E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 167 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 1, 2021 No. 115 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was May we, without fault, in response to member, he focused on enforcing public called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Your undeserved favor on our country, safety. pore (Mr. BLUMENAUER). proclaim liberty throughout the land He has also always been a strong ad- f unto all the inhabitants thereof. vocate for Riverside’s youth. Mr. God bless America. In Your saving Melendrez brought the first youth DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER name we pray. opera program to the Cesar Chavez PRO TEMPORE Amen. Community Center-Bobby Bonds Park The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- f and other social service programs for fore the House the following commu- youth that would provide them with THE JOURNAL nication from the Speaker: mentoring, workforce development training, and other opportunities to WASHINGTON, DC, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- July 1, 2021. ant to section 11(a) of House Resolu- improve their lives. I hereby appoint the Honorable EARL BLU- tion 188, the Journal of the last day’s Mr. Melendrez’s dedication to im- MENAUER to act as Speaker pro tempore on proceedings is approved. proving the lives of families in River- this day. side is admirable. There is no doubt of f NANCY PELOSI, his dedication and commitment to pub- Speaker of the House of Representatives. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE lic service. f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the Riverside was lucky to have him as a gentleman from California (Mr. local leader, and I wish him the best in PRAYER his retirement from the city council. TAKANO) come forward and lead the The Chaplain, the Reverend Margaret House in the Pledge of Allegiance. f Grun Kibben, offered the following Mr. TAKANO led the Pledge of Alle- REJECT PARTISAN prayer: giance as follows: INFRASTRUCTURE PROPOSAL Gracious God, such privilege You I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the (Mr. KELLER asked and was given have shown us, what favor You have United States of America, and to the Repub- permission to address the House for 1 bestowed on this Nation from its incep- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, minute.) tion 245 years ago. This Republic is indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. KELLER. Mr. Speaker, every 5 nothing short of Your gracious gift. f years, this body deliberates a surface In Your mercy, You have called us transportation reauthorization, which into liberty. On this Independence Day, ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE is traditionally a bipartisan effort to we acknowledge the sacrifice of our deliver improvements to America’s in- country’s ancestors and the toil of our The SPEAKER pro tempore. The frastructure, like roads, bridges, high- Founders. Much blood has been spilled Chair will entertain up to five requests ways, and transit. and tears shed to ensure the success of for 1-minute speeches on each side of Unfortunately, my colleagues on the the experiment of American democ- the aisle. other side of the aisle are stripping this racy. f bill of its bipartisan roots in favor of Remind us again, even as we cele- their my-way-or-the-highway plan that brate this weekend, that noble ideals CONGRATULATING ANDY MELENDREZ is riddled with Green New Deal prior- served to build the strong foundation ities, wasteful spending, and a clear of these United States; our freedoms (Mr. TAKANO asked and was given prioritization of urban America over are not occasion for us to promote self- permission to address the House for 1 rural America. ish interests or exercise our privilege minute and to revise and extend his re- The Democrats’ bill provides an esti- over another. marks.) mated $307 billion for Green New Deal- Rather, in light of the independence Mr. TAKANO. Mr. Speaker, I rise related mandates, ties the hands of we enjoy, we are called to recommit today to congratulate a constituent States to address their unique projects, ourselves to what binds us together. and dear friend, Andy Melendrez, on his fails to streamline the project delivery May we once again seek cooperatively retirement from the Riverside City process, and pulls resources away from to love and serve You, as we devote Council. programs upon which rural commu- ourselves to love and serve this coun- Mr. Melendrez has served as a council nities rely. try and all who have pledged them- member for Ward 2 for four consecutive That is a losing deal for every Amer- selves to its principles. terms. During his first term as council ican waiting for real improvement to b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3583 ® Pdnted on recycled papfil. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:05 Jul 02, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01JY7.000 H01JYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3584 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 1, 2021 infrastructure they use every day, and nel, where they will be viewed by Mem- proud to be represented by such a stel- it is a losing deal for our kids and bers of Congress, staff, and many visi- lar athlete on Team USA. grandkids who will be forced to foot tors to the Capitol every day. I wish you the best, Kenny, and I the bill. Congratulations, Isabella, and con- know you will do great as you go on to We must reject this harmful proposal gratulations to all those in Pennsylva- Tokyo to represent both the United and work together on a bipartisan sur- nia’s 15th District and throughout the States and Iowa in the Summer Olym- face transportation bill that meets the Nation who participated in this com- pic Games. mark for every American who relies on petition and expressed their creative I would also like to wish my brother our Nation’s transportation systems. skills. Richard Miller a happy birthday. Rich- f f ard was a Secret Service agent who guarded five Presidents. Happy birth- STOP PALESTINIAN EVICTIONS COMMENDING PENNSYLVANIA FOR day, Rick. (Ms. NEWMAN asked and was given REACHING FOURTH OF JULY And happy Independence Day to our permission to address the House for 1 VACCINATION GOAL Nation. minute and to revise and extend her re- (Ms. DEAN asked and was given per- f marks.) mission to address the House for 1 Ms. NEWMAN. Mr. Speaker, today, I minute and to revise and extend her re- TAKE ACTION ON WILDFIRES rise on behalf of the thousands of Pal- marks.) (Ms. PORTER asked and was given estinian families in the West Bank that Ms. DEAN. Mr. Speaker, on Monday, permission to address the House for 1 face the prospect of eviction, demoli- after a year of battling the coronavirus minute and to revise and extend her re- tion, and displacement from their pandemic, my home Commonwealth of marks.) homes by the Israeli Government. Pennsylvania ended its mask mandate. Ms. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, 2020 was We have received word that demoli- I am proud of Pennsylvania for ex- California’s worst fire season on tion orders have already begun for ceeding President Biden’s goal for vac- record, and 2021 has the potential to be homes in the al-Bustan neighborhood cinations by the Fourth of July. With even worse. of Silwan in East Jerusalem. A few over 75 percent of adults with one dose Wildfires damage property, pollute months ago, families in Sheikh Jarrah and 60 percent with both doses, we are our air, and threaten lives, and we need and other neighborhoods faced a simi- safely lifting our mask mandate. to take action. lar fate. Tomorrow, others will also. I salute my State’s leadership in put- I have been calling for fair pay for After the devastation and bloodshed ting health and science first as we Federal firefighters. These brave Amer- of the past few months and the contin- sought to get the virus under control. icans put their lives on the line to keep ued toll of the coronavirus pandemic When this pandemic started, no one our communities safe, and I am glad on Palestinian families, we cannot knew how long it would take to get that the Biden administration recently allow these evictions, demolitions, and past these precautions. At times, it committed to paying Federal fire- displacements to further exacerbate was difficult to see any return to nor- fighters at least $15 an hour. this humanitarian crisis. malcy, but we got there together. As we begin another fire season, we No individual or family should ever I thank my constituents for their need to strengthen our coordination be forcibly removed from their home, sacrifice. Pennsylvania families, teach- across levels of government to learn not in the West Bank, not in Gaza, not ers, students, workers, and businesses from past disasters. I have introduced in Europe, not in Asia, not really any- saved lives, jobs, and businesses. legislation to create an independent where. It is wrong. As we are on our way to beating this board to closely examine and report on This crisis must end now. This is pandemic, I look forward to seeing natural disasters. This will keep fami- about human rights, dignity, and re- their smiling faces again on Independ- lies safe and save taxpayers money.
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