Map and atlas reviews KiG 2006, 6 Atlas of the Vukovar Landownership from 1733 With exceptional pleasure, I present were made at the same scale that is produced separately. The production of you the facsimile edition of the Atlas of graphically presented in Vienna fathoms. the Atlas is the combination of modern the Vukovar Landownership from 1733. technology and manual production, i.e. In order to achieve a detailed insight The original Atlas of the Vukovar Land- designing and print preparation, as well into the area of the Vukovar landowner- ownership has been kept at the Museum as the phase of sewing, sticking the cov- ship, this Atlas is the predecessor of the of Slavonija in Osijek within the scope of ers and hard covers imitating calf leather. cadastre of Vukovar area and it gives a the Cartographic Collection since 1947. In order to achieve high fidelity with the detailed insight into the complete struc- The Commission for Collecting and Pres- original copy that is almost 300 years old, ture of the Vukovar landownership. ervation of Cultural Monuments and An- the Atlas was printed on special paper that tiquities took it over from the nationalized The manuscript book Erklaerung der meets even the strictest ecological stand- castle Eltz at the time. vuckovarer Mappen (Explanation of Vuk- ards, and specially was ordered from ovar Maps) is an integral part of the At- England. The publication of the Atlas of The Atlas of the Vukovar Landowner- las, and it is kept in the collection of his- the Vukovar Landownership from 1733 ship from 1733 stands out because of its torical documents of the Town Museum was financed by the Ministry of Culture of extraordinary large format, luxurious cov- Vukovar. These two objects are very im- the Republic of Croatia, the Vukovar-Sri- ers in calf leather decorated with gold portant monuments of cultural heritage jem County and the town of Vukovar. print. It contains 25 maps and the map of and one of the most important cartograph- the Kingdom of Slavonia (Sclavoniae The Atlas of the Vukovar Landown- ic documents that bear evidence about Regnum) that serves as an illustration of ership from 1733 was published in 2006, political, social, and economic situation, the position of landownership in Vukovar. it has the ISBN 953-6191-31-8. Its format as well as about natural wealth in the is 68 × 48 cm, it contains 107 pages, and The cartographic material included northern part of todays Vukovar-Srijem is hardbound. It was printed in 100 cop- into the Atlas contains the presentation County. ies, and the price of the Atlas is 1300 KN. 142 of the town Vukovar and 34 settlements. The Atlas and its accompanying doc- One also gets a CD-ROM with the Atlas It was made at the time of the first owner umentation have long had applicable val- with the presentation of maps from the of the Vukovar land, count Ferdinand ue, and today it is the oldest, the most Atlas for more detailed studying of carto- Küffstein, who was the owner from 1736 comprehensive and the only cartograph- graphic details. when the land was bought by the Eltz fam- ic source for the Vukovar landownership ily. Küffstein assigned the map production The promotion of the Atlas of the Vu- from the first half of the 18th century. Such to the imperial academic engineer Johann kovar Landownership from 1733 was held an atlas is a real rarity in the entire conti- Philiph Frast and only the first map in the on the 21st of March 2006 at the Town nental Croatia, but also within the frame Atlas was not made by Frast. This map Museum of Vukovar. There was also at of the Habsburg Monarchy of that time. was printed in Vienna (copper plate, 126 exhibition opened on that occasion titled Namely, there are only three atlases of a × 81 cm) Tabula geographica nova et Vukovar Landownership on Old Maps landownership from that time, i.e.: one in exacta distincte exhibens Regnum Slavo- from 1733 where all 35 places of the Vu- Hungary of the Pope landownership from niae cum Syrmii Ducatu..., and its inclu- kovar landownership were presented. The 1735, and the other of the Hardegg land- sion into the Atlas has provided a broad- extraordinary historical significance of the ownership from the Austrian part of the er context to the area where the Vukovar Atlas makes me especially pleased that Monarchy. landownership is placed. this top value edition has come to the The preparation of documents and daylight. Frast was an educated military sur- cartographic material of the Vukovar re- veyor and a scholar of the Engineering Vesna Poslonèec-Petriæ gion was made for the purpose of print- Academy founded in Vienna in 1717. At ing the facsimile of the Atlas in the Histor- the time, only the army used to have edu- ical Museum of Slavonia in Osijek, and it cated surveyors, and they were largely was edited by Ante Grubiiæ, the curator needed. Namely, after the war with the of the Museum of Slavonia in Osijek. The Turks, lasting many years, it was neces- employees of the MIT d.o.o. company in sary to map new occupied areas. There- Osijek made the preparation and graphic fore, a large number of plans and maps design. The young designers tried to bring originated from liberated areas. the new Atlas as close as possible to the The Atlas contains 34 unique and original copy, referring to its format and hand made Frasts plans, and these are: design. They managed to make the illu- the plan of the entire landownership, Vu- sion of the authentic appearance of the kovar, Sotin, Berak, Opatovac, aren- text and old geographic maps using com- grad, Novak, Èakovci, Lovas, Tovarnik, puter technology. As they say, in order to Svinjarevci, Ilaèa, Ilinci, Mala Vaica, Oro- achieve the authentic appearance and lik, Nijemci, Ðeletovci, Tordinci, Banovci, the colour of the pages where Tompojevci, Petrovci, Mikljuevci, Slako- even age spots can be ob- vci, Trpinja, Srijemske Laze, Jankovci, served, each page of Negoslavci, Mohovo, Bogdanovci, Bra- the Atlas had to be din, Koroð, Antin, Vera, Paèetin and Bo- bota. It is very important to point out that all plans, apart from the general plan, KiG 2006, 6 Prikazi karata i atlasa 143 Map and atlas reviews KiG 2006, 6 144 KiG 2006, 6 Prikazi karata i atlasa 145 Map and atlas reviews KiG 2006, 6 146 KiG 2006, 6 Prikazi karata i atlasa Atlas vukovarskog vlastelinstva iz 1733. S posebnim zadovoljstvom pred- ukljuèivanjem u Atlas dao se iri kontekst Hrvatskoj, ali i u okvirima nekadanje stavljam Vam faksimilno izdanje Atlasa prostoru na kojem se nalazi Vukovarsko Habsburke Monarhije. Naime, postoje vukovarskog vlastelinstva iz 1733. go- vlastelinstvo. samo tri atlasa nekog vlastelinstva iz toga dine. Izvornik Atlasa èuva se od 1947. doba, i to: jedan je atlas vlastelinstva Papa Frast je bio kolovani vojni mjernik, godine u Muzeju Slavonije u Osijeku, u u Maðarskoj iz 1735. godine, a drugi je izdanak Inenjerske akademije osnovane fundusu Kartografske zbirke. Tada ga je atlas vlastelinstva Hardegg u austrijskom u Beèu 1717. godine. kolovane mjernike Komisija za sakupljanje i èuvanje kulturnih dijelu Monarhije. tada je imala jedino vojska, a za njima je spomenika i starina, zajedno s drugom bila velika potreba. Naime, nakon dugo- Priprema dokumenata i kartografske vrijednom graðom, preuzela iz nacio- godinjeg rata s Turcima trebalo je iskar- graðe vukovarskoga kraja radi tiskanja naliziranog dvorca Eltz. tirati novoosvojena podruèja. Upravo je faksimila Atlasa obavljena je u Povijes- Atlas vukovarskog vlastelinstva iz zbog toga velik broj planova i karata s nom odjelu Muzeja Slavonije u Osijeku, 1733. godine istièe se svojim iznimno osloboðenih podruèja. a priredio ju je Ante Grubiiæ, kustos velikim formatom, luksuznim uvezom u Muzeja. Pripremu i grafièko oblikovanje Atlas sadri 34 unikatna i rukom teleæoj koi ukraenoj zlatotiskom. Sadri obavili su djelatnici tvrtke MIT d. o. o. u crtana Frastova plana, a to su: plan cijelog 25 karata Vukovarskog vlastelinstva i Osijeku. Mladi dizajneri nastojali su novi vlastelinstva, Vukovar, Sotin, Berak, kartu Kraljevine Slavonije (Sclavoniae Atlas i formatom i dizajnom to vie Opatovac, arengrad, Novak, Èakovci, Regnum), koja slui za ilustraciju poloaja pribliiti izvorniku. Uspjeli su kompju- Lovas, Tovarnik, Svinjarevci, Ilaèa, Ilinci, vlastelinstva Vukovar. torskom tehnologijom doèarati autentièan Mala Vaica, Orolik, Nijemci, Ðeletovci, izgled teksta i starih geografskih karata. Kartografska graða uvezana u Atlas Tordinci, Banovci, Tompojevci, Petrovci, 147 Prema njihovim rijeèima, da bi bio po- sadri prikaz grada Vukovara i 34 naselja. Mikljuevci, Slakovci, Trpinja, Srijemske stignut autentièan izgled i boja stranica Nastala je u doba prvoga vlasnika Laze, Jankovci, Negoslavci, Mohovo, na kojima se vide èak i mrlje od starosti, vukovarskog vlastelinstva grofa Johanna Bogdanovci, Bradin, Koroð, Antin, Vera, svaka stranica Atlasa morala je biti po- Ferdinanda Küffsteina, koji je bio vlas- Paèetin i Bobota. Vano je napomenuti sebno raðena. Izrada Atlasa kombinacija nikom do 1736. godine, kada vlastelinstvo da su svi planovi, osim generalnoga, je suvremene tehnologije i ruènoga rada, kupuje obitelj Eltz. Küffstein je izradu izraðeni u istome mjerilu, koje je prikazano odnosno dizajniranja i pripreme za tisak karata povjerio carskom akademskom grafièki u beèkim hvatima. te faze ruènog ivanja, lijepljenja korica i inenjeru Johannu Philiphu Frastu, koji u Zbog detaljnosti uvida u prostor vuko- tvrdog uveza u imitaciji koe i zlatotiska. Atlasu nije izradio samo prvu kartu. To je varskog vlastelinstva, ovaj je Atlas preteèa Kako bi bio to vjerniji izvorniku, starom u Beèu tiskana karta (bakrorez, 126 × 81 katastra vukovarskoga kraja i daje iscrpan gotovo 300 godina, Atlas je tiskan na cm) Tabula geographica nova et exacta uvid u kompletnu strukturu vukovarskog specijalnom papiru, naruèenom iz Engles- distincte exhibens Regnum Slavoniae vlastelinstva.
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