Petrology, Structure

Petrology, Structure

----------+-- H.rktrE i '^t.i.r. e rClmAr,i 'ig,l o-{rxn: A Paul Smrtht Mllsboro I ( ;"i\ '"urt ;l Jij I ';tr2 1 'o6' nr/' NB: Rush cj H r"/1 SahrlrB Middlebury s &rutteul'j r n ^.+Lake I $ t L. J.80 F7 2,1ry.,:";!ffir,-( I EL 6 (L,zNrl. ' :, ry"w 4-W," '.- / -l rilh)l: ,,\,satlon *rJ ta\es) t.8urm R-@ '"'?.\ 2 ,/ i E. Gleni;tte l-+rna-,jt ; rville { Schani)'. t I I COArTEAfTS I I 2 I Introduction to the triP based on nafic minerals 3 QAP nonenclature t Wtritney: Adirondack Mountai-ns: A section of deep Proterozoic Crust 4 Mclelland 1: Structure and Rock Fabrics of the Central and I Southern Adirondacks... 32 Mclel-land 2: Geology and Geochronology of the Southern Adirondacks..... 42 t Mclelland 3: Metamorphisn in the Southern Adirondacks 60 DAY l-: Friday, l{aY 5 ... " " " 78 DAY 2: SaturdaY, YlaY 6 ... 98 DAY3: Sr.rnday,May7... L24 ADUD FElrFror-oGY ' STFII'CTT'R.E R.EGIODIAI- GEOI-OG T OF TIifE SOI.'TITERbU ADIFTODID^ACK I'IIASSIF UAY 4-7, I-995 geology' This field trip atternpts to integrate Petrology, structural stratigriptyl-ii"i;;i.;i-g"ology, regional geology, and common sense to geotogy-1 ^--- of^.g rhe5L^ AdirondackA,{i *nndqalr region.ragi on - r and appreciare the r r! f,f,--^-+ l--i ;:;;;';5"?ir""u -l- ^f ;:;:";"H:=;;iit"-;;ili;;-ii' """'v:1" sonethingr :Tlgl-ulff that :':::^:::i: interests ::you' geologY that You can get yoir hooks into Thetripwillfocusonthetrardrocksandtheirpetrologicand lie will concentrate on niddle to late Proterozoic structural- evolution. of the rocks of the Adirondack nassif, which is a good rePresentative province of the Laurentian shield' On Sunday we will Grenville tectorrii the western edge of the ordovician Appalachian orogen, in examine the I'Ie will faults of the Taconic range east of the Adirondacks ' thrust - Adirondack rocks' evaluate whether the Pal-eozoic dEformation affected at HanPton carnP three nights Thursday night will be spent !ile will ' on the south Beach canpground on Sacandaga Lake north tf Clo',t"tsvi11e, Friday night will- be at the KOA nargin of the Adirondack region' night at Whiteface Mountain, north of i,ate Placid. Saturday canfground Ticonderoga' We will wili-be at Rogers Rock camPground on Lake George near arrive hone in Newark verY late on Sunday night. very warmest and,verv driest Bring yourJJ 1ii :::*3t^F'11; gets nighty ."ra at"night "1":lii9 of rsud I'11 bet it still 'hand.tltt: lens i1:--:::i"srequired' everlruhere. Field boots required. [lammsr, ard rhis guidebook is organized-_w" two secti:T-,---"111ff::?-f=t"' rieii":;;;;"irp.i'"3' willi1- use P:':l:T1T-*ii::"1-'Itli; Ttre 'o"a o'"*i" or the Adirondacks as a rhore' il?:#';l;:;: ;;H;;;;;;-i" .lr o-zlaaLa hv f i n ;1";;;;'fop.'""i on the southen Adirondacks bv Jin ;:Tffiid-i;;"ffi;;'";"i.s geochronolL----a --tl^tosvhistorv, -f^* andanl petrologvn i;:ilii:|!, ;,:-:;;.;;", L.1 .r rri ai t lnrt ;;;'"ov'o'"' --- - -- -^--: #Til;T:ril;::-il;; ;I"y" :o=-::wisited n??":::ti,"'^ltl;Jl' rill depend on time ]', i:::.';:-il;" a choice. Tbe actual "top" ' energy, nerness of the geologr, and other factors' IrrgeyoubeforetbetriPtocolorsoneoftheimportantmaPs, especially-tblse on lnges 33, 34' 35' 58 and 50' z PETR.C)T.OGV /, SITR.TJCITI'R-E AND R.EG:EObUAI- GEOI.O(3Y OF TIIE SOTJTITETTDT AD:EI.'ONDACK D4ASSIF UAY 5 - 8, L994 this field trip attenpts to integrate petrology, structural geology, stratigraphy, historical geology, regional geology, and comon sense to better understand and appreciate the geology of the Adirondack region. I hope there will be something for everyone, enough different kinds of geology that you can get your hooks into sonething that interests you. The trip will focus on the hard rocks and their petrologic and structural evolution. We wiLl concentrate on niddle to late Proterozoic rocks of the Adirondack nassif, which is a good rePresentative of the Grenville tectonic province of the Laurentian shield. On Sunday we will examine the western edge of the Ordovician Appalactrian orogen, in the thrust faults of the Taconic range east of the Adirondacks. lle will evah.rate whether the Paleozoic defonnation affected Adirondack rocks. We will canp three nights. Thursday night will be spent at Haopton Beach campgronnd on Sacandaga Lake north of Gloversville, on the south nargin of the Adirondack region. Friday night will be at the KOA campgror:nd at llhiteface Mountain, north oflake Placid. Saturday night will be at Rogers Rock canpground on Lake George near Ticondetoga. We w111 arri-ve hone in Newark very late on Sunday night. Bring your very warrrcst and very driest clothing and outdoor gear. I'11 bet it still gets nighty cold at night, and there are oceans of mud everlmhere. Field boots required. Ha@er, hand lens required. Ihis guidebook is organized in tso sections - explanatory PaPers, and road logs/stop descriptions. We will use previously published trips. The initial paper, by tltritney, is an overview of the Adirondacks as a whole. Following that are three paPefs on the Southern Adirondacks by Jin [cle1land, emphasizing the structure, geochronology/history, and petrology of that region. ttreri are nany more stops than we can possibty visit, but at least we have a choice. ltre actual stoPs visited will depend on time, energy, newrress of the geology, and other factors. I urge you before the trip to color some of the inportant EaPs, especially those on pages 33, 34, 35, 58 and 50. ***dssislillWiwiY[f $tii,rt,,,i,,,i,,, Q*P Nsn enclqh,. bosJ onW lfinr*b -----i-,,-- / [ ---'--\\\\"? ."'^l*o.*,ru i \ \., i TARSUNDITE \ 'ti; "/loPDAurE\oo- MANGERITE \ JOTUNITE Ortho f'Yroxene ': I M ,' Cf$rrfe : I AOAIA.uIE : I \; ! I aa^"""t"a,;\x \: I ti r!\, \; ho'nLla,le ar bwtde GEATE.R.XL GEO.rcGY OF :EETE A.D.T.Ro'{'.D.a:CKS *'-"- ,.- " '!l':JjiilP*''+r"ds*_'a'-_ Z8+k T,(l.ko(. 6^?wss, l?&q IGC ETETD TRJP TI.54: Philip R. Whitnry1, Sterren R. Bohlen2, JanEs p. Cart3, wilriam rteros33insA, Yngvar w. rsacttsenl , Janes M. lcr€riani5, Janes F. Olnstedb, arxl John W. Vallq,,7 with contrilntions bv Ian CartrrrightT, Jean b:rison7, paul W. Ollilag, ard hnrce Sel.led<5 q'ER\rIET CF ADINCNDECK GruGT the s:bject of orrrent or recent researctr. There are 38 mbered stcps cn tbe planned rcute, in additiqr to I lettsrcd alternate INTFOD(r:rtCN strps that will be visited if tine perdts. The Mirondack !,lountairs of rprthern l{*r REElCtiDtL SEIIITG York State are r:nderlajr bV Middle protesuoic (l{echelikian) rocks of the-Qenville kotrince, The &ernrille Pr:ovjrre of eastern l.blttt eposed in a boreacbed Censoic dcrrre. (Figs. 1r2) qrises a zone, several cdlsists of a t:avere_frcnr upper angtribolite- tnrrrired h ttride, of polydefo''r-d P;:oleleoic facies retarrclcanic ard netasedkrentary locks (Eelikian) netainrprric hd<s. rt stretctres in the rffiheest, lodands, scutheastlua:d across a lejor zor:e of hi$ Arct.ite. strair, irto g:arulite-facies plutonic locks of the Adircrdac* hi$rlarrts, r{hich record dep,ttrs of 25-30 lqr in a &r:b1y-thickened contitental clust betreen 1.1 ard 1.0 Ga. Ttris gridebod< gte is divided into Alo 'najor ectiqrs. first is an cnrenrisr of edirordac* Eeology, wittt sec€iqrs cr regioal settirgr, stratigraptry, igrteos rcks, tetacphisr, stEucture, geoctronclgy, stable isotog=s, ecormic geolognr, ard rcotectonics, arxl a ryeo:lative qrtline of tJre gologic history otr ttre regicr. fhe esnd section is a road lrog, rf,ittt ertended &scriptios fcr those stcps that ane teeofogical Strrvey, york r.9 - r.E ribr State Mlsan, b.t. - AJ.bany, lhr Yotr c 2U.S Ceotogiet Srrrrrery, l,lenlo Fark, C.lifo:nia 3neparrert of Geologtr, State ttriversity of litw Yod< 611ege at Ftsda, btsda, tb{ yolk 4Zt* CoEpcaticr o,f Aeica, Balnat, tlar Yor* lOeear@t of Geolqlr, 6l€BE lbivErsity, Eeilriltdr, I{l3sr Ydc eOeprt-".'t d Eafilr ard Elnrjrgrr*r'tal Scires, Stde thilEssity d tEr Ycndr 6Uep at Platt$or$, Elattsbrgh, IrEr yd3 EreUFE 1 llajor gecuFian orogenj;c belts ard qe Eroyines of Nctth .luerica, ZOetrlaut d eolqy d. @qtrysics, aarytea frcm an urg:blisH nry tty Paul IbirrErsitl, d lllssin, lladi,s, Ifi.scosirl bffinaq of the Ceobgncal Sunzqg of Slorrals, Inc., Sfu, Hassactrsetts Canada. T154: 1 I it I I I I I I I i i EtGIrnE 2 lr:e Genrille Aurince of northeastern l*rrtlt lserica (afeer lf5pueEihrarrls, I L9721. Shaded areasr are 1.2-1.0 Ga rcckst blaik is arrcntbsj.te. W, Greuvilt,e fffi l'Ecttcndc ?fr:e; GB, Cerrtral Greiss Belt; Cl€, Central l€taseairgrtary gelt; Gf, Cerrtral Granrlite Ib:-ain; ES, Baie 6eau Sepnt; EP, Eastern eenritle horince; Ff, Balt of Islands Ccuple<; 6&1, Qeen Itbtlrtain Uassif; B{, Berlstrire Uassifi HE, Eudscn Ei$tlards; t RP, Fadir4r For:g. frcrn srthern labador to the eastern shce of eeen l.bgrtairl and Berkstrire mssifs, Elilscn I L€Je EJrdr, ad tlEre irt ttte srbstrrface ni$rlanfs-eadirg Fca4r, Bhn F.idge scrrthresl*arrl b UE IJarc tDlift irl lEas. efticlinciu, irrter alia) . BLel€ of GemriLle qe roeks are also fuund rle ld.irqrdack lq:ntains lie just rest, of in rprthern llE*ico. lte Cerlritle Prrovirce is the epaladdans qr tbe ltbrth Gican cszttoo I clrancterized Lry radictric qes irr tbe nrge Gretrt are a keached Aersoic dc tjat €tqpe 1.45 to 1.0 Ga, altlrougft in ttte rrntheastern locls of tbe Gremrille prcvire tlrtrrft a part, elose to tlre eenville nronE (Fig.

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