aqua International Journal of Ichthyology Vol. 24 (3), 01 October 2018 Aquapress ISSN 0945-9871 aqua - International Journal of Ichthyology Managing Editor: Scope aqua is an international journal which publishes original sci- Heiko Bleher entific articles in the fields of systematics, taxonomy, bio - Via G. Falcone 11, geography, ethology, ecology, and general biology of fishes. 27010 Miradolo Terme (PV), Italy Papers on freshwater, brackish, and marine fishes will be Tel. & Fax: +39-0382-754129 considered. aqua is fully refereed and aims at publishing E-mail: [email protected] manuscripts within 2-4 months of acceptance. In view of www.aqua-aquapress.com the importance of color patterns in species identi fication and animal ethology, authors are encouraged to submit col- or illustrations in addition to descriptions of coloration. It is our aim to provide the international scientific community Scientific Editor: with an efficiently published journal meeting high scientific Flávio C. 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All Special and Natural History Museum, Frankfurt am Main, Publications have about 100 or more pages and are available Germany separately from regular issues of aqua. Enquiries about sub- scriptions and prices should be sent to the publisher at the Axel Meyer address given here above or by e-mail to: Lehrstuhl für Zoologie und Evolutions biologie, [email protected] Universität Konstanz, Germany Claim policy Paolo Parenti Orders are regarded as firm and are not refundable. Taking Department of Enviromental Sciences, out an annual subscription commits you for a minimum of University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy one year. Subscription will be renewed automatically. If you have received a renewal invoice and do not wish to continue Mário de Pinna with the subscription, please submit the cancellation in writ- Museu de Zoologia da USP, São Paulo, Brazil ing within one month to: [email protected] or Fax: +39 0382754129 John E. Randall Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. ISSN 0945-9871 Publisher: Aquapress, Redazione aqua, I-27010 Miradolo Terme (Pavia), Italy Helen K. Larson www.aqua-aquapress.com Curator Emeritus, Fishes - Museum and Printer: C.N.S. srl – Ciserano (BG) – Italy Art Gallery of the Northern Territory. Darwin, Copyediting and layout: Rossella Bulla Australia © 2018 aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology Checklist of the fishes of the newly discovered coral reef in Iraq, north-west Arabian Gulf, with 10 new records to the Arabian Gulf Laith A. Jawad1, Mustafa S. Faddagh Ziyadi2, Joacim Näslund3, Thomas Pohl4 and Mustafa A. Al-Mukhtar2 1) 4 Tinturn Place, Flat Bush, Manukau, Auckland 2016, New Zealand. E-mail: [email protected] 2) Marine Science Centre, University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq 3) Faculty of Science, Department of Ecosystem Biology, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, České Budějovice, Czech Republic 4) Faculty of Geosciences, Geoengineering and Mining, Institute for Geology, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg 09599, Germany. Received: 04 January 2018 – Accepted: 17 September 2018 Keywords gischen Untersuchungen in der Gegend in den Jahren North West Indian Ocean, distribution, biogeography, 2012 und 2013 wurden insgesamt 93 Arten in 48 Familien new records, biodiversity, ichthyofauna, distribution aus der Region registriert. Die artenreichsten Familien mit 8 Spezies sind Haemulidae und Sparidae. Es gibt eine Abstract Familie mit 6 Arten (Carangidae) und es gibt 31 mono- An account of the fishes of a newly discovered coral reef spezifische Familien. Insgesamt wurden 33 Arten und 10 area in Iraq is presented. During ichthyological surveys in neue Spezies in dem neu entdeckten Korallenriffgebiet für the area in 2012 and 2013, a total of 93 species in 48 fam- den Irak bzw. den Arabischen Golf registriert. Zusätzlich ilies were recorded from the region. The most speciose werden 8 Arten für irakische Gewässer bestätigt, und 6 families containing 8 species are Haemulidae and Sparidae. weitere für den Arabischen Golf bestätigt. Das Riffgebiet There is one family with 6 species (Carangidae) and there enthält mehrere Arten mit Mündungsgewohnheiten sowie are 31 monospecific families. A total of 33 and 10 new eine Reihe von typischen Korallenriff-assoziierten Arten. species are recorded from the newly discovered coral reef Arten mit kleinen Körpern oder kryptischem Verhalten area for Iraq and the Arabian Gulf area, respectively. In ad- scheinen als Ergebnis der Probenahme-Methodik aus den dition, 8 species are confirmed for Iraqi waters, and 6 more Aufzeichnungen zu fehlen. Daher wird die vorliegende are confirmed for the Arabian Gulf. The reef area contains Liste wahrscheinlich mit zukünftigen Probenahmen er- several species with estuarine habits, as well as a number of weitert. Anthropogene Auswirkungen in Form von Kli- typical coral reef-associated species. Species with small mawandel und Schadstoffen aus dem Shatt al-Arab River bodies or cryptic behaviour seem to be missing from the sowie Umweltfaktoren wie starke Gezeitenströmungen record as a consequence of sampling methodology. Hence, und hohe Trübung durch Sedimentabflüsse des Shatt al- the present list is likely to be extended along with future Arab-Flusses gelten als Quellen für Bedrohungen des Shatt sampling efforts. Anthropogenic impacts in the form of al-Arab neu entdecktes Korallenriffgebiet. climate change and pollutants from the Shatt al-Arab Riv- er, as well as environmental factors, such as strong tidal Sommario currents and high turbidity caused by sediments discharge Viene presentato un resoconto dei pesci presenti in una by Shatt al-Arab River, are considered sources for threats to nuova area di barriera corallina in Iraq. Durante le indagini the newly discovered coral reef area. ittiologiche condotte nel 2012 e 2013, sono state registrate nella regione un totale di 93 specie in 48 famiglie. Le Zusammenfassung famiglie più ricche di specie contenenti 8 specie ciascuna Ein Bericht über die Fische eines neu entdeckten Koral- sono Haemulidae e Sparidae. C'è una famiglia con 6 specie lenriffs im Irak wird vorgestellt. Während den ichthyolo- (Carangidae) e ci sono 31 famiglie monospecifiche. Un to- 89 aqua vol. 24 no. 3 - 01 October 2018 Checklist of the fishes of the newly discovered coral reef in Iraq, north-west Arabian Gulf, with 10 new records to the Arabian Gulf tale di 33 e 10 nuove specie sono state registrate dalla nuo- area associated with a newly discovered coral reef in va area della barriera corallina scoperta in Iraq e l'area del Iraqi waters (Pohl et al. 2014). The list is of partic- Golfo Arabico, rispettivamente. Inoltre, sono confermate 8 ular importance since the records stem from an specie per le acque irachene e altre 6 sono confermate per area where climate change and anthropogenic ef- il Golfo Arabico. L'area della barriera corallina contiene di- verse specie che si ritrovano anche in estuari, oltre a un cer- fects pose a hazard for its biodiversity, including to numero di specie tipiche associate alla barriera corallina. coral bleaching and subsequent reef mortality Le specie di piccole dimensioni o con comportamenti crip- (Maghsoudlou et al. 2008, Sheppard et al. 1992, tici sono assenti da questa checklist come conseguenza del- Sheppard et al. 2010). The Gulf water turnover la metodologia di campionamento. Pertanto, è probabile and flushing times have been estimated to be che l'elenco attuale venga ampliato da future campagne di around 3-5 years, which makes the embayment campionamento. Impatti antropogenici sotto forma di vulnerable to human and natural alterations (Price cambiamenti climatici e inquinanti portati dal fiume Shatt & Sheppard 1991). The checklist includes notes al-Arab, nonché fattori ambientali, come forti correnti di marea e
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