E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1995 No. 90 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 6, 1995, at 12 noon. Senate MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1995 The Senate met at 10 a.m., and was RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING The first is the issue of Bosnia. I be- called to order by the President pro MAJORITY LEADER lieve that President Clinton has made tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The the right decision in the last couple of acting majority leader is recognized. days with respect to the introduction SCHEDULE of American troops into Bosnia. I know PRAYER Mr. BURNS. Mr. President, the lead- there was discussion by the White The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John er time has been reserved this morning, House and others about the potential of committing American troops under Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: and there will be a period of morning business until the hour of 11 a.m., with certain circumstances, particularly if Gracious Father, Your loving kind- Senators allowed to speak for up to 5 United Nations peacekeepers need to ness draws us to You. Your faithfulness minutes each. redeploy within Bosnia. However, in opens our hearts before You, and Your At the hour of 11 a.m., the Senate the last few days the administration omniscience motivates us to seek wis- will resume consideration of S. 735, the has been saying that they have no in- dom from You. We know that it is in a antiterrorism bill. The majority leader tention of introducing American troops relationship of complete trust in You has announced there will be no rollcall into Bosnia under that circumstance. that revelation of Your will is released. votes prior to 5 p.m. today. Frankly, I think the moving of You have called the women and men of Mr. President, I suggest the absence United States troops to Bosnia would this Senate to give dynamic leadership of a quorum. be a very serious mistake. It is true in a troubled, contentious, strife-filled The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The that the war in Bosnia is an inter- clerk will call the roll. world. National problems pile up and national tragedy. It is also true, I The legislative clerk proceeded to think, that sending American troops to international issues intensify. Espe- call the roll. Bosnia will do very little, if anything, cially, we ask for Your guidance in the Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, I ask to resolve that tragedy. This country’s continuing discussion and vote on the unanimous consent that the order for support of the efforts by the United Na- antiterrorism legislation and for direc- the quorum call be rescinded. tions in Bosnia has been significant. It tion for the extent of our Nation’s in- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. has included flyovers and logistical volvement in the crises in Bosnia. DEWINE). Without objection, it is so or- support and other things. We should Grant the Senators a special gift of sa- dered. continue that kind of support. But I gacity and strength. f think the support should not include May we all press on to the challenges MORNING BUSINESS the sending of American troops to Bos- nia. I believe it poses enormous risks of this week with the grateful memory The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under to our troops and our country with the of the decisive and visionary leadership the previous order, there will now be a potential of very few gains for Bosnia. of Margaret Chase Smith. Thank you, period for morning business with Sen- We should expect, I think, that the Father, for her life and courage. We ators permitted to speak therein. Europeans, through NATO, will play a seek to live this day with the same The Senator from North Dakota is recognized. significant role in responding to the measure of devotion to You and com- f issue of Bosnia. It is not as if this issue mitment to excellence that she exem- does not matter and it is not as if our plified. So, today we will attempt great AMERICAN TROOPS IN BOSNIA country should be isolationist. We are things for You and humbly receive Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, this not isolationist, and what is happening great power from You. In Your holy morning I want to talk briefly about in Bosnia does matter. But under the name. Amen. two subjects in morning business. term of internationalism, it ought not ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S7651 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:36 May 28, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA15\1995_F~1\S05JN5.REC S05JN5 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS S7652 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 5, 1995 be suggested that this country must I was reminded of the circumstances The farm bill ought to be a farm bill send troops everywhere in the world. of rural America again. My home coun- that cares about family farmers and, if Bosnia is in the European neighbor- ty lost 20 percent of its population in it does not, we ought not to have a hood. We have spent a great deal of the 1980’s, and it lost another 11 per- farm bill at all; we do not need it. The money and offered a great deal of sup- cent of its population in the first half U.S. Department of Agriculture was port over the years to NATO. It seems of the 1990’s. The fact is that rural founded under Abraham Lincoln in the to me that under the aegis of NATO counties—and, yes, Hettinger County, 1860’s with nine employees. That behe- and in the European Community we ND—is shrinking like a prune. moth now has over 100,000 employees. should be able to expect a substantial The farm bill that we have in this In the last 15 years, we had about a 25- commitment from the Europeans to country to try to help family farmers percent decrease in farm population— try to resolve the issue of the current is not working. At least it is not work- that is, the number of people living on role in Bosnia. I notice that is essen- ing to keep family farmers on the farm farms—and about a 28-percent increase tially what is now happening. The Eu- and make a decent living doing so. We in the number of people running the ropean countries are committing more are losing ground in rural America. farm program. It not only does not and are getting involved in a more ag- It is a paradox that our cities are work, it is so frightfully complicated gressive way to respond to this, and I more crowded and exhibit all of the that nobody in this country fully un- appreciate that because I think that is problems of overcrowding at the same derstands it. the way this needs to be resolved. time that my home county, and vir- So why do we not do it differently I most especially do not think it is tually every rural county throughout and construct a new farm program that the Farm Belt, is losing population. wise or appropriate to send United has as its preamble one central tenet, We are told that this is a global econ- States troops to the ground in Bosnia. which is that we have a farm program omy and that there are these disloca- I think a couple of centuries of history in this country to try to give an oppor- in the Balkans ought to tell us that tions. In a global economy, we are told, there are some winners and there are tunity to family-size farms to make a foreign powers attempting to achieve living. certain goals in that region of the some losers, and rural areas are losers. I do not understand why a global econ- Why is that necessary? Well, cor- world have generally paid a terrible porate agrifactories can farm success- cost and with none of their goals omy means that the big get bigger and the rich get richer and the rest some- fully because they have the economic achieved. strength to withstand two risks that So, Mr. President, I think the Presi- how get hurt; the small do not make it. I do not understand that. That is not farmers face. The first is the risk that dent of the United States has made the you may not get a crop. You might right decision in the last couple of an economy that makes sense to me. That is not an economy that equates have excessive rain or hail or insects. days. I support that decision, and I reward with effort. You might plant a crop and get noth- hope that will remain the decision of It seems to me that we ought to have ing. the administration as the months go an economy that rewards less specula- The second risk is, if you get the by. tion and rewards more real production. crop, you may not get a price, because, I do hope and pray for the sake of the Yet, the economy does not seem to do in the meantime, international grain people in that region that somehow that. It is a high time these days on prices for wheat or barley may have and some way this war can be stopped.
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