A ^V- f ■".*■: j- ■ r' • -'' ■ ■' • B m n X T E S f MONDAY, NOVEMBER •, 1964 ;^nrlfipatrr lEopttfhs Hi^roUi Avmc* Dally Net Rim Tht Weathgr Bowers School Ifcrary work­ Members of the American Le­ forecMt af D. B. Wasthar ers will conduct k llbraiy work­ gion Auxilfary planning to par- Father McLean PTA Talk Slated W eretater 7, 1 N 4 About Town shop tomorrow motoing at 9 at Ucipate In the Veteran’a Day COSMETIOS parade are reminded to meet WE OAKBT AU. Oioady, a little cooler teolglrt. the school. Banquet Guest On Decorations THE TOP LINES VsnchMtor Council of Unitod ----- * Wednesday at 9:43 a.m. In the lotr in SOa; fair and plaaiaat 9a- Church Women will have an ex> Manchester Ministerial i^sso- resu: parking lot of Manchester morrow, high near 66. High School. The Rev. REdward J. McLean Mrs. Bobbi Santlni o f Vernon ARTHUR DRUI r ai She An«H ectulve meetlnr tomorrow at ciation will meet Wednesday at of the Catholic Library and In- will be the guest speskek- at to­ a( 9;S0 a-m. at S t Mary'* Episco­ 11 a.m. at Bolton Congregatiohc foimation Center of Hartford morrow night’s meeting of the Mmehe*tei^—A City of Village Charm pal Church. The m e e ^ g Is open ’Temple Chapter, Order of al Church. Richard Conant of will be gtiegt speaker at the an­ Bentley School P T A . Mrs. San- to key women o f the council. the Capitol Region Mental Eastern Star, will have a busi­ nual banquet of the Combined Uni will speak tin "The Art of (OlaaattM AdvartMng oa Page 10) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Health Planning Commission ness meeting Wednesday at 8 Christmas Decorations.’’ (EI6STEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1964 The senior Ufe-savlnf classes, p.m. at the Masonic Temple. Mothers Circles of Manchester. VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 8S will speak on aspects of mentgl The banquet w ill be Tuesday, The Bentley Book Fair will sponsored by the town rec de- health In relation to the work Refreshments will be served MATERNITY Nov. 17, at 6:30 p.m. at Flano’a be open before and after the 8 partmoit will start tonight at of a clergyman. Luncheon will after the meeting. Restaurant,. Bolton. p.m. meeting, to allow parents FALL DRESSES 6:30 aU'the Manchester Hi^h be served at noon. Reservations to purchase the books selected Father McLean attended the SchooT^Pool. All participants may be made by calling the The executive board of Bent­ earlier by their children. third session o f the Vatican Uniforms. Jiimpon, Events will be required to possess a rec Rev. Stanton Conover, pastor of ley School P T A will have a spe­ Coffee and refreshments will department membership, which the host church. cial meeting tomorrow at 7:30 Council In September 1964 as be served In the cafeteria af­ Topf, tleusos. Skirts, ‘Do Job Ourselves’ may purchased at the high an official repre8cntatl\iB of thei p.m. in the school library, be­ ter the meeting. school Just prior to the stsul of fore a regular meeting of the Archdiocese. His topic will be John Lautner, former mem­ Stroteh Papts, Iras. In State the class. P T A in the school auditorium. "Vatican n . Understanding the ber of the Communist Party, Issues;’’ GIrdlos • will speak tonight at 8!l5 at a Robert Wright, Robert Han­ ’The Arm y-Navy Club Auxili­ Anyone interested in attend­ sen, George Hamilton, John meeting of the Ladies of St. James at St. James’ School ary will sponsor a card party ing may contact Mrs. Joseph J*'arm Bureau Gov. Dempsey Says Anagnos and Reginald Scrib­ Glazier's Hall. The program is open to tonight at 8 at the clubhouse. Halloran, 42 Boltpn St., or Mrs. LECLERC ner, all of this area, will at­ R oger Ruei, 30 Bolton St,, on op Corset and Dniform Shop tend the fall seminar for Je­ husbands of members. Begins Plan r Ap\ _<8>only to asRure the orderly con-^portlonment plan concurrently Radio Rescue Service is before Wedineaday, Nov. 11. FUNERAL HOME 681 Main St.— ^Msnehester HARTFORD hovah’s Witnesses of eastern with the legislature. sponsoring its annual Tt)y duct of our state government,’’ Connecticut and southe;-n Mas­ Gov. John N. Dempsey Dempsey said, “but to keep Ruth Circle of_EniMuel Lu­ Drive for Mansfield State Of Marketing The special master has not sachusetts Nov. 13 through 16 FUNERAL urged the Connecticut Gen­ faith with that noble heritage theran Church Will meetvtonight Hospital. New and used toys yet beep appointed by the court a t the State Armory, New Lon­ which has been garnered for at 8 at the home of Mrs. Walter and clothing are needed. eral Assembly today to however. don. The theme of the assem­ HARTFORD (AP) — more than 300 years of effec­ Fuss, 82 Brent Rd., instead of Drop off points are Hose Com­ SERVICE make good on its “last Dempsey, in a relatively brief bly is “ Speak the Word of God The Connecticut Farm Bu­ tive self government. at the church as previously an­ panies 1 and 3 of the Town INSULATION W A LTE R N. chance” to apportion the address to a joint session of th* - »w lth Boldness.’’ nounced. Pastor C. Henry An­ reau today for the first “ I f we fall, our human judg­ Fire Department, Manchester, LSX7LBRC state legislature as re­ two houses, said that the leg­ derson will speak. Mrs. Norman and Vernon Fire House No. 1. Director ’:ime had committed itself ment will be supplanted by the islators now have “our final op­ NOW quired by a federal court mechanized leveling techniques Gerhart will lead devotions. For pickup service call Radio W. H. ENOLAND IS THE TIME TO ;o marketing farm prod­ portunity to demonstrate to th* Rescue Service Inc., Vernon 23 Main* Street, Manchester edict. of the computers o f the elec­ nation and the world that we in ucts as a service to mem­ tronic age.” Connecticut are, of ourselves St. Bridget’s Rosary Society Circle. Deadline is Dec. 15. LUMBER C O . Call 649-5869 “ W e must do it ourselves or WANTED bers. it will be done for us,” the g o v ­ The governor’s reference was and by ourselves, capable of will meet tonight at the church. LEASE Warren J. Foley o f Canaan, ernor said in a speech prepared to a court recommendation that keeping our government effec­ GLEAN LATE MODEL ’There will be recitation of the Members of the Junior Cen­ “ A t the Green" 649-6201 THIS president; skid at the annual for the opening of the second computer techniques be used if tive efficient and truly repre­ Rosary and Benediction at 7:30. tury Club will meet tonight at 8:30 at the home of Mrs. John Read Herald Ads. meeting thi.s morning the new special session this year on re­ nece.ssary by a court-appointed sentative of all the people.^’ USED CARS A film from the American Can­ venture will be confined at first apportionment issues. special master, who will be cer Society will be shown in the Tierney, 11 Academy St., to fold TOP PRICES PAID bulletins for Lutz Junior Mu- 1965 to the marketing of fowls pro­ "W e must do it ourselves, not working out a standby reap- (See Page Eight) church hall after a brief busi­ Car of Tour Choice duced by members who are ness meeting. poultry farmers. FOR ALL MAKES tyyyeeex. Wunnie Chapter of the Que.st- Fowls are older hens that Manchester Assembly, Order era will meet tomorrow at 8 MORIARTY have completed their egg-laying Garter Chevrolet of Rainbow for Girls, will have p.m. at the home of Mrs. Wal­ cycle. The immediate goal is to LBJ Reviews a business meeting tonight at lace Shearer, Cider Mill Rd., BROTHERS have 700,000 native fowls un­ COi, Inc. 7:30 at the Ma.sonic Temple. Bolton. Mrs. Robert Visny will 801 Center St. der marketing contract by Jan. 1, Foley .said. 1329 Main 8 t —649-5238 Officers are reminded to wear speak on “ Colonial Curtains." Manchester Arms Costs, whit# street-length dresses. 643-5185 Delegates at the convention The executive board of the MONDAY hoped that the program as laid Newcomer’s Club of the Man­ down at present will be broad­ Seeks Saving chester YWCA will meet tonight Monroes Mark 25fh Wedding TUESDAY 'V -S - ened to eventually include the at 8:30 at the home of Mrs. Mr. and Mr.s. Lawrence Monroe of French Rd. Bolton, cele­ marketing of poultry products JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (AP) James O’Connor, 380 Porter St. brated their 2.5th wedding anniversary yesterday at a sur­ WEDNESDAY other than fowls, and all of the — Pre.sldent Johnson Is review­ prise party given by about 40 friends and neighbors at their Blue Forget-Me-Nots Will Show You Haven’t Forgotten , other basic farm conimodlty Members are reminded that ing U.S. military commitments, TRY A SAMPLE FIRST tickets are available for a dance home. They were married Nov. 4, 1939, in Hartford, and have \ Manchester Chapter, Disabled American Veterans, veterans and their families. Connecticut, in all, has lines in Connecticut including Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. lived in Bolton 17 years. They have a daughter, Mrs. Jack KNOWLEDGE over 42,000 disabled veterans. Commander Bernard dairy products, fruits, vegeta­ looking for possible savings to assisted by the Ladies Auxiliary, will conduct its bles, tobacco and potatoes.
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