selected rist of candidates for interview advertisement issuecr;iJ; to the post of Accounts Assistant (Contractual) this office memo No. as per ln the SDJM( ry!141t!Lsc/2or s 1B4-BB dated zotosrzole office of the Chairman -cum- TLSC, Bajali, pathsata st. Roll Name No. of appiicant No. Wlth father,s Address name Educational eualification Partha pratim 1 t Tal ukdar, Vill.- Uzan Uluwa S/O- Jagadish Talukdar P.O.- Daisingari, B.A. with one year computer Dist.- Barpeta, Assam diploma ';bwn- 22 Dristi Das, Pathsala, Ward No._6 C/O- Ganesh Ch. Das P.O.- Pathsala B.Sc. With Six month computer Dist.- Barpeta, Assam diploma 33 Herrrangini Das, Vitl.- Jalahghat, C/O- P.O.- Lt Sankar Das Jalahghat, P 9o.. and Diploma in lnformation and Dist.- Baksa, Assam Software Management 44 Gitismita Sarma, Vill.- Chandra Nagar, Akakhi path, C/O- Ganesh Ch. Sarma PO.- Pathsala, B.Com. and PGDCA, DTp, Type Dist._ Barpeta, Assam Writing isi Gnyandeep Bhargab, Vill.- Gopat Bazar tnata-npurL S/O- Upen Chakravorty P.O.- Gopal Bazar, B,Com, and Basic Computer and Tally '--l Assam ERP 9 l lDi:t ry-qlbari, l i6l !a1itl Kumar Deury, Vill.- Amdah, Jamguri, i S/O- P.O.- Jamu Ram Deury Amdah, B.Com. I !-- r g?1cSta, I liI -?1._t: Assam I patgiri, l Kabita Vill.- Puthimari, llit I S/O- L] Gadadhar patgiri P,O.- Odalguri, lB.A.,.and one year diploma in computer t-i e.{eta, Assam application 1lti !ist.- Jvoti choudhury, Vill.- Barbang, lil8l ; |j!ar lt lS/O- Achyur Choudhury Barbang, ___l L iP.O.- B.A. and F,GDCA I ___ _ Dist.- Barpeta, Assam _-i -i Page 1 -l Jyotish Kalita, Vill.- Puthimari, 99 P.O.- s/o- L-t. Gadadhar Kalita Odalguri, B.A. and Computer Application Dist.- Barpeta, Assam l ro ro Krishna Barman P.O.- Bhogpur, B.Com. And PGDCA Dist.- Barpeta, Assam Vill.- Barbang, (Khandopara) 11 11 Bhabadev Choudhury, S/O- Parikhit Choudhury M.A. and Computer, Type Writing .Dist.- Barpeta, Assam l BilkishBrtkrsh Zahan,zanan, Vill.- North Barpeta, I L2 t2 P.O.- 8.A., LLB and One year i nl C/O- Lt. Badiuz Zahan Barpeta, Dist._ Barpeta, Assam computer application --:l 13 Rinku Talukdar, S/O- Homeswar Talukdar P.O.- Patacharkuchi, Bachelor of Engineering ,Dist. Barqelg, Aslam Vill.- Pathsala Town, 74 Beclabrat Deka, S/O- Lt. Suryya P.O.- Pathsala, B.E. and PGDCA Deka selP9tu.4:fql iPi:!- l Vill.- Dahati (Ward No.-11), 15 Takshashila Das, l C/O- Dhananjay Das P.O.- Barpeta, B.Com. And PGDCA l Dist.- Barpeta, Assam I l Vill.- Katahbari (Titka Taje), 16 r I 6 :iu:1,:1yil.**X'*, P.O.- Katahkuchi, D.El.Ed and PGDCA I l l Chandan Kallta, B.Com. and Advance Diploma tnl S/O Pramod Kalita Computer Application i R/O- House No.-02, Bye Lane-3(A), Manas Pratim Deka, l Near Kali Mandir, canotribasti, I tra j/O- B.Com and DCA, Tally ERPS I l S/O- Mahendra Nath Deka p.S.- Chandmari, l l l Dlst.- Kamrup (M), Assam I l Page 2 Vill.- Dumuria, 19 P.O.- Bhoukamari, B.A. and DCA l Dist.- Barpeta, Assam --1-- - m S/O- Rupkowar Singha B.A. and PGDCA Dist,- Barpeta, Assam Diganta Talukdar, vlll'- uelsor, 2L tfrjfilri, S/o Paresh ralukdar fiff nrru,,., B.Com and Basic Computer Road (south Block)' 22 22 Debasish DasDas, \Yll;;ti:t'on /ard No._4, S/O- Surendra Nath Das p.O._ Udalguri, B.Com and DCA, DTP Dist.-Dist._ Udalguri,[.lclalor rri AssamAccarn R/O- House No.-29, Proctim Prakash Saikia, Uttar Ananda Nagar, s/o- Lt. Dugdha Nath saikia Ganesh Mandir path, New Guwahati, Dist.- (M), -1"-, Kamrup'."'1,'ut/ \r-rl, Assamnrr(]t I I Sanjib Kr. Das, Vill.- Chaibari, B.A. and Basic Computer Dist.- Barpeta, Assam Vill.- Golapar, Danapur, Patna, Bihar-801503 B.A. and MBA Sobin Boro, Vill.- Andherijuli, S/O- Lt. Dharmeswar Boro P.O.- Rani, B.Com. and MBA Dist.- Kamrup (R), Assam Bhargab Barman, Vill.- Barbang (Majiupara), 27 27 B. Com. And S/O- Homeswar Barman P.O.- Barbang, Month Computer Dist.- Barpeta, Assam Diploma Bhaswati Dutta, Vill.- Bargandubi, 28 2A B.Sc. and Master Diploma C/O- Debendra Nath Dutta P.O.- Bangaon, in Computer Dist.- Barpeta, Assam Application Page 3 R/O- Udyanpur ---_l Sanjib Talukdar, (Near Pathsala Medical), 29 29 B.M.C. and Diploma Computer S/O- Rambilas Talukdar Ward No.-6 P.O.- Pathsala, Application _.1 Vill,- Barbang (Khandopara), --- - P.O.- Barbang, B.A. and Computer Diploma in Software Dist.- Barpeta, Assam Application J'?1 Bishnu Jyoti Das, s/o- satish Das B.Com and DCA, Tally ERP 9 Vill.- Rahadhar Birkala, l 32 ?, Hituraj Talukdar, S/O- Prankrishna Talukdar P.O.- Pathsala, B.A. and Six Month Computer Diploma Dist.- Barpeta, Assam t R/O- House No.-08, 33 33 Birkuchi, Narangi, !,5t..?:i"?3'n o", Guwahati-26, p.S.- Noonmti, B.A. and PGDCA Dist.- Kamrup (M), Assam t-_ rpan Barman, Vill.- Barbang (Keotpara), S/O- Lt. Padma Nath Barman and PGDCA, DTM, Type Writing Shibu Nath, S/O- Hiren Nath P.O.- North Boitamari, B.A, and DCA Dist.- Bo1q1g9on, Assam t- Sukumar Talukdar, Vill,- Pathsala (Ward No.-9), S/O- Lt. P.O.- Pathsala, B.A. and PGDCA, Stenography Munindra Nath Talukdar h:-r Dist.-utJt,- Barpeta,t Assam , +_ Vill.- Pathsala, Santipur, Gunindra Nath Kalita, Ward No.-3, S/O- Munindra Nath Kalita P.O.- Pathsala, BBA and Basic Computer, Tally ]olst,- B_zueq,Assam t_ Page 4 ?R Bedanta Goswami, Vill.- Baredala, S/O- Prafulla Goswami P.O.- Kendua, Dist.- Kamrup (R), Assam r\VrIlv, P.O.- C/O-v/v- Binoduil t(,ll KalitaNollLcl Bhaluki, B.A. and PGDCA Drst.-Dist._ Barpeta, Assam Vill._ Bartapa, 40 oo Bharoab-Pranjit Taluk.tar 3Ei?::;n,+5il?.;.,.s/O- Talukda. X3lO- - !31Xi1r,Sarupeta, B rechTech and DCA , . Dist.- Barpeta. Assam Dioanta Barman Vill.- Belsor, 5/6- Bidya Barman Po - Belsor, B. com and Computer certificate - Dist._ Nalbari, Assam 42 '1 42 SlJli[j.,?l'?i.o"o" Xi].-iliiil3ilili, B. com and Diproma in computer . L Dist.-lgloarl,Esam Application y/]\/i - M,,^,,ri: 43 43 fglaolvoti Karta, p.O.__ YHllii, SIO-SIO_ O-ebeswarO-eUeswar KalitaKatita !O,- [uOuria,Muguria, B.A. and PGDCA Dist.- Barpeta, Assam Gunajit Das, Vill,- Natun Belana, ^L S/O- Ananta Das P.O.- Bhethua, B.A. and PGDCA Dist.- Barpeta, Assam Nipan 45 45 Medhi, B.A. and Diploma Computer S/O- Laksheswar Medhi P.O.- Pub-Rehabari, _-+_ Dist.- Barpeta, Assam Application Office of the Asstt. Director of Sericulture, 46 46 Himanku Baishya, S/O- Ganesh Baishya Khanapara, Ghy.-22, B.A. and DCA P.S.- Dispur, Dist.- Kamrup (M), Assam Vill.- Simaliya, 47 47 Dipjyoti Rajbongshi, S/O- Nagen Rajbongshi P.O,- Mularkuchi, B. Com Dist.- Nalbari, Assam Page 5 Vill.- Metuakuchi, 48 48 Manjita Das, S/O- Charu Prasad Das P.O.- Barpeta B.Sc. And PGDCA Dist.- Barpeta, Assam Vill.- lalikhata- -J C/O- Narayan Kalita lP.o.- Helana, B.A. and PGDCA Dist.- Barpeta, Assam Vill.- Bar Saderi (Badankuchi), 50 Riju Das, S/O- Lakshmi Kt. Das P.O.- Bhotanta Saderi, B.A. and Computer Diploma, Typing I Vill.- Bangaon, 51 rLEr Tinku Medhi, I S/O- Karuna Medhi P.O,- Bangaon, Dist.- Barpeta, Assam -.- -_---.-.1 Sushmita Singha, R/O- Lumding, C/O- Shankar Singha Dist.- Nagaon, Assam B. Com. Vill.- Belsor, s3 s3 ll[TffiHl.THu", P.O.- Belsor, B.A. Dist.- Nalbari, Assam Vill.- Bhawanipur, S/O- Jatin Sarma anrpur, B.A. .+ Dist.- Barpeta, Assam Vill.- Lohit Para RE Hemanga Choudhury, B.A. and One year Computer Diploma, S/O- Bijoy Choudhury P.O.- Barbang, Dist.- Barpeta, Assam DTP, Type 56 56 Simanta Medhi, S/O- Lt. Ghana Kt. Medhi B,Sc. And Computer Dist.- Barpeta, Assam Bhabadev Choudhury, Vill.- Barbang (Khandopara), 57 D f.) Elarhrna S/O- Parikhit Choudhury - .A. and Computer, Type Writing Dist.- Barpeta, Assam Page 6 R/O- House No.-16, Sunil Kr. Ray, Basistha Chariali, Barsujai, Lalmati, S/O- Harihar Ray P.O"- Basistha, B. Com. and Diploma in Stenography l I-L Dist.- Kamrup (M), Assam l Vill.- Tuplai Panbari, 59 59 Manjit Das, P.O.- Tuplai Panbari, B.A, and PGDCA, MCP, l S/O- Lt. Manmath Das MCSE t .- -.- t- -,,- Dist.- Barpeta, Assam R/O- Ward No.-3, Dipankar .60 Paul, Balurchar, Near Jogomaya, B. Com and Six Month Computer S/O- Dilip Paul P.O.- Dhubri, Diploma Dist.- Dhubri, Assam Tripti R/O- Ward No.-3, Pathsala Town, 61 Talukdar, B.A. and Certificate in Computer C/O- Lt. Achyut Talukdar P.O.- Pathsala, Dist,- Barpeta, Assam Application 62 Mo^stafizur Rahman, Vill.- Arimara, P.O.- Lalmati, 5/O- Hannan Ali Mondal P.S.- Abhayapuri, M. Com. and DCA Dist.- Barpeta, Assam Vill.- Kahara, S/O- Rajani Swargiary Vill.- Pathsala, 64 Hirak Jyoti Uzir, S/O- Lt. Kalikanta Uzir P.O.- Muguria, M. Com. and PGDCA, Tally ERp 9 Dist.- Barpeta, Assam Debashis Pathak, Vill.- Niz Namati, S/O- Matin Ch. Pathak P.O.- Niz Namati, B. Com. And PGDCA Dist.- Nalbari, Assam R/O- House No.-68, 66 Deepjyoti Talukdar, S/O- Haladhar Talukdar Bikrampur, Japorigog, Guwahati, Com. and DCA Dist.- Kamrup (M), Assam Vill.- Panch Mile, 67 Biswajit Ghosh, S/O- Sunil Ghosh P.O.- Gogamukh, B. Sc. and MCA, Computer Knowledge Dist.- Dhemaji (Assam) Page 7 Vill.- Kathalmuri, 68 Barasha Kalita, S/O- Utpal Kalita P.O.- Baghmara Bazar, B.A.
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