Development Forum; 晚上:国际芭蕾舞演出展演; Development Forum on Culture and Tourism Industries (the main forum) 全天:买卖家交易洽谈会; Evening: International Ballet Festival All Day: B2B Trade Fair; 2019 年 9 月 7 日 上午:2019 国内大住宿行业赋能大会; 中国旅行口碑榜评选启动仪式; September 7 Morning: 2019 Empowerment Conference on Ten Accommodation Industries in China; “文旅新动能·践行新使命”主题分论坛 ; Inauguration of Evaluating and Selecting China Tourist Destinations with Best Reputation; 买家交易洽谈会; Themed Sub-forum: New Dynamism and Mission of Culture and Tourism; 旅游装备创新发展论坛; B2B Trade Fair; 文旅产业专项债券及投资基金融资对接交流活动; Forum on Innovation and Development of Tourism Equipment; 中午 : 中国智造赋能全球文旅产业午餐会; Business Convention on Financing Special Bonds and Investment Funds for Culture 下午:2019 文旅行业数据发布会; and Tourism Industries; 新媒体助力文化旅游发展论坛; Noon: Luncheon of China Intelligent Manufacture Empowering Global Culture and Tourism Industries Afternoon: 2019 Press Conference of Releasing Cultural Tourism Industry Data; 2019 年 9 月 8 日 上午:2019 天津文化旅游主播大赛颁奖大会、 Forum on New Media Boosting Culture and Tourism “天津有礼”评选颁奖盛典; 煮酒论西青文旅融合发展新启程主题论坛; September 8 Morning: Award Ceremony of the 2019 Tianjin Culture-Tourism MC Competition; 下午:博览会颁奖大会和座谈会; Award Ceremony of Shortlisted Tianjin Souvenirs; 全天:嘉宾踩线考察; Themed Forum for a New Start in the Integrated Development of Culture and Tourism in Xiqing; 16:30 以后撤展。 Afternoon: CTIE Awards Ceremony and panel; All Day: Guests’ investigative visits to tour routes 2019 年 9月6—8日 全天 : 各展厅展示交易;各地旅游宣传推介会; After 16:30 Booth withdraw 新华网、今日头条、天津相声广播举办直播活动, 新浪网线上宣传。 September 6-8 All Day: Trade and exhibition at exhibition halls; Tourism promotion meetings; Livestream on Xinhuanet, Jinri Toutiao and Tianjin Chinese Crosstalk Radio and (以上活动具体以实际举办为准) promotion on Sina.com.cn;etc. ( Note: The draft schedule is subject to later change.) 4 5 Visit Tianjin 03 走进天津 Tianjin, also known as Jingu and Jinmen, is nicknamed as Jin. Located at 38°34' to 40°15' north latitude and 116°43' to 118°04' east longitude, it lies in UTC/GMT+08:00 region. Tianjin, the city stays on the coast of 天津,曾有津沽、津门之称,昵称为“津”,位于北纬 38° 34' 至 40° 15',东 Bohai Sea, and has most fascinating landscapes with rivers and mountains, giving it the greatest charm. 经 116° 43' 至 118° 04',处于国际时区的东八区。这座渤海之滨的城市,上顶苍穹, 傍依河海,绿水青山,秀外慧中。 About how the city gained its name, the clearest historical record with most trustworthy proof is like this: In Year 2 of Yongle Period (1404 A.D.), the Tianjin Guards were stationed in Zhigu to build a city. The Emperor 天津之名的由来,史料最充分、记载最清晰的一种说法是:永乐二年(1404 年) Zhu Di gave it the name Tianjin to commemorate the victory in Jingnan Battle. The name Tianjin means “ferry 在直沽设“天津卫”筑城。为纪念“靖难之役”的胜利,朱棣赠名天津,意为“天子经 where the emperor passed”. 由之渡口”。 Tianjin is the municipality directly under the Central Government, the portal city of Beijing, economic 天津是中华人民共和国直辖市、首都北京的门户、环渤海地区经济中心、首批沿 center in circum-Bohai-Sea region, one of the first coastal cities in China open to the outside world, the 海开放城市、全国先进制作研发基地、北方国际航运核心区、金融创新运营示范区、改 advanced production and R&D based in China, the international shipping core region in Northern China, the 革开放先行区。 demo region of financial innovation and operation, and the test-field city of reform and opening-up. 6 7 天津名片|IMAGE OF TIANJIN 老城津韵 Old Town 这里是天津卫的摇篮,这里有过林立的官署、四方的 cranny is brimming with memories of “old Tianjin”. Over 商贾,这里古风醇厚、积淀深厚。这里的每一个角落充满 six centuries may have passed and the old town has been renovated, but the memories that span centuries remain. 了太多“老天津”的回忆,如今,600 多年已过,天津老城 Today, it is home to the iconic Drum Tower of ancient 虽已旧貌换新颜,但那凝结了几百年的城市记忆依然如故。 Tianjin, Ancient Cultural Street that is one of the top 10 这里有天津老城标志性建筑“鼓楼”,津门十景之一的“古 sights of the city and Yangliuqing Ancient Town, a famous 文化街”,中国魅力文化传承名镇“杨柳青古镇”等。 town representative of the mesmerising Chinese culture. The cradle of Tianjin was home to countless government offices and merchants from everywhere. It is rich in ancient 天津名片 customs and steeped in profound culture. Every nook and 04 Image of Tianjin 海河乐章 The Hai River 海河是天津母亲河,承载着这座城市的辉煌与灿烂, 蕴涵着时代的缩影,见证着文化的更迭。乘海河游船欣赏两 岸旖旎风光和历史建筑;登上那一座桥轮合一的“天津之 眼”,一览方圆 40 公里的景致;如果说海河风景线是一篇 宏伟的乐章,那么矗立在海河之上的桥就是这篇乐章高潮部 分的音符。从历经沧桑的金钢桥、金汤桥、解放桥到千姿百 态的大沽桥、永乐桥、大光明桥等,每一座桥都在向人们讲 述着一个个故事 ...... As the mother river of Tianjin, the Hai River sustains the glory and splendour of the city, is the epitome of the times and has witnessed cultural transformations. Cruise along the Hai River to drink in the enchanting scenery and historical architecture along the banks, or visit Tianjin Eye, which sits atop a bridge and offers a panoramic view within a 40-kilometre radius. If the riverscape is a grand musical chapter, then the bridges towering over the Hai River are the high points. Whether it is Jingang Bridge, Jintang Bridge and Jiefang Bridge, which have undergone many changes in their lives, or Dagu Bridge, Yongle Bridge and Daguangming Bridge with their varying looks, each of which tells a story. 8 9 万国建筑 哏都相声 International Architecture Punchline Crosstalk 天津是近代中国的缩影,素有“世界建筑博览会”的 天津话是天津地域文化的典型代表,干净利落,活泼 美誉。在这里,风格纷呈的小洋楼等西方各国建筑遗存有上 俏皮。在这里,有种零食叫零嘴儿、有种男孩叫小小子儿、 千幢,它们延续着历史的文脉,增加了城市的厚重感。对于 有种女孩叫小闺妞儿、有种玩笑叫打镲……这是一座骨子里 天津人来说,小洋楼已经成为一张展示天津丰富历史文化底 浸润着乐观的开心之城,天津人率真豪爽、亲切包容、幽默 蕴的城市名片。有着“万国建筑博览苑”之称的“五大道” 诙谐,所以天津又叫“哏儿都”。在这个意义上说,天津相 是迄今天津乃至中国保留最为完整的洋楼建筑群;原汁原 声界能人辈出,相声艺术在天津的兴盛,与天津独特的地域
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