VOINS and TOF^m _qtjhe CARIBEE^ ■* by Ray Byrne j Jes\Peters,Jh c, - SaTe~No^8 Yum«' fkipi ft'- FOLIO This catalogue and reference is dedicated to: My wife Margaret and our family and to “Willie” Ross, the l)est coin buff and friend a guy ever had ; .J 'I: I' S' RAY BYRNE COINS and TOKENS of the CARIBEES Personal data Ray Byrne On Staff, Section of Coins & Medals, Camerie Museum O (.liairman, U.S, Assay Commission, 1969, O.T.A.C.S. A.N.A. Board of Governors, 1965-1967 A,N.A. Educational Foriun Speaker, Miami, 1967 MEMBERSHIPS Numismatic Literary Guild, Executive Director Life Membership - A.N.A., C.N,A., American Vecturists Association, Penn Ohio, O.l.N,, N.L.G., T.A.M.S., Sphinx Society, Royal Niunismatic Society Member - American Numismatic Society, British Numismatic Society (England), Association Numismatica Espana (Spain), Mexican Numismatic Society, California States Niunismatic Association, Central States Numismatic Association, British Museum Past President - Western Pennsylvania Numismatic Society, Pittsburgh Niunismatic Society, Allegheney-kiski Valley Numismatic Society, The Sphinx Societv (Founder) AWARDS The Howland Wood Memorial Award for “Best of Show” A.N,A,, Boston, August, 1973 Twice awardeil the Silver First Place Heath Literary Award for: “The World’s ‘Holey’ Dollars”, Numismatist, March, 1970, “The Dutch Colonial Coins & Tokens of tlie Americas, 1679-1900”, Niunismatist, July-August issues, 1972 Twice awanled 2nd Place Bron/,e Heath Literary' Awards for: “The Legend of Rincon”, Numismatist, May, 1963, “A Listing of Earl Philippine Varieties”, Numismatist, April, 1969 Twice received honorable mention. Heath Literary \warrls for: “Hispaniola Divided”, Numismatist, April, 1965 (Made into a reprint by the A.N.A.), “The Nobles and the Rogues”, Numismatist, May, 1967 First Award, Latin American Coins Exhibit, C.leveland, 1963, A.N.A, Recipient of 25 Educational (ierliricates for C.luh Spejiker (A.N.A.) CIVIC ATTACHMENTS Appearls Board Member, H.S. .Selective Service (W. Pa.), 7 years (curri'nt) I$yin<‘ Articles Published “Uiiilcil Slates llarily Cliai l”, Scrapbook, Dec. 1956 "Mints of the Americas”, World Coins Bulletin, Coin World, Feb. 1962 “A Listing of Early Philippine Varieties”, Niunismalisl, Apr. 1969 (Heath Bronze Medal) "Tlie World’s ‘Holey’ Dollars”, Numismatist, March, 1970 (Silver Heath Literary Award) “The Nobles and the Rogues”, Numismatist, May, 1967 (Honorable Mention, Heath Literary Award) “Keeling-Cocos Island ‘Ivory’ Tokens”, World Coins Magazine, Dec. 1965 "Keeling-Cocos Island ‘Ivory’ Tokens”. World Coins Magazine, June, 1966 “Tlie Trial of the Pyx”, Jan. 1969 (Local - self published) "A Comiterstamp Myth Exploded”, World Coins Magazine, Jan. 19rO “Tlie Coinage of St. Barthelemi”, Scrapbook Magazine, June, 1965 “St. Bart’s Revisited”, Numismatist, Dec. 1967 “Cocos-Keeling Island Currency”, World Coins Magazine, Oct. 1967 “Coin Inventory Aids Executor”, World Coins Magazine, F’eb. 1970 “The Case of the Confusing Mint Marks”, Scrapbook Magazine, Feb. 1963 “Tlie Legend of Rincon” (Numismatist, Scrapbook, Coins Magazine), May, 1963 (Bronze Medal. Heath Literary Award) “Cuban (Siege) Emergency Copper Money”, World Coins Magazine, Jan. 1969 “New Discovery of Old Honduras 16 Peso”, World Coins Magazine, Jan. 1969 “Legend of a West Indies Token”, World Coins Magazine, Nov. 1967 “Hispaniola Divided”, The Numismatist, Apr. 1965 (Honorable Mention, Heath Literary Award) “The Legend of a “Lost” Virgin Isles Medallion” TAMS Journal, Oct, 1969 (Honorable Mention) “The Coinage of Jamaica”, (Jointly with Jerome Remick) Almanzar, Publisher, 1966 “Exploring for Anse Canot”, World Coins Magazine. Nov. 1967 “Bermuda Island “Hogge” Money, World Coins Magazine, Feb. 1961 “Monograpb on Briti.sb Honduras” co-aulbor, July-Aug., 1967 Bvme Articles Continued “Tlie Juxon Medal”, Coin World, May, 1969 “The Cut, Holed & Counterstainped Coins of The British West Indies”, British Coininonwealth Book, published by Soiner James, Regency Coins, 3rd edition, Jan. 1971 “New Jamaica Tokens Uncovered”, World Coins Magazine, 1972 “New St. Lucia Tokens Edited”, World Coins Magazine, 1972 “Introduction to the West Indies” International Niunismalic Congress Book (1973) “.\n Introduction to the St. Bartholomew and Danish West Indies Counterstamps” The Swedish Nmnismatic Society’s 100th Anniversary Compendium, 1972 “British West Indies Coinage” 4th edition, British Commonwealth Book, 1972 “The Dutch Colonial Coins & Tokens of the Americas, 1679-1900” July and August issues The Niunismatist, 1972 Contributor to Cataloguing for Yeoman’s “Modern World Coins”, Craig’s “Coins of the World”, Krause Publications, “World Coins”, 1970-71-72-73-74 “Tlie First Crown of the Americas” (The Phantom Crown), ‘Ten Reales of Santo Domingo’ (circa, 1542), (Coinage Magazine, July, 1973 “The Saga of Puech-Bein & Co.", Numismatist, August, 1975 “Spanish Colonial Coppers of Spanish Guiana, Santo Domingo, Santa Marta and Caracas”, Numismatist, 1975 BIHMOGRAPMY Adams, Kd<jar M., “(Catalogue of the Colleclioii of Julius Gullag” N.Y., 1929 Allz, Gliarles G. & Barlon, E.ll., “Foreign Coins Sliuek al Uniled Slates Minis” Whitman Puh. Co., Racine, Wise., 1965 Alkins, James, “Coins and Tokens of llie Possessions & Colonies of the British Empire” London, 1889 Aspinall, Sir Algernon, “Pocket Guide to the West Indies,” N.W. Macmillan Co. British Numismatic Jouinal, Series III, Vol. 2, (H.A. Parsons, Notes on some unpublished Varieties . .‘Goins and Tokens of the British Possessions Overseas.”) Bru, J. Pellicer I., “El Medio Duro” Barcelona, 1971 Burns, Sir Alan, “History of the British West Indies,” Norwich, England, 1965 Burzio, HumheiTo F., “Diccionario de la Moneda Hispanoamericana” Santiago, Chile, 1956. Caldecott, J.B., “Spanish Dollars Adapted for British Colonies” B.N.J. Carlos, Caslan, “Dui'os del Mundo, 1831-1871,” Madrid, 1970 Carlscn, O.B., “Coinage of the Danish West Indies,” Numismatist, 1928 (Jan.) Carson, R.A.G., “Coins of the World,” England, 1962 Caslan & Cayon, “Las Monedas Espanolas,” Madrid, 1973 Chalmers, Robert, “Colonial Currency," London, 1893 Chaves y Rodriguez, “El Durillo o Veinten de Oro,” Madrid, 1964 Chilly, Alfred, “Early Australian Coinage,” B.N.J. Dasi, Tomas, Los Reales de a Ocho,” 5 Vols., Valencia, Spain, 1951 DeNise, Mrs. D. Dee, “The O.P. Ekiund Catalogue,” 1951 Ekiund, Ole P., “Copper Coins,” Wayle Raymond, N.Y., 1940-42 Ekiund, Ole P., Tokens, West Indies and Latin America,” LInpuhlished Notes (ANS, New York, 1911-1936) Elizondo, Carlos A. Jr., “Eight Reales & Pesos of the New World,” 1971 Encyclopedia of Latin America, Encyclopedia Americana Corp., 1917 Fonroberl, Jules, (Adolph Weyl), 3-Volume Sale, Berlin, 1878-79. hontecha y Sanchez, “La Moneda de Vellon y Cohre Monan|uia Espanola,” 1968 Fontecha y Sanchez, “La Moneda Espanola Conlemporanea,” Madrid, 1967 Frey, Albert, “Dictionary of Numismatic Names,” N.Y., 1917 Guinovart, Jorge, “La Plata Espanola,” Barcelona, 1968 ('Uinovart, Jorge, “El Oro Espanol,” Barcelona, 1968 Gulloteau, Victor, “Monnaies Francaises, 1670-1942,” Versiiilles, France, 1942 Bihliugraphy (continued) Hetle, Holder, “Daiunarks og INorges Monler,” 1964 Heiss, .\loiss, “Description General de las Moiunlas Hispancristianas,” Madrid, 1865-69. Ilerrara, Aloli'o, “El Duro,” Madrid, 1914 Higgle, Lincoln W., “Colonial Coinage of the U.S. Virgin Islands,” Whitinan Pub., 1962 Holm, Johan Christian, “Daiunarks Monter, 1848-1947^ 1959 Howarth, D.F., “Coins and Tokens of the English Colonies & Dependencies,” London, 1890 Jesse, Rev. (.harles, E.M.I., “Outlines of St. Lucia’s History,” 1964 I^conibe, Robert, “Histoire Monetaire de Saint Dominique et la Repuhlique D’Haiti,” Paris, 1958 Liiiecar, Howard W.A., “British (Commonwealth Coinage,” London, 1959 Li.smore, Thomas, “The Coinage of Cuba,” Havana, 1955 Lopez-Sanchez-Y riarte, (3 V’ols.) “Onza, Media Onza, Quarto Dohlon & Dos Escudos,” Madrid, Spain, 1963-64-65, plus Revised Editions Ix)rente, J.J. Rodriguez, “Catalogo de Los Reales de a Dos,” Madrid, 1965 Mailliet, P., “Monnaises Ohsidionalis,” Paris, 1870 Meilina, Jose T., “Monedas Coloniales & Ohsidionalas Hispano Americanas,” Chile, 1919 Mazard, Jean, “Histoire Monetaire el Numismali(|ue des Colonies et L’Union Francaise, 1670-1952,” Paris, 1953 Mitchell, Carlton, “Isles of the Carihees,” Nat. Geographic Society, N.Y., 1966 Neumann, J., 7 volume Catalog of World Copper Coins, 1858-1872, Prague, 1872 Parsons, 11.A., “Notes on Some (Inpuhlished Varieties,” B.N.J., Series 3, Vol. 2 PesanI, Roberto, “Notes on Cuba's Early (Coinage,” N..S.M., Aug. 1967 Pridmore, Maj. Fred. “British Commonwealth of Nations, Part HI, West Indie.s,” Spink N .Son, London, 1965 Pridmore, Fred, “Notes on (Colonial Coins,” Spink’s Num. (Circular.s, 1956-1969 Prober, kiirl, “Moneda Santo Domingo - Doniinicana Repuhlica,” Revista Niimismatica, B.N.S., I95t) Quadras, Vidal y Ramon, “4-Volume (Catalog, 'C.olleccion de Monedas y Medella.s.” Barcelona, 1892 Ramirez, (Carlos (Castan, “Las Monedas de los Reyes C.atolico.s,” Madrid, 1972 Raymond, Wayte, “Coin Collectors Series and Coin Collectors Journals,” N.Y ., 1936-47 Raymond, Wayte, “(.oiiis ot the W<‘st Indies, N.Y., 1942 Raymond, Wayt«‘, “(Coins ol the Netherlands and (.olonies, N.Y ., 19.>.5 Raymond. Wayte, “Silver Dollars ol North A .South \merica, New York. 1939. I <)6 f. Whitman Pub. Co.. Racine, WiM. Bibliography (coni iiiiicd) llayinoiid, Waylc, “The (iold Coins of Norih & Sonih /Vinerica,” New Y'ork, 1937 Raymond, Waylc, “Spanish American (Jold Coins,” New Y'ork, 1930 Raymond,
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